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Fixer-Upper // Herb Gathering - Printable Version

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Fixer-Upper // Herb Gathering - SOLVEIG - 07-13-2018

Ever since the storm and the Tsunami, they were having to do a bit of work to put everything back together. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing, of course. Change wasn't bad, but being able to reorganize things was often nice, or at least useful to some degree. But of the Tsunami meant that many of their supplies were swept away, with it, much to Solveig's chagrin, a lot of the herbs she was presently using to attend her healing shoulder. As such, given that she had the knowledge to do so, and not poison half of the Typhoon, she had taken it upon herself to begin herb gathering. Of course, it wasn't exactly a task she could do alone given the present circumstances, not unless she wanted to be here for the next week doing nothing but gathering herbs. Solveig was quite happy to do without that.

Instead, she sat nearby the edge of one of the more foliage dense parts of the Typhoon, a small stack of woven baskets at her sides to offer out to those that came to help. It was going to be a team effort, and so long as most people didn't bring back stacks of poison, they were fine! To further avoid this, a small pile of herbs sat her her paws; the tall stalks of sweet sedge, lamb's ear, coltsfoot, and cinnamon. It would at least give most people a start on what to look for, and would be useful nonetheless.

"If anyone is so willing to help me gather herbs, I have baskets to offer," she called, stretching her telepathy as far as she could across the territory to gather any willing participants.


Re: Fixer-Upper // Herb Gathering - Luciferr - 07-13-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

"I'd be glad to" a deep smooth voice rumbled as the dragon emerged from the shadows nearby - wings flaring up briefly in a singular flap to rid themselves of the slight pins and needles.

Considering his size, lucifer could likely comfortably carry a great many herbs - just stick a basket or wrap a bunch along each of his spines and you'd have a large very spiky pack mule for one.

Still the great drake merely inclined his head to solveig - a name somewhat familiar but then he'd met many a person or heard of them in so long a life that was hardly surprising - and moved to take a basket delicately - hm, he could probably balance it on a horn while he wandered about truth be told, given how his along his cheek liked to curl around like hooks.


Re: Fixer-Upper // Herb Gathering - bubblegum - 07-13-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the call of solveig would instantly interest her. she wanted to learn more about herbs due to the usefulness of that knowledge. she didn't have any particular interest in being a doctor, though. she just wanted to be able to help out where she could. doctors weren't always readily available and sometimes others need to take over situations and help out as best they could. she wanted to at least know what she was doing if she was ever in that situation. which she has been before.

the girl struggled to the two, her eyes exhausted and body still clearly weak. but, she offered a small, determined smile. the injured feline wanted to help out as much as possible. plus, this could be a learning opportunity. "i'll help!' she said confidently, nodding. goldie glanced to the herbs that the female had already placed out, twitching her ear.

Re: Fixer-Upper // Herb Gathering - arcy - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]∞ — Sunbeam knew plenty about herbs. There'd been many nights where Sun and Beam would study together. In a twist of stereotypes, it'd been Sun so interested in them, while Beam had just been content to spend time and learn with her lover. .. These days, they were more hesitant to attempt to learn again. So many things had been tainted by the incident, so many things they used to love now just filled them with bitterness and regret. They hadn't yet discovered any interests to enjoy that weren't tainted. Perhaps that was because they spent so long sulking, they didn't even try to solve anything themselves.
"If we may?" Sunbeam allows themselves a grin as they approach. The telepathic call had been .. unappreciated. Sunbeam didn't personally enjoy the intrusion, but they were here nonetheless. And, as much as they'd like to stay miles away from things that hurt them .. well, that wouldn't get them much of anywhere, would it? They'd had enough time to heal. Now was the time to assist. Still, without waiting, Sunbeam makes to scoop up a basket, allowing it to swing in their jaws. Would they simply grab whatever they thought would be useful? Or just the ones that had been placed out? Hm. .. Well, nobody would mind if they grabbed whatever they saw fit, as long as it would prove useful.