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I SEE THE BRIG [...] open, washed ashore - Printable Version

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I SEE THE BRIG [...] open, washed ashore - VANDAL R. - 07-15-2018

As the dawn rises, a soggy black figure can be seen sprawled out on the sandbar connecting Paradis Island to the mainlands. Just a few feet shy of the wall, it could be mistaken for dead if not for its sides, rising and falling in a steady, slow rhythm, nose wet but gills flat, melanistic pelt sprinkled with a scattering of coast-sand like pale stars on the night sky.

The large maned wolf doesn't look wounded - but one might notice the four wings sprawled around haphazardly, the wicked talons replacing its front-legs. It doesn't seem to be a normal creature, but it's hardly much of a threat either given its unconscious state. Every so often, its eyes would flicker under its closed lids, but that's all the movement it can make. The tattoo on its chest is particular to behold, however; with each breath it takes, it glows brighter and dims, never stopping it its subtle flickering of luminosity.

It's an identifier - one that the Roux siblings might recognize: Vandal - once known as Maxine Roux - had disappeared in the middle of the night too many, countless moons ago, her sea-salt scent leading all the way into the ocean and never back out. Many thought her to be dead, to be just another corpse stuck between fronds of seaweed, losing flesh to the ocean's carnivorous inhabitants - but here she lies, alive but asleep, back on her brother's doorstep (right where she is supposed to be).

She doesn't seem to be any close to rousing just yet, unreleased from her slumber. Perhaps if someone were to approach, it would trigger an awakening.

Re: I SEE THE BRIG [...] open, washed ashore - SOLVEIG - 07-15-2018

What was that thing? It was the first thing that came to mind when Solveig stumbled upon the creature. It was no new encounter to find that people had washed up on shore, or were found at the bridge- she was one such soul that had been washed up on the very same shores, unconcious and injured some time ago. OF course she had rightly settled in since then, and was doing favorably for herself, but... This didn't look normal. Solveig had seen much- had conjured much in own minds about such creatures, but was this really real? Was she actually seeing this?

It looked like a wolf, but everything else about it said differently. The wings, the strangely glowing tattoo. She thought her own violet eyes were something of a rarity, but this one topped the cake. She had no knowledge of Maxine Roux, or perhaps she might have reacted differently, but she knew someone that might have. Of course, Solveig had simply been minding her own business walking the shore before she happened to see the figure out of the corner of her eye. Assuming the worst, she had quickly run over to make her inspections but.. Nothing. It didn't seem injured, whatever 'it' was, and it was still... alive. Solveig wasn't quite sure if that was a good thing yet. "Captain Pincher!" she called, stretching her telepathy as far as it could go in the hopes of reaching the one mind she was hoping for. "I... think you need to see this."


Re: I SEE THE BRIG [...] open, washed ashore - rochelle - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]The wolf always found it easy to come wandering by the wall. It was constantly busy with the traffic of strangers and joiners. Sometimes, not a soul could be seen, leaving Rochelle the slightest disappointed. Other times, however, the ones you found on the sand bar were the absolute opposite of disheartening. She came strolling down through the archway, her limp still a faded blemish on her gait.

It wasn't hard to miss Solveig and the shadowy figure sprawled on the sand. Her stomach lurched at the sight, fearing it to be someone injured, as she'd been when she joined. Or worse, she thought, pace quickening to pad up beside the telepathic girl. Her amber vision was fixed on the washed up creature. "Oh ..." She gasped, eyes softening as she turned her head momentarily from the stranger. How peculiar ... Rochelle was not so much shocked at the mutated Vandal, but rather her poor condition. Still, she was curious to know ... was she in pain? The weight of her wings, the obscurity of her limbs. It had to be some calling of nature ... not a blessing or a curse, but an abnormality. Nothing was right about this situation, she concluded, and she needed to make her peace with that.

"They're breathing fine but ... gosh, they're soaking wet." Rochelle murmured observantly, looking towards Solveig. How had she not drowned? The wolf craned her neck so that she could get closer to the unconscious creature, brow furrowing in concern.

Re: I SEE THE BRIG [...] open, washed ashore - PINCHER - 07-15-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
With the lifestyle that Pincher had, he had become accustomed to the losing of any close relationships he had due to fate always enjoying to toy with his life and connections. It was a bittersweet curse that Pincher had been born with and frankly, had grown tired of. His reactions became less extreme, the emotions that surged when his family members disappeared would bury themselves deep and Pincher would force himself to move on with life. He persisted and continued but at the back of his mind, he was always haunted by the idea of all the people he had loved and lost. It was...a disgusting process. And little by little, his heart would slowly break and to be completely honest with himself, Pincher wasn't sure how long he would be willing to take the pain of losing his loved ones. Just the thought of losing his family now caused his chest to burn and he felt completely nervous as he trekked through the island's beachside, his jaws clamped around a lit cigarette. Long swirls of smoke danced behind him as the jaguar wondered on what he should do next.

However, the sudden mental voice of Solveig caused his attention to snap back to reality and his thin tar black pupils flickered towards the direction of the gate entrance of the island. His round velvety ears pricked and the male picked up his walking pace until he sprinted, his paws kicking up ivory sand as the dark male followed after Rochelle, his brilliant intelligent icy blue eyes briefly flickering towards her as she stated that the stranger was soaked. Deciding to focus on who it was, his gaze locked onto the winged dire wolf and had his heart been on his chest, it would've dropped. Maxine. His eyes widened to round moons as the male rushed past Solveig and Rochelle, the captain's breath quickening as he lowered himself towards the female as he aimed to nudge her nose with his as he called out "M-Max? Max, can you hear me?! It's me, Pincher." Worry laced his voice as he glanced down at his tattooed sibling, his own glowing tattoos flickering as adredaline coursed through his body.
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Re: I SEE THE BRIG [...] open, washed ashore - dead sons/daughters - 07-15-2018

a washed up stranger? now that is something he doesn't hear everyday around these parts. swashie was fortunate enough to witness such an unusual event, and he stared at the living, breathing body. the feline couldn't help but wonder- how ever did the wolf ever get washed in this shore even, in this island? and how did they end up in the water, even? it all seems to be a shrouded mystery- much more so when the captain himself arrived to investigate, and seems... familiar with this stranger. with a raise brow, he dared inquire, unconsciously positioned himself beside solveig "do you know them from somewhere, cap? cause you speak as if you've seen them before." he inquired, wanting the answers to this. it all didn't connect up too much- with how a stranger washed to shore- specifically on the typhoons' shore, and somehow, captain pincher knows of their identity. curiosity egged him to give more other questions, but he shut it down, since the siren was here, he didn't need to be too demanding now, right?

Re: I SEE THE BRIG [...] open, washed ashore - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-15-2018

"Who doesn't fucking know Pincher at this point?" Caesar snorted in reply to Swashbuckler as he made his way over, clearly not happy about coming upon another person washed ashore. It seemed to be a common theme lately, but at least this person didn't seem to be injured. At least, Caesar hoped not, because he was getting tired of fetching Rosemary. The demon was standing beside Swashbuckler as he waited to see what would happen next, his tail tip flicking to-and-fro.

Re: I SEE THE BRIG [...] open, washed ashore - VANDAL R. - 07-15-2018

Vandal doesn't rouse to their voices - not theirs, no, it's his voice that brings her out of the deep water and back into consciousness. It feels like a shift, a dream, growing more and more lucid as she's carefully dragged to the surface again. Sounds become clearer, senses become sharper, she can taste sand on her tongue and dryness in her throat, a heaviness in her chest that's getting lighter, a weight slowly being lifted as the last strands of unconsciousness release her back into the waking world.

There are voices buzzing in the air, whispering, talking, questioning - ...ou hear me? It's me, Pincher. Her mind, slowly coming to life, latches onto the name - Pincher, Pinchy, it's enough to plunge her back into cold water and suddenly she's fully awake. The first sound she makes is a tired groan, a murmur of "Five more minutes, Pinchy..." and then it happens. Her first pair of eyelids, solid, part to reveal a translucent sheen, and then her nictitating membranes part sideways to reveal sharp, vivid, neon-green eyes and the slit-like pupils all Roux tend to carry in their genetic makeup.

He looks different, he looks different than when she last saw him - but she knows it's him, can't help but raise one front-talon. She aims to gently push his muzzle to the side, as if to give him a good look, before leaning up and attempting to run her tongue across his cheek happily in greeting. "Well, it is Pinchy - missed me?" The smile on her own narrow muzzle widens, all sharp teeth and neon-green tongue, but then her gaze falters at the bright light of the dawning sun before moving to the side - to, to so many people. "Uh...? Wow. This your peoples?" She pauses, smirks. "They look cute." ...especially that pretty she-wolf over there.

The mirthful expression doesn't leave her face as she twists around to all-fours and finally stands up - she's tall, the tallest maned wolves like her could get, but it's in this position that her four wings seem even bigger than they had been before. Unthinkingly, Vandal stretches the feathered appendages sky-high, reaching as far as she could with her seven-foot wingspan before gently folding each again to her side. "Don't listen to Pinchy over here," she starts with an amused snort, casting a playful gaze her brother's way before continuing, "Only oldies like him call me Max anymore. I'm a vandal - heh - Vandal Roux."

Re: I SEE THE BRIG [...] open, washed ashore - ROSEMARY - 07-15-2018

Vandal Roux, known to Pincher as Max - well, Rosemary got over her shock at how many spawn their father created a long time ago. To see another Roux show up at the shore only caused her a small twinge of amusement; otherwise, she felt compelled to learn more about this new family member. After all, family almost replaced the closeness of a coven, and she lost the close connections and support of her birth coven. "I guess you could say we're his people, yes. He's the leader here - we call our group the Typhoon," the ocelot remarked with a small, cautious nod to the maned wolf. Even with Rosemary's four eyes, she found it difficult to distinguish exactly what the base species of this mutated animal was; this particular combination of scales, fur, and feathers made for a mix she never saw before.

"I'm Rosemary Roux. I suppose we're half-siblings...?" she spoke, introducing herself before trailing off in a questioning manner, one of her smaller eyes glancing at Pincher. With the familiarity of the two - a bond forged in childhood, no doubt, and perhaps another close bond to envy - she assumed they grew up in the same litter. Or, failing that, met earlier in their youth than she'd met Pincher. Still, that question hardly encompassed all of Rosemary's curiosity about the newly discovered Roux. Hardly a beat occurred after her unsure glance before she asked another question with a touch more interest in her fuzzily apathetic tone. "How'd you wash up on the shore? If you need, I can look over your injuries - I'm the head medic here," she spoke, remembering as she spoke that the canid did just wake up after washing ashore. Rosemary doubted that the other woman's health hadn't suffered from the journey to get here.

Re: I SEE THE BRIG [...] open, washed ashore - PINCHER - 07-16-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher noticed that she suddenly rose to the sound of his voice and relief washed over him, realizing that she was able to hear him and that she was conscious. He remembered Maxine being in his life before having to be taken away by their father to become the next captain of the cursed gang that he had been forced to belong in. He had longed to see her again and after her disappearance, Pincher had worried that he would never see her again. He glanced at Swashbuckler when he questioned him and his jaws parted to answer when Caesar walked in, clearly annoyed with how Pincher tended to be quite infamous in the lives of the creatures that tended to join the Typhoon. Pincher had to admit he did have many ties in his life do his constant roaming in his youth so it wasn't surprising to see familiar faces return to the island where a lot of history had started in his personal life.

"Yeah, I know her, she's my s-" Before he could finish, he heard her speak. A look of puzzled confusion drew themselves on his facial features before a light warm laugh escaped his jaws at her beg of five more minutes as if he was pulling her out of bed. He noticed her eyes open up, his arctic blue ones immediately locking onto her vibrant rich gaze as he allowed her to push his muzzle aside, a low chuckle of happiness when he felt her draw her tongue over his cheek, Pincher turning to offer a quick lick on the bridge of her nose in return. "O-Of course, I missed you. And uh...yeah, this is my crew." He answered though it seemed that Rosemary had decided to join as well, chiming in. He rose his head up to glance at the four eyed ocelot, her introduction being that they were half-siblings in a questioning manner. Pincher gave a small nod of confirmation, knowing it was practically his father's fault that there were so many Rouxes running around now but he wouldn't complain. It was great to have a family even if they hardly knew much about each other.

Vandal now, huh? Well, Vandal, I hope you like it here. But I agree with Rosie, it's best for her to check you out in case of anything. Where the hell have you been?" Pincher questioned, eyes glinting with curiosity and worry as he stepped back to allow his head Soothsayer take a better inspection of their sibling, his long dark tail twitching behind him.
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