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PEPPERMINT WINTER IS SO SUGAR SWEET && open, joining - Printable Version

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PEPPERMINT WINTER IS SO SUGAR SWEET && open, joining - dead sons/daughters - 07-15-2018

" shit, i didn’t think it’d be this fucking cold, especially with the fur i got. " murmured peachybreeze to herself, already contemplating on bailing and turning back from the original direction she was headed. in retrospect, it had been a good idea to actually go this far, to traverse through the tundra for a group that she heard was willing to take in others that are in the likes of her own. the appeal of getting a new start in a new place, and in a new location that will be far from familiar from whence she came went through her head easily- especially after all that she’d been through to reach this far into her life.

but perhaps, she might have overestimated her body to be able to take in the cold air that surrounded her, sent chills down her body which was covered with fur that had failed to keep her warm. as much as she could now complain and mutter about how she should turn back now, it was far too late to rethink on her decisions, for her keen sense of smell could scent the nearby borders getting closer than ever. she just needed to bear the cold and possibly demand a scarf or a blanket that she could wrap around herself to maintain her body heat.

hauling her scarred, and bulky figure onwards, she could imagine the relief of warmth that could come from possibly the group that resided in such a territory, since she couldn’t imagine ever getting used to a weather this cold. finally arriving at the border’s edge, she let her body shiver, but not without the sourly grumpy expression that painted her face, disgruntled that her own body, that bore scars which had been painful wounds, couldn’t handle a little bit of chill in the atmosphere. The bloody bandage that encircled her neck would need some good changing after all this shit she had to go through to arrive to what she heard was called “snowbound”. heh. even she couldn’t deny that this group were certainly accurate in the name itself.

with all that said, she could only wait patiently for some member or soul to actually see her, and inquire of why she is here. for now, she let her green eyes scan her surroundings, her thick tail covering her front paws in an attempt to keep warm despite all the snow that surrounded her.

Re: PEPPERMINT WINTER IS SO SUGAR SWEET && open, joining - Dimitri - 07-15-2018

Dimitri’s own body had morphed to compensate for the cold. That was all he used his shapeshifting for- survival. His fur was thick and long now and his body had morphed fat onto him to insulate him.
Dimitri approached her and his eyes immediately landed on the scars coating her body. They were hard to see- but he guessed she had been through a lot. They were marks of battle.... or torture.
His back tingled.
Dimitri looked her up and down, tail flicking.

"You-You’re in Snowbound. I’m Dimitri. What’s your name?"

Re: PEPPERMINT WINTER IS SO SUGAR SWEET && open, joining - dead sons/daughters - 07-15-2018

"hey. took you long enough." she grunted, as she casted her gaze upon the feline that had approached her. she didn't dare hide the slight discomfort at being stared at like that, like being examined, like being looked at like a piece of meat, a morsel-

she shook away those thoughts. peach shouldn't be thinking of the past. they were left behind, and there was no point in looking back to the bitterness that she had faced alongside it. with the snowbound member introducing himself, she found herself responding to the opposing male "i know i'm in snowbound," she stated firmly "but my name is peachybreeze. call me peach. i'm here to join among your ranks, or whatever you call a member of your group." a stronger, colder breeze came upon her figure that moment, and she shivered a bit more, not used to the icy winds that ruled this territory. if they don't get to anywhere warmer soon, peach swears that she's going to snap.

Re: PEPPERMINT WINTER IS SO SUGAR SWEET && open, joining - Dimitri - 07-15-2018

"Right now our regular member are called Elkhearts..." Peachybreeze. he repeated the name in his mind and gave a light shrug. ”That’s a nice name, Peach. I-I’ll lead you back to camp to show you around, then. Follow me.” Dimitri turned around and started walking, expecting her to follow.

"We’ll warm you up back at camp."

Re: PEPPERMINT WINTER IS SO SUGAR SWEET && open, joining - arcy - 07-15-2018

Izuku, even before joining Snowbound, had practically been made for cold temperatures. He'd always had a tendency to overheat in warm temperatures, nevermind hot. Even he'd found Snowbound very, very cold for the first while. By now, though, he was probably the most well-suited to it. When was the last time he'd been bothered by the cold? Good question.
"It's actually Eaglehearts. Elkhearts are the elders," Izuku sounds tired as he trods over, flask looped around his neck. A new joiner, then. That was nice. .. it didn't take a genius to see she was injured, though. Izuku's first instinct is, of course, to worry. He'd done a lot of that lately. .. He'd always worried a lot, actually, but now more than ever. "I'm Izuku, Frosthealer. Um, have a hot chocolate. Don't drink it too fast," Izuku warns. He winds the flask off of his neck and offers it to her with his uninjured paw. That leaves him .. supporting his weight on his bandaged paw. It hurts a lot, but it doesn't really show on his tired face beyond the slightest pinch. "Welcome to Snowbound, by the way," Izuku offers Peachybreeze a grin. He seems to perk up just a little with the movement, tail subtly wagging. He hopes she sticks around. .. He hopes a lot of people stick around, honestly. Not a lot of them do, and that's .. really sad.
what was i worth

Re: PEPPERMINT WINTER IS SO SUGAR SWEET && open, joining - dead sons/daughters - 07-15-2018

"finally. didn't think we'd get to somewhere warm. that would be a relief, from all this cold." she stated to him, as she was more than eager to go to a warm area where she would have relief of any kind of warmth from the cold territory that this group resided in. as they come closer and closer to camp, that was where she spotted a green tabby feline, thick fur, with wings. not the strangest thing shes seen, but she'll get accustomed to it. it was strange that these strangers were willingly letting her into the group. what if she were a spy? would they ever bat an eye? what to do if she would ever spill their secret territories into enemies' ears?

all these thoughts stemmed from her own experience, how trust can be a fickle thing- especially when handed to the wrong person. taking the hot chocolate flash, she sipped it, slowly, as izuku, the green feline, had advised her to do so. her ears perked at how apparently, he was a "frosthealer.". that definitely was something worth taking a note of. taking another sip, and offering a slight smile, she spoke "the hot chocolate definitely helps the cold. still can't understand how you all stand it though." she says, going on "and frosthealer? that would be helpful for me, later, when we get to where you both reside. i do need a change in bandages..." she doesn't understand how she is actually, literally, warming up to them. what if they turn out to just be wanting to hurt her? what if they are backstabbers? she has to remember, trust cannot be given easily, no matter how enticing it would be. those were mistakes of the past. she doesn't need a repeat to cement such a lesson, after all.

"alongside that, i guess, thank you for the welcome. this could be a place i'll stay for long, after all." she added in, perhaps, as extra words. they have to get used to her presence, since she is going to stay. in all honesty, peach is glad that there aren't too many welcomers coming for her. she could barely stand a crowd of people greeting her with all their glory, really. so, these two few that greeted her were fine, and perhaps, as she goes on, she could actually get comfortable living in a group that doesn't seem to be too many.

Re: PEPPERMINT WINTER IS SO SUGAR SWEET && open, joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-15-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
"You get used to it after a while." Atbash purred as she made her way over, just catching the end of Peachybreeze's words. The she-cat stood next to Izuku, dipping her head a bit. "As the others said, welcome to Snowbound. My name's Atbash Cipher, and I'm the Hailcaller, or leader, here." She introduced herself. "Since Izuku already gave you hot chocolate, could I interest you in a tour, maybe?" It was the least she could do, right?
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi