Beasts of Beyond
tumbleweed // open, just dogs bein' dogs - Printable Version

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tumbleweed // open, just dogs bein' dogs - ▷killian◁ - 07-15-2018

Killian wanted to have some fucking fun. He wanted to get his mind off the fact that he was pink. Entirely pink. It was terrible. He'd already drank all the alcohol he had and was waiting to fucking die from it and what better way to spend that time than being a fucking dog? A dog who shouldn't be able to see the color pink at all but he was a demon after all so maybe that had something to do with it. Maybe demons had special eyes. Whatever.

He trotted up to the hole he knew Ivan stayed in and called out, "Get the fuck out here, big guy, I wanna chase some motherfuckin' squirrels." Now, you might be wondering, why the fuck was he asking this dumbass to chase squirrels with him? Killian fucking hated everything. He was pink. He was emo now. He was the joke now. Haha.

As a result of his being emo now, he wanted to die. Again and again and again. It was a period of blackness and nothingness that allowed him to forget he was pink. At least for a few days. And what better way to maybe possibly die or at least get seriously injured than to do dog stuff with a giant fucking dog? Killian had not forgotten the training he'd done and although Ivan was much smaller now and not capable of fitting his entire fucking body in his jaws, he figured the other dog might be able to do something.

So. Squirrel chasing. "Hurry the fuck up. I want to chase some goddamn squirrels and then try to beat the shit out of you."


Re: tumbleweed // open, just dogs bein' dogs - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-15-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — proxy — tags[/color]
Zimavich had been making attempts to fight his new dog brain.... but the prospect of playing and doing something fun was too tantalizing to pass up.

The dirty mutt crawled out of his den, shaking off his equally dirty scarf and folding it with his teeth. He tossed it back in the den. Hidden in the mess of his fur was his matted fur was a knitted cross and the old eyepatch.

[b]”Sounds.... fun. Yes!!! Let’s go! I’ll win!”
© madi

Re: tumbleweed // open, just dogs bein' dogs - ▷killian◁ - 07-15-2018

"Awesome. Amazing. Fantastic! And, no you fucking won't, I'll win because I'm amazing and better than your stinky ass will ever be." With that, Killian bounded off towards the forest, somehow managing to look graceful despite his unfortunate coloring (this was because he was an ibizan hound. certainly not anything else). His tail wagged as he ran around just like he craved to all the time.


Re: tumbleweed // open, just dogs bein' dogs - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-15-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — proxy — tags[/color]
Ivan bounded after him, drool dripping from mouth. ”Think we should find Morgan? Does he want to chase, too?”
© madi

Re: tumbleweed // open, just dogs bein' dogs - ▷killian◁ - 07-16-2018

"Huh. Maybe, I dunno why he wouldn't wanna have some fuckin' fun." Killian wasn't sure where exactly the other dog would be but, he could shout pretty loud, yeah? And if he wasn't before he was certainly bright enough to catch anyones attention now.

"Heyy!! Morgan, get your cream colored ass out here! We're havin' some fuckin' fun, come join or I'll eat your dumbass mask while you sleep!" If the shouting wasn't enough to catch Morgan's attention, it was, at the very least, enough to catch the attention of other tanglers.


Re: tumbleweed // open, just dogs bein' dogs - Morgan - 07-16-2018

Morgan was doing his rounds when he heard Killian address him by name. As crude as the offer was, the samoyed felt like it was still his duty to oblige him. To have some fun of his own, he let his mask melt away before confronting the duo.

"Too bad, Killian - It looks like I've already eaten it myself!" the cream canine exclaimed, trotting toward him through some nearby shrubbery. "Oh, hello, Zimavich," he added, nodding at the other dog. Facing Killian once more, he asked, "So what'd you have in mind?"

Re: tumbleweed // open, just dogs bein' dogs - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-16-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — proxy — tags[/color]
Zimavich didn’t know the last time he saw Morgan’s face, so watching the mask melt away set purple eyes dead on his face. The bear dog sniffed Morgan and let the drool drip from his mouth.
"We chase squirrels, join us!” he said, hopping around and taking a playful stance. ”Come Morgan! Come on!”
© madi