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The tsunami had taken many things from the the Typhoon and it frustrated him immensly that all his hard work to create a decent place had been destroyed by some giant ass tidal wave. With everything going on, Pincher needed to get everything settled and ready especially with the sudden influx of joiners. He was one to always prepare so being behind on things tended to irk him and lead him to become rather frustrated with himself and his work progress. Instead of dwelling in the problems that he was currently facing, the dark wildcat headed out of the submarine and towards the harbor where the Tempest was currently anchored at. Luckily, the tsunami had not taken their crown jewel of the island since the ship was perhaps their most important part if anything were to happen to the island such as a volcanic explosion. He allowed a soft sigh to escape his jaws as the broad-shouldered captain stepped onto the ship and headed where most of the weaponry was located in since it was a secure place that his warefare division protected to ensure no one came in that had dangerous motives.

He let out a small grunt as the top of his head bumped into the cieling as the jaguar went down the hidden decks to find the barrels of weapons, his jaws clamping around a large bag and beginning to shove all kinds of weapons that they had to offer to their crewmates, new and old. He knew some didn't excel in fighting but Pincher wanted everyone to at least have one weapon for security if anything were to happen. He personally held a switchblade all th time and found it useful for anything really so the male walked out of the ship, heaving a bag that softly clanked with the weapons inside. As he trekked through the sandy hills, the male halted at the center of their recovering camp, letting the heavy bag roll off his shoulders and onto the sandy ground, the impact causing the items to spill out. Weapons of all kinds such as knives, daggers, needles, swords, hatchets, and other many intricate weapons from all over the world. Some had been made here in the Typhoon but they were pirates afterall and tended to steal from others so no weapon was exactly the same as the other. "If you lost your weapon in the tsunami or just want a new option, come and check them out to find one that suits you." He called out as the blue eyed predator went in a relaxed sitting position, his dark obsidian black tail curling around his paws as he waited for his crewmates to arrive.
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Weapons were always a thing of interest. Though Solveig personally always preferred a more subtle method of fighting (which often had anything to do with her mental magic, or simply poison), she had to admit that even she knew how to fight to some level. Of course, it wasn't as if she'd be able to take on someone like Pincher, for instance, without using her telepathy and her powers to try and take him to the ground first, but in a fair match, Solveig knew how to stand her ground. She supposed, at the end of it all, her strength in battle lay not in brute force, but in subtlety and manipulation.

Of course, any material belongings she had she lost back in her hut at the other side of the ocean when she had fallen off that cliffside. So to say the least, Pincher's open-ended offer of free stuff was intriguing to the snowshoe. Stepping closer at the call and picking her way towards the ship, the snowshoe stopped briefly before Pincher as she slightly stretched her paws out in front of her and bowed respectfully. A moment later, she straightened up and offered Pincher a soft smile. "Captain Pincher, I do thank you," she siad simply, before she began to carefully rifle through the weapons, pulling out a few daggers and knives and laying them aside as she began to mull over her options of the sharp blades.


Re: SWITCHBLADE BRAIN — WEAPON HANDOUTS - dead sons/daughters - 07-15-2018

an opportunity for a new weapon has appeared, and swashie was actually all too ready for that said opportunity. as the jaguar had settled, to watch his crew pick a new weapon, swash couldn't help a murmur of thanks escape his lips, before bounding for the pile that has scattered to the ground. there were simply so many options to pick, and to choose something aside from his old, rusted dagger that he had since his scrawny, young pirating days as a kit. the excitement never seems to cease- especially when he spotted solveig looking through the pile as well. eagerly, swashie decided to go beside her, figuring it'd probably good to have company while picking a new weapon "so, er, you liking knives and daggers too? since i'm partial to daggers m'self, really." he said, rifling through the swords, and all the pointy metals that could poke him through the eye and make him bleed to death.

still, as he looked through the daggers, he could picture himself, using them, to make an enemy scream in pain because of his prowess in handling a dagger- that was a fantasy that was not yet fulfilled, and only swashie could picture it in his dreams. he just had to find a right dagger- that is perfect for striking a kill, and actually comfortable to hold. persistance through this is the key, so he patiently looks through all the delicate designs of the daggers, innocently humming a pirate tune under his breath.


[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]∞ — Sunbeam had .. conflicting ideas on weapons. Of course they did. Perhaps one day, Sunbeam would discover something that their two halves could agree on. But y'know? Today was not that day. That day would not come for maybe even months. Now, here's the history. Sun was more prone to using their elementals, fire. That or physical combat. Meanwhile, Beam had always tended to weaponry. The dagger, specifically. .. She'd used to own one, a long time ago. Before the incident occurred. However, upon fusing, the dagger was much, much too small for Sunbeam. It'd only been intended for a cat, see. .. And the village had burned down before the new dagger had been finished.
So. This is the reason that Sunbeam perks up at Pincher's call. Weapons. Would they have what they wanted? Sun was .. a little reluctant. But there's no protest as Beam takes the lead and pulls them along. There's a skip to Sunbeam's step, and to others it is probably .. very odd to take it. Sunbeam's many legs were very, very odd to watch sometimes. Still, they march through into the weaponry room, and stop. Lots of weapons. They blink. You don't want something .. else? Sun pushes gently. Beam shakes her head. Dagger. Only that. Nothing else.
So, of course, the beast sets off to poking through each weapon. Gently picking through the daggers with a critical eye. Big. It needed to be big enough for them to hold. It'd never be as good as something hand-made for them, but it'd have to do. Shouldn't just be bland. Has to be nice. Nicely balanced, too. Beam knew her daggers. .. And, within a few minutes, she had something. Mentally crossed out the ones they didn't like. .. And then, at last, Sunbeam closes their maw around the handle of a dagger and shuffles backwards. .. Good. Large enough to not be too awkward, balanced enough that using it wouldn't be bad. Sunbeam seems vaguely smug, a contrast to their usual neutral expression. Now .. they'd just need to make a holder for it. That wouldn't be hard. Sun had made a case for Beam's dagger once, and they'd do it again, together this time. .. literally.