Beasts of Beyond
request group prefixes here! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: request group prefixes here! (/showthread.php?tid=3077)

request group prefixes here! - rakue - 07-13-2018

so with the addition of so many new groups, staff has decided that unofficial groups get their own prefixes to make it much easier to sort through the threads for each group without having a board of their own! there is no limit on how long the prefix name can be, but try to keep it reasonable so that it doesn't stretch thread titles. to filter threads with a certain prefix, just click on the prefix name at the top of the thread list and it will show all threads with that given prefix! please note that only one prefix can be assigned to a thread at a time, so label a thread with it's appropriate group over open/private prefixes to make it easier for others in your group to find!

some basic guidelines:
- you may apply for a prefix if your group has a complete guide and is ready for roleplaying/accepting members. there's no use for a group that isnt roleplaying yet to have a prefix!
- prefixes will be removed after one month of ic inactivity. this means that even with a ragingly active ooc community, if no ic post is made for that group within the span of one month, the prefix will be removed. it can also be removed upon request! the group may re-request a prefix once the group begins roleplaying again.
- prefix names/colours can be easily changed, and if you would like one of them changed, just post below with what you would like changed and a senior mod/admin will take care of it for you! prefixes that are too long and colours that clash with the site skins/are too similar to another existing prefix may be changed at staff's discretion.

to apply for a prefix, simply fill out the form below!
[b]group name:[/b]
[b]desired prefix name:[/b]
[b]desired color:[/b] (can be hexadecimal!)

Re: request group prefixes here! - vellichor - 07-18-2018

group name: Morgan Heights
desired prefix name: Morgan Heights
desired color: #C5BAE5

Re: request group prefixes here! - vvintersoldier - 07-18-2018


Re: request group prefixes here! - Una. - 07-27-2018

group name: The Brotherhood
desired prefix name: The Brotherhood
desired color: #0038A8

Re: request group prefixes here! - rakue - 07-28-2018

(07-27-2018, 11:39 PM)Una. link Wrote: group name: The Brotherhood
desired prefix name: The Brotherhood
desired color: #0038A8

Re: request group prefixes here! - Una. - 07-30-2018

Can you remove The Brotherhood's prefix? Thanks! <3

Re: request group prefixes here! - vvintersoldier - 07-30-2018

removing now!