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RESTLESS CHILD / o, typhoon envoy - Printable Version

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RESTLESS CHILD / o, typhoon envoy - bubblegum - 07-15-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags

getting here was a challenge for the injured girl. she'd fallen over a lot, and her body hurt a lot from moving such a long distance, but she certainly wouldn't stop. she offered to be an envoy to visit snwbound and that's just what she'd do. she liked the bunch of snowbound quite a lot, so she was happy to see them. her burns and other injuries probably should have healed over more at this point, but her lack of care to herself basically made it worse. she felt bad solveig had to be slowed down by her, though.

but, they made it now. she had brought a little basket of herbs, shells, and little treasures that she'd found around the island and didn't plan on using herself. she sat down softly at the border, her tail twitching back and forth and she let out a small sigh. "some pirates come to visit!" she called with her "pirate-voice" in a teasing fashion. "the typhoon! my name's goldenluxury roux, but everybody calls me goldie. how are y'all?" her expression and voice was filled with content, though she actually looked quite ghastly physically. she was covered in injuries that weren't really healing, her legs shook with every movement, and her eyes were exhausted.

Re: RESTLESS CHILD / o, typhoon envoy - SOLVEIG - 07-15-2018

To say that Solveig was worried about Goldie was an understatement. The girl looked awful, and she wasn't sure how she'd gotten away with it for so long. Of course, Solveig wasn't her father, nor her mother, and had little room, truly, to say anything of it- at least while they were here. As the other Envoy of Snowbound, she was really tasked with making sure Goldie was okay. After all, the girl could handle the visits herself, and as the daughter of Captain Pincher, it was good that she got her face involved in the politics surrounding the Typhoon islands and the other pirates.

As such, the silent snowshoe stepped up quietly beside Goldie, gathering her paws beneath herself to sit daintily as her violet-eyed gaze swept over the landscape, calm and collected as she waited for the both of them to be greeted. At the very least, she had taken it upon herself to carry Goldie's basket on the way here, but now, with their introduction made, all they had to do was wait.


Re: RESTLESS CHILD / o, typhoon envoy - arcy - 07-15-2018

Damn, if Izuku could relate. A lot. It'd been a month or so since he'd blown up his entire leg, and even now it still cause a white-hot flash of pain whenever he put weight onto it. To be fair, it was a wonder he still had nerves in his leg at all considering that anymore damage and you probably could've seen the bone. And here Izuku was, walking out and about anyways. Doing stuff he shouldn't be. Of course.
Anyways, it's because of his tendency to wander that Izuku finds the pirates. He'd just been pulling himself through the snow when he hears a call. The Typhoon? .. Oh, neat. Izuku quickly shakes out his fur and makes to approach, ears pricked as he sees the blurry, blurry figures. He hurries up, tail wagging. When he gets there, he offers a little smile. .. She didn't look great, huh. Oh dear.
"I, uh, thanks for visiting! We're doing pretty well, I think." Izuku says, though he seems a little distracted by fretting over Goldie's health. It appears his tendency to worry was not, in fact, a thing he only extended to his clanmates. That was .. fair. Despite his fretting, he offers Solveig a smile as well. "I'm Izuku, the .. Frosthealer, here. Are .. Are those for us?" He motions vaguely towards the basket. Izuku was physically restraining himself from demanding to have a look over Goldie at this point. She was probably already treated and there wasn't a lot Izuku could do. He could, however, demand that she take a rest before she left. So, fumbling a little, Izuku steadies himself on two legs and conjures two flasks of hot chocolate. And .. ow. Ow. He grimaces at the heat on his bandages, but winds the string around his uninjured paw and offers them to the both of them. "Um -- have a hot chocolate. Do you -- Do you need anything else?" He eyes Goldie. He's not very subtle about it. But, y'know, that was fair. Well, at least he got .. most of the 'hi welcome to Snowbound' stuff out of the way. He was getting better at greeting people on the border, wasn't that neat? He used to be a mess about it, but now he could ... kind of manage it.
what was i worth

Re: RESTLESS CHILD / o, typhoon envoy - galexiux - 07-15-2018

  Cry swooped down beside Izuku, her crest raising up. She stared at the gifts for a few moments, a growl caught in the back of her throat. This was... untrustworthy. The raven glared at the visitors, her wings tightly pressed against her body. Wasn't the Typhoon the place that attacked that kid so long ago? It was the first time she spoke, screaming out to Killua to find help. The stubborn serval refused, breaking all trust she had for him. She hasn't seen him in a while. She wondered if he was one of those that disappeared.

  The raven lifted a talon, reaching to grab onto the maine coon's back, hoisting herself up. She flared her wings protectively, cawing at the visitors. She leaned forward, her frosted tail feather tips spreading out. She didn't trust these monsters. She didn't trust anyone that came out of that pit of hell.


Re: RESTLESS CHILD / o, typhoon envoy - SOLVEIG - 07-15-2018

"Yes, sir," Solveig would bring herself to answer with her telepathy to the shy-looking man that came to approach them. At the very least, Solveig got the impression that he was nice and had a big heart, even if he was a little awkward in this present conversation. Still, idly, the snowshoe dipped her head towards the basket of shells and items that Goldie had carefully packed. "Gifts from the Typhoon and good tidings. We are glad to hear you are well. Has there been any other news, Frosthealer Izuku?" Solveig would say quietly as she dipped her head, her gaze drifting back up as she watched Izuku conjure the hot chocolate and seemingly bid them to stay. She of course didn't fail to notice his glances on Goldie. It made her sigh inwardly- the child looked terrible, and she knew it, but to worry another Clan when they were simply supposed to be Envoys? Perhaps it was something worth a discussion when they got home.

In any case, Solveig hardly had time to respond to Izuku when Cry- a rather strange beast, Solveig had to admit, unlike anything she had seen before- came swooping down. Were it not for the creature's behavior, she would have dared call her beautiful. Though the Raven seemed on edge, Solveig held her ground, at least until she began to flare and make a gesture of her wings. Wordlessly, she stepped in front of Goldie as she rose up to protect the girl, standing firmly on her paws as she stared the raven down with her calm violet eyes, attempting to link her mind to Cry's and twist her emotions around, to replace the protective and guarded nature with calm. To make her feel safe. "We are here on business," the telepathic words would continue, soft and honey-sweet. "The Typhoon is here to serve," she finished, careful to avoid any words that might set her off again as she attempted her manipulation. Her mind was strong and as were her powers, but even Solveig knew each creature reacted differently.

//eep rushed sorry running out the door but wanted to get something up!!


Re: RESTLESS CHILD / o, typhoon envoy - rhosmari - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]He was new to all of this stuff, every situation that was occurring right now. He didn't think much of it but he knew he would have to learn what was going on with these other animals. After all he would be staying here for a bit until he was able to make his own way after his injuries healed up. Questions often rolled around in his head, especially on how he had gotten hurt which he couldn't recall. With a place that had so much snow how did he even get burned so badly? Where had the fire come from? Still he had to get out and about because the mere fact that he was coped up in Izuku's place for so long as about to drive him mad. So the armor wearing snow leopard had busted out of there so to speak and without his helmet he had started to traverse the village, taking in the sights and what was going on. It was all very interesting really and everyone that looked at him seemed friendly and concerned with his condition. Asking him if he was okay and if he should be walking around right now. He thought he was okay but maybe they had a point when it came to injuries such as the ones that he had acquired. Yet he was moving further from the village now just to do some sightseeing.

That was when he came across the grouping and he noticed that they were talking about something but also the loud cawing that was drifting up. He knew a protective stance when he saw one, wings flared up and out and it made something shift in himself. He tired to quickly make his way over there, pain flaring up harshly throughout the large burn across his side and he winced but pushed himself to make it over there. Even hurt at least he could try to defuse the situation before it turned bad. He was huffing by the time he got there, thick fur fluffed up in a bit of alarm as he looked to Izuku who seemed fine and then he glanced at the strangers. They didn't seem to be doing anything and they also had gifts with them. One of them looked just as badly injured as he did and he frowned a bit before he slowly settled on his haunches. She was just a kid... "I don't think it's safe for you to be walking around as hurt as you are." Yeah, like he could talk but he was an adult and she was a kid. Strict difference in his book.

Re: RESTLESS CHILD / o, typhoon envoy - galexiux - 07-15-2018

//wait i thought emotion manipulation wasnt a power anymore

  Cry was fuming. How dare this beast try to calm her down. She could feel that. She could feel the twisting and turning under her skin. This monster was trying to manipulate her into being a calm, docile pet. The bird tensed up. There was no stopping. This was a twenty four hour rage train. How dare you! She screamed, How dare you try to control me! She opened her wings, flying a few feet off the ground to look down at the others. How do you explain yourself? How do you explain your actions? She considered herself lucky. She was used to not having a brain, and could act outside of its usual animistic behaviors. Sure, she carried some of her behaviors from being a plant that are now useless, but they were comfortable to her. If she had been born a raven, she would have been charmed under this one's spell. Well she was smarter than that!


Re: RESTLESS CHILD / o, typhoon envoy - SOLVEIG - 07-15-2018

//Memory Manip. Was changed into a more generalized Mental Manip! I checked with Orion and it's all good Big Grin

This was an off day for Solveig. Usually, her powers worked. Then again, she can't exactly say she ever used them on a bird creature that was very pissed off. In addition to that, she really didn't feel like giving herself a headache from trying to exert the power further. Regardless, even the attempts of poor North to redirect the conversation didn't seem to be heeded. The retorts to her attempts were met with nothing but a cool-eyed gaze, still holding her ground in front of miss Goldie. Was she in the wrong for using her powers on an ally? Perhaps, yes. Was this Ally- Cry- also in the wrong for assuming the worst of them and rightfully, in Solveig's mind at the least, prepared to attack? Yes. 

"I will not fight friends," the answer came, still delightfully through the minds of others- but that at least Solveig had full reason for. "We are here as Envoys. I do not appreciate you seeing us as hostiles. I do apologize if I have offended you, but I am obligated to protect the Captain's daughter. The Typhoon brings gifts of peace, not tidings of battle," she asserted, making her point very clear as she slowly gathered her paws to sit, bowing her head low to the creature.

After some moments, she lifted it again as she looked up towards the creature. "I am also obligated to the tidings of miss Golden. If she wishes to stay for some of Frosthealer Izuku's hot chocolate, then I hope that we can then part on better terms."


Re: RESTLESS CHILD / o, typhoon envoy - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-15-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash had arrived just in time to hear Cry snap at Solveig, and she actually had been rushing over whenever she heard the raven's angry caws. By the time she reached the group, however, Solveig was replying to Cry. "Cry! They're friends!" The leader said towards Cry, although her tone wasn't angry hostile. It was more a tone of shock than anything else. "They're allies, they're okay. I promise." God, she really hoped word of this didn't reach Pincher. They already had enough trouble with The Typhoon since Caesar attacked her, and she was sure her brother was just waiting for the chance to strike again. Pincher punished Caesar, sure, but with Jacob not around, was their alliance going to stay? God, she hoped so. "I'm so sorry," Atbash looked over at Solveig, frowning. "She just returned here, I'm not sure if she was aware that The Typhoon were allies." She explained, trying to defend her friend. "But, um. Thanks for the gifts." She tried to put on a small smile on her face.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: RESTLESS CHILD / o, typhoon envoy - galexiux - 07-15-2018

  Cry clicked her beak. She folded her wings, landed on the ground. Her face was flushed red with rage, her crest raised high, fluffing her up. I'm sorry, She hissed out, Last time one of your kind showed up, an innocent child was attacked! She could remember the kid's neck soaked red with the copper taste of blood in the air. She remembered London's wide eyes and sorrowful expression. The poor kid only wanted to make a friend, and she was punished for it. Crystal ruffled her feathers, her eyes dark under her black bangs. And now with someone trying to mind control me, you can see why I'm on edge.
