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Oh come let us worship [o, prayer] - Printable Version

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Oh come let us worship [o, prayer] - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-14-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — proxy — tags[/color]
He had went off for a few days and for good reason. He had journeyed out of he territory- a prospect that had terrified him, until he went as far as finding a human town. He played dumb and cheery around the figures, memories coming back to him in vague images.
Of once walking upright. In the unforgiving russian snow....
He had found a book store, and his target. Russian books. He was only able to carry two in his mouth as he ran away- a Bible, and another religious tomb. He felt overjoyed at this and hoped the lord would forgive him for stealing. He moved briskly, following his own scent trail back, until he reserved at his den.

That was a few days ago. Now there were attempted knits and him trying to tie sticks together all around his floor. Nothing worked, but the bear dog eventually had close to what he wanted- the Russian cross, out of yarn. He attached the pink thing to a string.
The bear dog, seemingly satisfied, had set up a little corner in his home to worship at. While he was still stuggling to remember the grasps of his own religion now, he felt he had some grasp of himself and who he used to be.

Maybe they preferred the fool.

He growled, opening the door slightly and kneeling down in front of the corner, as close as he could get to praying, and looked at the other book he had, reciting prayers from the book and trying to remember what they meant. The context of the words.

Why would Jesus let your tormented soul into heaven? You’re living amoung thieves....
© madi

Re: Oh come let us worship [o, prayer] - eggplant18 - 07-16-2018


Ska'arq was by no means a religious person. His life was dedicated to fact and reason. An all-powerful entity whose powers had never once been unleashed upon the world for all to see was beyond that fact and reason. To put it simply, the cold-blooded, stone-faced reptile did not believe in God. Yes, there were gods that lived right in Tanglewood. They existed right before him. They had strength and power. As did most everyone else. What made them so special?

Nonetheless, those who devoted their life and time to worship something that clearly didn't exist fascinated him. The dragon had been sitting around, a lump of misshapen glass held with bandaged hands. He had crafted it himself, but it wasn't what he wanted. He would have to melt it down and retry it - with more caution. His hands were now coated in burns.

When Zimavich opened his door, he turned his head to glance over. He seemed to be squatting over something. A book? Setting the glass lump in his jaws so he could shuffle over, he sat down behind the massive dog. He was mumbling in another language. A closer look revealed what looked like an odd and deformed Christian cross. "You worship God?" he spoke, gaze returning to the fluffy dog.
[align=center]ATTACK IN BOLD #6e65b5 - TAGS

Re: Oh come let us worship [o, prayer] - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-16-2018

Re: Oh come let us worship [o, prayer] - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-17-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — regent — tags[/color]
Ivan was wrapping up his prayer when the town arrived an was already moving to open his bible. He was interrupted though, and as he listened to the two of them, he took the new cross off the table and put it over his scarf.
”Most Russians do... it give me some comfort because I know I go to Heaven if God forgives me...” He paused, an out of place, thoughtful expression coming to his maw. ”Most Russians are Christian and it.... helps me reconnect with whoever I used to be.” at this point his memory was so clouded by the existence of other lives and his bear form that it was hard to form the stories together and the main remaining factor under them was Ivan’s belief in a higher being.
”We walk amoung Gods and Demons, Ska.... I want my soul to be saved.” one thing that he did remember was Anakin’s killing of Winter. Making this Ivan’s last life.

He inherently bared his teeth and stomped on the ground at Vig’s request and growled.
”This is my home, Vigenere. So I don’t have to put it away.”
Not to mention they were the same rank.
© madi

Re: Oh come let us worship [o, prayer] - arrow - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — " that's what your accent is. Arrow mused thoughtfully, not meaning to have disturbed the little group forming. Just her wandering about at the same time. Of course, she couldn't help but stop when a gathering caught her eye and diverted her attention, especially the big guy himself, he was hard to miss and you just didn't forget someone who scared you shitless and then dunked you into the water. Good times.

"Ey, Vigenere. What's your deal, yo?" Sharply turning her head to the demon, her tail twitched with some mix of irritation and curiosity as to why they were suddenly so confrontational. "He's not beating you with it or anything." While she wasn't exactly religious, no exposure to any religion at all, she was almost intrigued by the ability to put faith in something like a higher power. As long as it didn't cause any legitimate rifts between people, then there was no issue. Granted, she didn't know the other was a demon, and actual demonic entity, and so to her, it came off as pure pettiness.

Re: Oh come let us worship [o, prayer] - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-17-2018

Re: Oh come let us worship [o, prayer] - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-19-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — regent — tags[/color]
There was an underlying growl in Ivan’s tone, standing upright and confident. ”I thought we were friends, Vigenere.” he said, tilting his head and barking. It was a touch of betrayal, he felt. He came out as a Christian and they’re acting like this?
© madi

Re: Oh come let us worship [o, prayer] - madster - 07-19-2018

malphas heard the commotion and padded over, crimson eyes narrowed. what was going on? he spotted the bible and rolled his eyes. then again, malphas himself wasn't an atheist- he surely believed in gods, obviously, he just hated them. malphas could understand wanting to give your life to a god you couldn't see and having faith that there was life after death. that was all religion was, wasn't it? a fairytale made to comfort the weak.

then of course vigenere started complaining. vigenere was a demon? fuck. malphas grinned, finding an opportunity to be an asshole. "hey, zima... if you hand me the bible i'll beat him with it, see if he melts," he joked, then turned to vigenere. "you know what's good about tanglewood? freedom of religion, bitch. if he wants to believe in his fairytales let him, it's not doing you any harm." he grinned. "he wasn't even near you, you just came over to bitch. get over it."

Re: Oh come let us worship [o, prayer] - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-19-2018