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POUNDCAKE / open, return - Printable Version

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POUNDCAKE / open, return - madster - 07-15-2018

so merihem had joined and immediately went MIA. such was the life of a boy like him. he was social, sure, but the stress of being a joiner in a sea of strangers got to him and he ran away. well, he also sold his soul and became a demon, but that was a story for another time. once a drab, dreary grey cat, he was now a cute light brown with a scatter of pink freckles sprinkled across his face. his most stunning feature was his wide pink eyes and prominent eyelashes. he had sold his soul to be cute, after all. signifying his new supernatural status was little pink horns, but that was it.

he had picked up some clothes, now wearing a pink hoodie- a cat sized one, anyways- and pink socks on his back legs. yawning, he adjusted his socks. "hey guys! i know i joined like a month ago but i didn't really... do anything, but now i'm back," he said, having completely forgotten his original mission. he was cute now and he wanted to be adored.

Re: POUNDCAKE / open, return - Warringkingdoms - 07-15-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Rin wasn't sure she had ever met this person- she trusted that he had indeed joined some time ago, as he probably didn't have anything to gain from lying about it, but she probably had never directly interacted with him. Being a cleric meant juggling healing duties with regular interaction, and even now she struggled to find a balance between the two. Even so, it wasn't too late to go ahead and introduce herself.

  Padding up to the individual in the pink, Rin briefly glanced at his horns, then back down at his face. "The clan's glad to have you back, I don't know if the two of us have officially met though," she commented, twitching her ears. "I'm Warringkingdoms, but you can call me Rin. What's your name?"

Re: POUNDCAKE / open, return - madster - 07-15-2018

merihem grinned. although rin didn't know him, he had heard of her. she was the medic, wasn't she? he wasn't really in the medical position, but it sounded like a cool job nonetheless. "ok, rin! my name..." he paused to stretch. "it's merihem! you can call me meri though. it's easier to say." he offered her an earnest smile, checking her out. she was cute, although not monstrous, and so not his type.

"what's going on with the clan nowadays? any juicy drama?" he asked, looking up at her earnestly.

Re: POUNDCAKE / open, return - BASTILLEPAW - 07-15-2018

Merihem looked different, but his aura was the same -- if slightly altered, tinged with something there. It was identifiable but Bastille noted the changes, deciding that it was likely demonic in nature (a familiar sight, from Pele and Sylva). At least the Fireball didn't seem to be as timid, now; maybe having a little run in with something nasty had shaken the fear out of him. He seemed more mellow. Not that it really mattered to Bast, but whatever.

"What, sell your soul for something pink to wear?" he drawled as he joined them, stopping beside Rin to consider the boy more closely. He was smirking slightly, indicating a joke, though upon further review of his aura up close he realized that his soul was gone. There was the change, not just the demonic signature: the beat of his soul was absent, and while it took him a moment to notice, once he did it seemed obvious. His aura wasn't as vibrant. Bast cocked his head to the side and added, idly, "Oh, we never have anything interesting going on. Just half a Clan of joiners. Not nearly as interesting as whatever you did. Seriously, what'd you do?"

Re: POUNDCAKE / open, return - Nero - 07-16-2018

Curiosity drew Nero over, as usual. He knew nothing of demons or souls, but he did find this stranger's appearance interesting. Cute, too! He had never seen anything quite like it, although that was relatively common for the sheltered vampire. Bastilleprisoner happened to be the most familiar of those present, so Nero found himself hovering near the other feline as he cast his gaze upon Merihem. "Meri," he repeated quietly, tasting the unfamiliar word on his tongue. "I haven't seen you around before?" Nero was quite sure that he would remember an appearance like that, but the statement was still spoken like a question. It would be embarrassing if they had met in the past and Nero had just forgotten, he didn't want to insult this stranger at all.

Re: POUNDCAKE / open, return - Margaery - 07-16-2018

Arriving shortly after Nero was Margaery, a contemplative albeit cheery smile curving her chocolate hued lips as she studied Merihem carefully. He certainly was pink, that was for sure, but the color and overall cute style was remarkably fitting for him. [b]"Welcome back, love," She extended easily, her gaze not once leaving his face. The vampire was unaware of his lack of soul, having lost her clairvoyance months ago when all had went to hell. She merely believed that this was an aesthetic choice - which it was, to some degree. Besides, even if she did discover the reason behind his change in appearance, she wouldn't exactly judge. Her own grandmother had sold parts of her soul and her mortality so that Margaery could live forever- it was probably a lot of the same thing.

"Do you need any help getting settled in?"

Re: POUNDCAKE / open, return - ★ HAZEL - 07-16-2018

i never had nobody touch me like i'm glass
Surprisingly, Hazel actually recognized Merihem. She recalled his joining a while ago, and had wondered where he’d gone off to when she hadn’t seen him around the observatory. The feline trotted over, a pleasant purr in the back of her throat for once. Bastille’s withdrawal wasn’t making her legs shake and her head wasn’t muddled with Titanium’s obnoxious voice.

“Meri!” The girl greeted, a smile dancing on her lips. “We’re glad to have you back. How’ve you been?” She asked, eyes trailing over the pale feline. He certainly was pink, but Hazel found herself fascinated with it. They always had so many curious and interesting joiners.

Re: POUNDCAKE / open, return - madster - 07-16-2018

and all at once, meri was surrounded by people. he was fine, though- he liked being the center of attention. he remembered bast, and he was pretty hot, although not a monster. "you betcha." merihem realized there was no secret he had to keep- this was his family now, and they might as well know the source of his otherworldly cuteness.

"see, i sold my soul to some demon. sure, i belong to somebody now, but he made me a demon too!" he motioned to the stubby pink horns on his head. "i'm also much cuter now," he said, hoping nobody remembered his fat little grey self about a month earlier. "so i'm much more comfortable."

then there was nero and merihem locked in on him. something was off about him- was he... perhaps... supernatural? he was hot, too. man, this clan had no shortage of hot guys here! his cheeks reddened as he thought about the possibilities and then he dipped his head back to the crowd. "i-i can get settled in by myself, it's fine. thank you guys for being so nice, though!"

Re: POUNDCAKE / open, return - BASTILLEPAW - 07-16-2018

Bastille arched a brow at that, and snorted slightly in amusement. ”Well, as long as you get what you want, by all means,” he drawled dryly, with only the faintest note of sarcasm. He wasn’t sure he’d be interested in selling his souls to someone just for an upgrade in demonism, but hey, to each their own. There didn’t seem to be anything too malicious in his aura to worry about. At his next justification, Bast let his gaze trail over him once more, as if considering.

”Huh. Who said the grey wasn’t cute?” he questioned idly, smirking tipping the corner of his mouth up in amusement as he added, ”Pink’s nice, though. Looks good on you.” There wasn’t much intention in his voice, just the tinge of entertainment; in a good mood (and it’d been months since he’d actually been in a normal mood) he flirted as naturally as he spoke, letting it mix in with sarcasm and jests. Default setting when Zaniel was a factor in his development, he supposed.

He glanced over his shoulder as he felt the bond heating under his skin, and he offered Hazel a rueful smile in greeting. Everything was light and happy on her end of the bond, too, and for once there was peace. Thank fuck. He watched her for a second before his attention was back on Meri, flickered to Nero as the boy looked to him (and as Nero stopped close enough to feel his warmth — the tactile nature in him demanded he pay attention to a source of contact), and flickered back. Bast grinned, amused, and added, ”You didn’t even introduce yourself, Nero.”