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AS COLD AS ICE | open, cooler - Printable Version

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AS COLD AS ICE | open, cooler - Luciferr - 07-13-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

It had been a slow day,

Slow, humid and altogether too hot.

At least In the opinion of the typhoon - Lucifer however had never warmth again ever since his time spent unwillingly in his father's oh so kind graces.

The void - whether you were descendant or not - changed you,

Once you felt that cold, you never quite felt warm again,

In his case, he'd simply always been cold - the void had simply sharpened it.

The one upside was that this heat therefor did not affect him.

A fact a few brave typhoonians had found out when they ventured close to where the huge behemoth was spread sleeping on the beach, wings lying spread either side just so tilted to carve archways under them where shade gathered under the cool bulk like a mini cold cave.

As it was the dark God was merely lightly resting - the lone red eye remained permenantly open even if he was asleep - occasionally the mercurial silver of the other eye would peek open if something particularly loud annoyed him but otherwise Lucifer merely rested peacefully.

/some cool vibes for summer - climb on the cold dragon dad!

[sub]TYPHOON - RANK - TAGS - EXTREME - REF - FACE REF[W]isker[/sub]

Re: AS COLD AS ICE | open, cooler - PINCHER - 07-13-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher fucking hated the heat. But he hated it less than the cold so he much rather preferred the sweltering heat of the sun than the icy frost that would bite at his skin when he was stuck in some snowy "wonderland". Currently, he had been running around trying to salvage whatever was lost by the tsunami, a lot of damages had been created and despite not having a heart, his muscles ached and was growing more tired and drained due to the heat that was overtaking his body. He would head into the beach and splash around in the cool crystalline waves but before the canine could allow himself to do that, the blue eyed male caught sight of the towering figure of Lucifer resting as he trekked through the sandy hills. A faint ghost of a smile traced his coffee brown muzzle as he was rather glad that the male had decided to return and wondered if perhaps he should greet him.

Deciding he might as well question how Lucifer was adjusting to the life of the crew, his pathway shifted and he inhaled, preparing to offer a greeting when he noticed the peculiar way the god being was laying. His wings were offering a good amount of shade and Pincher halted in front of the dragon, bloodshot icy blue gaze locking onto the ruby red eye of the male as the captain questioned "Uhh, would it be alright if I chilled under your wing? It's hot as hell." He flashed a faint toothy grin as the obsidian doberman glanced briefly up at the sky that was clear and held the intense sun rays that bathed the tropical island.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: AS COLD AS ICE | open, cooler - guts - 07-14-2018

Greed himself wasn't a very big fan of the heat, even though he had seen a lot of different climates in his time. Deserts, snowlands, you name it, he'd probably been there. Even so, he hated it when the weather took the temperature to a certain degree. With how hot the island was, he was stuck sitting under the shade of trees, fanning himself with some intricate hand-fan. Where did he get it? If anyone asked, he'd just grin and say 'Somewhere.'

Right now he was walked along the line of trees that led into the jungle, tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth. Then he came across Pincher and Lucifer. He didn't know the dragon very well, but the sight of his splayed wings were a blessing nevertheless. Without a pause, he hurries over and stops at his side, eager to get underneath. He would have already, but the guy could probably bite his head off if he disturbed him. "Yo, can I hang out under there, too?" he asks with an expectant gaze.


Re: AS COLD AS ICE | open, cooler - ROSEMARY - 07-14-2018

Too hot - she doubted her feelings on today's temperature spike only belonged to herself. Especially since, in this tropical climate, she usually thrived given her species' evolution for this specific type of climate. Flicking her forked tail, trying to blow any kind of air in her face to escape the heat, she overheard bits of conversation from the nearby gents. Turning towards them, she wordlessly trotted over and jumped next to Pincher. Attempting to boop his pepper black nose with her paw, she suggested, "Want to play a chess game in this wonderful shade?" She couldn't remember exactly when they last played a game together, but she missed it; usually, she snubbed her nose at playing chess with anyone she deemed stupid, but Pincher thankfully held a strong capacity for strategy inside his noggin.

Craning her neck, she looked up at Lucifer's open red eye, about to thank him. But she noticed his breathing pattern and lack of reaction thus far. Settling back down, she turned to Greed as she remarked, "You're safe, I think he's asleep."

Re: AS COLD AS ICE | open, cooler - rochelle - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]Rochelle approached slowly, down the gentle slope of a white dune. There was a brilliant light in her amber eyes, joyfully watching the dragon and the others. She could feel herself ... relaxed, for once. Like, her shoulders weren't propped up and rigid, her chin was narrowly pointed upwards. She didn't feel so serious, like she needed to keep her guard up. Maybe it was the sun ... or maybe it was just the liberating sense of belonging to a place she didn't feel scared of everyday. She didn't have to fight to be on top, or fight to stay on top. There was no fighting at all, she could just live.

So she let out a little laugh, though she didn't shade herself under the wings of Lucifer. "Ha ... if we all tried, we could bury him." Rochelle hummed out sarcastically, though she kept her tone good-natured. The wolf then lapsed into silence, still smiling as she pawed around with the sand, uncovering seashells and reburying them.

Re: AS COLD AS ICE | open, cooler - ARGUS - 07-14-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] Argus was very aware of how cold the dark god was, it was probably the only thing that kept the lurking beast alive back in the older days of living in a desert. Although the Quartermaster had never approached him or gotten comfortable enough around him to know the biting chill personally. Argus had always been teased with their kids - with his grand kids that Luce was a playground. Not just for the younger generations either. A walking shade in the once scorching sands.

Now things weren't so much different beside their own history with Lucifer and the growing familiar nature of their relationship. It was easy. Or as easy as both of their conscious mind would allow. Because they both still had a long way to go- Argus not allowed to let go of the guilt of their wive's death and the way their step father used to be just as threatening to them as any enemy beyond their shared borders. It was no longer the tentative guilt- ridden response that Argus was used to when dealing with their past. Which was good. Improving.

It was hot- no where near the temperature Argus was equipped to deal with when they were little bu enough to feel it beside the unnaturally thin ratty nature of their own fur. Wings were like giant magnifiers and incinerators in one go when tightly tucked on the sides of her body like they usually were. Now she had them arched slightly backwards. Bent in a way that her body from a front-view looked like a M.

Watching her cremates and captain all squabble about hiding under the large dragon was funny to them. The smile cracked on their expression amused and slightly unhinged in the way it usually was. "If he minded then he would probably mood. Trust me- he used to be a walking jungle gym back in.. well- our old shared home." She offered a quick explanation, looking over to the glowing red eye of Lucifer before adding. "Still, probably not best to wake him- he'll probably move away just for that if nothing else" Grumpy dragon that he was a good percent of the time.

Unlike their clan mates Argus took from hiding under his wings to attempting climbing up it. Keeping balance along the giant hallowed bones as not to step on those under it (Although the idea to step on pinch was there- they didn't act on it). Walking up his shoulders and down- weaving between the large and sharp spines and plates to settle themself on his neck with a sleepy mumble. Already the gentle chill of their dad's body temperature was making them sleepy- and the odd balance of the sun- heating their back and the chill of the body they rested on. They was getting tired quickly.

Re: AS COLD AS ICE | open, cooler - Luciferr - 07-24-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

/I'm Heckin late Oof and now this turned fluffy

He heard the approach even before they'd stopped and spoke - and he'd know that aura anywhere, much like he knew His daughter in law's these days - sometimes it did him good to know he'd been so welcomed and accepted, not too many had shown him that kindness in ages past, often looked at the scar of his features and turned away.

Mercurial silver peeked open and slid to Pinch as the dragon hugged a short amused breath before smiling "be my guest" he shifted slightly so his wings were a little further open - he'd long been used to small for,s clattering all over him,

Mostly children seeking a large climbing frame heedless of his spikes and such - they'd found them quite fun to hang off really,

It was only that lucifer had been a large mother hen That stopped any of the parents worrying - that and half of them had taken to following after said children - back when his form had been large enough an entire raiding party had fit on his back.

He was aware it must be hot - though he couldn't feel it - and likely what had brought pinch to ask - and now what seemed to bring others.

His head shifted lightly and he hummed an assent to Greed - he didn't know the other well, but he'd been one of the first to welcome him back even as a complete stranger - and he coul admit he didn't want anyone expiring of heatstroke today.

He'd slid back to a half awake slumber when another set of feet brazenly wandered past his snout and straight under his wings - care freely announcing she was sure he was asleep,

He almost felt like ominously startling her just for the joke - and then inwardly wandered when he'd regressed in age suddenly,

Hm, the typhoon seemed to bring that out in him.

Of course then another commented and almost startled a laugh from his cold frame, they'd be hard pressed to bury him in this state - in a time before, that would have been near impossible,

Or largely would have made an entire new sand dune either way,

And then the familiar aura and the words - and lucifer,

Well lucifer regressed over a thousand millenials in age, opened his eye and stuck his forked tongue out at her and with much dignity said "I do not mood - that's just my neutral expression" though his tone was light hearted.

Though his eyes tracked her far enough until she clambered up him to lounge on his neck and he Hummed softly "nostalgic hm?" and closed his eye again seemingly settling on relaxing whilst the otehr's stayed cool.

"shouldn't have mentioned the jungle gym I'll never know peace"