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ADRENALINE SHOT TO THE HEART // Energy Potions - Printable Version

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ADRENALINE SHOT TO THE HEART // Energy Potions - SOLVEIG - 07-13-2018

Solveig's weekly task had been, given by Pincher, to make everyone energy potions to give everyone a little pick me up, especially with the Tsunami clean up. Essentially, Solveig was tasked with making everyone Caffinee shots. What could possibly go wrong?

The answer: everything.

The good news: The potions themselves were rather simple to make- a handful of herbs and a bit of crafting later, and Solveig had prepared some very nicely-corked vials of an herbal smoothie shot (sweetened with heather nectar- she was no sadist) that would work well for her task.
The bad news: What on earth was Pincher thinking?

Well, Solveig supposed that really wasn't her problem. She had done what had been asked of her, and now she sat out in the middle of camp, a small crate of carefully-packed vials sitting besides her. She sat quietly, her paws gathered beneath her, slowly inhaling as she lifted her chin slightly higher. "If anyone feels a little pick-me-up," she began, stretching out her telepathy as far as she could across the territory, "I have energy potions that you are welcome to come and take. Perfectly safe."

//Something fun! They can go wild in this thread, or have some lasting effects in other threads! Nothin' like pure adrenaline and caffinee!

Re: ADRENALINE SHOT TO THE HEART // Energy Potions - Verdigris - 07-14-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Caffeine was not a substance Paper had ever encountered, at least not to his knowledge. There were a few different plants he had heard of that contained it, but none of them were anything you would find in the desert, and he had yet to locate any here, either- even before the tsunami laid waste to large portions of the jungle. Actually, he was fairly sure it was dangerous for canines in large amounts, but a small shot couldn't hurt that much. Besides, Solveig seemed to have some medical knowledge, so she was unlikely to accidentally poison the entire clan.

  Walking up to Solveig, Paper offered her a nod, then took one of the vials. "Weekly task?" he asked, taking the lid off of the vial. Lifting it to his mouth, he took a swig. The flavor was bittersweet, as he would have expected.

  /mobile + museless ending

Re: ADRENALINE SHOT TO THE HEART // Energy Potions - ARGUS - 07-14-2018


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Solveg was new in that Argus had yet the time to get a good read on them. The Quartermaster wouldn't allow themselves to be limited by a glancing first impression so much as a lasting exposure to their personality. Like everyone- it was a eating game, and Argus ever the patine was good at both waiting and watching. Grace and dignity could only last for so long, after all. Silent- but still free speaking. Having a cremate that spoke through mental connections was slightly concerning- in that her own mind was such a tightly wound trap she was afraid of hurting the other if they kept talking like that.

Of course like many first impressions go within a clan that hosted the large wolf- the first word to describe her was small. It was hard to get over domestic feline's size in comparison- how breakable they could turn. Either that was the long standing hobby of breaking fragile frames and knowing intimately how to do so: or just because of her newer instinct that coveted the whole clan of protect - protect protect was, yet to be seen.

Argus had the rare situation in that they used to be a caffeine addict. Back when they liked to deny the need of hunger, caffeine was a good way to work around needing food for as long as they did. Which of course- lead to near starvation and horrid battle conditions. But there was the added benefit of the hunger keeping them awake and noticeably aware. But that was neither here nor there. Not to say they knew better but they just tended to eat- rather sporadically at that- but it was no one's business but their own- and thus, limited their caffeine intake to the mornings. When it was not necessary but something to help better shove the dark nightmares they had the night before away.

Argus stepped over, the large lupine's smile was kind and slightly tired- sluggish not from really work but just a worn straining on her shoulders. Wings lagging and tucked away in the way that they usually were. A long flight in the morning had made the limbs all sore and the 'hunting' from the night before wasn't easing them either. All in all they could use a pick me up, and hearing (sensing?) the call from not too far away the deputy stepped over a grateful smile stretching there as they took two of the vials and downed both with a muttered thank you.

With a great sign, Argus sat down and tried to relax, dull red eyes turning to sol and giving a nod in the crate's direction. " As long as no one mixes them with booze i think the clan will survive." While said flatly, it was obvious that they meant it in good humor, in the way a softer more amused grin settled on their features as they set the vials down on the ground before them.

Re: ADRENALINE SHOT TO THE HEART // Energy Potions - ROXANNE R. - 07-15-2018

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Potions, she never had potions before but they sounded cool as she walked over with both of her ears angled forward as she stood beside Argus and Appreciated with her whiskers twitching briefly. The leopardess would twitch her tufted ears not uttering much of a word as she would curl her tail around her forepaws offering Sol, a toothy smile. She hadn't been at this ones joining but she assumes so far that they were quire the interesting member already and well, Roxie loved meeting new people.
"character's speech."

Re: ADRENALINE SHOT TO THE HEART // Energy Potions - bubblegum - 07-15-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie personally had never had a potion before. she didn't know a whole lot about them. but, she figured the idea was kinda cool, depending on what it was. she liked that some of them might change your emotions or help you, but others were pretty unnecessary in her mind. like, love potions. she didn't like that idea. nobody should force somebody else to love them, because then it's not real.

but, solveig's announcement of energy potions would immediately grab her attention. she had been exhausted, and that was no secret if you looked at the young girl. her injuries weren't healing properly because of her own lack of care to herself and her sleep had been neglected for a long time now. the injured girl moved towards the potions curiously, brushing up gently against miss roxanne. she sniffed at the potions, looking to solveig. perfectly safe? surely it would be fine for her to have one, then.

the girl sat down and carefully grabbed one, opening it and drinking it. "what kinda potions do you know how to make, besides these?" goldie decided to ask after finishing it. she blinked a few times, letting the liquid go down. she could already feel the effects slowly dribbling in, her paws tapping the ground silently.