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STRANGEST PLACES ☀ north - Printable Version

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STRANGEST PLACES ☀ north - arcy - 07-14-2018

.. It was very stressful to deal with injured people. Izuku, of course, knew this very well. Which was kind of funny to realize, since Izuku had only treated a handful of people in his little life. And not very well, for that matter. He was .. getting better, at least. Even if his Tenderfoot training wasn't even finished and Izuku was just frantically just trying to catch up. That was nice. Seriously, Izuku wasn't qualified to be a Frosthealer yet, who let him do this. And the answer? Jacob. Jacob decided Izuku was qualified and waltzed away. Jackass. .. Izuku's thought process was very bitter at the moment, but it'd be fine.
.. Right. Well. Izuku didn't .. know .. their newest injured person very well. Or at all. Izuku had just seen him, panicked, then Aizawa knocked him out and then Izuku was left to treat him. Luckily at home, where he had all his supplies at hand and was more comfortable and didn't have to worry about lugging him back. .. Izuku figures, though, that he'll be awake soon. It'd been long enough, right? Even if not, Izuku could just check again later. .. Izuku hopes he won't be too panicked once he wakes up.
"Hello?" Izuku chirps softly as he steps into the room. It's dark -- it's just the back room of his home, so Izuku could keep a closer eye on the stranger. He'd turned off almost all of the lights, just in case, but light streams through the window. It's afternoon-evening or something, and he'd done his best to declutter the room again. It .. didn't work. Izuku .. liked to hoard things, unfortunately. Around his neck, a flask swings. Tea. Chamomile, mostly -- good for a lot of things. It'd probably become another go-to herb of his soon enough. Second to Marigold, though. Hm. "Are -- Are you awake? How are you feeling?" He'd gotten everything bandaged up, he thinks. The armor was .. hard to shift around, since it was heavy and Izuku was very small, but once he'd wiped away the fluids on it and gotten everything done with, he'd put it back on as best as he could. For the stranger's sake, really. He .. hadn't seemed to want to part with it. Which was fine with Izuku, he just needed it off often enough to change out the bandages, that was all.
//[member=1388]NORTH[/member] have a HELL THREAD
what was i worth

Re: STRANGEST PLACES ☀ north - rhosmari - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]How long had he slept? A day maybe? Maybe more? The male wouldn't be able to tell really as time just seemed to flow along here with no real way of telling it by numbers or specifics. Only when the sun came up and when the sun went down so he wouldn't be getting that information soon and it wasn't like he would ask it either. His head was upon his paws, eyes partially open to the world around him as he stared up at the light that was streaming in through the window. He'd just woken up and though his body still pained him greatly it was at least bearable and the medicinal herbs that had been put on his burn and on his head was at least healing. It was sure to be peeling and scabbing over soon but for now it was just angry and red. But it was all hidden behind white bandages. His breathing was jerking but at least it was calm and slow and his head lifted up as the one whom was taking care of him stepped into the room. A part of him wondered how long he was going to be staying in this house, he was getting a bit fidgety but he just watched the other, a small smile pulling at the corners of his muzzle. Right not where was no headaches, only the pains of his wounds and not the instability of his mental state. "Yeah, I'm awake. I feel like I've been hit with a tree or something..."

He didn't even remember if he had felt worse than this before. Maybe. maybe not and he just lowered his head back down on his paws for a moment, jaws parting to release a shaky yawn before he glanced off to the side a bit. His helmet was on the ground near the bed he was on and he didn't know if he wanted to wear it or not. After all, he'd been wearing it when he had stumbled upon this place all bloodied and messed up. He shrugged his shoulders a little before turning back to look at Izuku then, thick tail shivering slightly as he pulled himself to sit up. Pain flared across his eyes for a moment but he was hardy and it didn't stop him from moving before he gasped softly. Damn, that had tired him out already but he made sure to focus on what he wanted to say. "I remember... You guys said this was Snowbound, right? I've never heard of it before. Oh, I never introduced myself..." He never did because he couldn't remember what that name was. Who had he been? Surely just a snow leopard all his life but then he'd still have a name. His mind traveled to look for something, anything and he remembered the small voice of the child in his mind repeating North over and over again. "Call me North."

Re: STRANGEST PLACES ☀ north - arcy - 07-15-2018

Honestly, Izuku's sense of time wasn't the greatest either. Not because he was unconscious, like North. Just cause he was hidden away in a dark, dark room without the sun, furiously reading about Medical stuff. Because he was a medic. Even though he shouldn't be. Christ. He was making a mess of his life. Anyways, well -- Izuku got being fidgety. God knows Izuku didn't know how to stay still when he was being injured. Though, that was probably part of the reason Izuku's leg hadn't healed basically at all. Because he refused to stop walking on it. Whoops. .. Maybe Izuku would consider letting North out sometimes once he was sure that it wouldn't mess stuff up too much. Movement was probably good anyways. So the wounds wouldn't scab over badly. But not too much movement cause that'd ruin it altogether.
"I guess that's too be expected," Izuku says with a strange mix of emotions. Relief, mostly, but he was nervous and amused, too. Nervous because christ Aizawa hit him on the head, that's why it was expected. But they seemed a lot calmer now that they weren't hysterical and in pain. Still, reassured, Izuku rounds to approach the Leopard more closely, lowering his head to let the flask slide off his neck. "Some herbal tea. Chamoline." He explains, nudging it a little closer. Tea was his go-to for all sorts of stuff. I mean .. he preferred hot chocolate, but tea was healthier. Especially herbal teas. .. Maybe he'd open a shop selling teas. That sounded like something he could manage.
Izuku grimaces as the other sits up, though. He opens his mouth to complain, but thinks better of it. "Easy," He warns instead, but that's all. He wasn't going to stop the other from doing whatever just so long as it didn't hurt him. Izuku didn't get to commandeer people's lives, and he didn't want to, either. Though, he wasn't above bullying people into behaving. He'd pull rank if he had to. He didn't have to now, though, so --. "Yup. Snowbound," Izuku confirms, tail twitching as he offers a slight grin. He's surprised the stranger, not that he registered as much of a stranger when you've been bandaging his injuries for hours, remembers even that much. I mean, he wasn't really coherent then. ".. Not surprising. We're just .. a group of people, I guess," Izuku shrugs. People .. not the best descriptor, but it was comfortable. People talked and could plan. People weren't just humans anymore, strange as that was. Realizing that he's still standing, though, Izuku seats himself and wraps a tail around his paws. A bit of shuffling and he manages to held his bandaged leg more comfortably, so he could keep all the weight off of it. God, he needed to figure out how to rest it more, he couldn't live like this for months when it was already going to scar for the rest of his damn life. The lack of surgery available here was awful. Right. Right. Anyways. They were finally introducing themselves. Izuku's ears prick. North. Like ... Directional north? Interesting. Izuku doesn't know anything about western names, though, so he doesn't comment. "Nice to meet you, North. I'm Izuku. Izuku Midoriya." Izuku ducks his head briefly in greeting, tail giving a cheery little twitch. .. He wasn't going to lie, he already liked North. Did he have anywhere to go, he wonders? Or would he be sticking around? .. Was it unfair of Izuku to hope he stuck around? Probably just a little, but oh well.
what was i worth