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ALL ABOUT YOUR HEART && Peach's Tags - Printable Version

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ALL ABOUT YOUR HEART && Peach's Tags - dead sons/daughters - 07-15-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ PEACHYBREEZE ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 07/15

name. peachybreeze
name meaning ( optional )
nicknames. peachy
biological gender. female
pronouns she/her
birth date. 15th december 2015
age. 2 years and 7 months
clan. snowbound
rank eagleheart

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
❥ distrustful of being touched by others; doesn't like medics too much
❥ full of scars all over her body, ear torn with reddened bandages around her neck
❥ hates being surrounded by too many people
❥ awfully fond of kids

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
pale ginger cat — pale ginger cat 91% health
peach is a large pale ginger turkish angora cat with patches of scars all over her body, bearing green eyes. her overall body build seems specifically made for strength and for overpowering others with them. her medium length fur is kept slightly ungroomed, and muddled with dirt most of the time. she wears no accessories at all.
injures. Alongside old scars, there still are signs of abuse that are made recently, about a few months ago, alongside a thick bloodied bandage around her neck.

intp-t && slytherin && chaotic good.
peach is not afraid of speaking in blunt truth. she would rather have people avoid her personality now rather than having to need to avoid them later. while she is often an introvert, she has a soft spot for young children or teenagers who are willing to approach her, regardless of how she denies it and acts somewhat like a grumpy hag. peach is touch starved, and is prone to accidentally hurt or lash out to those that would touch her without her prior consent.
disorders. none

parents. npc x npc
siblings. none
sexuality. demisexual demiromantic
relationship status. single
friends. no friends
enemies. no enemies

physically && mentally. hard && hard
will fight && kill if provoked
self defense. will defend herself protectively
no specific weapon preference, mainly uses her claws and fangs
mention [member=1484]peachybreeze[/member] when attacking
attacks in boldlightsalmon
powers. no powers