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CHERRYBOY RIOT | private, stocking - Printable Version

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CHERRYBOY RIOT | private, stocking - madster - 07-15-2018

stocking was his first ever patient. she got a gold star in his eyes. it was a good thing she was semi-conscious when he helped her or else she probably wouldn't have consented. he reeked of alcohol and bad decisions already. she wasn't that injured, but... it was like she crash-landed from space or something.

did he feel bad for her? he wasn't sure. he usually found himself to be not empathetic, but ever since he was promoted... things were a little different and he hated it. he wasn't a nice person. he just was doing his job. he decided he'd check up on stocking. she was practically his patient, after all, even if he had done a pretty shitty job at helping her. in a basket, he packed some things he had gotten in a shady trade with loners. some human chocolate - not good for cats but it was milk chocolate, anyways- and some actual pain pills, not the pussy shit that was poppy seeds. he had scored a whole pack of morphine pills. would it kill a cat? maybe. then that was medical malpractice and nayru would murder him. oh well.

he had found her cabin based on scent, and hoped she would be inside. if not, he'd just eat the chocolate and the pills. her loss. he knocked on the door with his head, carrying the basket in his jaws. "hey, alien," he joked, referring to how it was like she had fallen from space. "it's malphas. i'm the guy who fixed you up a little bit. i brought you some gifts." he said after putting the basket down.

Re: CHERRYBOY RIOT | private, stocking - SOCKING - 07-15-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
in all of her life of living, stocking never expected...

... that she'd be ejected from heaven's asshole and sent to live on the dirtiest, shittiest place in the galaxy. earth.

but it was good. cause it worked out anyways. she'd survived. she'd been saved. she'd been healed. and she was... grateful.

an emotion she hadn't felt in quite some time. in truth, she wasn't sure how to feel on the matter.

all that mattered now was making a living for herself, she guessed. figuring that she had no business limping back out to the shitty wild on three legs and a cut up body with no celestial powers, that she'd bunker down with the first group to show her enough kindness to heal her.

stocking had taken up residence in an old, rotting cabin, overrun with moss and creepers that she had no strength to be getting rid of. perhaps when she was back to full health then she'd eliminate the plants that had overrun the abandoned house and actually redecorate the shithole. but for now, all she had was her little makeshift blankie as her bed.

the aroma of chocolate drifted to her room, so intoxicating and addicting that stocking instantly snapped up from where she'd been napping. even in her current state, she could track down sweets and deserts like a shark after blood in the water. her jaws watered at the thought of sinking her jaws into something delicious. even after her fall from heaven, her gluttonous attributes hadn't faded.

the black feline limped to the door, moving as fast as her body would allow her. stocking's cyan eyes skimmed over malphas's firm first, and then the basket he had carried in him. her gaze zoomed in on the goods like panty would zoom in on a hot piece of firm ass.


alien? that was a new one. stocking raised a brow. good with teasing, eh? she could see him quickly becoming a favorite of hers.

"thank you for saving my life, mysterious magical medical weed man," stocking replied with equal playfulness, though her phlegmatic expression refused to change. the feline limped over to the basket with far more eagerness than she would have expressed in any other activity, liberally sticking her nose into it's contents. chocolate... what a blessing. they did have deserts in this rickety place after all! stocking wasted no time on chomping down his gift, enthralled at being accommodated so fitfully.

"you brought this for me? i'm honored." through a mouthful of the cocoa-hued sweet. she paused, taking the moment to chew. and then there was a swallow. "you know, it's a good thing you brought me this gift. after all, aliens have a tendency to anally probe earthlings. with this offering, you may have just saved yourself from such an encounter." for such a crude joke, the fallen angel's visage remained resolute. when it came down to ribbing, she was a stone-faced gal.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: CHERRYBOY RIOT | private, stocking - madster - 07-15-2018

malphas grinned, seeing her. she looked much better than when he had saw her in her dazed state. she was alright enough to come rushing for the chocolate, of course. who could resist? he himself wasn't a big fan of sweet food, as he had the stomach for only raw meat, but he could understand why people liked it. as she spoke, he tilted his head in wry amusement.

"what if i want to be anally probed? gonna kinkshame me?" he joked. malphas had to stop and think. did he want that? maybe. he was still confused about the whole 'also-being-attracted-to-men-thing.' he stopped thinking gay thoughts for a moment.

"hey, i also brought you some uh, pain pills. cause' i know it looked like that shit hurt. i promise it's stronger than some pussy ass poppy seeds," he joked, showing her the packets. "mind if i come in? i should probably take a look at that leg anyways."

Re: CHERRYBOY RIOT | private, stocking - SOCKING - 07-15-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
what if he wanted to be anally probed? stocking quirked a brow, one side of her maw lifted in amusement. a suggestive response was lingering on the tip of her tongue, but she decided to hold back for now. she needed to let this guy focus on checking up on her anyways, or whatever the hell.

at the mention of the pain pills, stocking's eyes curiously grazed over the rest of the contents of the packet. useful, huh? this guy was being very thorough about her healing. not that she thankfil for it.

"i appreciate it, man," stocking gestured inside with a tail, indicating that he had room to step inside. should he do so, she'd move further in, taking the basket in her jaws and setting it down squarely within the living room.

"sorry, but this place looks like the devil's asshole right now. i haven't had the time to furnish it. maybe later," with that she nicked a packet from the basket, raised the canister to her face and popped open the lid with her teeth.

she took two and swallowed the bitter pills down, grimacing. he was here to check her leg, right? might as well make it easier for him. settling down onto her haunches slowly, stocking stuck out the bandaged limb.

"mind giving me a name? i don't want to have to keep calling you the white mage or some other lame shit; unless you have a preference for nicknames."
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: CHERRYBOY RIOT | private, stocking - madster - 07-16-2018

she was right. it was a mess in here. a girl after his own heart, huh? his house was probably messier, anyways, since he had been here a lot longer and he just dumped everything in there. she took the pills and he hoped to god she wouldn't die. he had taken them before, but he was also an abuser of drugs anyways... wait, she was a stoner, wasn't she? she'd be fine, he realized.

she asked for his name and he grinned. white mage, huh? he didn't get the reference but liked the name anyways. then he realized that to these patients of his... he was somewhat of a hero. he hated that. a week ago he was the local idiot and now just because he was a nurse people expected him to be good. he wanted to be good at his job, but that meant basic empathy and that was hard. he realized he let his thoughts wander and he continued. "oh. yeah, my name is malphas. it's a weird-ass name because i think my parents hated me," he joked while inspecting her.

"great news. still fuckin' broken," he told her. "i'm gonna redo those bandages for you since when i originally wrapped them i'll admit i was kind of super drunk." he gently removed them, making sure not to move her injured leg, and wrapped them around more tightly and more securely. "there we go. a lot better."

he lost the grin. "so can i ask you something? what were... you doing before i found you? your injuries look like you fell from somewhere- were you climbing a tree or some shit?" he asked, trying to put logic to it.

Re: CHERRYBOY RIOT | private, stocking - SOCKING - 07-16-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
malphas? an interesting name, but stocking could safely say it was far from the worst or weirdest name she'd ever heard. there was garterbelt, for starters. and of course, her shit fuck of a sister. panty. but that was another story. one she'd rather not dwell on.

"still broken? shit. god can kiss my sweet ass for this. i'm not going back there ever again," the feline hissed under her breath. seriously, what the hell was with them tossing her from heaven's border? the least they could have done was teleported her down to earth, but hell no. they decided to sling her sugar-dimpled ass from the gates like a damn bullet, and look where it got her.

at the query of the circumstances of her fall, stocking paused. she supposed it was a pretty weird thing for her to suddenly fall from the sky. malphas must be looking for answers.
"honestly, no. the big boss man decided to flick me from heaven's holy bean after being too much of a glutton fat ass," but if they asked stocking, if they wouldn't wanted her to get so fat then maybe they shouldn't have had so many donut shops around. food for thought. no pun intended.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: CHERRYBOY RIOT | private, stocking - madster - 07-17-2018

malphas listened in, and squinted. was she implying... she was an angel, and then got kicked out because she ate too much? malphas had a hard time believing it, as he grimaced trying to understand it. malphas wasn't a disbeliever, but he did have a known hatred for gods and demons alike. he believed being mortal was the best thing one could be and that divine things could suck it, so he tried to guess where she was on that spectrum. a fallen angel... he had met plenty of angels in his life, but never a fallen one.

"so you hate, like, god too?" he said, confused, wanting to see if they were on the side. "cause- fuck man, immortal beings are shit," he admitted, shrugging his shoulders.

Re: CHERRYBOY RIOT | private, stocking - SOCKING - 07-17-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
"so you hate, like, god too?"

after being sent to earth, stocking had made up her mind that she did. that she had hated them. they had kicked her from earth. they had left her to rot here. was there even a going back? oh well. if she shit talked god now, surely she couldn't get penalized for it? it's not like they could kick her out of heaven twice. or maybe they'd send her to hell just for her petulance.

"god can suck it. no dumbass would put food shops in heaven and expect me to not get fat." completely stupid logic in her eyes. what was the issue anyways? what was so bad about eating more than her share? being unhealthy never really occurred as a risk to her, since she was immortal anyways-- or at least, she had been. the angels in heaven needed to add more curves to their rank anyways. talk about the lack of diversity.

"cause- fuck man, immortal beings are shit,"

"i can testify to that. my sister is a prime example of what you just said. she's a public toilet; full of crap, and everyone uses it," and you know what? maybe she was exempt from being immortal. she wasn't even sure if she had all of her powers. maybe being stripped of her heavenly status extended to the deterioration her life span?

"especially those pussy ass demons," she had known a couple before. maybe not known, but she had her fair share of encounters with horned assholes. especially those demonic sisters. scanty and kneesocks. just thinking about them made stocking wrinkle her nose in disgust. she could practically smell the fish from here.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: CHERRYBOY RIOT | private, stocking - madster - 07-21-2018

malphas grinned. she was certainly something- definitely eye candy, with a good personality to boot. and she was a former angel? he could believe it. her figure was amazing, and she had nice socks... she snapped him out of his trance when she lamented her gluttonous nature. so she ate too much, and they kicked her out? a part of malphas felt she had just hit her head too hard when she fell from wherever, but he also liked having his god-hate to be validated. he decided to believe her for the hell of it.

"you have a sister?" he asked, ears perking up. "was she also kicked out? y'know, for being... the toilet," he repeated her phrase, the grin not leaving his face. she was fun to talk to, he decided, and being with her made him feel better.

Re: CHERRYBOY RIOT | private, stocking - SOCKING - 07-22-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
all her life, stocking knew that she was not good with socializing. she didn't do socializing, and that was what led her to having very little friends in the first place. the only other angel she had known personally was her sister.

intimacy wasn't really her thing. closeness and friendship, lost to her. and yet she felt content with the members of tanglewood. content with her new life. content with just conversing. perhaps being kicked out of heaven really did do her some favors. in comparison to living in heaven amongst stuffy angels and shitty rules, she wouldn't trade tackywood for the world.

malphas's words brought some pondering to stocking's eyes, and the felidae hesitated for a moment, before answering in a long, drawn out sigh. "i guess? i'm not entirely sure. she wasn't there when i got kicked out of heaven, but the chances of her thirsty ass getting expelled was high. i mean, if god could banish me for eating, then my sister sure as hell would get kicked for trying to fuck his other angels."

and then a pause, before. [b]"she was shitty but if i'm going to be honest, i sort of miss her,"
in a way, panty's antics were hilarious.[/b]
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯