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don't let the colors fade to gray / joining - Printable Version

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don't let the colors fade to gray / joining - Cassiopeia - 07-13-2018

Cassie hadn't meant to get lost but hey, shit happens. She had just passed over a strong scent but hadn't given it any thought. She wasn't really on a path to anywhere in particular but did wonder why there was suddenly a ton of flowers all around her. The faint scent of water caught her attention and because she was thirsty she decided to check it out.
It had been so long since Cassie was able to sleep comfortably and it was clearly taking its toll as her fur was a bit matted and gray from dirt- she was exhausted. Her blue-gray eyes found the Starpool and she hurried over to bend down and drink. "Finally some damn water. "

Re: don't let the colors fade to gray / joining - Margaery - 07-13-2018

Another intruder? Interesting.

At this point, Margaery was pretty used to stumbling across strangers. They were common in a group as big as this one and as much as she wanted to get angry - because what if they were like Lust? What if they wanted to hurt one of her friends? - she knew that most were simply confused joiners. Much like this girl, she realized, as she trotted up to her, a metaphorical brow arching. [b]"Hello?" She inquired quietly, "This is the Ascendants territory and you're trespassing. What's your name?"

She paused a moment, studying Cassie with detached interest. "I'm Margaery Mikaelson," She extended quietly, flicking a tail.

Re: don't let the colors fade to gray / joining - Suiteheart - 07-14-2018

It seemed like every joiner - or at least a vast majority of the newcomers - were trespassing these days. Suite had worked so damn hard on those border markers. It was all for naught, she knew. People would cross if they wanted to, and she couldn't stop it. She was at least glad no one had been as awful as that wild female that had attacked Roy. Her skinned crawled just thinking about it... However, as she observed Cassiopeia, the Admiral was sure this fae wasn't evil.

The white feline stepped up beside her wife, offering the newcomer a lopsided grin. It seemed the Ascendants was growing bigger and bigger and bigger. She was pleased. It was a great thing after all. Hell, Suite could remember when there had been about six members, and now there were more than she could count. They were thriving.

"Hey, I'm Suiteheart," she greeted. Baby blue eyes flickered from Margaery to Cassie, and her friendly smile did not waver.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: don't let the colors fade to gray / joining - Cassiopeia - 07-14-2018

Cassie jumped at the sound of two new cats approaching her, causing her to slip and fall into the water. Goddamnit. Feeling extremely embarrassed and slightly frightened she pulled herself out of the water. She was soaked. "Wait did you say Mikaelson? " That name perked her interest seeing as they apparently shared the same name. "Like as in Caroline? "