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SUGARPLUM LOVE — MEETING 7.15.18 - Printable Version

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SUGARPLUM LOVE — MEETING 7.15.18 - PINCHER - 07-15-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
It had been a week since the horrifying attack from the sea and so much had changed in a short amount of time. Pincher had not expected it but then again life was unpredictable like the very oceans that surrounded the island as he glanced away from the stacks of crumpled papers littered with his writing and towards the window of his submarine. He noticed that despite his crewmate only returning to the bay that their base was located on, the damage that had been done by mother nature's rage had managed to be swept and cleared by the hard work that everyone had been placing recently. It caused a warm smile to slowly lace his muzzle as the jaguar felt that they were making progress, that they were improving and Pincher had always enjoyed the ability for there to be an improvement even though he viewed his crew as incredibly hardworking members of the community. Luckily, no cloud tainted the aqua sky as the muscular male stepped out of his home, his large paws softly sinking into the ivory sand and stretching out, a satisfied sigh rolling off his tongue as he heard his sore muscles pop. Despite enjoying working, there were times where he craved relaxation but for now, he would focus on his duties which included making a meeting.

As he trotted towards the Tempest, he glanced up at the crow's nest to spot the monkey that always remained in the crow's nest, trained to blow the large conch to sound the alarm of there being a meeting. As Pincher locked his gaze towards the monkey, it quickly snatched the conch and the loud sound erupted in the air and the slate gray male shifted away to stalk towards the tunnel that would lead to the underground aquamarine dome that the meetings were held. Hopefully, the new rise of joiners would be aware of where meetings would be held but he guessed it would be obvious because the more senior crewmates always headed after him when noticing his figure slip in. As he reached the dome, he was relieved to see that the dome had not suffered much damage from the tsunami, the bulletproof glass showing all the sealife that had returned to the coral reefs that surrounded the shores of the island. Hopping onto the throne, the male went into a relaxed sitting position with his brilliant icy blue eyes locking onto the group that had gathered for the announcements that would be made. Time to get the show started.

"Welcome everyone, it's been a while since we have all been here, huh?" Pincher began with a humorous warmth to his voice before the dark jaguar cleared his throat and stated "Now, there's been a shit ton of joiners and I hope you have managed to meet them all or at least some. The joiners of this week have been Solveig, Rochelle, O'Riley, Junior, Calliope, Renegade, Sunbeam, Raziel, Ryuusaki, Candice, Jenni, and Swashbuckler. Where the fuck did you all come from? Either way, I'm glad that you have decided to join the Typhoon and it's crew. I hope you enjoy it here and that that you don't cause too much trouble." He let out a small exhale of relief as he finished the joiners, dipping his head in a respectful nod towards the general crowd if any joiners were in there. The captain then pulled his head back to lock his electric gaze as he added "Now promotions and demotions. Goldie has been working a lot despite her limited health and I would like to promote her to Reaver. Roxanne has been kicking a lot of good work as well and I'll be promoting her to Privateer. Greed has been showing his ugly face around as well and I've decided to promote him to Striker position. Now after the doctor tryouts and viewing the dedication of our interested healers, I've decided to promote our new medics. Specifically our new Soothsayers and Sage after everyone had voted. Our head Soothsayer will be Rosemary while our other Soothsayer shall be Solveig. However, Solveig is still quite new and I would prefer this to be a testing week to see if you truly do deserve to hold the rank. Our new Sage will be Jacob. Congratulations to all of you and drink up." Pincher pushed forward the cups that held the bitter yet relaxing murky green drink to the newly promoted with a glint of pride in his eyes to see how well his crew were doing. After they had all taken their drink, Pincher decided to focus on the rest of the meeting.

"I have decided to demote Krataa and Wade from their positions because I have not seen them around for quite a while. If you pick up your slack, I'll gladly promote you but for now, this is what will be done." He called out, his tar black tail tip twitching as the scarred male decided to head back to the silver linings. "Shoutouts to Lucifer, Keona, Cronas, Papercutter, and Planecrash. You all have done exceptional work, keep it up. I'd like to thank Goldenluxury and Solveig for becoming the envoys for Snowbound. Also I've decided to give the title of Apocethary to Rosemary for her incredible dedication to the healing field of the Typhoon. If you can step up, I'll give you the turqouise charm skull for you to add to your charm bracelet." He announced as he picked up the small skull charm that lay on the arm of the throne and rested it on the floor in front of him for her to grab as he gave a light bow towards the ocelot before jumping back to the rest of the meeting.

"Solveig is doing ooc prompts this week so if you want one, go get 'em while they're hot. She is also holding a herb gathering to resupply the temple while I am handing out weapons for anyone that lost one or need one. With the new joiners, I've decided to revamp the choice awards so go check them out to vote! I would like to thank everyone that participated in the Mass Adoptions and everyone in general for the incredible work that you have done since returning to our base camp. I have also decided to make a mass meet and greet for everyone to introduce themselves so if you haven't done it, go ahead and spill your deepest darkest secret or tell a little white lie, either is fine. Other than that, meeting is dismissed! If you have any questions or comments, spill the beans cause I've got shit to do." With that, Pincher relaxed from his stiff body position on the throne, a tedency he had when he was trying to keep track of everything he needed to announce to his crew. He hopped off the throne and decided to remain standing if anyone had anything else to say.

welcome to the scrub club, i really hope you like it here!! <3
[color=white][member=1345]SOLVEIG[/member] / [member=1371]ROCHELLE[/member] / @O'Riley / [member=1311]JUNIOR[/member] / @calliope & / @RENEGADE / [member=1308]sunbeam[/member] / [member=1217]raziel[/member] / [member=1361]RYUUSAKI I.[/member] / [member=1429]CANDICE M.[/member] / [member=1492]swashbuckler.[/member] / [member=1452]Jenni[/member] 
congratulations to the promoted! [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] / [member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member] / [member=1130]rosemary roux[/member] / [member=1345]SOLVEIG[/member] / [member=112]jacob w.c.[/member] / [member=697]GREED[/member]
the new names for the doctor/nurse positions are Soothsayer & Sage!
[member=290]THE EMPEROR.[/member] & [member=939]Wade Wilson[/member] are demoted
Shoutouts to [member=232]LUCIFER GRIMM.[/member] / [member=265]Keona.[/member] / [member=885]cronas[/member] / [member=83]Papercutter[/member] / [member=104]planecrash .[/member] , awesome job guys, keep it up!
[member=1130]rosemary roux[/member] has recieved the Apocotheracy skull charm title! Great job!!
Thank you [member=1345]SOLVEIG[/member] & [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] for becoming the envoys
@ everyone that volunteered for the mass adopts, thank you so much!
[color=white]OOC prompts are being offered by Solveig
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: SUGARPLUM LOVE — MEETING 7.15.18 - rochelle - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]Meetings had always been a favorite of hers. They were essential to the health and flow of the group, and without them, members could be left in the dark. There was the social aspect she appreciated too, being able to see the entirety of the group and discuss changes in an open area. Some might feel energized by a meeting, but rather Rochelle was calmed by them. There was this ... thumping in her heart, though. The reminder of the last meeting she had been to. She could faintly recall standing before her group mates, announcing changes and events, her disposition calm and serious. She never gave them a clue of her fears, never let them in on her doubts of being there, her wishes to leave.

The wolf almost expected to have those feelings rush back at her, but instead, she felt warm, a piece of serenity cleansing her mind. There was no more to fear of her former life, just what she had now. And there was little that she possessed, so she had to work with it. Following the other crewmembers into the dome, she kept her head tilited upwards, a distant light in her eyes, listening to the announcements of Pincher. "Thank you for the welcome ..." She murmured, her voice as per usual strong but refined, warm eyes glinting up at the Captain before tracking around the crowd for those promoted. "And congratulations to everyone promoted." Rochelle hummed ardently, lapsing into silence to observe her fellow crewmates. It had been a pleasant time in the Typhoon already, and the wolf definitely noted the colorful display of characters that inhabited the island, she was anxious to see their reactions to all of the announcements.

Re: SUGARPLUM LOVE — MEETING 7.15.18 - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-15-2018

The one thing that Caesar was dreading was, believe it or not, the next meeting, because he knew that Pincher would go back to using that stupid conch. The demon paused from where he had been walking when he heard that sound and growled, before turning around and headed towards where Pincher had the meeting. Caesar took a seat as Pincher started to announce the joiners, and he couldn't help but be impressed by the amount of people that joined recently. Damn. That's quite a few. He thought to himself. But hey, that was a good thing, right? It meant The Typhoon was flourishing.

Pincher went right onto the announcement of promotions and demotions, but of course those didn't really pertain to him, since Caesar didn't really notice he was mentioned. But Rosemary was, and she was promoted to Sawbone. Good. Although the demon didn't particularly like her, it was good to note that he wasn't the only one that noticed her medical abilities. Caesar mumbled a congratulations, though it was towards everybody, not just towards Rosemary. The next announcement was, of course, shoutouts, followed up by some other announcements. Caesar pretty much blocked Pincher out by the point, and once the meeting was dismissed, the Officer got up and left.

//congrats to those promoted and got a shoutout/title!

Re: SUGARPLUM LOVE — MEETING 7.15.18 - dead sons/daughters - 07-15-2018

there were actually these things called "meetings", where the captain announces who is promoted, and demoted, and also say a lot of news of the happenings of the clan, and also say some available activities that would be good to participate on. That honestly sounded like a treat to a newbie pirate like swashie- who is all the ready to actually start the pillaging and raiding- all the good stuff that they look forward to about being a pirate.

as the meeting started, with pincher- who was the captain of the whole crew-, they couldn't help but smile widely at their name being mentioned with a warm welcome, and decided that mention was a whole load worth it, if they could like, hear their name being mentioned every single week. that was what they want, at least, since the glowy feeling of pride just stuck to them like a leech, that made facing the danger noodles as something to be proud that they survived on. the captain moved on to other topics, such as promotions, demotions, title givings- all sounded nice, but since it wasn't their name being called for any of that stuff, they really didn't listen carefully, except for that one time the siren they met- solveig- was called. it was all underwhelming, and what kept them going was the possible news of who they would pillage and like, raid next.

but all that was talked was news of other activities to join to, and they can't help but tilt their head. That was it? No raids? No... pillaging? even though it was a pirate thing? Now, that was definitely to be questioned. Inhaling, and exhaling, swashie eventually gained the courage to speak up regarding that topic "er uhm, Capt'n Pinch'r?" they called to the attention on the jaguar that presided over them, standing up, and letting their voice raise louder.

"i'm a bit new round here, so forgive me for like, cluelessness, but why aren't we like, raiding or pillaging? cause we're pirates, right? that's kinda what we do? so im'a bit confused over why there ain't any planned good stuff like that!" while it was an innocent question, their disappointment was obvious in their tone, as to why they aren't doing what pirates actually do, which is to pillage without care, take for their own gain, be selfish, and smirk at the cries of their own enemies. it was simply something to be asked, especially with all the pirate knowledge they held as to how as pirates, they should do everything without care.


Re: SUGARPLUM LOVE — MEETING 7.15.18 - SOLVEIG - 07-15-2018

Solveig, perhaps expectedly, followed Pincher down silently into the caves of the meeting area. Bowing before him as she entered into the room, she just as quickly found a place towards the back to listen in to the tidings that would follow. She prepared herself for the long haul, which appeared to be a good thing. It was a lot of announcements, but there was hope among it all. They had many new people joining as of late, many of whom she had already met. There were many shoutouts as well, and promotions- even little miss Goldie had been promoted! There was a bit of pride there for the girl, too. Even being Pincher's daughter, she was doing well to deserve her place in the Typhoon, even if Solveig wished she would take it easy and be a kid from time to time.

Rosemary was named Head Soothsayer, of which she could hardly be surprised, even with the ice between them and her telepathy, but- wait, was that her name? Her gaze lifted faintly in surprise to find Pincher's, but she wasn't mistaken. She was a Soothsayer, too. Even if only on prohibition to make sure she didn't die in the next week, she was! SOlveig wasn't sure how she felt. Nervous? Determined? She couldn't say being a Doctor had ever been on her list of planned life events, but she would do her job to the best of her capabilities. Bowing her head low for a moment, she directed her telepathy towards Pincher quietly. "I will do my best, Captain Pincher, thank you.".

There were many events as well- she'd have to suck it up and go to the meet and greet, and pray to the One that she didn't have to spill her life story. With that, the meeting seemed to be wrapping up- except for one thing. Swash. The question was carefully stated, but the disappointment was there in her voice. Her head canted slightly to the side as she ever so slightly shook her head. "We do not raid, Swashbuckler. At least not now. The Tsunami has dwindled our supplies to some great degree. There are more pressing matters to attend to first, sir. Nor do we have the friends to spare in warfare and pillaging."


Re: SUGARPLUM LOVE — MEETING 7.15.18 - Verdigris - 07-15-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Sure enough, there was the conch again, signalling that another meeting was due. Getting to his feet and stretching out, Paper glanced in the direction of the dome. Was the dome still in one piece? He had to assume so, given that Pincher hadn't specified any other place to meet, but still- it seemed strange that the glass hadn't been broken.

  Yet, as he arrived, he could see with his very eyes that the glass was intact. Curious. Shrugging, he took a seat next to Solveig and listened in to the announcements. Indeed, the amount of joiners was truly staggering, but it made the Typhoon all the stronger for it. As Pincher announced the promotions and demotions, Paper nodded- he recognized the names of all the promotees, but had not heard from Wade or Krataa in ages. Getting another shoutout was nice enough, but got him wondering about what he ought to do this week to start advancing further. Herb gathering, weapons, and a mass meet-and-greet were apparently on the menu for the week; that was doable. With a nod, Paper said, "Congratulations to the promoted."

  As Swashbuckler spoke up, Paper raised a brow. It had been a while since their last raid, that was true, but raiding after a tsunami would be foolhardy at best. "We'll probably have a lot more raiding to do soon, but for now Solveig's right," he spoke up, glancing between the two. "We've still gotta replenish our herb supply so we can take care of injuries, then we can talk about pillaging." He wasn't a high position, but he figured Pincher would probably say something similar.

Re: SUGARPLUM LOVE — MEETING 7.15.18 - ROSEMARY - 07-15-2018

Seeing Pincher head to the underwater observation area, the ocelot walked after him; she recognized the signs of a meeting now, and she certainly appreciated returning to this area for meetings. With how shoulder-to-shoulder everyone gathered last time, she nearly freaked. Settling down, far enough from Pincher to avoid the crowds but close enough to hear him, she kept an eye out to keep track of who showed. The moment she noticed Solveig, a sneer curled its way on her lip for a microsecond as her telepathic shields flared to life to avoid any potential intrusions. The pale wildcat disliked mental intrusions at the best of times, and the snowshoe's previous probings left her wary.

But she settled back into place as the meeting started, her attention drifted away from trying to find a solution to the problem of Solveig's telepathic contact. Forked tail flicking behind her, listened with some degree of attention, finding these things much more interesting than the last few meetings she attended. For now, unlike before, she felt more comfortable with the group and her place in it. Even more interesting, she found herself surprised at this meeting; hearing her name called for both a promotion and a title. She nearly forgot about the ranking and title system altogether, given her lack of familiarity with hierarchical groups, especially given her daily activities dealt very little with matters where she needed to keep the rankings in mind.

Standing up, feeling a little shaky with the number of people around and quite possibly looking at her now, she nodded back to her half-brother. Her quick gait took her to the base of his throne, where she scooped up the charm and cup with a deft paw. Wandering back to her seat, she sat back down and decided to simply try to thread the charm through her necklace, instead of getting involved in the little discussion going on after the meeting ended. After all, she never found much use in violence; she took advantage of the chaos and cleaned up the aftermath, but she felt little interest in knowing the future offensive assaults the group planned.

Re: SUGARPLUM LOVE — MEETING 7.15.18 - arcy - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]∞ — .. It would seem that this group was more organized than their old one. Meetings. Wasn't that something? They'd only host meetings at their old group when absolutely necessary. .. They'd also done it upon their first fusion to commemorate the occasion. Wasn't it strange? Sunbeam had been the one to host that one, and the ones after it. That'd been all it took to become, well, in charge. And hadn't that ended badly? They can still almost feel the fires twisting around their paws now as they look up blankly at the doberman. They'd come here when they'd heard that this was happening. A good way to know what was happening with the clan. The cleanest way. Sunbeam wasn't inclined to seek people out just to seek out information, see. Bad memories, in any case.
.. That was quite the list of joiners, was it not? Strange to realize that they were included among them. Two of Sunbeam's ears twitch. Good to hear the group was thriving, at the least. Sunbeam allows a crooked grin upon their maw as their curl their tail around their paws. They do wonder how the canine, Pincher, manages to talk for so long. What a skill to have.
.. None of the information has much meaning to Sunbeam, unfortunately. They understood the promotions, and many other words, though it was hard to make sense of, unfortunately. That was fine on Sunbeam, they'd figure it out. Perhaps they'd participate as best they could. They .. wanted to be useful to the group. Not just another face among the crowd.
".. Congratulations," Is all Sunbeam calls, tail flicking as they raise their voice enough to be heard. They don't know any of those promoted, so they do not really bother trying to identify them for the time being. They wonder, what was it like to be in a rank? With how these were being handed out, they don't imagine it'll be impossible to earn a rank, just to see. However. They do not want power again. It'd been like poison through their veins. Sun may have earned their lesson, but Beam simply couldn't trust them with that again. Their ears flick as they hear another member's wonderings on when they'd do .. piratey stuff. That was right, wasn't it? They were a bunch of pirates. How strange. Well, Sunbeam is looking forward to the day they do it. Or maybe .. they aren't? Sunbeam can't be sure. There's a reluctance to hurt people again, all clashing with .. well, everything else.

Re: SUGARPLUM LOVE — MEETING 7.15.18 - coldblue - 07-15-2018

He hates meetings. They are, in his most humble opinion, a complete waste of time. Or maybe he actually hates them because, deep down, he knows he is not good enough to even hear his name mentioned. Before, when it was just him, Goldie, and Pincher, Coldblue was alright with being the shittiest Roux. But now everyone from his dad's boyfriend to long lost aunts and uncles are showing up--and all with more to show for accomplishments than he. It's not his fault that he sucks. His only talent is being pretty. Blue is an average hunter, uninterested in socializing nine out of ten times, and is not exactly the healing sort. He doesn't even care about warfare! So where does that leave him? A charming pretty boy who can play instruments and read? It leaves him in the dust. Blue resents it, but he does not do much to change it either. He takes a seat next to Aunt Rosemary after a brief search of the crowd revealed that Goldie is not yet present. "Congrats, Aunt Rose," he chimes upon hearing that the four-eyed female was awarded a charm. Aside from his sister, Blue is quite fond of his aunt, as well. She does not make him feel stupid or worthless.

Re: SUGARPLUM LOVE — MEETING 7.15.18 - bubblegum - 07-18-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldenluxury personally did not find meetings fun. but, they were very important to her. she knew how important it was to stay on top of the news in the group and be sure she knew who was here and what was fun. she certainly much preferred going to them than not, especially given the fact her papa was the one hosting them. she'd made a habit out of going to them at first solely because of her papa. she was sure to show up early and often each time, hoping it'd make him happy to see her there.

nowadays, though, she's either been late or missing them altogether. her injuries had not gotten better. she knew they hadn't. it made it hard to attend to things like these because of it, but she still needed to. she'd be incredibly frustrated with herself if she didn't. she was already frustrated with herself for being late now. goldie struggled up beside her brother quietly, giving him a tired smile before sitting down to listen.

the girl twitched her ears, noting all of the joiners' names. god, she really needed to catch up. she needed to work faster. however, it wouldn't be long before she heard her name alongside praise. a promotion. her papa thought she was doing good...that's relieving. she was happy to hear miss roxanne get promoted too, along with...well, all of the doctor choices. she approached to drink from the cup before returning to her position and saying, "c-congratulations, and thank you."