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keeping promises | o, visiting & pierce - Printable Version

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keeping promises | o, visiting & pierce - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 03-24-2018

I'VE BEEN WRITING ON YOUR GHOST PAGE, BABE — Even after all this time, he still couldn't wrap his head around the idea that he had forgotten where he had come from after his departure from New York. He knew for certain now it had been a group like the ones that had taken up residence here on this... could he even call it country? He wasn't even sure what this piece of rock was called- if it even had a name.

Getting back to the point, however, ever since Vinny had reunited with Blue in The Ascendants, he had started to remember a few things, mostly from right before he had left... whatever the group's name was. Although, Blue was not necessarily involved in these particular memories, it seemed the raptor was, for the lack of a better word, a piece in the puzzle that was his fragmented memory. Most of them were small, unimportant little things- except for one. It was extremely faded, due to the effects of his amnesia, but in the memory was a brown and white feline- a female. At the moment, her name was lost to him, but he remembered that she had entrusted him with a request, one that he had been determined to fulfill- to find Pierce and make sure he was ok.

There was one problem, however- Mementomori had no idea who Pierce was. Although the name sounded familiar, like the rest of his memories, the husky couldn't for the life of him remember who it belonged to. So, unsure if he would even be able to track the guy down, he desperately began asking around, running into a few dead ends before finally, he had narrowed down his search to Snowbound. Now, the ascendant was dragging his ass through miles of snow, barely flinching as the icy cold wind blew in harshly from one side. His thick coat had held up so far during his trek, but even he, a husky, had a breaking point. Breathing a sigh of relief as the cave the Snowbounders called home finally revealed itself to him, Vinny would walk several more feet before finally arriving at it's mouth, shaking the ice from his pelt. "Hey, I hate to barge in, but if you don't mind, I'm looking for someone named Pierce... does he live here, or has he stopped by at all recently?" He would call out to anyone nearby, tail wagging slightly in a display of friendliness.

[member=110]rakue[/member] — I'VE BEEN WAITING BY YOUR GRAVE


Re: keeping promises | o, visiting & pierce - PIERCE - 03-24-2018

☀ ☀ ☀
Pierce still wasn't sure how he felt about all this. He'd been in Snowbound for a few days now, and his memory was still filled with so many holes, the only things filling them a few emotions that meant nothing without context. There had been so much loneliness in his old life, but he didn't know why. He had his family. Wasn't that enough? Yet something told him it wasn't, that there had been something happening, that he was missing someone, but who? Who was it that mattered so much to him, that he needed so badly, that he didn't have? He had Riddler, his... friend? The title felt wrong, but he'd go with that for now. And he had Clem, his sweet daughter. Was there really anything else he could possibly want?  The feelings still came sometimes, fleeting, though nonetheless painful and  confusing. He just wanted everything to go back to normal.

The tom had just been heading out of his caves to explore a bit, his worn red scarf that he had always used for the heavier snows wrapped around his throat, when he heard his own name being called. He knew people around here, sure, but no one he would really call a friend. That Jacob kid was nice, sure, and the leader here was really cool, but that was about the extent of how he knew anyone around this place. He doubted very many of them knew his name, and if they did, they wouldn't be looking for him. Raising his head, Pierce perked large ears in Vinny's direction, his steps quickening as he neared. [color=#F5CA72]"Are you from home?"
were the only words he uttered to the canine when he came to stand before him, amber visionaries desperately searching for something familiar on Memento's form, in his face. Were they friends, enemies? Something about him was eerily familiar, but he couldn't quite place what it was. "I- I'm Pierce." That was probably already clear, though.


Re: keeping promises | o, visiting & pierce - Ivylee - 03-24-2018

Ivylee was young... very young. There was still quite a lot that she didn't understand, so there was no way that the pup would be able to tell that the two were struggling with memory loss of some sort. All she understood was that this husky dude was looking for Pierce, and he was here! "Oh, are you friends?" The fluffball asked, her sapphire eyes widened with excitement as she plopped herself down beside Pierce. Friends were always nice. Ivy liked friends. She gazed up at Mementomori, and couldn't help but let out a light giggle. "You look fluffy, like me!" She squeaked, wagging her curled tail nonstop.

Re: keeping promises | o, visiting & pierce - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 03-26-2018

[Image: xWinQeE.gif]
I'VE BEEN WRITING ON YOUR GHOST PAGE, BABE — The husky hadn't been expecting to actually find the guy, a bit of surprise crossing the expression on his face. Then, just like with Blue, he was hit with that same feeling of familiarity, although it wasn't as strong this time. Perhaps they hadn't been as close as he and Blue had been? It seemed to be the only logical conclusion. Drawing himself out of his mini-trance to answer the male, his head would tip at the other's question. "I... suppose it's possible." Vinny would answer, pausing with slight uncertainty. As he was about to say something, Ivylee happened to catch his eye, green eyes flickering to the form of the pup. Chuckling at her words, a faint smile would appear on his muzzle.  "You know- we may have been friends... at one time." The husky said. "Not nearly as fluffy as you, kiddo- but close enough."

Damn, now where was he? Ah, right... "A-Anyway- it's nice to meet you, Pierce. I'm sorry if this seems sudden, as you probably don't even know me but... I remembered that I made a promise to a... a friend of mine from my old home. Unfortunately, I've... forgotten her name but she was a brown and white she-cat, had little pink markings on her cheeks. She asked me to find you... and ask if you've been doing alright. So- how have you been, Pierce? Doing ok?" It felt strange to be saying all this to a stranger, especially one he had just met, but Vincent never went back on a promise, and this one had been especially important.— I'VE BEEN WAITING BY YOUR GRAVE
