Beasts of Beyond
I've Been Walking (Open, Intro) Under an Atomic Sky - Printable Version

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I've Been Walking (Open, Intro) Under an Atomic Sky - Vincent C. - 07-14-2018

Once Vin had considered himself lucky. For when Yellowstone blew up, covering his home and damn near everything he'd ever known in ash, he was off in Poland on vacation. While everything he loved was being choked to death, he was watching it all in relative comfort on the tv. Although like a row of dominoes, the rest of the world followed suit and fell to shit. At first, it hadn't been so bad, but all it took was the lights to go out before mass chaos consumed the entire world. Nobody knew what was going on and everyone was panicking.

Eventually, it all seemed to settle down, but so many people were dead and what once was was no longer. All the governments seemed to fail and what was left of civilization was in small groups scattered across the world with little to no communication. Vin had been quick to get on the road, seeing it as safer to constantly be on the move rather than hole down. Of course, he had weapons to defend himself, his trusty ka-bar and a double barrel shotgun he had managed to cut down so he could wear it on his hip. Although it was only a few years before the priceless gun became useless, as ammo became nonexistent and the firing pins broke. Now it was nothing more than a scary looking club, that could either make someone run away or laugh at you.

At first, the man had tried to be a good person, helping anyone he came across in whatever way he could. Eventually, it seemed that more often than not it was some kind of trick that got him robbed. And so he stopped, and as food became more scarce he did whatever was necessary to survive. Over the years he became less and less fazed by the violence and the things he had to do to simply survive. Because of his poor experiences with people, he started to avoid groups, only going to towns when he had to. Though he always left, drifting from town to town, not quite staying long enough to make friends.

He'd heard from fellow drifters of what was going down and France, the massive settlement that had formed. He knew that so much people in one area would only cause trouble and in time, he was right. Kalopsia split up, with one group apparently going to Asia for some reason while the rest stayed in Europe, calling themselves "Griffingate". Though it was only a matter of time before the weathered traveler found his way into Griffingate and then finally the shithole that was Colmar. Although it seemed to him that it was currently occupied by that other group that had left, apparently returning with a vengeance.

The man walked through the street, worn leather hiking boots kicking up dirt as he went. He wore a shabby brown leather jacket and blue jeans with a sawn-off shotgun and a large knife on one hip. He had an unkempt beard and his messy brown hair was starting to get into his hazel eyes and he stood at 5'8". He had a doe hung over one shoulder and his left hand rested on the handle of his shotgun as he watched the people around him with a wary gaze. Most in his path moved out of the way, trying to avoid the stranger while others watched him with hunger in their eyes. Vin was on his way to the food stalls where he planned to sell the thing to a butcher. Maybe while he was here he could get a good meal, something to remind him of the good old days. But he didn't have any money, and this doe was his only ticket to getting some. While it would have been safer to just cook up the damn thing, he was tired of plain meat, he wanted something with a bit more flavor for once.