Beasts of Beyond
SUPERSTITION / july lunar festival - Printable Version

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SUPERSTITION / july lunar festival - beck. - 07-14-2018

    It had been roughly three months since he had rounded up complete strangers in a desperate attempt to chase away loneliness. Three months spent tolerating his newfound company soon became three months spent slowly warming up to the family of misfits he had formed. Not that he would ever admit it. The commander trapped in eternal youth no longer wallowed in his pity and rage, aching to force the world to see how badly they wronged him. Beck had a second chance on the earth, a simple thing he had begged for when he died. Tanglewood was finally the perfect distraction, and as the dark haze lifted from his mind, the idea of returning the favor sparked and grew in his shallow chest.

    He didn't know what he was doing, which was expected at this point. But he did know that everyone needed at least one night to just let all the crazy out, so to speak. And what better night for unruly behavior than one of the unluckiest days on the calendar? And to add to the atmosphere, the new moon would be turning its shining face away from the world, allowing for shrouding darkness to aid during the more... malicious activities planned. Beck was willing to sacrifice a nostalgic night of looking through his horror movie collection -- the only thing he really could do without a television -- just to host his impromptu idea.

    As the sun set over the wetlands and sank down into the bog, the poltergeist scrapped together enough dead wood and trash, ranging from plastic bags to mutant carcasses, intending on burning it as a means of cleaning up their polluted territory. Perhaps he gathered too much tinder and drenched it in too much salvaged gasoline, for when he ignited the bonfire that was thankfully far away from nearby houses, it nearly exploded into a crackling inferno right next to his nose. Recoiling with singed whiskers yet otherwise unscathed, Beck hurried to set up the rest of his supplies, assuming the accidental fireball would be enough to summon his peers over. He had brought the leftover marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers from prior times where they made s'mores, the most recent catches of prey from his traps, and a heaping stash of moonshine discovered in a untouched cellar. While he couldn't actually eat any of it, the commander hoped everyone else would finish the food off before pests did. Flopping back onto his haunches, Beck tilted his head to peer at the approaching crowd and offer a wicked grin, wheezing with uncharacteristic excitement, "Hope y'all plan on stayin' up tonight, we've got a lot of stuff to do."

/ welcome to the first lunar festival! this will be the main/starting thread, while several other events will branch off of this single night in consecutive order. hopefully we can get them up every other day after tonight! check back here for links to threads when they are created. in the meantime, have fun at a bonfire made of trash and roadkill with schmoes and all

sunday - spin the bottle: here
tuesday - clanwide sparring, to be posted
thursday - multiple pranks on ascendants, to be posted
saturday - vandalism on snowbound, to be posted
monday - raid on typhoon, to be posted
wednesday - surprise, to be posted

Re: SUPERSTITION / july lunar festival - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-14-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — proxy — tags[/color]
Zimavich was whisked over by the smell of chocolate and other goodies. He came over and listened to beck, panting heavily. His fur was rather dry at the moment and he had felt unsure about the water lately. The bear dog sniffed the moonshine with his nose and took a cautious swig of it.
He didn’t really like it.
He moved, gathering the vodka from his own house and adding it to the food.
© madi

Re: SUPERSTITION / july lunar festival - Bean - 07-14-2018

Re: SUPERSTITION / july lunar festival - SOCKING - 07-14-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
the fresh crackle of fire as it ignited, twisting high into the black and silent night as the ebony moon caressed the sky, drew stocking from her pitiful little cabin and out into the opening.

she smelt the booze as soon as she had come out. sharp in her nostrils, and somewhat inviting. she had never drank before, but she was sure as hell tempted and ready to try. the journey to the makeshift campfire was achingly slow as she limped forward on her three legs, her hind leg held uncomfortably away from the ground. it was still healing. she had to be sure not to put too much weight onto it.

she didn't know what was going on frankly, and she wasn't even aware the tangledwood hosted such an event. there was a grin plastered onto the leader's face, full of mischievous joviality. stocking raised a brow. oh? something was up, and she was beginning to like the idea of what was going on. turns out the tackywood wasn't too boring after all.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: SUPERSTITION / july lunar festival - madster - 07-14-2018


malphas' voice could be heard for miles before his lithe form actually was seen amongst the others, being summoned by the presence of the drink. on closer inspection, he wrinkled his nose. "moonshine? what are we, rednecks?" then he realized he was in a town filled with literal insane animals in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a ghost town and a swamp.

they were pretty much rednecks.

being a member of this clan nearly his entire life, he had heard of the lunar festival. he had never participated as he was socially inept up into about a month ago. a month ago he had been an injured idiot, stuck in his own trap... and now he was an injured idiot and a high position expected to heal others. fuck. "ready for what?" he glanced, asking iota. was there more to this little party than he thought?

Re: SUPERSTITION / july lunar festival - Morgan - 07-15-2018

Morgan bounded into the small crowd, chasing after Malphas with a worried look. "Malphas, that stuff is disgusting!" he yelled after the feline, screeching to a halt so he wouldn't knock him over. Conveniently enough, Malphas seemed to agree; the samoyed sighed in relief and sat down. "I hope tonight goes well," he muttered, eyeing the Commander. As Deputy, he had to do his very best to make sure the event went off without a hitch.

"This Lunar Festival... Well, we've planned some fun things for it. Things, Malphas, that I think you might like." He greeted Iota with a smile and gave Zimavich a brief, friendly nod. To start things off, he padded over to the snacks, picking out a fluffy marshmallow. He threw it up into the air and let it land in his maw, chewing it thoroughly before swallowing it down. "Mmm... Maybe Fenrisulfr can warm some of this food." Though the flavor was enjoyable enough, the dog missed something about the hot s'mores he had tried some time before.

Re: SUPERSTITION / july lunar festival - arrow - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Arrow had gotten into the food within minutes of arriving, thieving a piece of chocolate. She shifted her gaze from the chocolate to her own skin, snickering with a dorky grin. "Look, it matches. Cannibalism." She promptly bit at the edge, rubbing at one of her ears when what she assumed was a spark caught the thin skin. She wasn't sure what was to be expected of this little event, but she was getting free food out of it first thing, so she was okay with it. She was iffy on the moonshine, stuff wasn't known for being good, but it was function over form. Getting drunk, not sipping it ever so often on a yacht. "I see that grin, boss man. Suspicious."

Re: SUPERSTITION / july lunar festival - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-15-2018

Re: SUPERSTITION / july lunar festival - Morgan - 07-16-2018

"Oh, you'll see," Morgan told Vigenere with a wink. "You know about at least one of them already, but the rest are going to be a surprise." He picked up another marshmallow and ate it up, a samoyed smile finding its way onto his face. "If I had to describe them using just one word, it'd be 'antics,'" he continued. He had just learned the word recently, and was glad to find that he finally had an opportunity to say it.

Re: SUPERSTITION / july lunar festival - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-16-2018