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somewhere only we know | joining - Printable Version

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somewhere only we know | joining - hazel ! - 07-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Hazel had died, or she was dead. The raptor had froze to death among the sands of her old home, buried in the one thing that she had left in the world that had taken everything from her. She had nothing left to love, nothing left to protect and she had just...quit. Laid down in a comfortable nest of grainy ground and let the elements lull her into a place where she would be safe from the horrors of the new world that had been thrust upon her family. The frigid temperatures of the night had washed over her and she had been at peace, until she woke up.

Dull copper eyes open to a new world, all very bright and very different. The first thing she noticed was the grass brushing against her still-cold scales, the greenery blown by a gentle warm wind. The raptor was in shock, nostrils flared as she tried to get a bearing for her surroundings, head turning this way and that to scan the area to see if she was safe or could recognize anything that would tell her where she was. The land was flat, not much unlike her old home, but it was filled with grass as far as the eye could see, an ocean of green sprawling in front of the young dinosaur. Her body was still recovering from the below freezing temperatures that it had endured, Hazel curled up in a bundle like how a fawn would when hiding and awaiting the return for their mother. Tail resting on her scaly nose, the raptor was overwhelmed by all that happened in the span of only minutes. She had been dead, reincarnated and then dropped in a field with no animals, as far as Hazel could tell.

The youngster finally was able to stand, legs wobbly and weak as she peered over the tall grasses, just barely tall enough to look over the tops of the green. A testing call came from the raptor as she tried to get the attention of somebody in the area, more strings of chirps following shortly after the initial cry. A faint inkling of fear sunk to the bottom of Hazel's stomach; she was very alone and very vulnerable as she had absolutely no clue where she was. Without a family to call her own and nobody to help watch her back, she was scared.

Re: somewhere only we know | joining - trojan g. - 07-13-2018

do you believe you could change me? the way i changed you.

It had been a very long time since Roman had seen a dinosaur, and even longer since he had seen one of prey. The last time he had seen one was when he was quite younger himself - not much older than the one that was on the border now - and he didn't remember the experience much if he was being completely honest. There had been some fighting if he recalled, though he couldn't quite remember if he was on the side of the carnivore or not. At this point it didn't seem to matter though, as there seemed to be a baby at the border, and a scared one at that - something far different than his last encounter with a child at the borders, which had been frustrating to say the least.

"Hello," The scarred tom would speak, trying to offer his most warming smile, though it failed a little due to his features, his eyes still held some warmth for the child. "Where's your mommy?" He knew that reptiles came from eggs, but it was uncommon for babies to be without their mothers, even in this kind of world that they were in today. He hoped she was around, but if she wasn't, there was always something else that could be done, it was just a matter of thinking of it.

Re: somewhere only we know | joining - imperia - 07-13-2018

A gentle breeze stirs the lush grasses of the plains, emerald blades whispering as they dance and sway in the currents of air. Songbirds sing as they flutter through the vast open skies. Grasshoppers leap from one blade of grass to another, attempting to outmaneuver the avians who hunt them. In the midst of the peaceful chaos of it all, a slender figure woven from moonlight and stardust slowly moves through the ocean of grass, parting the tendrils as if she were a ship at sea. Something draws her here, to the farthest part of the territory. Imperia has been known to wander, but this is different. It is almost as if something--someone--guides her here, to this vast sea of amber and green. A voice? No, it is closer to an intuition, but one that is not her own. It woke her from her peaceful slumber beneath a weeping willow beside a bubbling brook, driving her from the comforts of home to the outskirts of the Ascendants' land. Were anyone to ask her as to why she traveled so far away on a whim, Peri could not explain in a way that another would understand. But she knows that it is the Maker speaking to her. She needs Peri to do something, to meet someone.

The young healer's suspicions are confirmed when she hears voices up ahead. Well, a voice. A male, perhaps, speaking to someone else. With the elegance of a doe, the argentine she-wolf approaches the pair of creatures: one, a badly scarred male, and the other, a young raptor. Her heart melts immediately at the sight of the child, so lost and alone. She offers the unfamiliar tomcat a polite smile as a form of a silent greeting before kneeling down before the youth. "Bonjour, little one," she greets in the gentlest of voices. A radiant smile warms Imperia's lovely features as she gazes upon the raptor with steel grey eyes. "Do not be afraid--we are here to help you. My name is Imperia." Something about the petite canine's every aspect is soothing. The melodious sound of her lightly accented voice, the tender expression, her kind eyes. She wants others to feel at ease around her, to know that, at the very least, they are safe when she is around. Imperia glances up at Roman, encouraging him to introduce himself as well.

Brilliant silver eyes return to study the child before her, making note of the frightened posture and the rapid breathing. Perhaps the youth is lost? Separated from their family? Imperia is unsure if she can assist in finding lost loved ones at the moment, but she is committed to doing her best to make the youngling feel more at ease. "Are you hungry, ma cherie? I have some snacks if you would like?" The stunning silver wolf always carries food and water on her person, as well as basic first aid. She never knows when the Maker might guide her to someone in need of her assistance.

Re: somewhere only we know | joining - hazel ! - 07-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Voices fill Hazel's ears as she stiffened reflexively, trying to hunker back down into the shadows of the long grass, though she was still very much visible against the green. First to approach was a scarred feline, his maw trying to curl into the friendliest smile that he could muster. Well, he wasn't much of a threat, was he? Based on his stature and size, she didn't feel too threatened by him. The baby slid a few centimeters closer to the Russian Blue as he spoke in simple terms, something that if Hazel could understand entirely, she would appreciate. Where's your Mommy? Roman's words rung in the raptor's mind, bouncing across the walls until it finally settled and she understood. If she could've spoken, something along the lines of "dead" or "lost" would've been the words that Hazel spoke.

Hazel, in response to Roman's question, only shook her head. No words woulshe slid out ofd ever come from the raptor; her bond had been broken with her mothers and it was a mystery whether or not she could learn to speak one day. Her life was full of mysteries and questions, a big question mark as to what would happen to the youngster. Another figure came into Hazel's vision, coppery orange eyes sliding over the body of a pretty silver wolf, a voice as soothing as a lullaby making the raptor stand down a bit, coaxed her off of the edge and told her to 'relax'. Hazel's muscles untensed and she slid out of flight or fight mode, bunched hindquarters loosening as she tilted her head slightly at Imperia's offer of food. She hadn't eaten in days, or that's what it felt like to her.

The raptor still seemed a bit nervous, mind racing as she tried to take in all of the sudden information that had been thrust at her in such a short amount of time. There were animals here, that was the first thing she needed to know. They would help her, but would she be able to find her mothers? The answer was a resounding 'no', though Hazel would keep the hope of finding her family alive as long as she could. These two were nice and helpful, something that calmed her fluttering nerves. "Food?" The raptor would seem to say, jaws clacking together to resemble the act of eating. She would have to make do with body signals until she could find another way to communicate.

Re: somewhere only we know | joining - trojan g. - 07-13-2018

do you believe you could change me? the way i changed you.

It was then with the lack of phrasing and the simple gestures that Roman realized that the raptor before him could not speak, and could only do small things such as gestures, and he wasn't even sure if it was just instinct that led the other to do them or if she actually fully understood the gestures themselves. When she moved closer to him, he would carefully wrap his tail around her slightly in a parental way, a gesture of safety and protection in most animal kingdoms, looking over towards Imperia as he did so, waiting as she had offered the food. Had she not already had some he would already be off to go get some for the child, but as that was unnecessary, there was no need for him to leave at this point in time.

//rushed as I have something to do soon, sorry

Re: somewhere only we know | joining - BASTILLEPAW - 07-13-2018

Bastille eyed the little creature as he approached the border, pleased to see that none of their newer members had spooked at the sight of her. Perhaps they'd already gotten used to seeing Delta and her sisters around. Regardless, this was a foreign raptor, seemed to be a subtly different breed than the girls. Intriguing. As he came to a stop, head cocked to the side, he noted that the vocalization was nearly the same.

"Food," he echoed, well acquainted with that one as he smirked slightly at the baby thing, "Welcome, Epsilon." Blue the Fifth: Epsilon. He was certain they weren't of the same pack, but it didn't really matter to him. Vinny couldn't come by and tell him her proper name, Ep would have to do for now. A rabbit appeared at his paws, fresh from their pile in camp. "There you go. I'm not sure she'll eat the jerky meat," he supplied, glancing towards Peri, certain that Delta may be by soon as he made one of those throat mock vocalizations at her.

Re: somewhere only we know | joining - ★ HAZEL - 07-13-2018

i never had nobody touch me like i'm glass
Hazel supposed she had come to find the raptors as a normal presence within the Ascendants borders. Conversations with them were few and far between, and Hazel didn’t have a problem keeping it that way. Bastille generally had the better experience, as long as he could summon some form of raw meat. They listened to him. Other than that, he gave off this odd, protective vibe whenever he was with them — something similar to what Hazel felt when she was with Arion.

And wow, speak of the devil. No wonder her aimless walk had resulted in a border check; Bastille was there, too. Hazel stepped up next to Ro, watching the baby. She was so young, not unlike Aali when she had arrived. Small, too. Tiny in comparison to the other raptors, really. Hazel hoped that the others wouldn’t bring her any harm. She rolled her eyes — one might go as far as to describe the action as fondness — as Bastille promptly decided to name her Epsilon. “Does it ever occur to you that they might have actual names?” She chided, voice teasing and golden optics unwavering from the child.

Re: somewhere only we know | joining - hazel ! - 07-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — //asdfghjkl i had no idea there was another hazel here, i added stuff to hazel's name to tell them apart <3

Hazel wasn't quite sure what was going on, but there was a tail wrapping around her and she found it startingly similar to the way that her mother would wrap her own tail around her when she was in danger or simply in a cuddly mood. Lots of painful memories were associated to the simple act of protection and affection, but she stifled them down and let out a grateful chirp, her head bobbing slightly along with the thankful noise.

Two more animals came into sight, Hazel's now relaxed demeanor quickly shifting back into the nervous look she had when the first people had appeared. Wary was the baby as she sunk closer to the ground in a sort of dismissive manner, but when the scent of jerky reached her flared nostrils, something in the carnivore switched. Immediately the true mannerisms of a vicious predator showed themselves. With a rush of speed, the meat was snatched from off of the ground and within the raptors mouth in seconds, disappearing in a matter of a few quick chomps of powerful jaws. Hazel was a voracious eater with an even more aggressive appetite; whatever food was placed in front of the baby was inhaled without hesitation, whether it be a tiny mouse or the fattening meat of an impala leg, everything that the raptor saw that looked like food would be eaten.

A silent 'thank you' came from the raptor through a few subtle body changes and movements. Her coppery eyes flickered between Bastlle and Hazel, a small purr coming from her as she settled onto her hindquarters. They wouldn't probably ever replace her true family, but...this was a start, a really good start.

//sorry it's so short, rushed :,)