Beasts of Beyond
Green Light || open, joining - Printable Version

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Green Light || open, joining - Project K/MichaelM - 07-13-2018

The male was dressed in black tactical gear, a plate carrier strapped on, sunglasses up close to his face and hair much like the famous Benicio Del Toro's. As of actual clothes, he had black combat boots and black dress pants on, a black quarter zip under the plate carrier. Alejandro looked mighty scary, knowing this and finding it funny.
"Hola." The Sicario said, knowing that this was a group. If he needed to take them out like  he did with Carlos Reyes, well, that would be yet to be found out.

Re: Green Light || open, joining - purgatory - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="border-width:0px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 140%;word-spacing:-1px;color:black"]As much as Jeong would love to look intimidating, he couldn't bring himself to do it. No matter what he wears, he'll come off as stylish and cool rather than frightening. When he gets mad, it's not scary either. Just your average upset individual. He wished to have that power of being naturally intimidating like Cain and Amren, but it's simply not in his blood. It really bummed him out but there wasn't anything he could do to change anything. And when he saw Alejandro at their border, Jeong couldn't help but instinctively feel for the pocketknife in his pants pocket. Once he knew it was there, exhaled slowly before making his way over to join him. "Hola mi amigo. Cómo estás?" He greeted him in a friendly manner. Just as he finished, he swiftly lifted both his hands and waved them, interrupting anything the other was going to say. "Hold on. That's all the Spanish I know... Yo... Yo... No hablo Español." He really had to pick his brains to remember the last part. Sighing from mental exhaustion, he gave Alejandro a tried smile before continuing. "Hey man. Something I can help ya with?"

Re: Green Light || open, joining - Project K/MichaelM - 07-14-2018

"Bien. Y ustéd?" The mercenary asked, a Ka-Bar strapped to his chest. Upon hearing the other didnt know much spanish, he smiled, switching to English. "Here to assist you guys. Join." Alejandro said, even signing out the message. If asked, he would give his name.

Re: Green Light || open, joining - purgatory - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="border-width:0px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 140%;word-spacing:-1px;color:black"]He supposed he knew more Spanish than he thought considering he understood what Alejandro said next. He didn't know how to respond in the language though so he decided to do so in his own native tongue. "Eh, not bad I guess. I'm pretty content with the way things are going now." He answered truthfully with a shrug of his shoulders. Everything so far was alright. He wished they and the Griffingate were on more friendly terms but with the way things are now, that was asking for the impossible. Oh well. It couldn't be helped he guessed. "Oh, really? Sweet. Welcome to Blackfall then! I'm Jeong." He introduced himself with a lopsided grin and a slight bow. "And you are?"

Re: Green Light || open, joining - Project K/MichaelM - 07-15-2018

"Dangerous." The Sicario said, whipping out a switchblade and flicking it open, a Comb replacing the blade as he brushed his jet black hair. "I am Alejandro. A Sicario." He revealed, still making sure he looked professional. "It's my understanding you guys are, or were at war with another faction?" Asks the killer, a smile on his face. If there was something up, he wanted in