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BLEEDING STAR | Open, injury - Printable Version

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BLEEDING STAR | Open, injury - Luciferr - 07-13-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

He'd not liked the look of these strangers at the border.

For one they didn't look like the sort that usually joined them - and eerily familiar to him.

It might've been the bright red eyes - Lord knows that colour had meant many an ill thing to their family, being a sign of a certain fiend - who lacked the common decency to stay dead it often seemed.

The closer he got to these lurkers the more he realised that indeed these were familiar.

Red staring eyes, strange disjointed limbs, like stitched together abominations fused in shard glass at the seams - the red 'ceramic' shattering and cracking as they moved on those odd 'glass' limbs.

The leader of the three watched him with a rasping breath - echoing and brittle like breathing through a broken tube.

Then it rattled a single broken word,


He suppressed a cold shiver - the thing spoke with an echo of that abomination and long as he existed, Anzarel could never forget that thing.

But the memories would not drag him under, he'd taken that beast with him in the end - whatever fragments these were of that once greater will - whatever cast off pawns, he would not ever cower before them or it

He snarled instead, usually gentle or impassive face twisting as black lips pulled back over frightening teeth and the God stepped out from behind the mask of simple ascendants group member - Anzarel hissed back at it, with an echo of his truth

"Fade back into the nothingness - you are not welcome here filth!"

The two cohorts to the leader stagger back seemingly compelled or cowered it was hard to know with those never blinking eyes - their strangled guttural coughing growls all they vocalised while their leader braced and stepped forward with an agitated hiss, fliputterings of void entrapments bristling.

"Shaaaaaarrrd....He-is....Pati-eeeent" dark amusement in the body language as the things head dipped low and something resembling a smirk shattered its way across glass features i]" the ennnnnddd...."[/i] a pause as the rattling whistling breath wheezed from the thing ""

It didn't live long enough after those snide words, Anzarel roared instead, rearing up on powerful legs, wings flared like daggers of the cosmos displayed above and brought those deadly claws down swiftly as he leapt and crushed the thing's head in one fell swoop - too quick and too fast for a being so large and the thing died before it could even react, deformed form falling and shattering to the ground disintegrating as if it had never been, black dust smeared upon the rock in seconds.

Bright glowing eyes and a snarl of pearlescent deadly teeth turned as a spread of purest white flame slipped past roaring jaws and engulfed the one to the left - it died with a shriek, ashes in the wind.

The third had leapt forward scoring a large gash across hi shoulder with its sharded claws before Anzarel's wing came up and battered it away - followed by his teeth at its throat and the thing bled motes of dust before it too began to disintegrate away.

Anzarel stood, form coated in places by the black sooted filth of what passes for their blood - breathing heavy as the snarl slips from his face.

He would not fold to that thing, but even as he thought that, the old wound Obscuro by his collar throbbed in mockery - he'd already folded once, the second time would be inevitable no? - Anz hissed in reply to that inward hated thought.

He made to move away from the black smears - stains under the evening light - but was brought up short when the newly acquired wound on his shoulder throbbed in protest.

Anzarel glanced at it, the wound bled sluggishly - spilling a galaxy down his side to paint the White fur and merge patterns with the black, star speckled cracks of his legs - He grimaced, head turning away before landing on the smears again.

Well no doubt it had drawn people to him - and there incessant questions, whether they witnessed it or not,

Idly he wondered if they thought he'd just mercilessly murdered some strangers doing nothing but loitering to their eyes.

He sighed, closing his eyes as he shifted his weight from his injured leg - no they wouldn't understand why perhaps

And Anzarel did not wish to explain,

Why would he? It was nothing but a past rife with tragedy, death and sacrifice it seemed in vain - he did not want to speak of all the ill done to he and his kin.

Nothing for it then,

So he sat, the weight of many millenials lived upon his drooping wings whilst he waited for who ever should arrive and whatever they might judge him for.

///aight so you can have witnessed it if you like or simply came upon a bleeding Anzarel and weird black ash stains, whichever you prefer - also tagging the vamps bc they expressed interest in Anz and his wired 'star blood' [member=449]Margaery[/member] [member=1438]Nero[/member]


Re: BLEEDING STAR | Open, injury - Cosmic - 07-13-2018

I was concerned as fuck when I heard the commotion. The three oddly shaped entities were akin to the necromorphs I had encountered before in the Dead Space world, but also vastly different. Had I been the one to encounter them, there would have been no talk- only a vicious survival instinct to kill, kill, kill. There were clearly not good by any means of the word, and any sane person would know that just by looking at them.

I watched my father figure Anzarel take them out so quickly and efficiently after an attempt to make them leave peacefully, something I was sure to take note of just in case anyone thought he had murdered innocents or something in cold blood. The man didn't seem like he had it in him to be a stone cold murderer. I knew him better than that, or so I hoped.

"A-Anzarel...?" I shakily asked, slowly and carefully coming to his side as I noticed the blood oozing from his shoulder. That would need some marigold and aloe for sure. It was a deep cut, and it could cause infection if not treated.

"Can I- Can I fix your shoulder please?" I don't know why I asked him when I could be doing it anyway, but the laws of this world were strange and these animals could have some weird remarkable healing ability I didn't know about. I just wanted the winged star-bound entity to be safe and sound. He meant a lot to me, as did all the Ascendants, but he had a special place in my heart as a parental figure I never had.

Re: BLEEDING STAR | Open, injury - Nero - 07-13-2018

Nero hadn't witnessed the events prior to Anzarel's injury. Rather, he was called over by the distinct smell of blood. There was something else there, but it was definitely blood. Nero wandered over slowly, eyes fixated on the inky wound. He crouched low to the ground, pupils contracted and tail thrashing. Surely someone so big wouldn't mind losing just a little bit of blood? Nero took a step forward, but then seemed to snap himself out of it, shaking his head furiously and batting at his face with a paw. He couldn't just take blood after being welcomed in to this place. Nero didn't know much about anything, but he was pretty sure that stuff like that was considered rude. The feline stood from his crouched position, and made his way closer to the galaxy-clad creature in a much less threatening way this time. "What happened?" He managed to ask, yet to notice the ash that coated the ground. Like usual, he was completely and utterly fixated on the wound, as otherworldly as said injury was.

Re: BLEEDING STAR | Open, injury - Margaery - 07-14-2018

Like Nero, Margaery had not witnessed the struggle either. She had been wandering about, minding her own business, when the coppery tang of blood all but overwhelmed her senses. She would hesitate for only a brief moment, those gray eyes of hers flashing deep red, before she managed to get a hold on herself. Hunger often times had the ability to drive her up a wall and she was terrified that if she went to investigate, she'd only end up wounding the injured individual more.

She couldn't help herself though, nimble paws leading the chocolate point closer and closer to the source- closer and closer to Anz. She'd regard him for a few seconds, lips twisting into a frown as she inspected the dark, almost galaxy like blood that stained his pelt. What had happened? She felt Genevieve roaring inside of her, straining desperately against her confines in some attempt to taste the stellar-appearing blood. She held her down, refusing to succumb to the monster. Besides, didn't Genevieve know that blood belonging to anyone but a domestic cat could make her ill?

[b]"Are you okay?" She inquired softly, though the question was directed easily at both Anzarel and Nero. The former's reason was obvious - he had been the one to receive the injury after all. It was the latter's, the tiny vampire's, reason that potentially needed a bit more explaining. She, of all people, knew that control was a fickle thing. Being around blood... it had the potential to make even the most in control of vampire's lose their grasp on the world. She hoped that the child was okay, really she did. Margaery glanced at Player too, a frown twisting her lips as she noticed how concerned the other was. "Yes, we definitely need to fix you up immediately," The Cosmic General finally decided aloud, "Do you need water? Anything in the meantime?"

Re: BLEEDING STAR | Open, injury - tori - 07-14-2018

✯ — i prefer a happy ending
He hadn't planned on seeing anyone getting injured, even a small scratch was enough to unnerve him if any blood was involved. So naturally, coming across this particular sight was not the best for the psyche of the young canine, at least temporarily. Maybe he'd grow out of it but he was one of the few things he could specifically point out to make him anxious and ill instead of just a general distrust.

He'd only been trying to overcome his fear of the still relatively unknown territory when he saw Margaery pass, that was enough to divert his attention and quietly pad after her like a little duckling. The scent of blood was present at some point, too late to turn and run, and besides, he didn't want to be alone if he could avoid it. Didn't want to go.

But of course, at the actual sight of the injury, Alexander became greatly disturbed, trembling immediately and stumbled to hide behind Margaery, actually tripping once on that short, short distance over. He regretted his decision immediately, the scent of the blood and injury clouding his nostrils in a way he could describe as stuffy, aggressively so. And yet, he couldn't pull his eyes away, they'd betrayed him. Stupid eyes. Which, at the moment, were tearing up slightly. His breathing was rapid, his heart was ready to burst out of his chest. He attempted speech, all he got out was a cracked squeak.


Re: BLEEDING STAR | Open, injury - Cosmic - 07-14-2018

"I'll go fetch the supplies. Hey, Margaery,  can you get water to clean his wound as well? We don't want infection in it." I responded, hoping that Anzarel would allow me to heal him. I didn't have a doubt he would, but you could never be too sure.

Without another word, I dashed off to get the herbs and bandages needed for him. There was no time to waste when it came to injuries.

//permission to heal? c:

Re: BLEEDING STAR | Open, injury - Warringkingdoms - 07-14-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]/tracking for now, gonna let Play do her thing and then bring Rin in

Re: BLEEDING STAR | Open, injury - Luciferr - 07-22-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

/late but in my defence the wifi's been out all week - also yes permission granted play c:

His wings twitched at the voice before he moved his head to spy Player approaching, their somewhat half flared protective stance easing at her approach - here at least was a familiar face and one that wouldn't judge quickly.

At her question he nodded and shifted to lie for easier access - save his adoptive daughter the scramble to try and reach the gash.

Ears flickered forward as they were joined by another - Nero, vampire, ah he hoped the young lad wouldn't have a problem with the blood, strange as it was - at the question he merely smiled depreciatingly, eyes moving to the sooty stains with a grimace,

"just an old menace, nothing more"

Ah - Margaery - and he had to smile for the concern in her voice - silently marvelling that he'd been so welcomed here, he had to admit he wasn't used to the instant trust still, but then he'd come from a war torn galaxy and no one was quick to trust outside his people among the vagabonds and drifters and other aggressive syndicates "I'll be fine my dear, just shaken perhaps" an eye on the ashen scatter "I simply didn't foresee all variables" I didn't think it would follow me here the thought moments after.

Though he did hum slightly "my thanks for the offer, but it's only my shoulder that needs seeing to - seems I should be more wary of strangers at the border" he thought he could almost see that slight hunger in her eyes - but he couldn't fault that, Vampires had a difficult fight knowing their instincts, if he was uncomfortable around one he never would have had one for his generals back in the day.

He watched player bound off to get supplies and tried his best not to hide the slight wince at the youngster hiding behind Margaery's reaction - ah wounds were never a pretty thing and he'd hate to think he caused the pup some distress - or unwanted memories.