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pitiful destiny, point your finger at me — oneshot, jungle juice - Printable Version

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pitiful destiny, point your finger at me — oneshot, jungle juice - crownedprince - 07-15-2018

{ .:*・° } [ ooc ] retro to tsunami, song reference here, some gore in the sixth & seventh hallucination
so sorry it's rushed towards the end!! [member=20]spacexual[/member] will do the tl;dr for me since i'm rushing rn, and [member=21]asterr[/member] or [member=64]Cheeters[/member] will do the thread where they find him injured!! this is 6,494 words long.

i seemed to be settling in pretty well to my new home. well, i suppose it's my new home, because i'm living here now. so, obviously, it's where i'm living. but enough of that. i had finally gotten my home, there's the word again, set up with all my things. it had taken a while, but i'm very proud of it. my sweater, though... i keep in my closet. to shut off the bad memories that i've been stuck with, for now. i had been enjoying my time until i was told by an npc about how i had to take something called "jungle juice." i still don't have much of a clue as to what it is, though it seems interesting. the only thing that bothered me about it was the side effects.

i know what my deepest fear is, and what my greatest desire is. and i don't want to face either of them. why? because i'm not strong enough. i'm not strong enough to go back into the past ( my greatest fear ) to save my friends ( my greatest desire ). but i know i have to do it. maybe, just maybe, i could be lucky and not get either, instead getting another deep fear or desire. but i would soon know that this would be oh so wrong. and it would probably affect me for the rest of my life.

the sun had begun to set on the typhoon, signaling that it was my time to go. taking a deep breath, i had packed some things with me inside my pink satchel, deciding to, for some reason, take my sweater with me. i didn't know why, but i felt compelled to. i left everything else except for my pink hat, which i quickly placed on my head in a rushed manner. it was a comforting gift given to me, though for some reason, i could not remember who. my mind was foggy, like something was hiding the answer from me. i knew it was one of my friends. my thoughts lead me to believe it was from shiloh, one of the other ones. he was the gift that kept on giving, as they say.

trudging my way down to wherever i was supposed to go, my thoughts kept returning to my friends, no matter how hard i tried to push them away. lucian, valetine, dylan, shiloh, kinsey, ace... yes, those were my friends. and i missed them dearly. but they were gone because of me. stopping in my tracks, i shook my head harshly to try to get rid of the evil thoughts crowding my mind, making it like a thick fog. i stood there for a while, until it hit me that the sun had already fallen, and that i needed to hurry. "ttong!" i cussed aloud in my native language, not something i did normally. covering my mouth, i reminded myself to not do that again as i rushed over to the place where i had to take the juice that i dreaded to take.

it was at the capricorn tavern, as i had been told when the npc told me about the "jungle juice." standing in front of the door, i looked up at the sign, taking a deep breath. soon enough, i pushed the door open, welcomed with the clinks of drinks, loud shouts, arguments, and other things that would normally happen in a bar. sighing, i made my way in, a sore eye to all the others in the bar. flinching when someone menacing came my way, i breathed a sigh of relief when they looked away. it seemed like no one wanted fresh meat today, i suppose.

making my way towards the main bar, i jumped onto a chair, wobbling before standing still. sitting down, i looked around quietly, observing. this actually wasn't a bad place. if i didn't have to do this shit, maybe i'd be sitting here having a drink right now. slowly shaking my head, i slapped myself to get my attention on the right course, only to fall of the chair. letting out a scream, i hit the ground with a loud thud. at that point, everything had gone quiet, and everyone was looking at me. staying on the ground, i held my breath.  'maybe if i don't move, they'll think i'm dead and leave me be.' i thought quietly, squeezing my eyes shut. and soon enough, they all continued their chatter and yelling. opening my eyes slowly, my heterochromia eyes darting back and forth rapidly as i got up, wincing as i grabbed my shoulder. wow, that hurt.

suddenly, someone's head popped over the counter of the bar. refraining from yelling again, i jumped back, instead knocking over a chair. "s-sorry!" i said quickly, not looking at whoever i had knocked off from the chair. looking back up at the counter, i saw the guy trying not to laugh, though he was clearly doing a bad job at it. huffing, i made my way back onto the chair i had been on earlier, glaring at him. "no need to laugh, dangsin-eun babo." i said, brushing myself off carefully. the guy stared at me still, though all traces of laughter was gone from his face. swallowing softly, i gave a fake smile, suddenly wondering if the guy knew korean. "i, uh, need the jungle juice stuff, please." i said, making sure to add "please" at the end, though it was quite rushed.

after a few seconds, the creepy guy finally moved, grabbing a mug and filling it with some weird dark green substance. sliding it down my way, he said in a husky voice, "drink it and then head towards the haven island. it's down that way." he said, pointing in a certain direction. nodding, i looked down at the... oddly disgusting drink. i wasn't exactly surprised, though, it was called jungle juice, after all. after hesitating quite a few times, more than i should have, i finally drank it. it took a lot for me to get it all down, to resist throwing it back up all over the table. it was really bitter, and slid down my throat slowly. coughing after i finished, i expected to instantly feel bad, but i didn't. shrugging my shoulders, i hopped down from the chair, not looking at anyone as i quickly hurried out of the tavern and darted over in the direction that the bartender had pointed.

"i'm just walking and walking, among this darkness. my happy times asked me 'if i'm really okay,' oh no."

it seems as if i had made it. the island was smaller than the main island, of course, but it was big nonetheless. approaching the broad walk, i quickly stepped onto it, my pace fast as i hurried over to the other side. i had begun to felt as if i was being followed, or at least watched. why was i suddenly feeling this way? shaking my head, i placed my paw on the island, the soft feeling of sand once again returning to my crooked paws. it was very empty, surprisingly. why was it so empty? rushing over towards i tree, i lay against it, my heart beating against my chest quickly. opening my satchel, i took out a piece of cake i had made for myself, licking my lips excitedly. i had opened my mouth, about to embark on a delicious journey when everything soon felt dizzy. my cake hit the ground as it fell from my paw, which i had quickly pressed against my head. what was happening?

"i replied, 'no, i'm so afraid,' but i tightly hold six flowers."

first hallucination: lucian:
"'i, i'm just walking,' i said, oh no."

collapsing onto the ground, i found that the sobbing from the hallucination, or rather a flashback, had been from me. after a while, i finally got back up, tears covering my face as i desperately wiped them away. this was so stupid. why did i do this? why did i have to be an idiot and take this stupid juice shit? it was only causing me pain and desire; the pain of going back into the past and the desire to change it all.

second hallucination: valentine:
"but it's my fate, it's my fate. but i want to struggle."

everything once again faded back to reality, and i was left standing in the same position i was left in. i had lowered myself to the ground, as if in pain, my eyes closed softly. we all knew it would probably come, that valentine couldn't stay hidden from them forever. but i didn't know that it'd be so soon like that. they didn't even let him say goodbye...

third hallucination: dylan:
"maybe i, i can never fly."

and now i was back on the island, finally. but every time i returned, i seemed to be in more pain, both emotionally and physically. lying in the sand, i kept my eyes open, staring at the chapel in front of me. this stupid jungle juice shit. when would it go away? when would i not have to suffer anymore?

fourth hallucination: shiloh:
"i can't fly like the flower petals over there, or as though i have wings."

gasping, i stumbled back onto the front of the chapel, the door closing as i fell down the steps. crashing with a yell, i cried out in pain, grabbing my wrist. it felt like i had broken it.

fifth hallucination: kinsey:
"maybe i, i can't touch the sky."

i was left shaking back on the island, where i collapsed back onto the sand, completely drained and in despair. why couldn't it be over? why did i keep having to see my namdongsaengs suffering like this? i couldn't take it anymore.

sixth hallucination: ace:
"still, i want to stretch out my hand, i want to run, just a bit more."

i was left trembling on the ground, so weak that i couldn't support myself. the sun had started to rise, sunlight covering the island softly. it was over. it was all over. breathing in relief, i let out a long, slightly crazy laugh. i was free. i could go back. i could forget all of this happened.

but i knew i couldn't forget it. nothing about this night would be forgotten. stumbling to my weak paws, i lifted my injured one, limping towards the bridge until i remembered. i had to write something and put it in a bottle. a confession.

heading over to the area, i sat down quickly, almost falling over from my lack of balance. i grabbed the ink pen and paper, glaring at it for a while. what would i write? finally, i let it all pour out. [i]"i should have never been given this wonderful give of time travel that has been stripped from me, and rightfully so. going back into the past has shown me many things that i deeply regret. but i promise that when i get my power back, i will right everything again. and this has shown me that i will never be as good as them." suddenly, i noticed six flowers next to the paper as i rolled it up. picking them up, i held them close to me. they represented my friends. but could it be another hallucination? it could be. shaking my head, i put the paper in the bottle and threw it into the ocean, watching as it drifted off.

seventh hallucination: the fight:
"wide awake, wide awake, wide awake, don't cry. (cry, cry.) wide awake, wide awake, no lie. (no lie) no lie, no lie yeah."

collapsing, i felt my head spinning as i sobbed into the sand. this... this wasn't happening to me... as i began to fade out, i heard a voice call out to me. it... it was my father. "DESMOND!" then everything went black.

"wide awake, wide awake, wide awake, don't cry. (don't cry, don't cry.) wide awake, wide awake, wide awake, no lie. lie, lie."