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I have no idea where this will lead us||Sick, open - Printable Version

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I have no idea where this will lead us||Sick, open - kinglykingstone - 07-15-2018

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
To describe Cooper's current state of being it would be this: despair. It had started when Margaery had died and things had just continued to get worse. At first it had just been stress from him worrying about everyone and everything and not caring about himself, plus not sleeping for several days on end.

He'd put on strict bed rest and when he was finally released, he'd been out only a few days when some sickness had over took him. He'd immediately feigned exhaustion, telling everyone he just needed a little more rest; with all the drama that had been going around everyone was busy. He felt like he shouldn't be bothering anyone with it.

He was going insane though, from the constant soreness and exhaustion. He felt like he'd been hit like a truck with the soreness that penetrated his muscles; he was constantly exhaused, no matter how much he slept; he couldn't make it across his room without feeling like passing out or throwing up.

He'd been denying company recently, claiming he was too tired or just didn't feel up to it. On the days where he felt decent, he would allow someone like Suiteheart or Playerone in for just a bit. Today had been one of those days where he felt well enough for company, or so he thought.

He'd invited Playerone over for a cup of tea and as he was making his way over to his boxes of tea to riffle through them, a wave of nausea washed over the canine. Before he had a chance to recover, he found himself collapsed on the floor, dry heaving as his empty stomach tried to push out the contents it didn't have. He attempted to stand, legs shaking under him as he did. He quickly collapsed back to his stomach with a whine.

//please wait until [member=1166]Playerone K.G.[/member] has a chance to post.

Re: I have no idea where this will lead us||Sick, open - Cosmic - 07-15-2018

Clearly what Cooper had wasn't contageous, confirmed by me and Suite's visits to his living quarters and not catching anything. Well, at least I hadn't. I don't think Suite did either, but hey, only she could confirm that. Either way, I had been invited over once again to see him, and I was excited, albeit worried. He had been ill for so long, I was beginning to wonder if he was stressed.

Or perhaps depressed. He hadn't been around nearly as much as he used to, and appeared lethargic. Those were the warning signs of depression, and sadly I knew them by heart. Depression was not a good thing. Not ever. It was an incredibly serious condition and without proper treatment it could lead to death. And it didn't even have to involve one taking their life.

But... there was also the possibility he had contracted a parasite, and those were also nasty motherfuckers. They were quite a bitch to get rid of and wrecked havoc on the body. Those were the two main culprits that I was thinking Cooper was afflicted with. Both were horrible.

I slowly walked over to the Observer's sleeping quarters, hesitantly knocking on the door. He said he would leave it open for me, but I wasnt one to just barge in and scare the bejesus out of the occupants. After a few moments however I heart the sounds of retching. Like, dry heaves. Cooper was in some serious trouble.

I rushed in, and luckily had my medic bag with me. I really, really hated the sound and smell of vomit and retching, but you had to get used to it on the job. As a past paramedic I had first hand experience. I quickly pulled out a plastic bag and placed it in front of Cooper in case if he needed to puke. I noticed that he had collapsed of exhaustion, but I hoped he could stand my herbal treatment.

"Hey Coop, I need you to chew on these and swallow for me. It will help with nausea and vomiting." Hopefully he was able to muster up enough strength to do so. I pushed a few chervil leaves toward him, close enough he could take them easily, just the right amount to offer some relief.

And, just for a good measure, I also placed peppermint leaves in the mix, both of the herbs i had used were in the right amount as to not hurt the canine. If it worked, his nausea and stomach ache should be soothed a bit.

"You'll be okay." I spoke in a reassuring tone, hoping that it would make him a little calmer.

Re: I have no idea where this will lead us||Sick, open - Suiteheart - 07-15-2018

Cooper's sickness worried Suiteheart to no end. Every free moment she had, she was silently checking up on her friend. More often than she would care to admit, the white feline had also fallen asleep outside of his room as if she had been keeping guard. She had also fallen asleep inside his room time after time, and they napped like elders.

Once Cooper's sickness worsened and he was too weak to travel to the coast with her at night, Suiteheart had brought the night sky to him: she had found a self-rotating lamp that displayed a bright moon and constellations. Almost every night, she would plug the lamp in, chat softly with Cooper, and then sit with him until he fell into a fitful sleep.

She was thankful to Warringkingdoms and Playerone for taking care of the canine alongside her. She wanted to see him well, and with three individuals on watch, she hoped the healing process might be speedy. But if it wasn't, Suiteheart would be there beside him, every step of the way. They had both helped each other through thick and thin, and neither of them were going to be stopping any time soon.

"Hey, Coo-" the Ecliptic Admiral silenced herself after she entered Cooper's room. Her baby blue eyes flew wide as the witnessed the scene before her, and without waiting another second, she was at Cooper's side. She aimed to help prop him up and then allowed him to lean on her in support. "C'mon, buddy, do what Play says. She's smart. She'll help you." Her tone and gaze were both bathed in concern for her friend. [b]"You don't happen to have any water on you, do you, Play? We need to keep Cooper hydrated too."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . [color=#99182C]tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: I have no idea where this will lead us||Sick, open - Cosmic - 07-15-2018

"I do have water thankfully. I always carry a bottle of fresh water with me." She was definitely correct about needing to keep Cooper hydrated. The body could handle starvation longer than it could dehydration. Besides that, it made things worse.

I pulled the bottle out of my sachel and set it down next to me. I wanted to wait until he had enough strength to drink. The act of vomiting took a lot out of the body, and I expected him to take a few moments to recover. I hoped he took the herbs I had placed in front of him.

"Everything is going to be fine." I softly spoke, hoping to calm Cooper and Suiteheart both. The three of us had been watching over the canine closely, and I had bonded to everyone involved due to the stress we all endured and our shared concern for Cooper.

Re: I have no idea where this will lead us||Sick, open - kinglykingstone - 07-15-2018

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Cooper heard the sound of someone knocking on his door but it sounded so muffled and far away that he didn't bother to attempt to respond, he didn't have the energy. He heard whoever it was enter and make their way towards him and he started to try and stand once again, falling once more. "I'm- I'm fine, Play." he grunted, using a shortened version of Playerone's name; something he almost never did unless he truly didn't have the energy for more.

He heard voices, though they still seemed oddly muffled and garbled, and saw something placed in front of him. He stretched his nose forward to sniff at the herbs. When it clicked in his mind that they were herbs meant to help him, he slowly and carefully lapped the herbs up, relishing the cool mint.

He hadn't noticed Suiteheart enter the room but when the scent of his best friend washed over him, he gave a weak smile. In his sick confusion, he mixed up the two white felines(though one was also part fox) and mistook Play for Suite, nuzzling the hybrid as he mumbled "Hello Suite, dear."

He found himself trying to stand, legs shaking under him. "I'm fine, I'm fine" grunted the canine, managing to come to a standing position. His legs shook under him but, he was standing.

Re: I have no idea where this will lead us||Sick, open - Cosmic - 07-15-2018

I was slightly shocked when he nuzzled me, and then when he called me 'Suiteheart' I had to give a small chuckle. But I honestly had to cut to the chase and help him get his strength back.

"Hey Coop, do you think you can make it to your bed? Me and Suite will help you walk over there. I don't want you standing too much. You're physically weak right now." I wanted what was best for him, and so I was basically ordering him to bedrest.

Re: I have no idea where this will lead us||Sick, open - Warringkingdoms - 07-15-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Despite Cooper having appeared fine when she released him from bed rest, Rin still couldn't help being concerned. It seemed she wasn't the only one constantly struggling with stress, especially since Coop was also aiding Suiteheart and Margaery with their children. He was the type to care, to worry, just as she was.

  Rin had already been heading to Cooper's room to check in on him when she noticed Suiteheart rushing in and heard Playerone talking. Frowning, she walked over and entered the room, furrowing her brows as she saw Cooper nuzzle Play while referring to her as "Suite." She could smell chervil in the room- most likely, Play had already tried to treat him for nausea. Play's initiative and level head were proving themselves quite useful indeed. "Is he running a fever?" Rin asked, cautiously heading over to Coop's bed. "If you need further assistance with getting him in bed, I'll help too."

Re: I have no idea where this will lead us||Sick, open - Suiteheart - 07-16-2018

For all the worry and stress this situation was causing her, Suiteheart couldn't help but smile at Cooper's mistake. A sad sort of smile quirked up her lips for a few fleeting seconds before disappearing as concern took hold of her once more as he explained he was 'fine.' She shook her head. "No, you're not fine... I've never seen you this sick before." Her voice grew smaller and smaller as she contained to speak until it became almost inaudible. Her tail tip twitched back and forth as her anxieties grew. "Now c'mon and let me and Play get you to bed or I'm gonna shift into a polar bear and carry you myself."

When Warringkingdoms entered, a great deal of worry felt lifted off of her shoulders. Rinny had a natural calming effect about her. Suite wasn't sure what the deal was, but she was glad her best friend could help calm her down. "I don't think he's running a fever, but I could be wrong. I'm hoping it's not a super high fever since that can cause confusion. Like, I hope he just needs to rest."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: I have no idea where this will lead us||Sick, open - ★ HAZEL - 07-16-2018

i never had nobody touch me like i'm glass
There was a period of time where Cooper had disappeared for a little while — no one heard from him; no one knew much of his wherabouts or how he was doing. Hazel was admittedly one of those people that caught herself up in needless drama and hardly had the mind space to endlessly worry over others amongst the chaos of her own crisis. But she tried; damn, did she try. Tried shoving everything to the side to summon what rapidly dwindling energy she possessed because people didn’t deserve her problems, because they had more pressing matters. So forget the voice in her head, forget the bond that linked her to Bastille, the crippling self-loathing that pressed upon her bones from dawn until dusk and the nightmares that plagued her in between.

When she finally spotted Cooper, his aura was weak and dim, fluttering like a sputtering light bulb. The sight made her heart seize in her chest, praying that his flame wasn’t snuffed out by the cold shiver of Death she was becoming so accustomed to. The scent of sick hung heavily in the air, though this was...actually sick, not the withdrawal she was used to experiencing through Bastille. She’d never seen Cooper so ill before, and it worried her — what if Rin couldn’t make him better? What if it wasn’t enough? Hazel wasn’t ready to lose another friend.

“Rin, if you need any more help, I’m happy to offer my services,” Hazel volunteered, though she was speaking to Suite and Player as well. Golden optics slid over Cooper again, a concerned sort of noise dying in her throat. “Rest up, Cooper. Don’t push yourself too hard, alright? We need you around here.” She urged, making sure not to get in anyone’s way.