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PINTEREST BOARDS FOR Y/C? - Printable Version

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PINTEREST BOARDS FOR Y/C? - Cheeters - 03-23-2018

hey guyssss, i love making boards so if you want me to make one for your character, then feel free to ask for one (^:

prominent items/habits/symbols/likes:

Re: PINTEREST BOARDS FOR Y/C? - Guru - 03-25-2018

oof yessss
name: Guru
colors: Pink, maybe a bit of green/blue if needed.
personality: Mischievous, beautiful, interesting, and willing to do whatever it takes to get what she wants. Independent woman, really.
history: None formed just yet(sadly). I need to plan that out, actually.
prominent items/habits/symbols/likes: Sexualization, coaxing, becoming close friends with those she needs, and stabbing others in the back.



Re: PINTEREST BOARDS FOR Y/C? - cafune - 03-28-2018

uhhh this is a clusterfuck but

name: amaranth
colors: yellow & red
personality: literal hufflepuff, a little stubborn, a bit secretive, sensitive about her body
history: hhhh she doesn't have much yet but dad 1: literal beam of sunshine, total loser, meets dad 2: angry ginger short stack, dad 2 gets posessed by a demon, shit happens, and complications and things and they had ammy and her brother edgar. whisked away to the world of bob, she finds herself falling in love with the territory of the typhoon, but still always feeling like an outcast bc of her body/powers/quirks etc. despite being pretty extroverted, she'd rather spend time with her plants.
prominent items/habits/symbols/likes: flower motif, literally named after amaranths, half angel half devil & duality, feminine stuff, also!!! hawaiian/floral shirts,, also human au is ginger af, blue eyes

Re: PINTEREST BOARDS FOR Y/C? - Verdigris - 03-28-2018

name: Papercutter
colors: black, white, blue, gold
personality: acts like a tough guy, is actually a loser- extremely insecure about himself, and obsessed with becoming stronger
history: he used to be part of a gang of thieves, but left it after two members of his squadron were killed in an ambush and the other member blamed him for it (the initiation forced him to come to terms with it a little bit, but he's still hung up over it)
prominent items/habits/symbols/likes:
-items: rubies- he doesn't own any, but will find one later
-habits: turning around in a circle (so that he can hear things from all sides, being deaf in one ear), so circles in general
-symbols: masks (due to putting on a facade), the infinity symbol, heterochromia, stripes
-etc: human AU Paper would totally be into the stereotypical edgelord/glitch aesthetics if you can squeeze those in but if not it's chill

Re: PINTEREST BOARDS FOR Y/C? - Guru - 03-31-2018

ahh ty!! i love it <3


name:  khaol coratio
colors: red, black, white
personality: friendly and obnoxious he tends to come across as stubborn and arrogant. he's really loyal and super clingy, he tends to get really emotional when he feels that someone he cares for is unsafe. while he is a genuinely good person, he snaps easily and sometimes this leads to harming people he cares about.
history: was left to die when he was first born, was taken in by strangers who became his family, that group was later wiped out of existence by slavers who took khaol and trained him to do their bidding. while in captivity, he made a friend and on the night of their escape, khaol panicked when the plan went awry and left his friend behind. he later found out his friend was murdered as a result and that hangs with him to this day.
prominent items/habits/symbols/likes: earrings, a gold shackle on his ankle, drinking, smoking, blood-stained hands to symbolise the deaths he feels are on his hands, chains as he is chained to his past


name: Argus
colors: Black, Light blue, Pale red, Red
personality: oof
history: oOOF - Look on her discord channel It's where i got a good bit of it~ But basically she is a mom who's kids keep dying & she get's angry about it & sad Very very sad
prominent items/habits/symbols/likes: Red Katana, teeth, claws, leather, Smoke & Fire & Ash, lotsa angst, trust issues.
etc: here is where i have her own pinterest board atm- feel free to use it to help

Okay so personality-

Re: PINTEREST BOARDS FOR Y/C? - Luciferr - 04-10-2018

name: Lucifer grimm
colors: Black/grey/white(white is sparingly?) (red for his father, usually used as a 'corrruption' thing if ya wanna use it)
personality: I have tropes listed in his tags? if that'd work? otherwise very stoic, but a dad, who's been through a metric ton of trauma, tends to be quiet but often snarky/sarcastic in a comfortable environment, dark humour, cares deeply for family.
Quote:orn to the god of chaos and the entity of the void before the latter's betrayal and true colours were revealed

:eight_pointed_black_star: was born twin to michael, ascendant of light, both lived with their mother before their sealed father managed to create a crack in dimensions and abduct them

:eight_pointed_black_star: both suffered under this time, made to fight and become soldiers for their father's inevitable attempt to destroy reality (for the void, leviathan, hates what he cannot touch, can't have), michael was killed protecting lucifer from their father and lucifer was fatally horrifically scarred trying to escape to safer regions of the void with his dying brother.

:eight_pointed_black_star: Michael fused his soul to lucifer's to save him, sometimes Lucifer can hear what sounds like michael speaking to him, his scarred eye lights up white with hairline fractures down the cheek and neck at these seemingly random times.

:eight_pointed_black_star: that time he was literally enslaved to his will and made to fight and very nearly kill his younger siblings
prominent items/habits/symbols/likes: darkness / shadows / stars / void / family / crown (he does have accessories in his storage if that helps).
etc: if you need further stuff, most everything is in his storage if it'd help c: