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AFRAID TO LET GO | JOINING - Printable Version

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AFRAID TO LET GO | JOINING - pi_shed - 07-13-2018

somehow, despite the anxieties that had churned within her at the thought of settling down someplace, calliope found herself unbothered by the overarching gateway that stood before her, squinting up at the structure set against the evening sun.

the major allegiances weren't exactly much of a secret among wanderers who thrived off the freedom of nonalignment. eventually, even the true locations of such political power could be disclosed if the right loose-lipped cons were bothered for the information. all it took was a little effort.

calliope herself hadn't sought out the typhoon for any particular boon or advantage in their protection as others might; the absence of a weapon in exchange for an instrument of bone clenched securely between her teeth was telling enough of her intention. even despite the glinting crest of dull and sharpened crystals alike drooping from her jawline, she carried herself in an entirely too unimposing manner, small stature complimented by the contrast of blue to grey striping, almost unnaturally split down the middle over a stark white base.

the fidget in her ever shifting paws expressed the impatience she was wrought with, head bowing to rest the odd flute upon the pedestal of her toes. the utter unpreparedness in her eyes as she rose was almost innocent in it's own nature, unsure and entirely too vulnerable in unfamiliar lands.

if they decided they wanted her gone, she would surely stand no chance.

(new to these boards so pls be gentle;Wink


Rosemary usually stayed closer to the interior of the territory, but with the recent influx of injured joiners she'd taken to a more preemptive approach to dealing with them. After all, she ought to stay involved with the group - as much as her asocial self felt disgust that goal. Stronger than the disgust, though, she felt her repulsion at turning into a scatterbrained recluse like her mother. No, she wanted to stay lively, even though a chunk of her wanted nothing more than to curl into a corner and read books for the rest of her life.

Walking up from the other side, naturally approaching from the pirates' side, her four eyes converged on the strange creature. The other female certainly seemed intent on something, which made her different from the rest of the folks that usually visited her home - she had to bandage a few up on the beach, where they washed ashore. A quick scan of her eyes told her that, despite the others' crystal growths and dwarf height, there seemed little wrong with the tiger. Good, because she felt a bit tired of touching strangers simply because they injured themselves.

"What are you here for?" the ocelot asked, a quick flick of her forked tail punctuating the end of her question. If she felt unnerved by the other's larger size, she didn't show it; in truth, she wished she approached from above in the trees, but too late now. "I'm Rosemary Roux," she added, in case this tiger happened to be another Roux family member - sometimes she felt her late father, quite the manwhore in his days, left an infinite number of half-siblings for her to meet after his death.

Re: AFRAID TO LET GO | JOINING - pi_shed - 07-13-2018

sound drew the tiger from her pondering search, clashing irises swallowing her pupils with a nervous kind of anticipation as they settled upon the stranger who had somewhat chillingly greeted her. it'd certainly been a while, she'd suppose, since she had last interacted with the unknown, and it'd been never since she had aspired for something of this caliber. the whole reason calliope found herself here, after all, was that aspiration of ambition that plagued her, an uncertain aptitude that made it's home in wide eyes and lilting tunes.

moments passed as calliope was lost in thought, regarding the other before her with a head tilted minutely, subconsciously. it was the absent raising of a wide paw that brought her from the fog, carved bone tumbling onto the ground, of which she hastily snatched up to clutch close to her chest, claws curled around the cylindrical object almost defensively.

"uh, that's, good question. i'm calliope, ah, nice to meet you! this might be a long-shot but, uh, i've heard about the typhoon and," she rambled, heavy lisp certainly always a surprise to hear, her shoulders drawing up self-consciously, as if she were attempting to appear smaller. a ridiculous sentiment considering the remaining height advantage she had over the ocelot. "well, i don't have much to offer outside of my music, but i'm looking to learn. i'd like to join you all."


As soon as the tiger noticed her, the dwarfen feline appeared to undergo a strange transformation into a stuttering, slouch of a mess. it appeared her initial observation of purpose made for quite an error on her part - at the surface. The joiner did seem ready to join a bunch of strangers, despite at least a smudge of social anxiety; this implied the stranger did have a resolute approach to achieving her goals. Rosemary, herself, found herself almost painfully asocial at times; she stayed because her goal of connecting with her family surpassed her discomfort around strangers. So, she knew firsthand what the power of a resolute mind could produce despite an outer front of stutters and unease.

"Well, consider yourself a member of the crew then, Calliope," the spotted wildcat replied with a small nod of her head. With a flick of her tail, she added, "There's a small entrance ritual for your first night here, if you'd like to do that - though it's nothing too serious, just drink some local fruit juice and camp out on a small island by yourself. Nothing ghastly." Well, depending on what one's fears decided to surface with the mix of drugs circling through the animal's system, but Rosemary liked to surprise people like that. 

Turning her two smaller eyes atop her head to the strange instrument by the tiger's paws, her stoic expression gave way to puzzlement for a moment as she tried to figure out how that object worked. Despite her heavy level of experience in magic and herbalism, she found herself totally lost when it came to other sorts of hobbies - like music. "I don't believe anyone has musical talent here, besides you. That seems useful to me; it's not like we've got much to entertain us with since we're at peace with all the other major groups," Rosemary stated, before gesturing with her paw to the flute. "Perhaps you'd like to introduce yourself to the entire group sometime this week with a performance?" she suggested lightly, hoping that the tiger spoke the truth about knowing how to use that odd thing.

Re: AFRAID TO LET GO | JOINING - bubblegum - 07-14-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the injured girl was originally brought by the sound of her aunt's voice, stumbling towards the female with curiosity, wondering who she was talking to. she eyed the stranger, tripping to the side for a moment as she approached as she tried to move closer to rosemary. she quickly caught herself though and sat down with shaky legs. her ears perked upward as she listened to the stranger speak, picking up her name. calliope is a nice name, she thought. she liked that name.

she smiled to the female, her ear twitching at the mention of music. goldie liked to sing, even though she didn't do it publicly very often. caesar's weekly task actually helped her feel more confident in her abilities to do so. she did it much more often than before. she nodded to rosemary's words, letting her aunt speak before saying anything. "welcome, calliope! i like your name." goldie said sweetly, her tail twitching back and forth. "my name's goldenluxury roux, but i just usually go by goldie. i like to sing! although, i've never tried playing any instruments."


CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Being lured over by the voices of both her niece and sister, the horned Roux would make her way over pressing herself into Rosie's side only to smile at the newcomer with both her pierced ears angled forward and her mismatched gaze was locked onto the tiger with a playful smirk tugging at her lips "Hey there, hon." She first greeted with a flick of her fluffy tail only to introduce herself with a quick nod of her cranium "Welcome to the Typhoon! I'm Roxanne Roux. I don't play instruments but I do enjoy singing quite a bit," She would sit down curling her tail around her forepaws adding with a tilt of her cranium "It's a pleasure to meet you, Calliope! A very pretty name indeed," She said agreeing with Goldie.
"character's speech."


[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher had always held a fondness for music. Perhaps because in a way, it had been a sort of outlet for him when his father would trap him in the ship to not socialize with any unless there was some advantage to it. He didn't quite remember what instrument he used to play since his memory was foggy during those dark times in his life but he could briefly recall the strum of strings so perhaps a violin or a guitar. He was tempted to return to playing but with all the work that piled up on his desk and the responsibility of being a father, a lover, and a leader - it all pushed him to focus on the most important things in his life. Besides, he wasn't even sure if he was still any good but the space gray male supposed that it would be interesting to see more musically inclined crewmates around though he knew his daughter had an incredible singing voice and he was very proud of that.

The towering jaguar figure of Pincher was stalking silently over above everyone, large paws hardly creating any sound as he was practicing and adjusting into his jaguar form. His doberman body had been decent but rather limiting for the ambitious male and so he had decided to tak the figure of a wildcat, his tar black thin pupils now fitting his cat-like appearance. As the immortal pirate was preparing to continue his way towards the jungle temple without touching the ground, the voices that came from below caught his attention and led him to begin crawling down, his translucent pale silver claws sinking into the bark of the tree to not fall off like some idiot. A light thump! came from his paws striking the ground as he now stood behind the others, looking over their heads to lock onto another wildcat, this time a tigress. He tipped his head to the side, brilliant icy blue eyes locked onto the stranger before fluttering towards her instrument as Pincher went to halt beside Goldie and Roxanne. He allowed a faint nod to show civility as he rumbled Welcome to the Typhoon, Calliope. About your music, what kind do you play? My name's Pincher by the way." He allowed a ghost of a charming smirk to trace his muzzle as the male went to a relaxed sitting position to focus on the peculiar female.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: AFRAID TO LET GO | JOINING - pi_shed - 07-16-2018

the reassurances that she was welcomed melted the sour anxiety hovering over calliope's shoulder, soft features inclined to something honey sweet and achingly genuine. the worrisome crease in her brow was replaced by faint crow's feet at the corners of her narrow eyes, posture easing into less of an uncomfortable hunch. each to arrive was greeted with an endearingly lopsided nod of her head, appearing particularly flattered by their fleeting references to her talent.

"i'd be honored to participate, miss roux!—and, ah, miss roux and miss roux," calliope acquiesced, albeit a tad sheepishly her awkward correction. a smile sprouted upon her maw at the inquiry brought upon by pincher, gone unnoticed by herself in it's spontaneity. pride leaked into her tone, previously clear of bias and now reeking of self-confidence. [b]"grew up on the flute, but i know a little of everything. master of none, better than master of one, and all that."


The greyscale tiger certainly talked with an air of respect and elegance - which put the soothsayer at some ease, as it seemed that no foul idiots wanted to add to the population of jerks on the island. Though she still disliked Caesar, she found him tolerable now that there were enough members in the group to provide a better buffer. "Rosemary is fine, there's too many of us for last names - you haven't even met all of the Roux family - though if you want to use rank names, that might be less confusing," the ocelot replied, an amused chuckle in her throat.

"I'll definitely keep an ear out, in case you decide to play sometime. So, before you depart to get more settled in our territory, do you have any questions about the Typhoon we can answer now?" Rosemary added, her head tilting slightly to the right in anticipation of an answer.