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out here all day ♡ lost - Printable Version

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out here all day ♡ lost - arcy - 07-15-2018

Caboose did not have any sense of direction. At all. It wasn't uncommon for him to get horribly lost. He got lost in his own room sometimes, honestly. And it was kind of .. worse .. when he has a whole territory to stumble about. Caboose doesn't even know half of the Ascendant's territory, maybe not even even a quarter, or their own camp. Caboose didn't really have the memory for that, though he did get vague impressions that he'd been there before. And here? Well, Caboose didn't get it at all. There's water. Everywhere. And Caboose has literally no idea how he got here. He'd just sort of ... blanked out and now he's on some kind of ... track ... thingy. And there's an .. island. Caboose is .. kind of puzzled. But when isn't he? He has the memory span of a goldfish and he's learned to not even question stuff anymore. Besides!! There might be new friends there! (honestly, the whole thing was probably gonna be even more confusing to everybody else, considering that Caboose had somehow walked three miles to get here before even realizing he'd ended up there)
So, of course, Caboose continues onwards. He's basically marching, and very dramatically for that matter. It was like an adventure! He was kind of sad that he was on his own, though. Adventures were always more fun with other people. And also when you actually remembered ending up there. Eventually, though, of course, Caboose has to show off his bad luck streak. One misplaced paw, and he steps on something. "Ow," Is all Caboose really says, aggressively shaking out his paw. He doesn't know why it hurts. Unfortunately, though, Caboose isn't quite sure how to balance on even four paws, much less three, and ends up face-planting into the tracks and sand. His nose bumps against his helmet pretty hard, and that hurts too, unfortunately. It takes a minute for him to pull himself together and stand back up, but his paw is bleeding. Why was it bleeding? There was something stuck in it. Not that Caboose realized that, he didn't even think to check. Or limp. He was really just walking like that, huh. He does eventually reach the island. Caboose, for one, thinks it's pretty, even if there's debris flung around and it all looks like a mess. .. Honestly, Caboose doesn't even realize it's not supposed to look like this. Even now, his tail is wagging as he looks about in vague awe. And island! How neat! .. Not that you can see his face to get a clear grasp of this. His body language was pretty open, though.
//hi this is a mess. anyways have fun do literally whatever u want w him

Re: out here all day ♡ lost - ROSEMARY - 07-15-2018

The soothsayer knew very little about the Ascendants, save for the fact that Pincher disliked them and she met an interesting woman from there. Yet, as she came across the giddy golden, she recognized the group scent that stuck to his pelt. The eyes atop her forehead found his injured paw, too, as she peered curiously at it. With the recent wave of injured strangers turning up on their shores, she found herself growing increasingly vigilant for finding even the most minor of scrapes. "You might want to rest that," she remarked drily, her main pair of eyes looking at Caboose with some measure of puzzlement and amusement. She felt unsure about offering assistance to a member from a borderline enemy group - especially one of their males. Though she certainly held both the knowledge and means to treat his wound, she found herself reluctant to offer him any aid.

"What are you doing on Typhoon territory? And what's with that thing on your head?" she asked, not one to hold her tongue. Naturally, she asked her questions in the order of their priority. A touch of impatience managed to break through her fuzzy, apathetic voice - though she mostly found herself curious and wary, more than anything else.

Re: out here all day ♡ lost - guts - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color: black; padding: 20px"]track + bump

Re: out here all day ♡ lost - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-17-2018

Caesar was lured over to the scene by the scent of blood, as always, but as well as the tang of The Ascendants in the air. It was strong, too, and the demon couldn't help but feel a prickle of irritation as he followed the scent trail. He finally arrived, although it seemed that Rosemary had beat him to the punch. Unfortunately for him, but probably luckily for Caboose, because Caesar would have definitely tried to attack him, despite all the armor the guy had on. Caesar said nothing else as he stood next to his fellow Crewmate and waited for Caboose to respond, his tail flicking back and forth.

Re: out here all day ♡ lost - arcy - 07-17-2018

Caboose wasn't the smartest tool in the shed by a long shot. The dullest tool, probably. All he had was him and his shiny, shiny helmet. No armor. Just helmet. And god knows why he still wore the helmet, it was, in fact, more of a hindrance than anything. Caboose didn't realize that, though. Also, trade secret, it was shiny.
"Huh??" Rest that?? Rest what? He didn't need to rest, he wasn't tired!! Caboose .. doesn't seem to realize he's bleeding. He barely seems aware of what's going on around him at all. But, y'know, what was new. All he really knows is that his paw isn't comfortable and that there's a so much water. Salty. Ocean!! Caboose likes the ocean. He likes a lot of things on Earth -- he didn't grow up with most of them, after all. Which might be partly why he was so easy to impress sometimes. "I .. do not know how I got here." He informs Rosemary after a delayed pause, apparently unconcerned. He probably isn't aware of the fact that the Typhoon and the Ascendants are .. not .. on friendly terms. He doesn't know anything about the other groups. He doesn't even know the Ascendants' name half the time. He knew he lived there, and he liked the people there, but seriously, his memory didn't account for stuff like that. "It's my helmet!! It's very shiny," He offers, shuffling his paws energetically. If he still had hands, he might've been waving them around. He liked talking with his hands. But he didn't have hands. And that was very, very sad. How did he express himself anymore?? Caboose doesn't know, but he makes up for it by never staying still ever. "Hello!!" The retriever greets the next person to arrive, tail wagging. They don't say anything, but Caboose doesn't really care.

Re: out here all day ♡ lost - ROSEMARY - 07-18-2018

All four eyelids lowered in annoyance at the dog's answer - she found his lack of self-awareness disturbing. As though someone sucked all the intelligence out of a child, leaving them barely able to mature into adulthood. Perhaps she might find this character trait charming in a real child (and one from the Typhoon, certainly not from an enemy), but on the overgrown manbaby not so much. "Sounds like you should leave, you've no reason for being here," she grumbled back to him, with a side-glance to Caesar with one of her smaller eyes.

Which she certainly disliked the Savannah cat, she did know he was the officer, and that probably meant he could violently expunge intruders from their territory. If he wanted to attack Caboose, she wouldn't interfere; Rosemary didn't stick up for overgrown man-puppies, especially not ones that either lacked self-awareness or had the worst cover for spaying she could possibly think of.

Re: out here all day ♡ lost - bubblegum - 07-18-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//retro sickness aLSO V RUSHED

goldie approached at the sound of her aunt, her step clumsy. she glanced at caesar, not bothering to really acknowledge the male more than that, before brushing up against rosemary gently. "hiya!" she greeted with a kind voice to the stranger. the young girl liked finding others around her age. being surrounded by adults got tiring after a while, as much as she did need them.

"i like your helmet. shiny things are pretty! my necklace is shiny," she decided to say in a happy voice, gesturing to her blue necklace given by miss roxanne. her tired eyes seemed curious about the male. by his words, he seemed lost, so the injured girl wondered if they could help him out, rather than telling him to straight up leave. "where are ya from? maybe we could help you get back," she offered next kindly.

Re: out here all day ♡ lost - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-19-2018

"The Ascendants, dumbass. We do not help them." Caesar's head turned to Goldenluxury as he growled at her, though for once he didn't exactly mean it. He was actually quite peeved at the way the canine acted, much like Rosemary. The guy was oddly naive for an adult, and it disgusted Caesar. Turning back to the dog, the Officer raised his head and growled, "I'll give you one chance to leave, buddy. Or there will be trouble."

Re: out here all day ♡ lost - bubblegum - 07-19-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl flicked her ear at caesar's quick reply. she turned his head towards him, blinking for a moment. well, how the heck was she supposed to know what the ascendants smelled like? either way, he was right in the fact that they weren't supposed to help them. she at least knew that snowbound was really the only group they were friends with currently, and she didn't really know a whole lot about the other two. "oh, okay." she'd say simply to caesar.

so, the young girl turned her head back to the stranger, considering what she'd say next for a moment. "yea, you'd best get out of here," she'd say blankly now, not really feeling any need to be rude about it. rosemary and caesar already seemed to take care of it, so the girl wouldn't have much to add.