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la primavera - open, mass meet and greet - Printable Version

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la primavera - open, mass meet and greet - madster - 07-14-2018

so there was a lot of people joining. deep down, malphas knew that was a good thing, but on the exterior he hated introducing himself. hey, i'm malphas. i eat people. i'm kind of a narcissist, get over it. however, his loyalty to tanglewood outweighed his petty hatred, and he decided to do something people would hopefully respect him for.

"heyo. everybody come round," he announced, batting his crimson eyes. the sun shone down brightly on his grey fur and he cringed, not liking being outside in the middle of town. "we're gonna get into a circle and let's all introduce ourselves since there's a lot of you new fuckers around. say some shit about yourself or whatever. feel free to ask questions too, it's a fuckin' bonding exercise." he stretched, shifting his weight. he plunked down a six-pack of beer he had gotten from loners with a trade. "i got booze too! if you don't want to talk booze up. for me the words just start flowin'."

malphas opened his mouth again. "ok. i'm gonna go first. my name is malphas... no last name, fuck family," he joked. "i'm a chaser here. if you end up dead somehow, i'm gonna eat your corpse. just a note. anyways, fun facts. i don't know how to fuckin' swim but my liver's swimmin' in alcohol," he had the humor of a washed-up teenager because that was exactly what he was. "i only come to events if there's alcohol."

he shrugged. "so. what about you assholes?" 

Re: la primavera - open, mass meet and greet - arrow - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — "Gee, you like booze? I can't really tell, you're too subtle." Unlike Malphas, Arrow was always down for more introduction, social to an arguably annoying degree. Petty was not in her vocabulary. Moron, yes. Petty, no.

She hadn't actually searched him out after his call, she'd just been wandering around and stumbled across him conveniently. It was her talent really, stumbling upon strange shit. "Name's Arrow. One of the newer assholes. Feel free to eat my corpse when I die, it'd be wasteful otherwise." Her whiskers twitched in amusement, smirking and shifting her eyes to the alcohol a few times, trying to decide if she wanted some or not. Not the strangest thing she'd seen here, but definitely up there. "How'd you get a hold of the drinks?"

Re: la primavera - open, mass meet and greet - aya - 07-14-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The tortoiseshell padded over, seating herself at the edge of these two people. "Wow, very edgy." Aya remarked, watching the cat intoxicate himself. "I'm Aya. I don't have a fun fact." Her tail flicked as she watched the pair, nose crinkling at the smell of alcohol.

Re: la primavera - open, mass meet and greet - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-15-2018

Re: la primavera - open, mass meet and greet - aya - 07-15-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The light-hearted tone of Vigenere was irrationally irritating, but Aya bit her tongue and simply shrugged in an exaggerated fashion. "Ugh. Fine, I recently joined, and uhhh, I was a traveller before I joined." It was lackluster, but it was something.

At Vigenere's "fun fact," the tortoiseshell nodded. "That's pretty edgy, too." She agreed.

Re: la primavera - open, mass meet and greet - ABATHUR . - 07-15-2018

The living embodiment of the word arachnophobia seemed to be holding a mass meet and greet for all the new joiners - a good courtesy, he supposed, though what he didn't suppose was that the alcoholic feline would suspect him of joining in. How could any reasonable eight-legged being resist, he thought to himself, when it was so fun to talk to people? After all, he was a tarantula, more prone to hunting his prey than sitting in a web and letting them come to him. "Greetings. Abathur Everman," the spider spoke in that collected voice of his as he approached, looking significantly less muddy than when he joined, looking less gross and brown-green and more black, his natural color. It seemed they were having a contest about how fucked up they were. An interesting venture if nothing else. "Have no specific fact. More open to questions." He figured that he'd rather be questioned, since he couldn't really choose an interesting fact about himself. He just wasn't feeling too creative today, he supposed.

tags - "speech"

Re: la primavera - open, mass meet and greet - Bean - 07-18-2018

Re: la primavera - open, mass meet and greet - MARCELLUS - 07-18-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
A public gathering of sorts it seemed? How quaint. At first he didn't exactly know what he was getting himself into, only hearing "blah blah blah, come here" or something like that at least, but as he got closer he began to realize the growing gathering of Tanglewood members and he realized that he seemed to have gotten himself roped into something he didn't want to be apart of. Great. He would back out now, but he was already probably way too noticed to just get up and walk away from the gathering, so it looks like he would have to wait this out and introduce himself. First he listened to Malphas who seemed to like booze a bit too much perhaps? Every once and a while he would be down for a little drink but he definitely wasn't a deadbeat alcoholic and alcohol wasn't what he relied on 24/7. Once Malphas finished his introduction, his head turned over to look at Arrow. Ah yes, if it wasn't for her he probably wouldn't be here right now. Though whether that was a good or bad thing? Well he didn't know. The cheetah rolled his shoulders and sat up, limp leg stuck out from under him as his eyes watched her subtly as she spoke. Introduced herself. Whatever. "Group should be renamed Boozewood." He spoke with a delicate yawn, his tone half kidding and half annoyed.

Marcellus removed his attention from Arrow to Aya and Vigenere who seemed to have their little back and forth, watching their little with some interest before it moved from them to... to what the hell is that? Is that spider? He moved from his more calm position to one that stood up, looking at the spider. Damn if he had arachnophobia then he'd probably be running for the hills right now, limp leg or not. Now that's something interesting. He listened to the spider with amusement, the thought of a talking spider not leaving his head. In retrospect, it was actually quite an amusing thought to him and he was hoping that he wasn't alone on that thought. Though, he felt bad for any sucker that has arachnophobia, it would probably suck to see this guy walking around inducing a phobia. Oh well, none of his business really. "Have you scared anyone due to araehniphobia? arachnophoia? Whatever they call that word." The cheetah questioned towards the spider. Hopefully it wasn't offensive, though either way even if it was, Marcel would of probably asked it. He was an innovative type, or in other words. Really obnoxiously outspoken.

Marcellus diverted his gaze over to Iota who made a few comments and got down to the introduction part. It was more the names that he was going to have trouble with, only really knowing Arrow more well. Plus the name being simple. To recap, Milphas, Arrow, Ava, Vinegar, Arthur, and Idaho. Fuck, did he get that right? Oh well. In time it'll come to him to be able to remember their names. A long time that is. Finally it seemed to be his turn and frankly he wasn't sure what to say. He didn't really know these people and being the skeptic he was, he would force himself to choose something obvious until he could get to know them all better. "My name's Marcellus. Friends can call me Marcel. I don't have a last name." Alright, off to a good start so far. "And an interesting fact about me is uh this tag around my paw." The cheetah lifted his paw to reveal a tag tightly around it. "I forgot exactly how I got it but I know it was from humans for some reason." Finally his part of the meet and greet was over and he could relax his little fearful ridden ass.