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BELLS & WHISTLES / 07.14 meeting - Printable Version

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BELLS & WHISTLES / 07.14 meeting - beck. - 07-14-2018

    He wasn't even going to try multitasking during this meeting. There was a lot to address, and the boy just wanted to get it all over with. Somehow Beck looked even more disheveled and exhausted then usual, mud-colored fur sticking up at every angle imaginable and various debris matted into his pelt. Scrambling up to take his expected perch on the statue of rubble looming at the center of town, he flopped onto his rear with a rattling cough almost unintelligible. One with keen ears could translate the ghost's hoarse mumbling as a string of words: "Fir-ar sa fie, everyone get over here for a meetin'." Ignoring his slip of native tongue, Beck wheezed out a couple more sputtering coughs before falling silent, glassy eyes staring through the rogues steadily flocking towards him.

    After flicking his ears in subtle greeting to the arriving members, the little feline did his best to straighten his defeated slouch and launched into the routine ramble, not entirely focusing on his own words as he instead fiddled with his claws. "Uh, hi. It's only been a bit since last meetin', but somehow we ended up with --" He paused to uselessly count the number on his paw, tilting his head in recollection before abruptly continuing, "-- I think about eighteen folks joining? Yeah, eighteen. That's pretty, what's the word, impressive, I hope y'all stay around to help out. 'Course, still gotta 'officially welcome' y'all, so 'hold onto your butts', heh. We've now got a bunch of new faces: Abathur, Delilah, Bellseth, Flipside, Aristotle and Rosemont, Henry, Aya, Stocking, Kauko, Meta, Arrow, Rhys, Thalasso, Xapul, and Mirabella. Oh, and Volatiletimes turned up again, hooray." Had he pronounced everyone correctly? He had spent a long while memorizing their exact names and how to say them despite a missing cheek impairing his speech, after all. Beck took a breather to skim the blurred faces of the audience, searching for the new arrivals and offering them a feeble smile. "Next thing on my list, um... shout outs, right. Thanks to Fenris, Iota, Zima, Malphas, Vigenere, and even Arrow and Kauko, for being 'round and tryin' to help out even though we've been in a slump. I've only got one promotion, though, and it's goin' to Vigenere -- ya can step up as a regent now. And we've got the nurse tryout results: Iota and Malphas get to be nurses, and start trainin' to be medics for Nayru."

    Another pause in Beck's shaky dialogue, a chance for him to catch his ragged breath -- breath he only needed to speak rather than function -- and for him to visibly gnaw on his one remaining cheek as he struggled to formulate his next sentences. When the poltergeist spoke up again, his shrill tone was delivered by a waterlogged cough, "Usually I don't have to demote people or any of that, but we've hit a rough patch and everyone needs to help out in one way or another. Freyja and Killian, ya both get a warnin', and Amunet, you're gonna have to go back down to a proxy for now." Letting out a strangled sigh, he was quick to carry on, aching to return to lazing around instead of dealing with overwhelming headaches. "Some of y'all also get a couple of titles today; Arrow, Bellseth, and Kauko, ya three have got some potential in there, so ya get the firefly title. And since Nayru is our faithful sawbone, she gets the hallow title, which is for experienced medics. Last one's for Iota, who's gone through a bunch of changes since I first met her, and deserved the revenant title."

    Now for the final stretch. The scrawny cat rolled his shoulders and mindlessly listed off the several events that were scheduled, or the success of past ones. "Last night was the first ever... what's a fancy name to call it... Lunar Festival, which I guess was pretty fun. If ya missed out, then ya get to join in at the next one. This week's tasks are bein' hosted by Vigenere, and don't be 'fraid to sign up for future ones. Always needin' some volunteers. Um, what else... I dunno how successful our mock raid was in trainin' our ally, but maybe we'll find out in the future. Last but not least, Malphas hosted a mass meet'n'greet for all the newcomers, so I hope y'all went over to that." Beck slumped over as he concluded his long-winded banter, giving a short wheeze as he sank back into his stone seat. Amber eyes drifting shut, he croaked a closing statement the unscathed side of his mouth, "That's all I've gotta say. If anybody wants to say somethin' else, go ahead... I'm just gonna, just gonna hang out here for a l'il while." With that, his head leaned back against the statue's base and he went out like a light. Not sleeping as much as he was recharging his energy, simply remaining idle instead of expending more power even if he faintly listened to the clan's reaction.

/ tl;dr
big welcome to our 18!!!! new tanglers!!!!! abathur, aristotle, arrow, aya, bellseth, delilah, flipside, henry, kauko, meta, mirabella, rhys, rosemont, thalasso, stocking, volatiletimes, xapul!!! hope y'all enjoy it here in the swamp family, and i highly recommend joining our discord if you haven't already so you can be closer to the community
s/o to arrow, fenrisulfr, iota, kauko, malphas, vigenere, and zimavich
vigenere has been promoted to regent
iota and malphas can now take on the positions of nurses
freyja and killian get warnings
amunet is demoted back down to a proxy
arrow, bellseth, and kauko receive the firefly title, nayru receives the hallow title, and iota receives the revenant title
be sure to participate in the lunar festival, mass meet and greet, and the mock raid on the ascendants, as well as the new icebreaker threads posted in the ooc board!
volunteers to host weekly tasks are always appreciated
and finally, the drought plot has been revived, check it out to know more about it and get involved!

Re: BELLS & WHISTLES / 07.14 meeting - aya - 07-14-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Her first meeting. Exciting. The tortoiseshell came over, chilling at the back of the crowd. Neat, she got a welcome.

bad track post

Re: BELLS & WHISTLES / 07.14 meeting - madster - 07-14-2018

after aya came the male, ears pinned back to his head. he listened in. he relaxed momentarily, content in his position as chaser until he was announced as a.. nurse. fuck, volunteering himself came back to bite him in the ass. ouch.

he'd get to work along nayru. his closest friend. he felt a warmth spread through him but then he stopped it when he realized that the medical team was one of the most overworked group of people in every clan. god damn it. at least he had... iota with him. he didn't know how to feel about iota- she was nice but he hated nice people. he realized he'd have to suck it up and get along with her. maybe he'd go strike up a conversation later? who knew. "gonna fuckin regret this, becky, ol' boy," he muttered under his breath. he had little medical knowledge and it was clear he couldn't take care of himself, how was he going to take care of other people. but... doing it for nayru, and for iota... maybe it work out.

"thanks. and congrats to iota. she deserves it." of course, malphas didn't deserve it, but whatever. he could pretend to be proud of other people. 

Re: BELLS & WHISTLES / 07.14 meeting - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-14-2018

Re: BELLS & WHISTLES / 07.14 meeting - Morgan - 07-15-2018

Morgan chuckled as Beck finished up his announcements, seated just beside the poltergeist as usual. He wagged his tail as he got up and walked toward Iota first to congratulate her. "I'm very happy for you, Iota. Congratulations - more medics are always good to have." He turned to both Vigenere and Malphas next. "I'm proud of you both, too," he said, smiling wide and bowing his head down. "Keep doing your best, and Tanglewood will get better." His eyes rested on Vigenere for just a moment longer before he turned back around and retreated toward Beck. "Having fun?" he asked, giggling to himself. He expected no answer as he sat down once more to relax for a bit.

Re: BELLS & WHISTLES / 07.14 meeting - Bean - 07-18-2018

Re: BELLS & WHISTLES / 07.14 meeting - Xapul - 07-18-2018

Xapul had kept a slight distance from the gathering, but not so far to where she couldn't hear the announcements. With her size, it was probably for the best as well. Much of this was foreign to her; part of that was attributed by her recent arrival, but she was sure she would grow accustomed to these meetings with time.

Re: BELLS & WHISTLES / 07.14 meeting - arrow - 07-19-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Ooooh, a shout out, eh? Hadn't even been here that long. Not that she was complaining, no sir! Yeah, it was late of her to show up now but she got distracted. "Well I'll be damned." She blinked in surprise as she nodded, making mental notes of everything else that Beck had said. New nurses? Check. Mal was cool, bit strange but not anything bad that she could tell, and Iota, a good and productive member of society. To put it more bluntly, day and night. "Congrats to our new nurses then."

She frowned at all the names, even though her name was among them, that really was a lot. Guess you didn't notice when you were a part of that avalanche of new faces. She'd just have to work harder to break away from that, keep herself from being stuck as another new face to the others. Make something of herself.

Re: BELLS & WHISTLES / 07.14 meeting - Luciferr - 07-20-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

Fenris prowled into the meeeting area, the regent taking the time to do a headcount with a nod to the familiar faces and a brief murmur of welcome t encompass the joiners - 18? quite the sum - and another slight friendly jostle to [member=601]VIGENERE CIPHER.[/member] and a smile for congratulations even as the news for amunet worried him somewhat.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]