Beasts of Beyond
ᴀš ᴍʏʟɪᴜ ᴛᴀᴠᴇ - joining - Printable Version

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ᴀš ᴍʏʟɪᴜ ᴛᴀᴠᴇ - joining - adomania - 07-14-2018

[div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Zenyatta was not familiar with borders, as it was a foreign concept to a man who had spent his entire life up in monasteries that were dedicated to the theory of peace. Borders were, as he saw it, inherently a factor in war. The moment that groups had things that separated them from others, that made them different on a day-to-day basis instead of allowing others to come and go as they saw fit... it could only ever eventually spell disaster.

But he did not cross the border because he was scoffing at it, or trying to rebel against it's very nature. No, if Zenyatta had known that such borders even existed he would have politely stopped anyways so as not to anger the creatures that lived beyond it. He just hadn't known better, and his curious nature had led to his (perhaps poor) decision making.

He was already halfway through the terrain as a result, pace languid and unphased, taking in every nuance of the scenery and slowly making his way towards the towering building in the distance.

// I am bad at joining threads forgive me ;;


Re: ᴀš ᴍʏʟɪᴜ ᴛᴀᴠᴇ - joining - Margaery - 07-14-2018

While intruders were a relatively common sight, Margaery still couldn't help but sigh every time she encountered one. After the incident with Lust, she was left feeling unnaturally on end whenever someone refused to wait at the borders, seeing them only as a danger that might perhaps sink a knife into the heart of one of her children. She understood that she was being paranoid, blaming her father wholeheartedly for stripping away her faith in others. His entire life, he had refused to let her live lest she be murdered in some gruesome fashion by those who wished to oppose him- it was only natural that Margaery had acquired that tedious trait.

But this newcomer... well, he didn't look particularly harmful. Margaery knew that she could not just write him off as completely safe though, instead permitting her paws to lead her towards him. [b]"You're trespassing, love," She extended quietly, not making any attempt to hide the edge in her voice. All she could think about was Lust... Not again... Nobody would be getting hurt again. "This is the Ascendants territory, who are you and what brings you here?"

Re: ᴀš ᴍʏʟɪᴜ ᴛᴀᴠᴇ - joining - trojan g. - 07-14-2018

do you believe you could change me? the way i changed you.

Roman had been keeping slight distance from Margy for the time-being if he could help it. Her connection to her mother something that he didn't quite want to think about at this point in time - or ever if he got his way - but it seemed as though almost everywhere he went she was there, so there would not be a point in time where he would be able to get away from the memories that plagued his mind when he was around her. For now though, they were pushed back slightly by more pressing matters, those being the stranger inside the borders of their home, and he would move forward, head tilted slightly to look upon the other as he waited for a response to the question from Margy.


Re: ᴀš ᴍʏʟɪᴜ ᴛᴀᴠᴇ - joining - adomania - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]The rhythmic sound of footsteps padding towards his direction was the first (and actually only) signal the Bengal fox had of both Margaery and Roman's arrival. It didn't perturb him, rather it seemed to excite him, for as they arrived Zenyatta turned his head towards them with a smile that could rival a child's brightness. "Greetings!" the call was extended far before the two arrived, but he stopped in his travels to meet those who he was certain were travelers of their own, not members of any particular group.

"It is good to see others out here on the road. Traveling, although exhilarating in it's own way, can get lonely sometimes-" he was still calmly addressing them the closer they arrived, smile never faltering, and it was only when Margaery spoke up that it wavered ever so slightly. It brought Zenyatta to silence, a thoughtful look passing his features, and with a furrowed brow he nodded slowly.

"I see... I apologize, for I was not aware of doing such. I will leave if you so wish, although I assure you that I did not mean any harm," with another pause as Zen weighed his words, he sat down to curl his tail around his paws, ears pressed backwards to listen to any others who might have been approaching. Perhaps he might have been blind, but that did not mean his other senses weren't at the ready to protect himself. "I am Tekhartha Zenyatta, a traveling monk from the Shambali. I wished to see the world, so I set forward to seek knowledge... and apparently trespassed onto your land as an... unforeseen event."

Re: ᴀš ᴍʏʟɪᴜ ᴛᴀᴠᴇ - joining - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-14-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Borders were needed. They were always needed. He didn't really care if others saw differently because they weren't able to see what it was like when no one had borders set up for themselves. Those borders kept those within them safe and made sure that there wouldn't be any threats that would have managed to make it though as well. Washington had to protect such borders when he was part of the UNSC. The soldier had the job of invading borders of planets that were underneath the control of those that were trying to kill them. They had to if they wanted to give a message that they didn't want to die and that they weren't going to go down without a fight. Simply not having someone posted at such borders meant that it was basically asking for someone to invade such a place. There was a distinct line when it came to dealing with humans in the first place. Washington didn't want the enemies getting to the planet that was considered to be their home and then ends up getting to his family without him knowing about it.

He was already an observant person, but that could only go so far when the enemies they were going up against were just as sentient as they were. Washington wasn't the type of person to really play the peacekeeper, although he did play that role a couple of times during his time in Project Freelancer. He had been almost childish when he had first joined the Project in the beginning, cracking jokes and making sarcastic remarks with basically anyone that he talked to. It was a means of getting him to relax and see the parts of other Freelancers that one wouldn't often see while they were working. He was a fighter in every sense of the word and he knew that he would never stop fighting. Having spent basically his entire life fighting against something, or going to war against someone meant that it was going to be an extremely hard habit to break. He was passionate when it came to fighting too, probably not as passionate as someone like Carolina but still.

He knew what he was capable of when it came to a fight, and that's when he usually sized up to an opponent or would immediately go on the attack. Washington knew first hand the horrors at wore that were thrown to them, and on top of that, he knew the effects War had on those that weren't even fighting in said War, but instead were civilians. The Freelancer was fairly certain that there were no likes of a War that this outpost or these civilians were having to fight in. Considering that he had never seen any of them in action just meant that he didn't think many of them were capable of defending themselves. Washington had no need to try and attack the likes of them because they were providing resources that were helping them along the road to getting back to being something that they were not now. Maybe it was considered a bad idea to take advantage of those that for some reason had a semblance of trust, while the trust wasn't mutual from one person to the next.

Washington didn't care about what they thought though, as a mind of a soldier was just telling him to complete his mission and once that was done he could deal with the aftermath. So far the majority of those that lived in this outpost hadn't decided to try and get in their way. Which was beneficial for them until he could get himself up to fighting speed anyway. Washington did his daily rounds when it came to scoping out the territory that was inside of the outpost. It wasn't exactly a hard job to do, but thanks to all the armor that he currently wore it meant that he was prone to overheating thanks to the summer heat that was constantly beating down on his back. It was making the process slower than he would have liked, but most of these animals were active in the day anyway. He didn't just check the borders when he started to walk around, and instead, he checked basically every pebble and rock for the day that he was around. Washington had no reason to try and introduce himself to literally everyone that he met, or stay around when a joiner was accepted because it was really none of his business what went on politically in a place like this when they were basically refugees.

At least that would be the term that Washington would use if someone asked him what he considered himself to be. The Freelancer didn't have the luxury of using scents to find who he was looking for and didn't even know that everyone would have an individual scent at all. His helmet filtering out any scents that could possibly make it into his helmet in the first place as it fitted perfectly to his head. He had to use his good sense of hearing to be able to hear voices while wearing his helmet, which still muffled certain things, hence why they constantly were on the radio back when he was a human so they could hear each other more clearly. He heard voices a little bit of a distance inside of the fields that basically covered all of the Ascendant's outpost, and he thought that he might as well see what was going on. The armored smilodon made his way over, already feeling his paws begin to grow sweaty from the heat that was filling the air at the moment.

It wasn't hard to hear him coming thanks to the rattling his armor made, and it wasn't hard to see him moving over as well. Most that looked at him seemed to think that he was some sort of monster, which he didn't really blame them for. It seemed like the guy that they were talking to was basically a stranger to them, which meant that he was trespassing, or at least had entered a restricted area without getting clearance. The latter making more sense to Washington as he still didn't understand most of the terms that were used to describe places like this. There was only one person that was familiar to him, the other was not as he stood a little bit of a distance away from everyone else. Keeping up the barriers that had been there basically since he had landed in this outpost. He listened to what the fox had to say, and he immediately knew by the guy's voice that this wasn't a Freelancer that he knew about.

A huff escaped Washington's jaws once the other finished talking. He had an interesting name, and maybe even a name that could even be given from a human, but Washington had no idea where this guy was from. "Now that you know your mistake it won't happen again. This outpost accepts refugees and those looking for shelter." Washington explained in the usual soldier fashion that he tended to talk to in. The Freelancer would let his words float through the air for a couple of minutes before speaking again. "Agent Washington." The smilodon would introduce himself calmly and curtly. Although it already looked like he was prepared to leave as he had a lot of work to get done before settling down for the rest of the day. He had a schedule that he constantly followed no matter what happened. His paws started to shift slightly as if he was about to already walk away. It was obvious with the way that he talked and the armor that he wore that he was different from the rest of those that were interacting with the fox. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: ᴀš ᴍʏʟɪᴜ ᴛᴀᴠᴇ - joining - Suiteheart - 07-14-2018

Trespassers were becoming the norm. It seemed that everyone the Ascendants picked up nowadays had either intentionally or unintentionally waltzed over their clearly marked borders. She didn't so much mind it, but it did worry her. She feared trespassers with ill intentions. She feared, especially, because the last malicious trespasser had murdered her. The necklace-like scar that danced around her throat seemed to burn at the thought of it. However, she couldn't let it faze her. She refused to be bothered by the past - or well, she would try not to let it bother her anyway.

The white feline padded forward, donning her best lopsided grin. This newcomer seemed incredibly intriguing. He had an almost ancient, balanced air about him. Erlend, the literal balance of her souls, pushed forward in piqued interest. For a heartbeat, the Ecliptic Admiral seemed different, older. But it was gone in a flash.

"Like Washington said, if you'd like to join us, you're more than welcome, dude." Her smile brightened just a few watts. "I'm Suiteheart, by the way. Nice to meetcha."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: ᴀš ᴍʏʟɪᴜ ᴛᴀᴠᴇ - joining - Owlie - 07-15-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]// build-a-Buddha
Anakin’s presence was forewarned by a lighter, sunlike, encouraging presence. The drifting wind, and finally, leaves and dirt spiraling together to form the vague shape of a lion, beginning to glow blue and radiate light.


//let the. Be peaceful enlightened buddies

Re: ᴀš ᴍʏʟɪᴜ ᴛᴀᴠᴇ - joining - adomania - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]// BUILD A BUDHA IM CRYING,,, yes let them be the best of enlightened buddies

He hadn't expected to trespass on foreign lands, but he hadn't expected to be so readily... *accepted* even though he had. It seemed that his teachings were at least *somewhat* correct, that there could truly be peace out in the world if people tried hard enough. A soft smile formed on his face, seemingly unphased by Washington's rather... massive and otherwise intimidating appearance (and that wasn't just because the fox had his eyes perpetually closed, but rather because he could feel that above all this person wasn't as bad as he made himself out to be.)

"Of course, thank you Agent Washington. I... do not consider myself a refugee, so much as someone who would like to stay here for a while, if you'd have me?" It seemed the sentiments were shared among all of these members, although Zenyatta didn't even know where he was or what they were members *of*. Sure, The Ascendants was probably a place but... he knew next to nothing about it other that these creatures were a part of it.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all, regardless. I cannot promise I will stay long, but every second spent with new faces is a second I get to learn something new, and I look forward to that."