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TAKE A BREAK / o, sick - Printable Version

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TAKE A BREAK / o, sick - bubblegum - 07-15-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
it was no secret that goldie was doing, well, awful. she was much skinnier than usual, due to her lack of time and energy to eat. she didn't really know it, because she both wouldn't admit it and because she didn't think about it, but she was stressed. her stress was diminishing her hunger and making her even more unhealthy in the process. she wasn't so skinny that she was starving, but it was enough physical weight loss to be concerned about. she didn't want to avoid eating - she loved food - but she didn't fully realize what was happening to her body and just thought it was normal.

her eyes revealed her exhaustion. she denied she needed sleep. she was fine! but, she had truthfully been avoiding sleep since she had found her papa's blood in the submarine and then his lifeless body on the beach. the most sleep she had gotten since then was when she had gone unconscious for two days after receiving her burns. she had slept a little more after that while she was recovering in the submarine, but the tsunami quickly kicked her back into work. there was no comfortable bed tempting her into that dangerous, unproductive activity. really the only time she did sleep now was when she literally passed out from exhaustion.

she had possessed her injuries for almost a month now and they had made little progress. the most they had healed was when she was too physically weak to move more than a couple feet. but, then the tsunami hit. when the tsunami hit, she needed to be able to move around a lot. she couldn't be in anybody's way at that point. and, perhaps seeing her home in such a state had inspired her to work even harder than before. it was certainly a big mess and she didn't want her papa or anyone to stress about it, even though she couldn't possibly fix it herself. she'd do her best, at least. but, all that work also meant that her injuries would constantly reopen and body be overworked.

she had been coughing and sneezing a bit more often the past few days, but she ignored it. she had a sore throat yesterday, but she ignored it. she had fallen down so many times, but she ignored it. she felt like death - and she would know how that feels, but she ignored it. but, today, it seems she could not ignore it, despite her efforts. her coughing was harsh and frequent throughout the day.

she had been trying to neglect it still, though. she walked away from others when she felt a coughing fit coming on and instead found something else to do. she was walking along the bay, looking at the remains of the tsunami. she had a bit of a break from the coughing and could mostly breathe. but, then, she sneezed. and she fell. and she couldn't get back up. and she couldn't breathe. she was coughing harshly again and her throat hurt like hell.

"guhh, shoo-" her groan was interrupted by another coughing fit. she needed to get some medicine. that's all. she needed to get up and get some medicine before anyone found her. the girl attempted to get back up, only to fall over again. that made her head hurt really badly. she winced, looking to the ground as she let out more coughs.

Re: TAKE A BREAK / o, sick - SOLVEIG - 07-15-2018

That Goldie- She had been concerned for the girl since the day she had met her. Littered with injuries, yet still bouncing around like she had all the energy in the world. At first, she had been willing to chalk it up to child's energy- Children typically had more of a 'bounce back' ability than most adults because their bodies were smaller, and younger, and had more chance to heal since their bodies were still growing. In other words, they could take a little bit more of a 'bounce' because they had younger body parts. But Goldie was getting worse. Ever since the Envoy trip she had been looking terrible. It started with the trip out there, of which Solveig was surprised that she even made it to, but then it was the fact that even Snowbound was questioning her ability to be there.

Solveig didn't doubt Rose's healing abilities even in the slightest. Though the woman was frosty around her thanks to her telepathy and her dislike of speaking, Solveig had no single doubt in her mind watching her work that she knew what she was doing- better than Solveig, in any case. What's more, is Pincher had full faith in her to turn her into the Head Soothsayer of the Typhoon. That alone was enough to garner Solveig's full and utter trust in Rosemary. No, here, she doubted Goldie. Dare she say it, the girl had one terrible habit of her father's: the inability to stay still. It was hindering her healing and she had no doubt that both her and Rosemary knew it. So it was not the question of if Goldie collapsed, but rather when.

And it seems 'when' was 'now'.

At this point, Solveig was seriously considering sedating the girl on a daily basis to force her to sit still

The sound of coughing is what drew her forward towards Goldie from her daily chores. A basket of herbs hang tightly in her jaws. On one hand, the Typhoon desperately needed the supplies. On the other, Solveig was secretly determined to prove herself to Rosemary, and to make the woman stop hating her for something that she rightly couldn't help. ANd unfortunately for her, it would prove to be useful today. Her eyes going wide at the sight of Pincher's daughter collapsed to the ground in a coughing fit, Solveig was quick to dart over, briefly forgetting any reason to mask the sound of her footsteps as she rushed for the girl. Setting the basket down on the ground,  reaching out a gentle paw to rest on her back. "Miss Goldie, can you tell me what happened?" the voice would reach out. She was coughing and collapsed, that much was clear, and of which her attention had turned to rifle through her basket for the proper treatment, but knowing the whole story would make it easier to care for her.


Re: TAKE A BREAK / o, sick - rochelle - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]Rochelle had once known this child, he’d been a medic in training in her group. Fintan, that’s what his name was. He was a sickly little thing, just like Goldie was, but to the sea and beyond was he a hard worker. Even when his ... excuse of a mentor made him do sickly things, like dissections and such, he was eager to learn, even if it did bother him. She’d always liked him, always worried the most about him. Often times she feared her leadership would put him, and the other children, in danger. It was one of the things that drove her away from her groups. Fintan though ... he died before she left. There was ... a flood, and she found him. He’d been trying saving a mother and her litter from the rushing waters, and he succeeded, but was taken, grasped by the violence of the flood.

Rochelle knew, even by so little that she knew of the young one, that Goldie was a hard worker. It killed her to see the girl push herself so hard, she wished she could just comfort her and persuade her to stop. But Rochelle had a feeling others had tried before to sway her— what could she do? How could she really help? The brown wolf had been watching Goldie closely before the coughing fit, and came rushing forward when it became apparent how sickly she was.

”Oh dear ... just try and get the coughs out ... don’t forget to breathe ...” Rochelle attempted to comfort the girl, a gentle but serious tone given with her words. Her amber eyes looked up, searching for Rosemary or Solveig, or Jacob too. She didn’t want to just leave her, as she could sense Goldie was struggling, but she knew the poor child needed water. Once she caught sight of Solveig, she felt a wash of relief, though her heart still raced. ”I’ll go get some water!” The wolf exclaimed, bursting through the sands to the jungle. When she caught sight of a burbling stream, the crewmember ripped a pawful of moss and soaked it into the pool of water. As soon as she got back, she looked back at Solveig, then at Pincher’s daughter. Got it. She said through muffled words, moss clenched between her teeth loosely as to not spill any water.

Re: TAKE A BREAK / o, sick - coldblue - 07-15-2018

"No, no, no. You're not going anywhere."

Seemingly out of nowhere, Coldblue appears just in time to witness his sister attempt to stagger back home whilst coughing her lungs out. Gentle paws push his sister backwards into a seated position. He tried to give her some space, to allow her to make her own decisions and heal on her own, but the boy simply cannot ignore his sister when she seems to be actively trying to kill herself! As the days go by, she gets skinnier and skinnier, sicker and sicker. Blue hasn't told Goldie yet, but he wounds are starting to reek of rotting flesh. If she does not start slowing down, her body will never be able to heal itself after she was struck by lightning. There are not many things which the boy cares about, but his sister is among the few. He would die for her. Goldenluxury is, well, the golden child. She is kind and pretty (even with the scars) and everyone loves her. There is no doubt in the young Roux's mind that it would be completely worth it to die so his sister might live.

Coldblue hovers close to his sibling, quickly observing her emaciated figure with piercing blue eyes before retrieving a tumbler full of steaming liquid. The cap pops off easily, and he turns it over into a sort of makeshift cup. "Here is some tea I made for you," he says as he pours a reasonable serving into the metal container, the scent of citrus and sugar mixing with the brisk sea air. "It is lemon and honey. I read about it in one of Aunt Rose's books. It should help soothe your coughing." It's amazing how such a lazy and unbothered creature can quickly transform into a doting brother.

As he takes care of his sister, another arrives. Solvieg or whatever her name is. "She's been working herself to the point of exhaustion is what happened. She was struck by lighting a couple weeks back and she has not been resting enough to heal. Now I think she's getting sick." See? Exactly like a helicopter parent. Coldblue is fairly certain that his sweet sister might try to downplay her symptoms, so he makes sure that Goldie will not be able to ignore the medic's questions.

/djhsdhsgd i was ninja'd twice but i'm not changing it anymore rip

Re: TAKE A BREAK / o, sick - ROSEMARY - 07-15-2018

Hearing the coughing of her niece and seeing the approaching crowd, Rosemary headed over with quick pawsteps. Spotting Solveig, however, her jaw clenched as she slid telepathic barriers in place - wonderful, another thing to focus on and take a fraction of her attention away from Goldie. Tail-tips flicking in an almost irritated manner, she nevertheless turned her gaze to Goldie, and her auxiliary gaze to Coldblue as the ever-doting brother quickly explained the situation. And offered tea a thoughtful and useful gift of tea; this impressed the young witch immensely, as evident by the approving look she gave her nephew. "Ah, thank you for your concern Rochelle and Solveig, I'll take over," she murmured, voice soft and raspy with its infrequent use.

Glancing at the wolf, she added, "Rochelle, could you get [member=66]PINCHER[/member] for me? I think it's about time I lay into him the importance of encouraging a girl to get her rest instead of rewarding reckless behavior." While Goldie, without a doubt, earned her promotion to the high position ranks, the girl's father held a nasty way of wording things in the last meeting. Rosemary thought little of it at the time given her own preoccupation with crowd anxiety, but now Goldie's injuries seemed to get worse. If the female bengal were to finally begin healing right, she needed the girl's idol to cooperate with her. "And, thank you for the water," she added, knowing what a hassle getting it could often be.

Ears twitching as she regarded Goldie again, she tried to decipher whether her cough sounded wet or dry - she hoped the throat just got sore with some sort of pollen allergy or the like. She didn't want to think of the possibility that Goldie got a cold or something more sinister like bronchitis. For now, though, she waited for Goldie to recover from her small coughing fit to drink either the water or the tea - and for her to figure out more information as to the possible cause of the problem.

[ ahhh what's causing her coughing? ]

Re: TAKE A BREAK / o, sick - bubblegum - 07-16-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//she's got the flu! forgot to mention that in the first post whoopsie

the sound and touch of her brother caused her to wince upwards towards him. this was okay. she was fine with him seeing her like this, so long as he wouldn't worry much after. she just needed to ask him to grab her some herbs and then-

it seemed he was prepared. he made tea for her? that nice. but also, that meant she was failing. she was trying really hard to hide that she was struggling, even if it's become near impossible to hide now. she was trying so hard. she didn't want anyone to see how weak she really was. she'd felt miserable ever since papa's temporary death and it'd only gotten worse, so she needed to try harder to hide it. but she was so tired. it was so hard.

between her coughs, she would sip from the tea. it did feel nice. "th-thank you, b-but-" her voice was raspy as she spoke. she was cut-off, though, by others appearing. first solveig and then rochelle. she wanted to cry. she really did. but, she wouldn't. that would make things worse. still, her eyes would become visibly watery and a very unhappy expression forms across her features. no one needed to see her like this. no one needed to worry about her or use their time on her or use supplies on her. she felt useless and embarrassed.

her coughing ceased for a moment and she sniffled, her head held low. she was wasting everyone's time and energy for being like this. she needed them all to stop and leave her alone. she was okay. she just needed to convince them. "i'm fine," she urged, making her scratchy voice a bit louder and firm. it cracked as she said the words, helping further reveal how upset she was. her words certainly weren't very believable, anyway, as she began coughing again. "pl-please don't worry. i just need some medicine. that's all."

she stared at the ground, shame filling her. she was wasting things. she making others worry about her. she was being weak. everyone must be so disappointed in her. the girl tensed as rosemary approached and then asked rochelle to grab her father. no, no, no! no more people! she just needed medicine! she began to shiver slightly, suddenly feeling cold. ugh. she sipped more at the tea. she appreciated that rochelle had grabbed water, but the tea felt nicer to drink. "i-i'm fi-fine." she repeated through shivers. this was becoming frustrating. no one should worry about her!

Re: TAKE A BREAK / o, sick - SOLVEIG - 07-16-2018

"You're not fine," Solveig would answer the girl's stuttering words, her voice still soft as she began to be surrounded by all the people that she cared about. Her brother, Rochelle; herself. So much so that she stepped back slightly as tea was offered. Goldie was just sick. Perhaps this was a little overboard, but on the other hand, it wasn't. Goldie needed to know there were people around her that she could rely on, no matter how unwilling she was to do it. "There is nothing wrong with needing help, Goldie. You have people who love you more than anything in this world, and we would do anything to make sure that you were okay. There is no strength in hiding the truth from the people you love. Your strength comes from the people you can rely on."

Before Solveig could elaborate any further, the form of Rosemary made her shoulders stiffen as her gaze briefly found the other woman's. She felt the stone-cold severing of any possible connection with her mind she could have made, making her jaw faintly tense, even as she bowed her head low in respect to the head Soothsayer. "We all love you, Goldie. Please let us take care of you." For a moment, Solveig hesitated as she glanced back to Rosemary, of whom had already dismissed her, but she just as quickly offered a smile as she turned and began to walk away, knowing that with Rosemary around, she would not be wanted.


Re: TAKE A BREAK / o, sick - VANDAL R. - 07-16-2018

"Fine? My ass." Vandal has heard about the number of relatives staying in the Typhoon, but she never imagined she would be meeting one almost as damn stubborn as her - perhaps it's a genetic trait strong in the bloodline. The mutated maned wolf can hear them speaking and, while she understands their support, she thinks it's a little too much and a little too thick and overwhelming for somebody who has a cold. Really, they're acting like it's the end of the world but she'll be damned if that'll ever happen - no, Goldie's just sick and doesn't need thick layers of 'we love you, we adore you' like she's a lost cause. Her goddamn niece is stronger than that.

"That's it, y'old crones, she needs some rest and you guys making googly eyes at her isn't gonna help her have that," she snaps with a sardonic huff, upper lip curling into somewhat of a sneer - she's not really a jerk, just protective, just understanding that what Goldie needs right now probably isn't attention, it's the time and safety to rest without knowing that everyone else is breathing down her back to get better. Maybe Vandal's putting her neck out there by being so crass, but the newly-resurrected Roux isn't exactly the type to care about who gets a boo-boo from her honesty.

Vandal attempts to gently weave her way around Goldie and her audience, giving the sick Roux enough space in the process to breathe and anchor herself because she knows, in a way, that getting too close might overwhelm her - and she understands that, Vandal understands that need, so she keeps her distance but makes sure she's blocking their view of her as much as possible. "Go on, get - you've all said your peace, she needs rest and this is becoming stressful. If everyone doesn't back away, I'm gonna pick you all up by the ass and toss you into the water."

Re: TAKE A BREAK / o, sick - bubblegum - 07-18-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl let in a small, sharp breath at solveig's words. she needed to keep pretending. she was doing so awful. everyone could see how awful she was doing and she was so disappointed in herself. the comments about how she shouldn't be moving, how she wasn't doing okay, how she clearly wasn't fine kept growing and now it all ended up here. she hated it. she knew these things that solveig was telling her. she was very aware of them.

however, she did not feel she deserved these people she relied on. she was already given so much, she knew - she did not need others to spend time and energy being concerned about her well-being, too. no one should feel distracted from themselves for her. she was already too fortunate. she grit her teeth, her head sinking lower as she stared at the ground. she didn't say anything, shivering and coughing. she felt a strong desire to lay on her bed, but she fought it. she couldn't sleep.

the girl only diverted her attention when someone else arrived - vandal. a newcomer from her family. her tired green eyes darted to vandal, huffing for a moment. she was about to argue again, but then the female spoke up once more. she seemed to understand, at least, that goldie definitely did not need all of this attention. she felt the last comment was a bit much, but would chuckle quietly to it before being interrupted by coughing.

"a-ah, n-no it's not th-that b-bad, so i-i'm ff-fine." she pressed on, unwilling to let that go. she wouldn't easily admit when she knows she's unwell, though. she hardly bothered to admit it to herself. "i don' ne-need all th-this att-attention, y-yea. pl-please d-don't w-worry or g-get m-my papa. th-there's n-no need."