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internet personas || o + robots - Printable Version

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internet personas || o + robots - B.Y.T.E ! - 07-13-2018

What with the recent typhoon and the stress everyone had been placed under with the damage done and the people lost much to his frustration despite the fact the never knew those people or particularly anyone is this rather foreign clan that he had only lived in for a short time compared to most of his crewmates. Not that it mattered much to him, he was willing to stay here and help out as much as he could until his old self started to show once he grew more comfortable of this place, most likely ending up with him back out in the wilderness without a clue as to what he should be doing with his life. Would that change though? Was there someone in this place that might be able to help him get better or possibly care for him? Planecrash's thoughts roamed to the most beautiful and kind woman he had met here. "Roxanne." He mused from behind his bag, a frown growing as he knew rather quickly that this was not the woman for him. Of course, he was struck hard by how she treated him when they met, but her eyes said something else when she spoke of an unknown person that she cared for deeply. Rox loved them. Plane sighed and shook his head, his ears lazily flopping as he did so and his eyes now refocusing on the mess of bolts and screw on his desk. He wasn't going to bury himself in those emotions, he had work to do and that was his priority in that moment.

And so he worked.

The masked creature twisted and turned his tools, modified and looked to a blueprint pinned to his wall. It took quite a while to work on it, at least 5 hours or so and by that time it had already reached the afternoon of that day once he found himself picking up a robot just as tall as he was with a bowler hat and bowtie. "Welcome to the world, Hatbot. I am your creator, Dr. Planecrash Slys. Do you remember why you were made?" He questioned, his voice calm as he heard a few little beeps before it answered. " To help you and the clan. " It replied, which gained a soft pat from one of Plane's paws as he nodded. "Correct. Now, please follow me as I let the others test you out." The scientist replied excitedly as he walked out from his treehouse with a pep in his walk with Hatbot mimicking slightly as it bounced carefully whole in tow. It didn't take long for him to find a nice open space for the two of them to sit at and announce to others that they could mess around with his invention, finding that many npcs were a bit weary of messing with the strange creation as well as the bag-wearing creator who's eyes looked eagerly for even one of his crewmates to come up even out of pity.

(feel free to break the robot, he won't mind too much)


Re: internet personas || o + robots - ROXANNE R. - 07-14-2018

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
She loved him indeed but Greed had wanted to be friends so, she was trying to shove her emotions down for the time being so she didn't ruin their friendship. Rox was still out in the singles "pool" and well, she could sometimes see a few guys looking at her but she didn't pay them any heed at all but rather walked by them with a small smile on her maw. She would see Planecrash and her heart would race a bit in her chest as she started to approach him only to say "Hey Slys!" She looked down at the robots feeling herself become a bit giddy as she would lean down to start patting one of them lightly, her eyes filled with clear fascination "These are so cool, Slys! Did you make them?" If he did well then she was certainly impressed as she picked one of them up as gently as she could looking at them upon closer inspection did she find herself giggling a bit amused by how small and cute they were. "They're so cute, Slys! I really like em!" She chirped still holding the bot close before she would finally put them back down trying to be as careful as possible as she handled Plane's robots.
"character's speech."

Re: internet personas || o + robots - guts - 07-14-2018

Greed had never been a very handy guy, rather he was crafty in other ways. Those ways were in manipulation and destruction. It was what he had been made for, after all. It wasn't what he wanted to be at heart, no, but he put on his facade as he needed. He was used to pretending to be someone he wasn't. He had done it for a millennia, why would it be any different now? It wasn't, and that was what he told himself. If only his heart would stop trying to lead him elsewhere.

He happens upon them by Roxie's voice, which is enough to make his heart flutter. Dammit, he wasn't doing well with suppressing his feelings at all. But he had always been a lover, and it was obvious now. Even if he was afraid of such things, he was as bad as ever at running from them. That was all he did anymore.

The panther trots over with his trademark smirk, tilting his head as he studies the robot that this guy had built. Who was he, anyways? He was never really paying any attention to new arrivals, not unless they hung around the tavern like him. "Hey, that's pretty neat, kid. What's it for?" he was no stranger to such machinery, though they were mostly used in warfare and the like. They were always used to exterminate the lives of many. He wasn't so different after all.


Re: internet personas || o + robots - B.Y.T.E ! - 07-15-2018

"Hey, Slys!"

The feline nearly shot up and out of his fur in that moment, his head whipping around to see the lovely Roxanne in all her beauty, smiling up at him once again and truly making him a bit of a mess as he placed his paw against his heart to feel how it pounded with a simple appearance before him. Plane was even a bit surprised to see her take some interest into his little creation that seem to grind it's gears together to simulate purring under her touch. Like father, like son he supposed."Oh, yes! I've made several robots in my time, though he's really just a prototype. I-I'm glad you find them cute and it seems they appreciate the affection." He replied cooly, fixing a few wrinkles in his bag as his gaze carefully set on the smaller female, trying to hold back a rather dopey, lovesick look in favor of admiration. It hadn't lasted all that long before a rather...intimidating specimen showed and automatically sent his mind into a defensive mode, making sure this wasn't his old boss in disguise or something along those lines. But, the kid line seemed to throw him off a bit and his posture stiffened as he looked up to the massive figure. "T-T-The Hatbot- um, he- well-" His words seemed to sputter out for a moment, the robot tugging at his fur in order to reel him back in. "He's supposed to help around since...the tsunami wrecked the place. Extra hands for more laborious tasks, sir." He managed to speak out, his paw scratching his neck nervously all the while.


Re: internet personas || o + robots - bubblegum - 07-15-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl had not yet gotten to meet planecrash, since he had joined when she was still recovering. she had been sure to compile a list of crewmates she still needed to meet, though, and he was very much on that list. she wanted to be sure to know all of her crewmates - that was very important to her. she needed to know who she was living with, after all. they may end up needing one another at some point and it wouldn't be very good of her to depend on people she didn't even know.

she was originally drawn by miss roxanne's voice, still feeling worry for her even after her return. she must have gotten really hurt. she didn't want anything else to happen to her aunt. the girl struggled over quietly, glancing to greed as he arrived not long before her, and then sat next to miss roxanne, now looking to the other male with tired eyes. she hadn't met him yet, so she would give a curious gaze to him before eyeing at his creation.

it was a robot, it looked like. it reminded her of connor. that made her feel kind of sad, but she was still impressed. "that's real neat," she complimented, giving a small smile. the explanation that it was supposed to help out with the tsunami was also really nice, she thought. "that's a nice idea, too! how'd you learn to make stuff like this? it must be really cool to know how to make all these things." she actually really wanted to ask if he could show her, but she would feel bad asking that outright. she didn't even know the guy.

Re: internet personas || o + robots - B.Y.T.E ! - 07-16-2018

Now Goldie was someone he had heard off, though it was always hard to catch her out and about. The young one seemed to be fairly popular among his crewmates, often hearing how she was a sweetheart and many other things along those lines. Though, he had had heard pitying whispers about her as well, much to his confusion. Plane couldn't help being curious about the captain's daughter, hoping that he might be gifted with even a simple conversation just to be polite to the little one and gifted he was not too long after his little panic, watching the feline slink forward and seemingly a bit sore from her injuries. Her weariness seemed quite obvious, though he found it would be rude to bring it up and instead watched quietly as the little lady looked to his creation with curiosity, even complimenting his works and easing his own anxieties as he gently nudged the Hatbot towards her, the machine wiggling it's arms to amuse the child. "I'm glad that you find it "neat". As for how I learned to make them, it all started when I was probably around your age, miss. I had found and old book on all sorts of mechanics, leading me to try it out just for fun. It later grew to help me get out into the world and learn other things I know, such as chemistry!" It was obvious in his tone of voice that this had been a big moment in his young life as he explained excitedly to children despite the young ones often giving him a bit of anxiety. "And yes, my skills can come quite in handy and in trouble at some points when I made them for an old job of mine. If you're interested in making something a bit more...easy...I could always help you? I-I mean, it's fine if you aren't I doubt it sounds all that interesting to a little girl. " Plane couldn't help reaching up into his bag with a paw, scratching nervously as his face and hoping this kid wasn't ready to throw the tropical equivalent of a snowball at him.


Re: internet personas || o + robots - bubblegum - 07-16-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl giggled slightly as the robot waved its arms. she would tap her own paw in response on the ground silently before turning her attention to planecrash, her ears perking upward. she gave an interested expression as he began to explain how he learned about it. he found a book - seemed simple enough. except...she didn't really like reading. it was hard for her to do. she couldn't focus on it long enough, because she didn't like to sit around doing the same thing for too long. and then he said another word she didn't know. what the heck is "chemistry"?

but, she still tried her best to follow and listen. he seemed to like it a whole lot, and she asked, so it'd be rude of her to suddenly stop him to ask questions or just stop listening altogether. but, then he offered to help her and her features lightened slightly. "oh, that sounds very nice, i'd like that a lot! i'm, um, i'm not very good at reading and i dunno what ch-chemistry is, but i'll try my best! it seems interesting, anyway." she explained with a kind, excited voice. she wondered if she could make something to help out her crewmates, too.