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plot with pierce parker - Printable Version

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plot with pierce parker - cobblepot - 03-23-2018

[color=black]hi so i just moved pierce to sunhaven after he lost basically All his friends lmao so he's in need of some relationships !! i'm p sure sunhaven doesn't have any enemies rn but until he has a reason to dislike any clan he doesn't care much for politics anyway :^))

you can find his tags here but they don't go into a ton of detail so uhh

pierce is a really sweet guy, kinda gullible and makes impulsive decisions a lot but he has only good intentions. he's an artist, he loves to paint and draw and stuff & flowers are another one of his favorite things ! he loves people and always wants 2 make some new friends. he's really protective of the ones he has, which is none rn whOOPS but he makes them really easily. he wiLL fight u if you hurt someone he cares about, and since he,, doesn't really have limits anymore he won't really hold back, but most of the time he tries to stay civil and, if it's a fight regarding him, he's pretty passive and quiet and tries to talk it out.

he loVES babies and will pretty much try to adopt anyone under the age of twelve months old and uh y e ah

aNYWAY he's open to

-friends !
-doing art w/ your character!!
-mentoring y/c ?? or maybe just acting kind of like a mentor/father figure to them ?
-someone to tease/bully him
-singing with y/c
-teaching y/c art
-finding and picking flowers with y/c (and maybe ?? making flower crowns)
-one ! night ! stands !! an on-and-off sort of relationship of his just ended probably for good and he's a Whole Mess so he's probably gonna start sleeping around bc he "doesn't need a man" and is basically trying to spite someone who will have no idea abt it buT, while it's a development point for him, it also leaves some room for fun because he's a not that type of guy and basically the next morning will be like "so what are we ??" skSK (note: he's gay so no girls or nb folks pls !!)
-AUs !!

possibly open to

-capture??? maybe ?
-crushes on y/c ?? mutual crushes?
-romantic relationships IF it develops & works ic but there'd be a lot of conflict on his part because he's poly and doesn't know & he's still in love w someone else even tho he denies it hahshhahahaha. it'd be a pretty rocky relationship to start off because he's VERY bad at letting go but ,,, yea h ,,,
-fighting y/c (physically or verbally, but it'd have to be something pretty big & important for them to physically fight)
-uhhh any juicy long-term plots bc mmm

closed to


Re: plot with pierce - cobblepot - 06-08-2018

this is two months old but bump anyway lmao

Re: plot with pierce - purgatory - 06-10-2018

friends w/ crona?
They don’t have friends cos they don’t see the point in them or any sort of companionship since it’s not needed for survival but maybe he could change their mind?
He could also be a sort of older brother figure to them as well c:

Re: plot with pierce - cobblepot - 06-10-2018

um hell yea !!! he already loves them tbh so he would definitely try to befriend them lmaO do u wanna have a private thread to kick it off or would you prefer it all sorta progresses over open ones ??

Re: plot with pierce - purgatory - 06-11-2018

Yeah, they could have a private one first to get things started.
I can make if you like?

Re: plot with pierce - cobblepot - 06-11-2018

aight !!
that’d be awesome, thank u !

Re: plot with pierce - cobblepot - 08-14-2018

me ? reviving dead plotting threads ? it's more likely than u think

Re: plot with pierce parker - vvintersoldier - 08-14-2018

i feel like pierce & bucky would be friends over in sunhaven :00

Re: plot with pierce parker - cobblepot - 08-14-2018

ooh yeah maybe !!! esp since pierce has been a little bit disconnected from his relationships  & reality in general lately it might work better bc he wont be as overbearing of a friend lmAO

but they could do cute stuff together ?? like pierce could force buck to paint and go on walks with him lmAO but they could also eventually relive and talk abt their trauma together, once they're closer, bc they've both been thru some shit and could probably bond over it

Re: plot with pierce parker - vvintersoldier - 08-14-2018

oooh yeah that would be good!! ;o;

and ommmg yasss they should do cute stuff!! I think it'd be adorable if pierce got bucky to paint with him(buck would be nervous of staining his prosthetic lmao), since like that could calm his eases down a lot i feel?? and walks would be nice too! And ahh I can totally see them eventually reliving & talking about their trauma to each other, they can totally bond over that if they get that close :0