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BLACK PAPER MOON | MASS MEET AND GREET - Margaery - 07-15-2018

As Margaery sat back to appreciate the many platters piled high with pastries that rested before her, she couldn't help but wonder if Bast had assigned her this task to take her mind off of things. She knew that that possibility was highly unlikely but still- she realized fully that she had not been herself as of late. Distant, thoughtful, detached; hell, even greeting newcomers had become difficult for her. Genevieve's constant struggle for control in companionship with Suite's recent death and transition had left her scrambling to keep herself together.

But all that didn't matter, not now anyways. Margaery had just spent the entire morning baking for her clanmates and she'd be damned if she didn't focus and get the ball moving on this mass meet and greet. Bast had told her to keep it interesting and she wanted to think that she had: in order to have food, an introduction was required. It was simple and easy and had sweets involved, so what could go wrong? And while Margaery could not touch any of her desserts, she was still more than willing to go first.

[b]"Hey everyone!" She called cheerfully, careful not to betray any of her internal turmoil, "I'm having a mass meet and greet over here! All you need to do is introduce yourself and talk about your interests and then you can help yourself to as many desserts as you'd like- they're all fresh and I made them this morning. Anyways, I'll begin!" The Cosmic General paused a moment, stealing one last longing glance in the direction of her pastries. It was a shame that she couldn't eat any. "My name is Margaery Mikaelson-Folie and I'm the Cosmic General here. I speak fluent Latin and Norwegian and I enjoy gardening greatly. I collect artifacts from all over the world and quite literally enjoy living in the past - or, well, surrounding myself in it. My favorite color is jade green and I believe that's it for now."

There, easy!

(i also figured that it'd be cool to do this ooc-ly too! so hi everyone, my name is florence!! i'm currently a freshman in college where i'm studying mass communications with a concentration in print/broadcast journalism. i love writing, reading, and traveling and i do all three quite a bit. my favorite colors are yellow, teal, and lavender and my favorite band is florence and the machine!! i love making friends so if you guys ever want to talk/get to know me, my dms are always open!! i think that's it?? i hope so anyways haha)

Re: BLACK PAPER MOON | MASS MEET AND GREET - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; line-height: 100%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px;"]★ — The short feline had been wondering for a while now what the decadent smell from nearby was, and as she wandered down to find the source, it was none other than Margarey, surrounded by dozens of treats. She listened intently to her introduction, as the other was still quite a mystery to her. She had gathered enough about her to know they were related in some way, but other than that, nothing.

Nearing the table, the girl glanced around before deciding to introduce herself next. "Hi, everyone. I'm Beverly Emilia Atkins but you can call me Bev. I just joined a few days ago... I'm fluent in Latin and Swedish. I'm a huge history and astrology buff, and I love traveling. You never get used to being the new girl, no matter how many places you go." The last part was more for herself, rather than anyone else.

/ completely forgot to do an ooc intro but HEY i'm fauna! im ya local high school drop out living on their own and trying not to go broke. i really love video games and kpop. florence recommended me this site and im so happy to be rping again. hmu for a human au


If he were a better person, he might have asked her to host the meet and greet because he wanted to distract her from everything. As it was, however, he had chosen her because she was a natural born host. She was warm and welcoming and had a taste for culture that his mother would have adored, and she made logical sense to be the face their wave of newcomers saw. She would do well with them, and they would probably like her more than him, if everyone was being honest with themselves. He hadn't had a bad day in a while, but he wasn't exactly... good with people, to put things simply.

"Bast," he provided with a yawn as he joined her, not particularly interested in the food but figuring he had an obligation to meet any newcomers that he had missed at the border. A pause. "Uh-- Bastilleprisoner Aurelius, if we're doing full names." No rank provided, because even now, he liked to deny it. He used Margy's facts as a basis and continued, "I speak Latin, French, and German fluently. I can get a little bit of Greek and Russian, if I try, but I don't like them." He could access a greater range than that if he really wanted, but he'd learned his lesson fishing for Latin. "Uh... I have three souls, and all of my past lives are assholes." Might as well get the disclaimer out there early. "Everyone knows about my secret library by now, so find me if you want to read something. I probably have something on the topic. My favorite color is gold."

Madi got ninja'd, so he blinked at the foreign girl -- new, someone he'd missed -- and smirked ruefully in amusement. "Nice to meet you, I guess," he added, noting with a hint of humor, "Guess we got a lot of Latin, here." He waited for the stir from Pollutedsoul, but there wasn't one. Huh. Maybe Hazel's words had convinced him.

[ whattup my dudes i'm madi! i'm a rising junior in college, i go to school in new york (not the city, rip), i'm pre-law, and i never learned how to fucking read. umm i have five minors and lots of interests in life but i'm always a slut for human aus and concepts and shit. catch me in the discord with whatever ]

Re: BLACK PAPER MOON | MASS MEET AND GREET - MirrorEdge - 07-15-2018

It seemed Thea was one of the first to arrive, along with Bastille and Beverly, and she sat down, hooking a cookie with her claws carefully, trying her best to to accidently break it. Waste of a cookie. "Uh, I'm Thea! I don't have a last name, like a lot of you do. I'm a Starstruck Guardian, and my favorite thing to do is fight! And win! I think purple's a nice color, too." She took a bite of the cookie, her smile still there.

//I'm Mirror, and I'm currently homeschooled, and when I'm not doing schoolwork, I'm often choose to play video games, read, watch movies, or rp. I absolutely love science, and have three cats, and three dogs.


It was a mass meet and greet, it seemed. The tuxedo tom was practically built for socialization, so he'd have no problem with simply stating his name and something about himself. He wouldn't bore everyone with the details, nor did he exactly want to reveal everything to these strangers, so he'd just pick something basic.

The tuxedo cat made his way over, already attracted to the aroma of the baked goods like a magnet. Goddamn, he needed those in his belly now. He reached for a cookie and cupped it in his paw, but before he bit into it, he remembered what the main idea of this event even was. He paused, turning his head, and he said, "Er, hey. Name's Jerseyboy, I play the guitar. That's all you needa' know."

Then, he proceeded to bite into the cookie. His mouth overflowed with sweetness, as if streams of drool could dribble down his chin right then and there. "Holy shit, these are good." Jerseyboy commented over chunks of food in his mouth.

// hey!! i'm beatles, and this is my baby boi jersey, who i've been roleplaying since the march of last year. i'm a cali girl, going to be a senior in high school next month. i'm really into music like classic rock, alternative, and doo-wop. i also play the drums and draw!

Re: BLACK PAPER MOON | MASS MEET AND GREET - imperia - 07-15-2018

A meet and greet?! How exciting! The slender she-wolf trots over silently, silver eyes searching for a place to sit. There is a space beside Jerseyboy, which she tentatively occupies after discovering that Washington is not present. The Italian is nice enough--she's just afraid he'll compliment her again. That was embarrassing. Imperia holds her tongue, patiently waiting her turn for introductions. The girl is intrigued by Bastille's mention of a library. She never heard of it before, so she makes a mental not to ask him about it later. Before she begins to speak, Peri finds herself giggling at Jersey's comment. He must really like cookies. "Um, my name is Imperia Arceneau. And some facts about me? Well, I speak French, I love all things nature, I like to learn new things, and I am a pretty good cook." Nothing too in-depth and all fairly obvious for anyone who has interacted with her more than once. Peri is a very big nerd who also happens to be good in the kitchen. No surprise there.

// howdy!! i'm roman and i've had peri since march or april of last year. i was also very active in bloodclan on ff/wcrpg for many years so if ya wanna talk about the old days...hmu. I'm gonna be starting my freshman year of college this fall with a major in environmental science so please, please feel free to talk with me about plants or rocks or animals. I also like grazing?? don't ask, lol. Some other little fun facts are that I live in the desert so i have A LOT of feelings when it comes to that, I really love horses, and if i'm not rping i'm probably spending my money on video games i'll never finish

Re: BLACK PAPER MOON | MASS MEET AND GREET - tori - 07-15-2018

✯ — i prefer a happy ending
He could do this. Alex needed to get out more and integrate with the rest of the group, and hopefully shed this nervous shell. The baked goods smelled really good, one of those strange sources of comfort. "Alexander, um..." He paused, brows furrowing as he tried to think of something interesting to say. Everyone else was so interesting and cool, playing guitar and winning and knowing multiple languages. He began to feel incredibly self conscious for a moment, realizing he had nothing cool to say. "Smooth rocks...I like smooth rocks." He shifted uncomfortably. That felt like a wrong answer.

// eyo i'm tori and i don't really have much to say about myself owo
i've been rping for years, i'll be a senior in highschool this year and i'm always down for some chats and some pals, i don't bite!



atreus 'art' averim — lion cub — ascended observer — reincarnation

To speak of oneself, be it mere facts or the more interesting details which might come to captivate the mind of those who cared to listen, had never seemed worthwhile, a waste of breath if anything. But then what of them, what made them tick, those things they had not buried or found lost in the wash of memory wiped away in their return? It was a question which had come to plague their mind for much of their short time here, running about as though it were a dog chasing it's tail with no hope of catching it but determined all the same. They had largely given up on such a trivial manner, each answer they had uncovered never quite fitting in the jagged holes left them, thinking nothing of who they were, simply who they were to become given time.

Choosing to spend much of their time about their garden tending to the various fruits and vegetables the call  tearing them from the reverie they had been caught within, their head swivelling around when they came to recognise the voice. One of the few faces they had come to commit to memory, for she seemed to be about more than any other and proved a kind person, enough so Art found themself draw to her in a way, they grew curious as Margaery continued to speak. There was little of who they were now they might speak of, mere facts gone and left with little more than a husk, but something compelled them to raise, deliberately slow steps bringing them closer.

Atreus recognised few present besides Margaery and Bastille, those two simply because of their positions and the constant run-ins they seemed to have with the former, their attention shifting between each present as they spoke. Carefully they stored away names and faces, knowing all too well it was unlikely they were to remember any but at very least they could try to do so and hopefully avoid an awkward situation.

A displeased hum rose from the depths of their throat as a scowl formed upon their lips, the way Jerseyboy handled himself clearly displeasing the young lion. Choosing to ignore the blatant disrespect and rather disgusting display they turned to the plate of pastries themself, curious about them. Never one to have a sweet tooth and largely confined to basic foods they picked out they looked upon the amassed treats yet chose not to take one, speaking once all had fallen silent.

“My name... is Art,” for a time they hesitated, wondering if they should introduce themself using their full name and ended up deciding against it, the tale behind it was rather grisly and they had no wish to be question on it though it did not concern them in anyway. “I uh speak Old Norse and Germany pretty well, know some Latin,” once more they proved unsure upon the dead language, knowing few, if any, would know it now, continuing on quickly. “Got a garden I tend to cause I can't really eat meat, pretty good with a sword an axe, I know... a good bit about the Vikings and history.”

Since Grimm was ninja'd, a softer voice - too young and innocent, they shouldn't intervene – drew their attention and they looked upon Alexander with a soft gaze, humming softly beneath their breath. Picking a cookie from the pile they stepped closer to him and held out the treat, smiling at him. “I like rocks, too.”

[ hey there i'm grimm, been writing for about ten years now and it has been a big thing for me for a good while now, i enjoy cooking a ton with hopes of opening a restaurant of my own one day, really i ain't that interesting ]


i never had nobody touch me like i'm glass
Oh, did this tear at Hazel. She genuinely enjoyed meeting new people and discovering the stories they had to tell, but usually there was a sort of expected return of information. And Hazel had hardly been able to get her story out to Margaery and Suite, this point she was sure Bastille had a pretty good idea. But broadcasting it to the rest of the clan? Where she hardly knew half the others in the general vicinity? No, that would be a horrible decision.

The tug of Bastille’s presence pulled her towards the event, her anxiety growing with each step. It was fine, she could keep it simple and smooth. She could keep her cool, even as she took her seat next to the Seraph, not quite acknowledging him as much as she was enjoying the itch that finally disappeared from under her skin. Her tail tip twitched as she waited for Art to finish before speaking.

“Hi, everyone,” She greeted. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. I’m Hazel Elise Caelum, a Kuiper Corporal here. I — like a lot of you — speak fluent Latin. I also have a colt, Arion, and you’ll probably see him around. Just avoid his hooves; he doesn’t normally step on people purposefully. Um...” She shuffled her paws, suddenly at a loss. Everybody had so many talents! She almost said something about art, but thought better of it. “I’m trying my hand at cooking, though I’m not great at it. I get lucky sometimes, though. Uh, Suite’s teaching me to play the ukulele, and I’m really enjoying it. She and another friend have also been teaching me the basics of healing, though I don’t think I’ll follow the path of a medic. My door is always open to talk as well, so don’t hesitate to stop by. I love meeting new people!”

ooc heLLO i’m miithers, but most just call me mii!! I’m a rising senior in high school with an affinity for digital art Smile) I’ve been riding horses for around 11 years now, though it’s more of a hobby, so I don’t compete. Uh...I’m the oldest of four, I’m a major history and mythology buff, and if I wasn’t so set on being a concept artist for a big name company then I’d probably be a geologist, ngl. I love music and this will be my fourth year of choir!! I’ve had Hazel as a character since 2014, I believe, but I restarted her character when I joined BoB. I love meeting new people, so I’m down to talk whenever! Unless I’m drawing! Then you probably won’t hear from me for a couple hours at a time!

Re: BLACK PAPER MOON | MASS MEET AND GREET - madster - 07-16-2018

meri had been listening in, and it dawned upon him that these people were a lot... better than him. everyone could speak dead languages and were high positions, and- hazel could even cook, which was a funny mental image to merihem since she didn't appear to have thumbs. alexander liked smooth rocks, and merihem found him the most approachable. the rest went on about how they could speak seven different languages and had actually interesting lives, but alexander liked rocks. he liked alex now, he decided, and went to go sit by him.

oh wait, it was his turn, wasn't it? "uh. fuck, i'm merihem, but you can just call me meri. i'm a fireball here and i can't speak any other languages or do anything special, to be honest. i like candy and cheap thrills," he said, then continued. "i also like big strong boys, so if you're one of those, hit me the fuck up."

// hi im madster! i also roleplay malphas in tanglewood. i'm a high school student who likes cooking and drawing! i'm in the ascendants discord if any of y'all want to chat with me ;^3 i'm always down for plots and shit