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COWER AT REALITY | BIO - MirrorEdge - 07-13-2018

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[div style="text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px black; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 36pt; color: gray; margin-top: -16px;"]THEA!
full name. Thea
nicknames. none

sex. female
gender. cisgender female

physical age. 10 months old
mental age. 11 months old
spiritual age. 24 months old

group. ascendants
rank. fireball
titles. Leo, Scorpio

physical appearance.
species. arabian leopard (birth body)
appearance. <a href="">reference</a>
A small leopard with pale blue eyes, she is a bit fluffy, with whiskers framing her face, and a bit of white on her tail. The Arabian leopard is one of the smallest species of leopard, so she is much smaller than regular leopards.

species. kitsune (current)
appearance. <a href="">reference</a>
A silver, sleek kitsune. This form is much smaller compared to ones such as her dragon form. Her eyes are a pale blue, and she has multiple tails, and tall, pointed ears with a tuft of fur between them. The tips of her tails are a bit darker, and her legs are slender.

species. domestic cat (discovered)
appearance. <a href="">reference</a>
A grey-blue tabby cat with high white, and bright blue eyes. Long whiskers frame her face, and in all, she seems quite fragile, like a doll, and something easily broken.

species. dragon (discovered)
appearance. <a href="">reference</a>
One of her forms mostly reserved for battles, a silver-white dragoness with a bit of beige on all four wings, with pale blue eyes. White scales protect her, and her tail has spines along it, carefully hidden, and can be shot out at others if needed.

species. wolf (discovered)
appearance. <a href="">reference</a>
A medium-sized wolf, with a mixture of browns, blacks, and white splattered across her body. Blue eyes are set on her face.

species. domestic dog (discovered)
appearance. <a href="">reference</a>
A Belgian Tervuren, the coloring is more washed out on this body than it is on the wolf, with silver-white fluffy fur, along with bits of brown and black mixed in. Like all her other bodies, she has pale blue eyes.

modifications, scars, permanent injuries, etc. a scar down her back on all bodies, a brand on her right shoulder on all bodies

discovered powers. teleportation, shapeshifting
mastered powers. none
future powers. electricity elemental, mental manipulation, fire elemental

deep inside.
personality type.
positive traits. friendly, cheerful, outgoing
neutral traits. curious, sarcastic
negative traits. battle-hungry, proud
personality description. Thea is a very cheerful person, who is, most of the time, all smiles and sunshine. The Observer struggles with reading the room at times, and unlike when she was younger, this cheerfulness does not border on unnatural and unsettling, more toned down. Thea is capable of sarcasm and jokes, but might not be able to use it at the right time. This is all to hide the pain she feels everyday after everything she's done.

But deep inside, she's wracked by the guilt of the crimes she committed, never forgiving herself for them. Usually, they are at least in the back of her mind, and she struggles with the fear that she will revert back to the person she was, and begin not valuing other people's lives. It will be something she will struggle with for the rest of her life, and she knows she can never atone for her sins.

Another one of her fears, and something she will actively avoid doing, is having children, or adopting any, and will even do her best to avoid mentoring when she's older, even if it's her duty as an Observer. Thea is terrified of the thought of being like her mother, and teaching any children what she had been taught, and causing them to make the same mistakes as her, and fear of them possessing the darker essences in their aura like she did, only with nobody to guide them. This goes for any apprentices, who she worries she may hurt since she struggles to know how to hold back, and fears hurting them. If she does have any children, she will do her best to distance herself from them, and avoid associating with them in any way, and probably ruining any relationship she would have with them.

Thea may have revert to her old self, or consider killing somebody because she could, seriously consider it, to the point she almost goes through with it, but it will almost always remind her the kind of monster she is, and she will likely stop, and she understands that she will never change, no matter what. And this slowly kills her inside.

old personality:
mental disorders. answer
emotional disorders. answer
quirks. has a habit of twitching whiskers if anything gets on them until it falls off
goals/dreams. answer
fears. being seen as weak

Thea is the reincarnation of Thea Summer Arcanium. This is the reason she is so different, along with how she was raised in this life compared to the last.

As a child, Thea was brought up to believe that she could not depend on anybody, only herself, from a very young age. This stunted her growth emotionally, and it was a combination of physical and emotional abuse that led to this. So she didn't know what she did wrong when she finally killed her mother, and her father was gone the next day, leaving Thea on her own.

Later, she joined the Ascendents. She was promoted to Starstruck Guardian shortly after. During her stay, she was captured by the Typhoon, and returned afterwards with burns and a brand. During the lockdown in the Observatory, she was one of the many trapped inside, and during this, she rose to Kuiper Corporal, and was assigned Suiteheart as a mentor. She was demoted to a regular member later.

Shortly after Suiteheart was assigned her mentor, she died, causing Thea to spiral out of control, and this started with her murdering a fellow Ascendent, Roy, and placing the blame on Bucky, and causing injuries to people in different clans. From this point on she began to spiral out of control, and managed to realize exactly what she had done wrong, but with Roy's return from the dead and Sunhaven now enemies with the Ascendents, and her blaming herself for this, she ended up being exiled after confessing what she did to Moon.
generation. 1
parents. Unknown
siblings. Unknown

romantic orientation. biromantic
sexual orientation. heterosexual
crushes. answer
love interests. answer

romantic partner. answer
children. answer
best friend. answer
mentor. Imperia and Bub
apprentice. answer
enemies. Caesar, Bucky

Fade by Skinny Living
song name by artist name

-The voices she hears are essentially what the darker essences in her aura manifest as in her mind. They have influenced Thea from a young age, and are a big part of who she is today.

AVATARS - MirrorEdge - 07-14-2018

[Image: vl87Xvu.gif][Image: pKpUYkP.gif][Image: 8XCvT1q.gif][Image: ChKXO8n.gif][Image: AiYnWyo.gif][Image: MgsFxwm.gif][Image: gxETW8B.gif][Image: 4SqYG2s.gif]
[Image: ti0Fusr.jpg][Image: oukNEbn.jpg][Image: 3fX2Of5.jpg][Image: fAQysy1.png][Image: TIKVTjV.jpg][Image: AAKhTx1.jpg][Image: 9c26C1o.jpg][Image: rK8MVjq.jpg][Image: lQ4cKeT.jpg][Image: Lk3BPXB.jpg][Image: MjO8yVT.jpg][Image: GZISFzv.jpg]
More avatars tba

ART - MirrorEdge - 07-25-2018

Art tba here

THREADS - MirrorEdge - 07-31-2018
