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I want a hippopotamus // open+Q&A // for Christmas - Printable Version

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I want a hippopotamus // open+Q&A // for Christmas - jacob w.c. - 03-24-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Jacob had been here for about a week now but he still felt as though most his clanmates didn't really know him. Of course, part of that was intentional in keeping away certain facts about himself he'd rather leave behind in the city but he didn't think any of them (other than Jersey, of course) even knew his favorite color. So he went about making a large amount of cookies of all sorts of flavors in just the way his Ma had taught him. There was chocolate chip, peanut butter, snickerdoodles, and even plain sugar cookies with some frosting. He wasn't sure if anyone here had allergies so he tried to make as many as he could think of. Once he finished, he put them all in some bags he'd brought with him when he moved and ventured out into camp. Food was the best way to bond but he also needed something that'd start a conversation. He wasn't the best at small talk but there had to be something interesting about him he could bring up while his clanmates snacked on cookies. Then it came to him. His favorite color. They didn't even know his favorite color. "Hey, if any ah' ya'll wants a cookie, come n' get one! Also, 'm gonna' be answerin' whatever questions ya'll have more me but, uh, jus' try ta' keep 'em... ya' know, jus' don' ask nothing too personal, I guess." He added that last bit with his big brother in mind. Jersey knew all sorts of things about him but he wasn't sure what he'd ask if left to think of any question he wanted. He felt a little bad about not having faith in Jersey's filter but considering this was the same brother who tried to set him up with literally any woman they came into contact with (or tried to seduce for himself), he felt it was well deserved. 

Re: I want a hippopotamus // open+Q&A // for Christmas - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 03-24-2018

Gathering intel on his targets was one of his primary goals in training when he lived in the castle that his family had built several years ago. It wasn't exactly hard to make it accessable or even really ask questions to figure out what I wanted to know. The issue with the clans that he decided to stay in, is that they were more than willing to show their secrets to those around them. And Killua considered secrets to be what powers one would have, where they came from, their knowledge on the clan, and one could learn a lot by someone's age and experience that they had gone through. The groups commonly held spars with one another, and even if he didn't participate he would be able to get an understand of the two animal's fighting styles quite quickly. Not everyone fought the exact same way, and if someone had a similar style, there were going be subtle differences here and there. Killua himself had often done spars, hoping that maybe his target would end up joining in the battle, but he wasn't always that lucky. At least he was able to gather more information on the creatures that decided to make this his home. Most of the time though Killua was most likely the one with the most powers in the group. Which he was fine with. There were a couple clanners that just had bigger bodies, but none of that seemed to make Killua worry that he would struggle if they turned against him. The assassin was smart enough to realize which fights he could and couldn't win. He wasn't going to waste his time with a fight that would just give him injuries forcing him to heal up in the process. Either way, he was usually quick to gather how a group acted based on the way their leader interacted with the rest of them. Those that were lazy and didn't want to do anything would reflect that onto the clans themselves. After all, they were supposed to be role models. At one point when he was in a clan, not for a mission, but just to get away from his brother, the wildcat had been asked if he wanted to be a leader. No way he would have the patience to deal with animals that didn't even like him. The only reasons he ever got promoted was for the fact that he was around most of the time and had been there since the beginning the group was there so he had experience more than they could ever know. He often wondered that every time he joined with another group, whether or not they would try to make him into the weapon that his family had designed him to be. It would make it a whole lot easier if they were just going to use him to just keep him around and not bother to get to know him. Not like he wanted others to know where he was from and what he was capable of. Hell, his adopted sister didn't end up knowing because he was absolutely terrified at the thought of telling her what he was and that his brother could use that knowledge against her.

Killua knew Jacob. Not in the sense that one would think. He only knew the hybrid's name and that he liked knitting. Other than that he couldn't really care about the other male. But being as young as he was meant that he could be curious here and there when it came to the personalities of the animals that lived in this place. All of them didn't seem to be concerned about their well being at all. Which was a weakness that most groups tended to have as they were never prepared for what they were going to deal with in the future. Whatever happened to them wasn't his business. Although, he probably wouldn't stand around if someone younger than him was getting slaughtered. That coldness of his heart had at least been melted away a little bit for even that to happen. The wildcat didn't spend all that much time in camp, more like keeping to himself. He didn't care about the stares that he got from the other animals that lived in this place. The wildcat just wanted to be able to rest so that he wouldn't have to worry about his damn scars anymore. He was just waiting for them to be hidden by his long white fur. One thing was clear while he was staying here, he wasn't going to end up going hungry. Even if he didn't eat as much protein as he probably should, he just wanted candy. It was his coping mechanism after all and with his rampant anxiety, it was a good way to calm him down. Making his way back to camp, he was able to catch the very distinct smell of pastries. Specifically cookies. He was fine when it came to cookies, but he didn't even remember the last time he had one of them. His metal claws clicked across the surface of the stone floor as he walked, his sapphire blue eyes looking calmly around for where the smell was coming from. The young apprentice seemed to be on high alert all the time, this didn't seem to be any different. Then he noticed that the hybrid was sitting there and seemed to hesitate for a couple moments. Q n A huh? He had never done one of those for obvious reasons and he wasn't about to do it now. He flicked one of his large ears as he made his way over, looking at the cookies that were there. The albino serval would look at all the cookies that were there before picking up one chocolate chip cookie with his metal claws. He impaled it so that he wouldn't get any crumbs on the pads of his paw. Killua did sit around a bit of a distance away from the other, approximately four feet from the canine. "Dang, all of you guys here sure know how to bake. I sure did pick the right place." Killua said with a small smirk spreading across his facial features as he took a bit of the cookie. Not bad he had to admit. After swallowing though he would ask his question, not caring if the other answered him or not. "So where are you from? You obviously aren't from here considering this place just formed." Killua asked calmly. There was no threat from behind his tone, he just wanted to know.
clan -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/21/17:

Re: I want a hippopotamus // open+Q&A // for Christmas - jacob w.c. - 03-27-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
When the feline approached and complimented his baking, a wide smile spread across the boy's face and his tail thumped behind him in excitement. Jacob loved making other people happy and it was clear he'd accomplished that, on some small scale. It may not have seemed like much to anyone else but it was enough to put him in a better mood, despite his lack of sleep lately and his erratic eating patterns. "Oh, thank you. My Ma n' my sister taught me how ta' bake n' I've liked doin' it ever since. Problem is that I do it too much n' a whole lotta' it goes to waste so I just give it out," he replied happily. He then listened intently when Killua gave him a question and seemed to freeze for just a moment. Where was he from? How was he event supposed to answer that. "Uh, well, I was born in a city real far from 'ere. I had a few different homes growin' up n' then had ta' move to a new city 'cause ah' an accident-" He didn't bother specifying what this accident was. His bandages were evidence enough of what'd happened that night. "Then I had ta' move in with Jersey, who lived in a city that was kinda' close but still quite a ways away. A couple weeks ago, we decided it'd be a good idea ta' move again n' we heard about Snowbound so we came 'ere n' now this is where we stay." He was sure he'd been vague enough that Killua wouldn't be able to draw any connections but he couldn't be too cautious. He'd learned that lesson the hard way.

Re: I want a hippopotamus // open+Q&A // for Christmas - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 03-28-2018

Killua didn't have a lot of experience when it came to baking. He wasn't supposed to be a baker when he grew up so he had other priorities when he was younger in the first place. The assassin didn't have any need to make homemade anything, as the butlers that he grew up around would pretty much make anything that he wanted. If he talked about exactly what he had when he lived in the castle that he grew up in, he knew that some of the clanners would probably look at him with shock as to how he could leave such a lavish life. They would never know the horrors that went behind the walls, things done that didn't correlate with anyone's morals. Torture. Death. That was all that was really allowed in a place like that. It wasn't a sanctuary. It was a prison. Sure he had butlers that did whatever he wanted, but at that age he began to run out of ideas of really what he wanted to do. Instead, Killua just went around doing whatever he wanted instead of asking the butlers. He did end up killing butlers when he wasn't in a good mood and they were in the wrong place and wrong time. His family never really got upset when something like that happened out of the factor that they could always hire more. The training process though was extremely extensive, their butlers not even remotely weak when it comes into regard with an animal that doesn't have any powers that they can use. The assassin had watched the training that the butlers had gone through, and it like with the Zoldyck theme, it was torturous. They had to go through different similations of what could possibly happen at the gates of where they lived, which had guard dogs. Well, more like one giant guard dog instead of multiple. Anyone that would try and test their luck to getting to their estate would be ripped to shreds. If they weren't by the animals that lived in the forest, they would be ripped to shreds by the butlers themselves. They kept security and comfort to the maximum, and knew that no matter what they did they could never go up against a Zoldyck. They were as loyal as they could ever be, and it was something that the Zoldyck's appreciated and looked for. Killua had the ability to conjure up items when he was just a kitten, so if he wanted to have candy or anything sweet he would just conjure it up himself. He never thought of specifics when he conjured up food, andn so most of the food he did eat just ended up tasting completely plain in his mind. He could ask a butler to make him his favorite food, but that grew old when he couldn't think of different types of food. It wasn't until he met his adopted sister Amorette in the clan before this one that he realized how good baked goods could actually be instead of just eating candy over and over again. Muffins, cakes, cinnamon rolls, and more. She made them because she enjoyed seeing him happy when it came to the sweets that he was able to get a hold of. It had been the first way that he started to bond with her. Having met mostly in the cave that they ended up getting trapped in due to the cave in. She had offered him a lollipop while they thought of ideas, confusing Killua, but he took it with silent gratitude. Maybe he could be easily influenced by candy, but while he was immune to poison he didn't really have anything to worry about.

Compared to some of the clanners Killua didn't really have any sort of hobby that he could do to keep him busy. Which wasn't very good being an assassin that was trying not to be one. It made it extremely contradictory as he figured out what he really wanted to do with his life and whether or not it was worth it. He enjoyed seeing others around him being happy as well as his adopted sister felt in the clan before this one. He didn't know why it gave him a fuzzy feeling. Maybe it was also because it was rare to be around those that actually showed emotion. In the household that he ended up growing up in, no one showed emotions. Everyone always had a neutral look to their face, except maybe Milluki but the large cougar always had to complain about something. He deserved to get attacked like what he had done to him when he did say that he was leaving the place. It wasn't uncommon for other Zoldyck members to attack one another in a disagreement, especially if emotions were high. But they weren't allowed to kill each other, as that was drilled into their minds when they were younger. A family business couldn't work when they were constantly at each others throat. Everyone older than him was extremley hard even for Killua to read. He was able to pick up on a couple of quirks that his family did when they were feeling something specific, but anything else was really difficult for him to get passed. Illumi being the culprit most of the time considering that he never had any emotion on his face. Since he was a kitten he always had the same look. The other had never smiled. Killua imagined that the other would only smile if he was killing someone. The way Killua used to when he first starte out taking the lives of others. He was a weapon that he had created, but he wanted to be something better. Something more. Killua had finished the cookie that he had been eating, and moved to grab another one from the bag. He listened to the other speak while he ate, having some chocolate stick to his lips which he would use his tongue wipe off the excess. A smirk spread across the assassin's jaws as he waved the cookie that was currently impaled on one of his metal claws. "Well since you make too much, I'd be more than happy to take them off your hands." Killua stated, and he meant every word of it. It was his addiction, probably not a healthy one, but it was something he enjoyed. The other form of security blanket that he had in order to keep him calm while he interacted with others. Being extremely observant since he was a, kitten, however, it wasn't hard for Killua to know the hesitation that the other felt about his question. He would inwardly smile at the small victory that he had as he figured out that the other's past probably wasn't the best and something that he didn't want to talk about. Killua would keep that in mind in case he ever needed to bring up the other's past. Which he currently had no intention of doing. At the moment, Jacob was the only clanner he had talked to the most. Killua only took one bite out of his cookie as the other gave his story. Jersey? Was that the old man that tried hitting on the dog not too long ago? Maybe, but he doesn't know a lot of names that were in the clan right now. He knew that meet and greets were a thing, but he himself didn't want to give out too much information. His name was almost giving out a bit too much for his liking. "City huh? I kind of figured that you were probably from a populated place." Killua stated nonchalantly. There were many factors that played into the personality of others, and where they grew up was an easy sign for him to pick up. Those that grew up in the city usually had an easier time with being around others compared to those that were used to being out in a rural area. "Probably a big change compared to livin' in a city I reckon." Killua stated again calmly, as he finished the cookie that had been on his claw, licking his lips for a couple of seconds before putting the paw down on the ground. One would think that after one asked a question, he would then give some information about himself. Killua wasn't that easy to get information out of, however. "Do you have any other hobbies than baking and knitting?" Killua questioned again, and it was usually asquestionestiont o answer. Why did he ask it though? He wanted to understand the other's schedule. Any sort of baking and knitting were usually done inside of the camp. Killua wanted to know if the other went out of camp for any reason Just in case he would ever need that information later on. 
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: I want a hippopotamus // open+Q&A // for Christmas - jacob w.c. - 04-01-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
A grin spread across the boy's maw and he was quick to respond, "I'd be happy for ya' ta' take 'em. Heaven knows I eat too many ah' 'em for my own good. I'd probably feel a lot better if I ate less..." the boy admitted. Jacob knew he had a problem with food in general. His weight fluctuated on a regular basis and he knew he needed to get it under control. He'd studied all kinds of medical books in his Ma and she'd told him as much. He'd had the same health problems since he was little and he knew he was old enough to try and fix it but it was harder to do than it seemed, especially when he didn't sleep much these days. He'd somehow fallen into the habit of making a ridiculous amount of pasta or cookies when he couldn't sleep and he ate far too much of it during waking hours.

At the mention that Killua had assumed Jacob was from a populated area, a small frown came to the canine's maw. He didn't think much about the action but he forced it to flatten when he realized what he was doing. Jacob had come to this place to get away from anyone who might be aware of him or any of his families. No, it was just an observation. He should relax. Killua was just being... observant. He was sure that was the case. Why should he think anything otherwise? "Oh, um, yeah," the words were barely squeaked past his maw but he managed to force his smile to return. He soon continued in a louder tone, "Yeah, I like it though. 'S quiet 'ere n' the air is nice. I got asthma so I think 've been feelin' a li'l better since comin' up 'ere." Then came the next question and Jacob was quick to answer this one, "Oh, yeah, I guess so. I really like readin' n' writin' n' drawin'. I also sing n' play the guitar sometimes. I really like musicals n' older music but I'd listen ta' anythin', I think. 'Cept rap, I don' care for that too much. I also like ta' garden but obviously it'll be a li'l harder ta' do that in Snowbound." 