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searching for answers — p, dimitri - Printable Version

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searching for answers — p, dimitri - guts - 07-14-2018

Something about him just rubbed Aizawa the wrong way.

He didn't dislike Dimitri, per se. He just didn't trust him. There was something about the tom, and he wanted to find out what it was. As second-in-command, he felt the need to weed out any possible trouble-makers. He stepped up in front of his cabin, lifting a paw to knock at the front door. "Dimitri, it's Aizawa," he states his arrival, then waits for a response.



Re: searching for answers — p, dimitri - Dimitri - 07-14-2018

Aizawa? Dimitri fell from his chair, decorating his strange cabin. Looking at Dimitri’s room, one could tell there was something off. The room’s  furnishings were almost sectioned off, as if he had roommates. There was a corner where Daisy and her paints had taken camp and her picture books were in a pile. Delta’s knives and writing about battle plans and strategies sat on a coffee table that Dimitri had moved from another cabin. Delta had a few seldom books- The Art of War, 48 Laws of Power, and three other similar titles. On the other side of the coffee table was a few bottles of whiskey. Dagon had vices. Dakota had a dusty bookshelf with new books on it in the corner opposite of Daisy’s. He had a few blankets sitting there, too. The glasses sat on the shelf.
Divertimento’s area spilled into Daisy’s, some. He mostly had board games and things Dimitri wasn’t even sure of their usage.  He knew they were toys and stuff to entertain people with. Darby and Donovan (save for Donovan’s pansexual flag in a corner) were the only one without a section yet, but two corners had been left open for them.

"J- just a minute!" he knew that the thing that would stick out the most was Daisy’s corner, and he ripped a blanket off his bedding, dragging it over the dirty floorboards and covering up her possessions. He ripped the ones off the wall and stuffed them under for good measure. He hoped it didn’t sound like he was making a ruckus, dragging his paw through the dust trail to attempt to mess it up.

He came to the door, sucking in a breath. Dimitri’s head was quiet for now, and he guessed Dagon wasn’t coming to save him.
Be brave.
The way Aiziwa looked at him made the tom uneasy, as if he was trying to unravel him. He moved, opening the door to the cabin and briefly checking if there was anyone with the lion. He opened the door fully to make room.
”C- come on in. What bring you by?”

//  thought I would give description of Dimitri’s house to help him search for clues

Re: searching for answers — p, dimitri - guts - 07-15-2018

The noises weren't loud, but he definitely noticed them. He narrowed his eyes as he heard the shuffling, though he still patiently waited for him to open the door, even if his suspicions were only strengthening. Something was definitely up. As the door was finally opened, he bowed his head in greeting, walking past him into the cabin. "Thank you. I just wanted to see how you were settling in," was that a lie? Only partly.

As he glanced around, he quickly took note of some things that First was the things that were covered in the corners. He hummed slightly, but otherwise didn't comment on it--yet. Instead he turned back to Dimitri and offered a smile, though it was probably a bit unsettling. He didn't know how to properly smile and that was okay.


Re: searching for answers — p, dimitri - Dimitri - 07-15-2018

Dimitri tried to remain calm- Aizawa’s presence spooked him. Dimitri was small as it was but he felt like the second in command could crush him in his jaws. The sounds of bones breaking filled his ears and his own screaming- he shook his head rubbed his ear with a paw, like he was trying to get something off his face.

Dimitri looked up at the lion, and turned to hop onto the table to be more eye level with him. ”I’m settling in okay. I’ve almost set up about everything and cleaned up.... Sorry about the mess.”


Re: searching for answers — p, dimitri - guts - 07-18-2018

He knew well enough how intimidating his size was. It was new to him, being so much bigger than others. Usually he was smaller, especially when it came to Toshinori. But he still sometimes forgot and only now realized the difference in size when Dimitri climbed up onto a table. He blinked, but was somewhat appreciative of the change. Besides he was probably unnerving the smaller tom.

"It's alright, I don't mind," he says as he once again looks around, still curious as to what was under those covers he set up. "What's under that blanket, if I may ask?" the way the furniture and other things were set up were odd enough. What did he have to hide? It all seemed odd to him.


Re: searching for answers — p, dimitri - Dimitri - 07-18-2018

He shook a bit, his tail clinging close to his form as he looked the lion up and down. Dimitri thought up a lie, "Just some junk. I didn’t want you to think my room was too messy..." Dimitri was indeed small for his age- Dakota believed it was from early kithood malnourishment.

It unnerved him and made him feel small. It wasn’t his fault. It made him feel more vunerable.

Re: searching for answers — p, dimitri - guts - 07-19-2018

Aizawa didn't buy in his lie, simply put. He would narrow his eyes, pausing for a moment, trying to think of what to do. Should he just storm over and pull off the covers? It would be rude, yes, but he wasn't exactly very good with manners. He'd throw them to the wind if it meant getting what information he wanted. So he turns away from the other male, walking over towards the corner that was hidden by the blanket and ripping it off. What was surprisingly underwhelming.

He looks over the pictures and paints with a puzzled glint in his eye before looking back at Dimitri, brows furrowing. "Alright, what's going on? What do you have to hide from us?" he asks, wanting to uncover whatever it was that he was hiding. If it would cause harm to the clan, then he wasn't going to stand for it.


Re: searching for answers — p, dimitri - Dimitri - 07-19-2018

Dimitri visibly tensed when he watched the lion approach the blanket, watched him lift his paw, ”Aizawa, dont-!”
OH- He heard iterations of ‘no, fuck, goddamnit, don’t cuss in front of Daisy.’ He heard his brain going haywire and Dimitri trying to listen- he was visibly spaced out for two heartbeats. His breathing was rushing- Aizawa was going to force the truth out of him- he was going to hurt him-
Dimitri gasped, his fur rising up and down like a wave as Dagon took over. The alter was well aware of what was going on and dug his claws in the floorboards. Act like Dimitri. Come on. Asshole.
"Every- Everyone’s suppose to have a skill or product to seek in the clan, ye- yeah? I wanted to try to sell artwork, okay? I- I’m just still trying to get the fundamentals down." Dagon’s posture was different, more relaxed and confident. His ears and tail at attention and a slight furrow in his brow.


Re: searching for answers — p, dimitri - guts - 07-20-2018

Aizawa had no intentions of hurting a clanmate, even if he was being slightly suspicious. Unlike what some probably thought, he didn't like solving things with violence--except for the whole situation with Toshinori. That was simply because he was angry with him. Otherwise, he only used force as somewhat of a last resort. "I suppose that's true," he says in response, noting his sudden nonchalant posture. "But even so, I wouldn't suspect you to be the type to paint, or to be into knives,"

He hadn't forgotten the other various things in the cabin, no. All of it was weird to him, though he was slowly coming up with his own assumptions. Was he housing people they didn't know about? Or maybe he had 'imaginary friends' or what have you. The last thing on his mind was that he might have had some personality disorder.


Re: searching for answers — p, dimitri - Dimitri - 07-20-2018

"I’m a bit of a hoarder, to tell you the truth..." he hated acting. Dimitri was such a fucking pussy. Ugh. He held the tail close to the body, still replicating Dimitri’s submission. ”Collections and other stuff. I don’t get out much so I like trying new things...”  he just gestured to the whiskey, ”Like that stuff... it’s terrible.”

Housing other people theory was both a truth and a lie, but the problem with that idea, was that Dimitri scent was the only one in the room.  The alters didn’t change their scent, save for Donovan, who sprayed himself with rose perfume when he got the chance. The tom moved to the basket with the blankets in it. Dimitri’s bed, and sat down, looking up at the lion once more.
”You can take a look around if it would make you feel any better...” Dimitri wouldn’t say that but would probably get them out of here faster.  The only thing that might stick out to be odd was one of Daisy’s drawings, piled under the others of their ‘family’.
Besides, the lion wouldn’t find their journal. He was sitting on it.