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PAYBACK, BITCH / o, prank on killian - Printable Version

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PAYBACK, BITCH / o, prank on killian - beck. - 07-15-2018

    As short-tempered as Beck used to be before the vengeful flame in his chest was snuffed out, the commander forced himself to remain patient with his peers -- for the most part. Most were irritating, if not exasperating; usually he was the one considered a pest, not vice versa. One of the most infuriating creatures had been dubbed Killian, and the fellow demon had stepped too far. Calling him slang for emotional wreck was the match dropped on a gasoline puddle, and, unfortunately for Killian, spirits were infamous for holding grudges, and even more so for not resting until they carried out their revenge.

    He wasn't one for nostalgia thanks to a corroding memory, but returning to his prankster ways felt good. He hadn't pranked someone in a long while, fearful of setting his traps and tricks on the clan he was supposed to keep in his lonesome company. But Killian had made himself a target, and Beck couldn't refuse an opportunity. A mischievous glint to his glowering visage that had been missing for too long, the commander planned out his petty vengeance with extreme care. He waited for twilight to fall and shroud his actions, easily slipping into the crooked house the irksome demon had claimed for himself when he could hear a slowing heartbeat and steady snoring. His weapon of choice was a vibrant little box containing a bottle of neon pink hair dye and the needed tools. Always a creature of efficiency, Beck promptly set to work, squeezing out paint onto Killian's sleeping form and sloppily coating his thin pelt with eyesore pink coloring -- there were instructions on the box, luckily, yet the illiterate commander could only act based off of the additional process pictures. After making sure the dye had dried properly, he gathered the supplies and crept away to wait for morning.

      When the sun peeked its head over the horizon, the scrawny feline was already perched in a nearby tree, impatiently watching Killian's door for any sign of stirring or reaction. Stifling his rasping giggles with a paw clasped over his disfigured snout, Beck glanced around to check for any possible witnesses, as well. So far, only a handful of rogues had shaken away sleep and were seeking out something for their breakfasts. An unwitting audience, he supposed. Despite his attempts to remain focus, the poltergeist eventually found himself restlessly fiddling and peeling away the bark of the branch he waited on. How long would Killian sleep in?

[member=515]▷killian◁[/member] Wink

Re: PAYBACK, BITCH / o, prank on killian - SOCKING - 07-15-2018

// track

Re: PAYBACK, BITCH / o, prank on killian - ▷killian◁ - 07-15-2018

Okay so like.. Killian totally never meant to be as annoying as he was. It's like- He doesn't give a single shit about anyone else or their feelings, right? He says what he wants and does what he wants, the usual thing. The, the whole 'emo' thing had totally just been him joking around. The hound had no clue he'd even actually done anything to warrant a.. Prank. He was blissfully unaware, going on with his life as per usual because he never said anything wrong, ever.

Wow, what a wonderful day! That's probably what Killian thought to himself as he woke up from his weird five minute blink sleep. Okay, maybe not completely along those lines but the general meaning. He'd stretch out in his dumb little house, let out a huge yawn, maybe even roll around for a nice good back scratch against the rough floor. Except that is not what he did because the moment he opened his eyes he was greeted with the horrible terrible no good sight of his own fucking leg so bright and so fucking pink that he thought he might've taken some sort of drug the night before and it hadn't wore off yet.

Even though he was old as all hell compared to the usual dogs' lifespan, Killian did not have issues with his recent memory and he knew for fact that the night before all he'd done was taken a fat shit, sniffed it, and then went inside to sleep. No drugs included!! There wasn't even any alcohol involved the night before and that was mad fucked up. So why the hell did his leg appear to be pink? Killian would heave himself up onto his paws and move to look into a dusty cracked mirror he might've stolen because he was hot and loved to look at himself. Except there was no fucking point for it anymore.

He was pink! Like, completely fucking pink. This was definitely not some weird demon shit that might've just happened, he knew what weird demon shit felt like and it did not feel like this. It didn't smell like absolute trash either. His whole little house smelt like whatever was making him pink and he hated it so fucking much. The smell and just the sight of his entire body, so bright and disgustingly pink and horrid was enough to piss him off for the next year. The demon stared for a moment longer at how hideous he now was and then slammed the front door open as he stormed out.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?! WHO FUCKIN' DID THIS? COME FUCKING FIGHT ME LIKE A DAMN MAN YOU PUSSY ASS BITCH!" A dog's body should not be able to talk, nor should it be able to yell so loudly but here he was, screaming at the top of his lungs, the edges of his body seeming to waver, almost like the ground did on an extraordinarily hot day. Perhaps if he was smarter he would've thought to try to shift to another form, if he had any more, to see if the dye would magically disappear. Alas, he was not smarter and he also had yet to perfect the whole shapeshifting thing.

So, he stood there, ears pinned back and teeth bared as he continued to scream profanities, not even taking a moment to think of how he might fix the situation without stirring shit. Such was the way of a dumbass dog like him.


Re: PAYBACK, BITCH / o, prank on killian - Bean - 07-15-2018

Re: PAYBACK, BITCH / o, prank on killian - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-15-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — proxy — tags[/color]
His dirty companion thought it was hilarious. Zimavich was outside, laying in the shade when a pink Killian erupted from his house. The bear of stood up from his place and trotted over, trying to comfort his friend by placing a paw on his shoulder.
© madi

Re: PAYBACK, BITCH / o, prank on killian - ▷killian◁ - 07-16-2018

He was pouting. He was definitely pouting and how the fuck he, a dog, was pouting, was unclear but he was and he looked fucking pathetic. The demon swung his head around to glare at Iota with narrowed hazy eyes, staggering forward and trying to be as scary as a skinny pink dog could be. "That's not- That's not fuckin' funny, bitch! You see this shit? I'm ruined! I bet you had a part in it or some bullshit like that!"

It didn't cross his mind that maybe Iota had literally no reason to want to dye him pink (or at least no reason he, the dumbass, could think of). She just so happened to be the first person to come over and Killian was mad. He was mad and he was ugly and he'd never be able to woo Vi- to woo anyone like this! "Pink is definitely not my damn color! I'm- I'm hideous now! I'm like a fucking pig that's never rolled in the mud a single day of its useless pathetic little life!"

Then Zimavich came over and touched him. Killian wasn't one to be easily calmed by something so stupid as physical contact that wasn't violent. His lips curled up further and the pink hound jerked away from the larger dog. "Don't touch me, bitch! If I've gotta be fuckin' pink then I'm gonna be a clean pink, not some dirty ass dusty pink 'cause you put your nasty paws all over me."


Re: PAYBACK, BITCH / o, prank on killian - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-16-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — regent — tags[/color]
Zimavich’s ears folded back and he stepped back as Killian called him names. He bared his teeth and started growling at Killian, drool dripping from his ugly mouth. ”Don’t call me bitch, Killian.” He warned, looming over the dog. Zimavich’s dog brain didn’t appreciate his friend calling him that. He lunged, aiming to grab Killian by the scruff then flip him over, and trap him between his legs. It was more of a display of dominance- and Zimavich wasn’t really hurting him as he growled and dropped drool onto Killian’s pink face. ”Who’s the dirty dog now....”
© madi