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HEY LOOK MA, I MADE IT | open, joining - Printable Version

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HEY LOOK MA, I MADE IT | open, joining - JUNIOR - 07-14-2018

//tw for mentions of abuse & suicide but !!!!!! bitchim here
tldr; just check the last paragraph lol

Six months. It had been six months since he'd lost her, since his father had stepped into their too-empty house and struggled to explain to his two month-old son what his mother had done. Of course, Junior hadn't understood what the man was telling him at the time; only that his mom, his caretaker, was gone. It wasn't up until recently that he'd truly known that her walking into the human traffic wasn't just an "accident". After his mother's death, Junior's life took a turn for the worse. His father, previously distant but helpful when he could be, grew cold. He would leave the boy alone for days; he'd started drinking, taking out his anger and grief on the defenseless child his wife had left behind. Junior loved his dad - however terrible the man was to him, he would always be his son. The young brown tabby found himself constantly reminding himself of the kind man he'd used to know, clinging onto the idea that maybe, someday, he'd go back to being that father. A bit quiet, not around as often as the other children in town's fathers, but still caring, still doing his best to give his boy the best life he could.

Junior had gotten out of the house whenever he could, out of the clutches of his constantly on-edge father, but even still, he wasn't safe. There would always be bullies, he realized, even in the safest of places. On his worst days, he found himself beginning to understand why his mother had done what she had. A couple months after her death, however, he realized he'd have to adjust if he really wanted to make it. He'd quit trying to put up with the bigger boys who liked to shove him into the mud, the kids who took joy in beating him to a bloody pulp behind the local diner, the wrath of his dad when he returned home late or tracked dirt into their house.

Junior could vividly recall bumping into two older boys on one of his daily walks outside his home - he could still see their sneers as they loomed over him, a venomous, "I thought we'd taught you about hanging around here, Rennie," escaping one's lips as the other snickered, "How's things with your dad?" It was no mystery what went on in the Rennie household, the shiners, the claw marks, the bloody noses and mouths he had often walked out of his home with. [color=#5B81AE]"Fine,"
the young tom had snapped, his tail curling around his back leg. He'd known he was going to run into them, that he was going to stand up for himself, but it wasn't like he could just use his brute strength, or anything, not against them. However, when one stepped toward him, probably readying himself to smash the other boy's head against the brick wall, he'd allowed a shaft of light from the setting sun to shine into the alley, reflecting off a piece of someone's broken mirror, or something, that they'd thrown out. Junior had managed to snatch it up before the brute reached him, holding it up to the other's throat. "One more step - either of you - and I'll slit your fucking throat." He wasn't really going to, but if there was one thing he knew, it was that guys like these were idiots. That'd been enough to scare them away, at least for that day, and after that, his public beatings had turned into fights.

For months, it went on like this, the only person spared of his behavior being, shockingly, his own father. However, just a few weeks back, he'd decided he'd had enough of it. Very few in town dared to harass him anymore, not with all the bruised and bloodied kids he'd sent home after a scuffle, or the muscle and height and, most importantly, the experience he'd gained these last couple of months. The beatings at home happened far less often due to his own growth, for sure, but that didn't mean he was anymore respected, and, truth be told, Junior was getting tired of it. He was basically a man at this point, with responsibilities and a reputation, but his dad was still the same old drunk, who the town somehow trusted and respected. Junior had had to leave while his father was out, of course - who knew what he'd do if Junior simply announced that he was out of there -, but it wasn't that hard to find an opening. Without a word, not even a note, Junior had slipped out of the home, leaving behind all of his belongings. He didn't need any reminders of that godforsaken town, and maybe his father would think he'd been killed or kidnapped, or something, if he didn't take anything with him. Wouldn't look for him.

Junior had had no destination in mind when he set off, knowing only that he wanted to get as far as possible from his old home. And, apparently, he had, because now he found himself at what had to be the border of some group's. He'd never stayed in one of these, but he'd passed through a couple and they were all pretty similar, but a bit too close to his old home for his liking; he just hoped this wasn't one of those crazy, cannibalistic ones, or something. "Hey-" the striped feline called, taking a quick seat as his tail curled around his paws. He'd been walking for, what, two weeks? Three? He'd distanced himself enough from that place. For now, at least. "My name's Junior. I've been looking for a place to stay."


Re: HEY LOOK MA, I MADE IT | open, joining - Verdigris - 07-14-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Paper knew relatively little about abusive parents. Bullying, he could understand some of- even prior to Blankslate deposing him, as a kid, he was occasionally shoved around or given odd looks for his mismatched eyes, difficulty hearing, and general scrawniness- but even then, it had never gotten to the point where he actually got seriously hurt (by his own packmates' paws, at least). Perhaps he was lucky that that wasn't what he had grown up with, even if what he had actually gone through was little better.

  As he approached the feline at the border- "Junior," he had said- Paper had to wonder if the world had shown this one its teeth and claws. Junior seemed young, maybe a year old at the most, but it was difficult to get a read on him from just a glance. "Junior, huh?" he asked, fixing his eyes on the feline's face. "Yeah, we'll have you, but it gets a bit wild here. Welcome to the Typhoon, I'm Papercutter." Maybe he had already heard rumors of the entrance ritual, maybe not, but either way he was in for a ride.


Re: HEY LOOK MA, I MADE IT | open, joining - bubblegum - 07-14-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//this is really rushed wHEEZES

she loved her family more than anything in the whole world. they meant everything to her. the ones she knew were all so good and she just wanted the best for them. they're the reason she had such a positive outlook on the world and felt the motivation to work hard. family, to her, was the best thing the world had to offer. but, the child wasn't stupid. she knew she had gotten lucky. she knew that she was fortunate to have the family she did.

she didn't know the specifics of horrible families, besides maybe a few, but she knew they were out there and she knew what they looked like. caesar tried to kill his own sister. her papa held some sort of bitterness towards his father that she would never ask about. there were conflicts that she did not understand, but knew unfortunately existed. but, this would not alter her own views. her family is good. she would be good for them, too.

that's why she continued to work hard and refused to rest even now. her legs shook from her exhaustion and injuries, and it was still hard to walk even though it'd been a couple weeks by now. it also was slowing down her healing in general, but did she care? no! not at all. that wasn't important to her. the point is that she's still healing, even if slowly, so it was fine in the end. she still wanted to work hard because that was more important. this is what lead her to the two now.

joiners seemed to be coming in a lot lately, which she didn't mind. the injured girl liked to have more crewmates. "we're a place to stay! welcome to the typhoon, junior!" she greeted enthusiastically, a smile upon her features. she struggled towards the two, wobbling into a sitting position. "my name's goldenluxury roux, but i normally go by goldie. nice to meet ya!"

Re: HEY LOOK MA, I MADE IT | open, joining - rochelle - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]Rochelle knew what it feel like to run away, especially when it was running away from family. When she had abandoned her post as leader of her previous group, she'd done so to escape the shadow of her family. Her mother had been a tyrant ... and a murderer. She didn't want anything to do with that, she didn't want to feel weighed down by the decisions of those before her. So she'd set off by herself, and that was how she'd gotten to the Typhoon. So far, it was a choice she was growing fond of. Rochelle no longer felt stifled by the bloodshed and violence that she'd been surrounded by everyday.

"Junior," The dark brown wolf greeted the kid with a fond smile, "I'm Rochelle. It's a pleasure to meet you." She limped up beside Goldenluxury and Papercutter, her tail softly brushing against her healing leg wound. The pressure of her tail or paw often eased the soreness of it, so she couldn't help but do that. Rochelle refocused back on Junior though, a small smile tracing across her face. She was fond of kids, still if she thought about it she was fond of most. Young ones, though, it was always so fascinating to her how independent and full of personality they could be, whereas often adults lacked depth and care. "I hope you didn't have to travel very far, right?" The wolf asked politely, her head tilting ever so slightly to the left.

Re: HEY LOOK MA, I MADE IT | open, joining - coldblue - 07-15-2018

Unlike the others, Coldblue understands what it is like to possess a dislike for one's own family. No one ever beat him. No one called him stupid or worthless. In fact, no one did anything at all. His father, Pincher, does not exist in Blue's earliest memories. The doberman was more of an idea than a parent. He was raised by the concept of being the captain's son instead of the actual captain. And his mother, Guru? Who knows where that bitch ran off to? Blue certainly does not. The only person who was there since day one is his sister. Goldie is the light of his life, the stars in his sky. She is vastly superior to him in all aspects, and he would sooner die for her than let anyone lay a paw on her. Coldblue was just fine without their parents. All he needed was his sister beside him. And then, out of the blue, Pincher finally decided to be something other than a deadbeat dad. Suddenly, miraculously, he cared. Hooray! Whoopee!! No. No, no, no. Goldie is the better child, the sweeter one. She welcomed Pinch back with outstretched arms and immediately becomes the joy of the Typhoon. But Blue? He still does not trust his father's intentions, even if, deep down, he truly cares about the captain. The boy does not think Pinch deserves to suddenly decide to be a wonderful father. But in the end, it is not his choice. The crew loves Pinch and Goldie while Blue is doomed to fade into the background. While more and more random family members arrive at the border what seems like every day, he remains the forgotten son.

Perhaps it is better this way. He is a jealous, lazy, vindictive creature. He does not deserve to be loved.

As always, he follows closely after his sister. Coldblue cannot get the image of her burnt and bubbling flesh out of his head. It haunts him in his dreams. Too many times has he seen his beloved sibling injured, and now it compels the usually lazy creature to keep a watchful eye upon her. Beautiful, cream-colored fur shines in the sunlight as he moves, highlighting the soft, fawn brown rosettes which decorate his sleek pelt. Half-lidded eyes the color of the frozen arctic waters flicker this way and that, observing everything he passes. But he isn't paying attention. Not until his lithe body slows to a halt beside Goldie without him even thinking about it. Slowly, as if bored, the handsome young tomcat inspects the stranger before him with piercing blue eyes. It's a young kid, around Coldblue's age, with a muscular build and rich brown fur. Hmm... "Junior, huh?" repeats the seal lynx bengal with a theoretical arch of a brow. Blue is...intrigued. "The name is Coldblue Roux--pleasure to meet you." The listless frown he wore only moments before is replaced with a charming smirk; his gaze, intense. Blue might hate every fiber of his being, but he knows he's pretty and he really cannot help himself when he sees someone else as equally appealing.

Re: HEY LOOK MA, I MADE IT | open, joining - JUNIOR - 07-15-2018

Baby blues were quick to fix on Papercutter as he came into view, masking his quiet surprise at the sight of the jackal. Despite having traveled through many groups, he'd had yet to come across canines that weren't feral- all the ones back home had been violent, crazed creatures, ones that were bound to kill you if they managed to catch you. Most in that town lived in constant fear of the canines that would sometimes get loose from their owners, very few having survived their attacks. To be approached by a rather civil-seeming one was shocking, to say the least, but he didn't let it show, instead listening closely to what the other male had to say. Wild, huh? He couldn't help but wonder what this guy's definition of "wild" was. He sounded cocky, perhaps, but he wasn't wrong. Unless they were going to be throwing him in a pit of lava or forcing him to eat another person's heart, or something, he was pretty sure he'd be fine. [color=#5B81AE]"Thanks, Papercutter." Weird name. "Cool to meet you."

His attention was soon drawn from the older man, however, as Goldie approached. She was young - a bit younger than him, it looked -, but far taller, he noted, with mild irritation. She was injured, too; bad. Junior knew danger was everywhere, but he'd expected things more like little scuffles, in places like this. Weren't groups supposed to be safe (or, safer)? The girl looked as though someone had tried killing her, for Christ's sake.  Maybe it'd been some kind of freak accident, or something, though. "You too, Goldie," the tabby purred in response, lips curling up into a smile as two more arrived; a wolf and another feline. The wolf - Rochelle, she called herself - was injured as well, and Junior was beginning to wonder if this had been the best place to go, but he waved away his concerns. He'd made it through all the other shit life had thrown at him- whatever this place had to offer, it couldn't be any worse.

"Oh, it wasn't so bad," Junior assured her with a convincing smile, not wanting to admit that he'd been traveling for nearly a month and hadn't even intended on ending up here. Luckily, he had an easy excuse to look away from the femme; a striking bengal, one that looked to be about his age. Back home, he would've been called a number of names for showing any sort of interest in the other tom, but judging by the other's demeanor, it wasn't like that around here, and besides, if anyone did try confronting him about it later, he'd just teach them a quick lesson. Easy. "Coldblue?" he echoed, cocking his head ever so slightly to the side. "Suits you," Junior noted the other's icy eyes, his smile returning, far more genuine than before. "But, really, the pleasure is all mine, Blue." He picked up a nickname quickly, likely one already in use, considering "Cold" isn't a very good name. There was a small pause, before Junior questioned, his inquiry directed to the small group of animals as a whole, "So, what is it I have to do before I can really get in this place?" There had to be a catch- there always was. Without some sort of initiation, they'd undoubtedly be letting countless criminals in their home. Though, he still wasn't convinced this wasn't a group of cannibals - he was kind of scarred by the last one he'd encountered.


Re: HEY LOOK MA, I MADE IT | open, joining - purgatory - 07-15-2018

Re: HEY LOOK MA, I MADE IT | open, joining - coldblue - 07-15-2018

No, there are no sorts of rules dictating who you can or cannot smash--sorry--no rules dictating who you can or cannot be attracted to. Coldblue's vulgar way of thinking tends to jump immediately to the more intimate aspects, but the basic ideology remains the same. Even if Pincher was not in a relationship with Jacob (Blue still isn't sure if that's under wraps or not, but it's easy to see once you start paying attention), the sheer amount of crewmates getting cozy with one another while under the influence of one substance or another should be enough to get the idea that nobody really policies who likes who. The way Coldblue sees it, discriminating against one or more genders based on "morality" is a perfectly good waste of attractive people. And if it wasn't allowed, well, Blue does what he wants and if people have a problem with it? They can fucking bite him, for all he cares.

The handsome young bengal is visibly pleased at the reciprocation of interest. Blue is quite tired of having to meet relatives or young children at the border, so it's nice when someone attractive comes around to liven to genetic pool. He can be a total dick sometimes, but he isn't into kids or relatives. Even sleazy assholes have to draw the line somewhere. "Why, thank you," he replies with a lazy smile, dipping his head in a (rather dramatized) bow of gratitude. It's more fun this way. "It would not nearly be as striking if it was Warmblue." the young male gives a short laugh, imagining how much more painful his childhood would have been if his name really was Warmblue. Blech. Disgusting. Like someone peed in the water, or something.

As much as he would have enjoyed to continue flirting, Coldblue falls silent as Cronas begins to speak. He is not close with them, but he has always found them to be quite intriguing. Plus, they complimented his eyes once which is enough to put someone on his good side--usually. "Actually, there is an entrance ritual. You have to drink the jungle juice, spend the night alone, and then you may return. I heard it's great fun." he smiles again, but this time it's more mysterious. Blue is hiding something, he makes that very clear, but he is quite good at keeping a secret even if he has some fun teasing the other person with information.