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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]/please wait for Rev to post with Lazarus!

Today was not awful. That wasn't exactly a glowing compliment, but considering his track record, that was pretty damn good by his standards. For one, Gabe hadn't fallen through something unintentionally, which, unfortunately, had a tendency to occur most frequently when he was hitching a ride on Lazarus. He would awaken from a comfy slumber by the distressing sensation of plummeting, and then Lazarus would spent the next ten minutes in a mood, because he hated it as much as Gabe did, if for separate reasons. Sometimes he would intentionally fuck with the young Cane Corso for the hell of it, but that was never more than pretending to bite Lazarus' tail and going ghost. So yes, he had plenty of reasons to despise the days when he couldn't willingly remain corporal- he just couldn't do much about it, other than take it one step at a time. Gabe was solely responsible for the state he was in, and he wasn't about to waste away in the corner pitching a fit about the hand he dealt himself. Shit happened. He had to deal with it, and enjoy the good days when they came.

The only stumble in today's events was Lazarus'...altercation. The kid had a hair-trigger temper, and a loathing for people walking around him on eggshells, so most who interacted with him managed to ruffle his feathers in some way. Either they made a dumbass comment -Gabe reserved the right to laugh at their terror when that happened- or they treated Lazarus too obviously like an unhinged creature to be afraid of. Yeah, he could be plenty horrifying when ticked off, but...well, the easiest way of phrasing it was that while Gabe chose his shitty cards, Lazarus didn't. You could take the survivor out of the fight, but not the fight out of the survivor, and Lazarus was shaped by scuffles for food, by defending every morsel he accrued.

He wasn't the feral beast some people saw him for. Lazarus was a child reared by the cruel fist of life. He didn't suckle from a silver spoon- he'd licked what he could from the ground, scraped his tongue raw on unyielding concrete.  Lazarus wasn't monstrous; he was lost. Gabriel was far from a hero, wasn't a saint, or even a good person, but he could give a boy some guidance. Who better to learn from than the biggest fuck-up of them all?

Of course, he could've interfered in the conversation that had the Cane Corso riding an adrenaline high at the moment. He just hadn't wanted to, because that particular person deserved a thrashing, and whenever Gabriel involved himself, someone usually lost an eye or two. Still, it would be nice to have a sleeping spot that wasn't keyed up, and he had to readjust his position on Lazarus' back yet again. He propped his head up on the Cane Corso's, nipping gently at his ear with a sharp beak. "Gonna relax yet, mijo? Coming up on a group soon." Gabriel stretched, wings spreading out before he tucked them back in neatly. "I'll do the talking. Remember, if they stare at you, that's not a challenge, so behave. ¿Ha quedado claro?"



[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Sometimes a day that wasn't absolute shit was all you could ask for. It was a lesson that Lazarus had learned from birth, even if he had never been consciously aware of it. Days where he went to bed without his stomach growling or his body throbbing with cuts and bruises were the ones that left him feeling satisfied, and beyond that point, he can't say he's experienced much of anything at all. While that life was technically months behind him, the memories remain in the front of his mind. Gabriel was right to call him out on his temper, though he's slowly learning to keep it on the right track. He still left bite mark impressions on too many of the people who crossed their paths, but it was better than before. For him, the worst event he experiences in a day is typically where the older feline (ish) creature falls right through him. It's hard to explain his issues with the disappearances. Unsettling, uncomfortable, upsetting. Some part of him is concerned about the physical split, the lack of contact. The rest of him finds it creepy that something just went through him.

He wouldn't say that Gabe had chosen this, though. Sometimes people were pushed to do what they did, and although nobody had held him at the threat of death (that he knows of), every now and then, the only choice left was a bad one. Now for Laz — the only choices he ever has are between bad and worse. Not that he really minds them. Adrenaline still thrums through his veins like some kind of hot poison, slick black tar through every patch of skin. His heart races, each step coming with a bounce. He'd been earning his life for months, for as long as he can remember. Copper in his mouth and yelping in his ears had become his own lifeblood. People more well-adjusted might call that cruel, savage, inhumane. He'd tell them straight to their faces that they hadn't been raised the same.

Gabriel understood, though. Didn't always approve, but made sure not to mess with him while he was eating, grabbed his attention when he was getting into something. Didn't blame him for his roughness, didn't hate him for it. And the hybrid didn't give himself enough credit: there's more to learn from him than his mistakes. Patience, planning, morality. There was more to life than fighting over scraps. The territory they're coming up on now is some proof of that. Even with the jostling bounce that has his (mentor? dad? something) constantly readjusting and watchful expression, there's a sort of anxious excitement combined with foreboding. Lazarus rocks almost unsteadily before a sharp nip to a short-cropped ear startles him out of it, the canine yelping more with an instinctive reprimand than actual pain. It's not like he hasn't felt worse, and to be honest most of the skin on his ears feels numb now. "Too much energy," he explains even though Gabriel knows it. A low rumble, reluctant to leave his throat and clearly displeased, shows acknowledgement to the next part, corners of his mouth pulling down severely. "I know, entiendo. ¿Dónde estamos, anciano?"

[align=right]—— [url=]TEMP TAGS

Re: BUST YOUR KNEECAPS // DOUBLE-JOINING - MirrorEdge - 07-16-2018

Thea was one of the first to arrive, the leopard cub offering a smile to Lazarus and Gabe. "Hi! Are you guys trespassers, or joiners?" A cheerful tone, as usual, and one she would use even if she was beating somebody to a bloody pulp. That was just Thea. If they were trespassers, maybe that'd give her an excuse to challenge them, prove her strength once again. Whiskers twitched as she waited for a reply, the grin still on her face.


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
That had been Gabriel's position as a child; his mother had done what she could, rest her soul, but there was only so much one woman alone could do for six kids, and eventually, Gabe did his best to help, staying out late hours pressing for scraps. He wasn't proud of it, though he wasn't ashamed, either. What he did- that was for survival, and he didn't regret any of it, not when it meant easing the strain from his mother's face or sending his siblings to sleep with full bellies. He would have done worse for them, and sure, maybe his decisions had been made on behalf of other people, but it didn't invalidate the circumstances of children like Lazarus, abandoned to navigate the churning waters of the world. Gabe wished he could have taken Laz with him, the very first time he saw the child wrestling another for a bone, but that had been an unfortunate day for many. For Gabe, it was his last glimpse of normality; the weeks after were spent at the mercy of eggheads who poked and prodded, and throughout it all he always wondered what had happened to that fierce boy resisting the decay. He'd wished that conviction was his own, because then- he might have seen a reason to go on, instead of handing himself over.

That was all in the past now. There was no use crying over spilled milk, and by some twist of fate, Gabriel had found Lazarus again, and he'd decided then that he wouldn't leave him. He didn't regret that either. It was...nice having company, regardless of how frequently he'd dodged it prior to waking in this body; Lazarus, especially, wasn't difficult to associate with, his temperament aside. The Cane Corso was feisty in an entertaining manner, always with some dry repertoire to pull from, and Gabe appreciated the lack of silk gloves. He'd never been one for a gentle handling, so a bit of bite in his conversations was preferred. Lazarus had plenty of that, both verbally and physically, with his latest comment exemplifying the former.

The owl-cat nipped his ear again, a touch sharper this time. "¡Disculpa! ¿Con quién te crees que estás hablando?" He slipped off of Lazarus' back, gracefully landing on the grass before casting the taller creature a withering glare, ruined by the amusement glittering in black eyes. "Damn pillo." Of course, before he could properly lash the boy, they were interrupted by a leopard cub, speaking cheerfully, and Gabriel hummed in response, briefly glancing at Lazarus one more time as though to remind him who was handling the situation.

"Does anyone ever admit to being a trespasser?" The hybrid cut the air with his talons dismissively. "Yes, we're hopping in with your motley crew. I'm Gabe, and the big guy here is Lazarus."


You spoke of roses- all I feel are thorns ・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Elon's in the area, snooping when she hears some language that seems oddly familiar, so she decides to come over. Why not. [b]"Honest tresspassers would." Her deep and confident voice coming out such a lithe creature is strange, but maybe not so for a witch. Or what's left of a witch anyway. Elon just joined herself so she's not really sure how all of this goes but she can certainly be here to be sarcastic. When she joined she was shriveled, weak, and she still feels that way since that was only a day or so prior but at least it's beginning to numb. Besides, the amenities are marvelous here! There's nothing better than others getting food for you in her opinion; especially when you've spent a lifetime prior starving and scraping. In that way she could almost relate (if she knew) despite the fact that he probably doesn't know how to not scrape-by now. She might actually know, if her powers were intact, but alas that's still a heavy work in progress. So she supposes she'll have to just ask, which is boring but hey. Adjustments. Though in general she tries not to relate to others at all, since they might need to be of dispensable use later on, so she wouldn't exactly pry. For now, she is staring, but not at the big dog. Elon is distracted briefly instead by admiring the mixed up creature that's dropped beside the canine, this Gabriel. Now how come she couldn't come back in something cool like that? Why'd she get stuck a stupid cat? She almost pouts. Hell, she'd even take the canine too, even though she likes the firmer grip she can achieve with flexible claws. Useful for climbing, kneading, wand yielding...

Elon clears her throat and comes to stand beside Thea, jealousy spiking up again that even this little kid is gonna engulf her soon. "I dunno how this goes but welcome I guess." That'll do, sure. "You're totally allowed to grace us with your presence," she jokes, closing her eyes on a light smile and fanning herself. "I'm Elon. This is.." She pauses and furrows her empty brow before suddenly looking to Thea. "Well I'm not sure. Introduce yourself kid." For everyone present. The white cat then redirects her attention on the duo. "What were you speaking by the way?" Ever nosy, but it sounds familiar to her, and she's hoping an answer might help her figure out something. Of course that's the only reason why she ever cares about anything, as long as it can tie back to her own benefit. She also wants to ask 'and what the hell are you, bird guy?' but maybe that's a tad bit too rude. Her gaze trails between them both now but finally the cat regards Lazarus more now, trying to get a read and impression on him. Seems young and fidgety, but that's all she can gather right now. Man, she's just no good at this without her powers.

Re: BUST YOUR KNEECAPS // DOUBLE-JOINING - MirrorEdge - 07-16-2018

Thea's face seemed to fall a bit as the tone and friendliness seemed to suggest they weren't trespassers, but perked up again a few moments later. "Oh, well, even if you're joiners, maybe we could fight sometime!" The grin on her face would usually suggest Thea was joking, but she was deadly serious. At Elon's request to introduce herself, she chirped, "Oh! I'm Thea!"