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play bnha based characters! - Printable Version

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play bnha based characters! - arcy - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]hi im remaking this because the old one is Dead asjdghfjafds.
so im a huge bnha nerd. and i have an izuku character. who,,, will probably eventually be too far from source material for me to do this again so haah. better get this in now.
so these characters are former humans! they come from the regular bnha verse, which went,, bad. villain attacks and all that. most of the current characters died nd then came to the bob verse but u dont have to follow the same formula lmao.
details ig:
the rules are pretty basic. please, stay active with your character. im not asking for a lot, just semi-active 'posts once in a while' sort of thing. dont pick up a character you think you'll drop within the month. dont hang onto them if you dont think you can manage it, though. ooc/life excuses nd ill let you keep em for like half a fuckin year but if its just bc of muse,, please.
the characters:
uwu!!! feel free to track if u want. also, note the squad plot nd chat here. The squad discord is here. you can join the discord or chat even if you dont plan on making a character, btw! :^)!

Re: play bnha based characters! - arcy - 07-14-2018

tracking bc i dont ever leave izu's sub and thisll be easier to keep track of this way lol
what was i worth

Re: play bnha based characters! - TSUYU. - 07-14-2018

Tsuyu had been electrocuted to death by a villain in a fight, then reincarnated with no memories of how she died in the first place. ^^

Re: play bnha based characters! - guts - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color: black; padding: 20px"]track!! uwu

Re: play bnha based characters! - Grey - 07-15-2018

somewhat interested in bakugou? i'd have to know what his design and backstory is though and i should also note that i'll be very busy in october and the start of november as i have my final exams which are really important to me because i would like to get to university aha. regardless activity and muse is never really a problem for me. all i need to know is if you're okay with the possibility of me disappearing for a month (i'll have an ic reason prepared and, as i said before, the disappearance will be for exams) and what his design + backstory is.

Re: play bnha based characters! - arcy - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]got it, riri!! uwu!!
gentle gasp. hey, dont worry about being busy during that time, either! life excuses will get you Miles with me my dude. so yeah, thats not a big deal at all uwu
okokok!!! so!! design-wise, bakugou is just a tabby ragdoll cat. i think he was like,, 8, 9 months. however, u can shift the breed or age around however u want!! just so long as the rest of the design stays the same.
some art he has:
backstory-wise,,, he didn't make a big impact on izu and aizawa's stuff so you can shuffle this stuff around as you want! all verdigris said on how he died was that toga appeared as kirishima, played some mind games i thiNK, and then killed him? i think? uh he woke up in tanglewood, without knowing he died, just thinking a quirk changed him. almost blew up tanglewood lol. he meets izu and aizawa during a visit during snowbound. honestly though you can probably just completely re-wipe his bob history(and/or lose the Death bg ig) if you really want ashdgjdsaf

Re: play bnha based characters! - Grey - 07-16-2018

eep i’d say i’m interested !
however i will pick him up on sunday as i’m busy all this week if you don’t mind

Re: play bnha based characters! - arcy - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]shoutout to the squad which is back to Rapidly Expanding for the time being again shdgjfdhsa.

sure dude, take ur time!!! im excited to see him around!!! :^)!!

Re: play bnha based characters! - Una. - 07-17-2018


Re: play bnha based characters! - megiji - 07-17-2018

uhhh i might be interested in all might!!!!! i do have to warn tho i am going to be Ultra Busy with marching band and work after this week so idk when i would really be able to play him :'- ) but if u dont mind his activity being Very casual from now until like... early november? i could look into it more!

i do really dig all might and bnha and roleplaying in general though so id be happy to fill out that role!!!