Beasts of Beyond
plot with brit | advanced writers only please - Printable Version

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plot with brit | advanced writers only please - - 07-14-2018

[align=center][color=black][font=times]hi everyone! i'm new to the site but i used to rp in wcrpg/ff. i'm kinda lonely on here so i thought i'd start up a thread to see if anyone might want to plot with me!

i'm serious about roleplaying and really value putting in effort and time into my plotting (i LOVE in-depth plotting. could do it for hours) and writing, so if you are like me, then please feel free to post on this thread or message me. i'd love to plot and write with you~! <3

i'm mostly sticking with human roleplays for now. i haven't enjoyed roleplaying animals for a long, long time, sorry~!

i don't have any characters on here right now except for 1 human who is associated w san creado, which can be found in the uncharted territories board. ^_^ if you have a character from another world/place, let me know, and i could check out the thread for it if there is one. (and possibly make a character for it?~)

Re: plot with brit | advanced writers only please - Quill - 07-18-2018

Hey!! I would love to roleplay with you! I'm also advanced (EASILY 5+ paragraphs a post on private threads, maybe a little less if I'm posting on full boards/meeting personal quotas)

I have one character in the Human RP in the Morgan Heights- Alianna. That group is also in the Uncharted territories! I'm also happy to plot just something general too!