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THEME SONG ♡ pillow fort - Printable Version

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THEME SONG ♡ pillow fort - arcy - 07-15-2018

Caboose, predictably, loved pillow forts. He made them with his sisters a lot when he was little! Then he'd curl up with them and they'd play games and read and it was very very fun!! Caboose missed his sisters sometimes, but that's okay! Caboose's way to deal with this wasn't a conscious one. It was just a passing 'oh this would be fun!' sort of thing. And then one thing leads to another and Caboose is accumulating as many blankets and pillows he could get his paws on. He may or may not be stealing some from people's beds, but Caboose wasn't concerned about that. More concerned about making a really cool fort. Like the Blue base! But more fun! And comfy. And warm. .. Not hot. Just a cozy warm.
Anyways, throwing around blankets was not Caboose's expertise when he was human, and it certainly was not now. He didn't have hands! And usually being so big meant he bumped into stuff and knocked stuff over but this was worse and he wasn't big enough to prop some things up. But he was trying! The Retriever would lug whatever stable objects he could find into the room he was setting this up in to act as support, but he broke some things. It wasn't his fault. (don't worry though, they weren't important.) Altogether, this was .. meant to be fun. He'd gotten partway through making it! He yanks at a blanket and then falls onto the ground because he definitely does not, in fact, lose his balance. Definitely not. But there were blankets behind him. And he .. fell .. onto them. The story comes to him in pieces, buried under a pile of blankets and pillows. He .. can't see .. it's .. just white. Caboose blinks a few more times before he jolts out of the pillows, flailing messily. And then comes to see an absolutely collapsed mess of what used to be an almost decent, though half-finished, pillow fort. The Retriever, who had once against lost his helmet somehow? He didn't know how. It was just gone. Oops. Well, he looks vaguely disappointed as it sinks in, stumbling to his paws and instinctively shaking out his staticked fur. And for a minute, he just stares at the mess of blankets, distantly wondering how he'd fix this. For once, he's completely still and definitely a little puzzled. He was pretty methodical about stuff in general, even if it was a very strange sort of methodical, and this blip in the method of it all had him a little .. confounded, unfortunately.

//i have no idea what room he's doing this in dont call me out. also no this doesnt flow well shhh

Re: THEME SONG ♡ pillow fort - Suiteheart - 07-15-2018

[i would die for caboose]

When she entered her room, eager for a nap, Suiteheart was very surprised to see most of the pillows in her room gone. A quizzical look marked her features, and her facial expressions grew even more confused as she smelled Caboose. Why had he been in her room? And why had he taken her pillows? Perplexed by the whole situation, the white feline exited her quarters and followed Caboose's scent trail.

When she finally found him, she watched as he sank into a mass of blankets and pillows (hey - there were her missing pillows!). When he popped back up, she couldn't help but laugh. It seemed like he was making some sort of fort. She had made them as a kid with her older siblings, and she made them time and time again with her own children. She was well-versed in pillow-fort-making. Would she call herself a master? Absolutely.

"Need some help, Caboose? Just tell me the game plan, and we'll make a fucking sweet fort."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: THEME SONG ♡ pillow fort - tori - 07-15-2018

✯ — i prefer a happy ending

Popping up next to Suite, Alex poked his head over and looked into the room, drawn over by the word. His brown eyes widened some, tail beginning to wag at a speed that was a clear indicator of his building curiosity and excitement, despite being somewhat wary of the stranger, he had yet to meet everyone. But he was still young, and he was drawn to the mess of pillows and blankets strewn about in a failed fort making attempt. It still looked just as fun as a successful one. "Can...can I help?"

// me too oml i love him


Re: THEME SONG ♡ pillow fort - arcy - 07-15-2018

Caboose had never been allowed to help in making the pillow forts 'cause he was clumsy and they never looked as pretty when he did them. His sisters made them really well, though! There were practically rooms and it was really, really, really fun. Caboose would emphasize this 'till the day he died. It was always more fun to make with friends, though!! Otherwise it was just sad. He hadn't been able to find Church, though. And hadn't run into anybody while he was getting stuff. So he'd just started himself and boy if that didn't turn out badly.
"Hi!! Hello!!" Caboose jumps, but he spins to greet the new arrivals with a rather extreme sort of enthusiasm. His tail could probably kill a man with how hard it was wagging. As it was, though, he just knocked down a pillow that was still somehow up. He only recognized the white kitty-person Sweet something, but the other one is completely unfamiliar and new friends!! "Building blanket forts is always better with friends!" Caboose says as way of allowing them to help, tilting his chin up in a smug manner. His grin is absolutely blinding. People should be glad he usually wears his helmet, honestly. Because otherwise he would blind them. He bounces on his paws for a moment, considering. "Game plan?" Caboose wonders, non-comprehending. He didn't seem to understand it when it was worded like that. Plan? For a game? This was not a game, pillow fighting was serious business. .. The expression on his face could honestly be best equated to a loading screen. After a minute, though, he shakes his head and explains what they were doing anyways. As best as he can. Because he doesn't actually have a plan. Only pillows. "We will make a .. Big! Fort! So we can fit more friends!" He seems pretty smug about this line of thinking, too. A Caboose subtle sort of smug, I mean. His brand of ego was .. a very strange sort. Still, with this done, Caboose grabs a blanket and yanks at it to pull it out of the mess of what used to be a fort. He should .. rebuild the ceiling! Yes! That was always the first step in pillow forts! He makes to start doing this, awkwardly walking sideways to try and start with that.

Re: THEME SONG ♡ pillow fort - guts - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]He was used to his teammate's child-like behavior and activities. He was always doing something like this, rather than actually making himself useful. It had annoyed the absolute hell out of him at first, but now he had just learned to accept it. Sometimes it was even pretty endearing, watching him slack off, but also having a lot of fun while doing so. Sometimes he would have liked to live in the other canine's mind, just for a few minutes. Anyways, seeing him trying to build a fort made of pillows wasn't unusual.

Church trots over, standing and watching him as he tries to rebuild the fort he had just knocked down. He huffs when he notices him trying to rebuild the roof, shaking his head as he pads over. "No, you idiot. You have to do the walls first, otherwise the ceiling won't have anything to balance on in the first place," he tries to explain, although he knows it'll just be lost on him. Either way he sets to helping him, barely realizing he's doing it until he's...well, doing it.


Re: THEME SONG ♡ pillow fort - BASTILLEPAW - 07-15-2018

Bastille wished he could say that he wasn't entirely confused by the bizarre sight he stumbled upon, but he was. He hadn't exactly ever seen a pillow fort, other than the small one Sylva used to set up in the corner of the Circle, and honestly? It took him a second to realized that Caboose's mess of blankets was in fact a fort. He wasn't sure what was more surprising: that the fort was terrible or that Church was actually offering insight.

"You should have used the ladder in the Circle," he supplied, considering the mound of shit, "You could use it to hold at least one wall up tall. Like, uh, a tent. Thing."

Re: THEME SONG ♡ pillow fort - Elon - 07-16-2018

You spoke of roses- all I feel are thorns ・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Like Bastilleprisoner, Elon can't say that she has had much experience with pillow forts. It sounds like fun, but she's sure that's the cat in her talking since cats like to crawl all in stuff. But it's not fun for her to put work in and help build, she'd much rather goof off. [b]"Hm..." Tapping her paw against her chin, she steps into the room with a tilted head but doesn't say anything just yet. Instead, she wiggles her way under a discarded sheet and then lifts up on her back paws. It's hard to balance, but Elon manages to move forward though blind and not too steady. She's aiming for the dumb one since he seems like easy prey, but since she can't see who knows who she'll bump into as a sheet ghost. "Woooo..." the catghost calls, hoping she doesn't trip on the sheet and go flying into the far wall. Something tells her she's not going to phase through it like a real ghost would.

Re: THEME SONG ♡ pillow fort - Suiteheart - 07-16-2018

She waved hello to Alexander before returning her attention to Caboose. A big fort, huh? Sounded good to her. Her eyes went to scanning the materials assembled, and she wondered if there were any stabilizing materials underneath the heap of blankets and pillows. The white feline went to rummaging gently, and she happened upon a small trunk. She turned the piece of furniture on its side and then placed it on its end so that it was standing vertically. "Boom, part of a wall is done," she called after Church entered and spoke about needing to set the walls first.

"Like a lean-to?" she asked Bastille as she worked on tossing a blanket over the trunk. She wasn't quite tall enough, so she had to throw the blanket up three (maybe even four) different times before it stuck. She was about to ask more when Elon appeared, draped in a blanket, pretending to be a ghost. "Almost puts Anakin to shame."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI