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life needs a bit of madness || joining - Printable Version

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life needs a bit of madness || joining - COLONEL WILLIAM- - 03-23-2018

The crunch of snow was strange for the jacket clad Mudi as he padded onwards, hearing the echo of words from his dear friend upon telling him of this snowy tundra far from where their old roaming grounds. What was Leigh thinking when he decided on such a whim that they should move to this place because some old woman said so? The older male groaned and shuffled on through the snow while occasionally wiping his glasses of stray snowflakes that would melt onto the tinted glass. " Leigh, you're one of my dearest friends, but never let me allow you to go off on your own ever again in this way. " The canid huffed to himself as he felt his ears flap in the wind with his small burst of energy to power through, though wandering thoughts often caused him to come back to a slower pace as he traveled ever closer to the border. This would've been much more pleasant if he had gone with the founding group and yet, William had decided to stay longer to gather wait for his wife. Sure, she had left him a while ago and he had come crawling back to his unicorn friend with tears in his eye, but he still always ached at the thought of her...wondering why she did this to him. Once again, phantom pains wrapped around his torso as he approached the border and quickly sat down to clutch at his side for a moment with hushed whimpers escaping his maw all the while until it faded along with a gust of wind. " Excuse me, but I'm here to join the lot of you officially! Some of you may know know me as Leigh's best friend or whatever it is he calls me these day. Probably a fuck ass, but it suits me all the same." William barked out as loudly as he could without being too annoying. He hoped that Leigh would be able to see him, to know that he hadn't abandoned him once more and stuck to his promise to be here with him. After all, that's what boyfriends do, right?


Re: life needs a bit of madness || joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 03-24-2018

The young assassin almost always did whatever the hell he wanted. Those that tried to stop him usually ended up dead, because the only way to make him do something was to try and physically force him. The thought of someone trying to overpower him was quite hilarious in his mind considering that he didn't lose battles all that easily. Not to mention that with his smaller body it made him incredibly quick, and with his high pain tolerance, they would have to do a lot in order to make him scream. They didn't know his body like he did after all. Either way, when he first joined a group of animals, which had been primarily for a mission that he was tasked with from his brother, he considered all of them idiots. Most of those words still fit to this day depending on how the group interacted with other groups. Clans themselves always seem to lack a large amount of common sense that they weren't capable of understanding quite completely. They were too trustworthy, and that's why they constantly ended up dropping like flies all the time. Killua didn't bother to really sticking to one area, if he wanted to, he could just stroll to another place to see the reactions of the other groups. True, he was trespassing most of the time, but it was almost hilarious to see how upset creatures would get over a small patch of land and do nothing about it. None of them had dared to ever try attacking him, at least while he was in their territory. Killua had a bad habit of being cocky literally half of the time he was around someone, thinking that he could easily take down most creatures. Which the arsenal of powers that he has is more than possible for him to do something like that, especially with larger creatures. He has killed two clan leaders in his time after all, and he doubted that the number would ever stop growing if someone managed to piss him off long enough. Then the next batch of clans that he decided to stay with was really hilarious to him. There were barely any animals around, and he didn't end up seeing the leader that was supposidly there for almost an entire week when he decided that he was going to be staying. It was hilarious to watch as the old lady thought that she could command the serval around, especially in the body that she was currently in, that being a dog. He was glad when the female practically disappeared from existence because she certainly was close to having his metal claws in her neck. Even after that, Killua traveled to the different groups that made themselves present to the one that he decided to stay in for the time being. Only so that he could catch his barrings of course as he ran away from his family. He interacted with those that were killers, those that were pacifists, and those that just didn't care. Turns out those that were killers seemed to understand him somewhat well and actually had a sense of humor considering the way he acted. Always joking. Always mocking. All fun in games till someone managed to strike a cord that would set him over the edge. He had a short temper that he was trying to work on, something that Amorette had tried to help him with as well. Hell, Killua didn't even like to be considered a member of the group that he was with. Sure he was deputy at some point, but he wasn't going to refuse a position that he could abuse in order to make things go his way. He didn't care about helping the clan because they didn't care about him so why should he reciprocate? One of the greatest tasks he gave himself was to go to a group that considered themselves to be the worst of the bad, but was still fairly small and growing. One would think that with so few members they would try not to bring attention to themselves. They thought they could be considered murderers? They were amateurs in Killua's eyes. Nothing else. So, he had used his powers to locate the middle of their camp, which he teleported into. He was only confronted by two creatures. He tore an eye out of one of them that attacked him, and nearly crippled and killed their leader. Luckily for them, he was only there for fun, as he was trying not to be a killer. But sending them a message was more than enough.

Killua was still confused as to the way that this place ultimately worked. So far, those that he had met were fairly kind. Whether or not that kindness was genuine or a facade he wasn't quite sure about. Either way, he would eventually find out no matter how they would try to hide what they were. He hadn't had a chance to explore the other places that were said to be around here when he asked about other clans. Were they really clans though? Killua just considered them to be groups but calling them clans sounded better in his mind so he was going to stick with that. The albino serval was still recovering so traveling around wasn't his priority. Yes, he wanted to know what other animals he was dealing with, but it could wait. He had a little bit of time to spare since he doubted that his brother actually knew where he was at the moment. He had come from another group of clans, but his brother ended up finding him, and when the young assassin refused to return home with him, well, just to say that he didn't leave his brother before giving a hard learned lesson. Because of the lesson that had been given to him, Killua wasn't sure exactly what to think anymore with what he wanted. He just wanted to be a normal kid, but with the way he had been trained, he was terrible when it came to social interactions, and he was cruel to those that got close to him. After all, if his family was to every find him again they would be in danger. And right now he was in no condition to be able to fight his older brother that could wipe the floor with him. He was covered in fresh pink scars that were obviously made by an animal that was much larger than he was. Stitches lined his front paws holding his metal claws in the sheaths that they had been surgically inserted into. The wildcat was still able to use them, but he didn't want the stitches to come out yet. Killua didn't want his money to end up going to waste right now, it would be a pain in his ass. Killua did enjoy exploring the territory a bit here and there, not bothering to really try to interact with those that currently lived in this place. The assassin usually stayed by himself, not sure how to approach others after more brainwashing from his brother. The bastards voice constantly ringing in his head like a broken record. The new member had situated himself in one of the pine trees near the border. He enjoyed being higher up than the rest of the groups, as it gave him a little bit more security, especially if he wanted to kill them or vice versa. Considering how close he was to the border and his large ears that worked almost like a radar dish, it wasn't hard to hear the barking of someone near the border. He couldn't catch the other's scent but it was obviously someone that was near the border. Not like he really cared. If the place he was in right now was to burn to the ground he would just find another place to go. Right now these animals didn't matter to him and weren't his responsibilities. Getting up onto his paws, the male would leap from branch to branch of nearby trees as he headed to the border. The issue with Killua was though, was that he was perfectly made for stealth. He always had his air elementals on, which kept his scent close to him, making it impossible to smell him unless he wanted to be. Then, he constantly created small patches of air to step on right before he stepped on the ground. Even though it looked like he was touching the ground, he was slightly hovering for a couple of centimeters. So, him leaping from branch to branch before he landed on a branch that was directly above the lupine's head. A wolf huh? Interesting. He hasn't seen one of those in a while, and from the species, it was that of a timber wolf. Killua laid himself down on the branch, having one of his white limbs hang down from his perch. Would the other feel his eyes on him and look straight up? Killua was used to making other people uncomfortable with his cold demeanor. "It honestly isn't my business whatever you do. I doubt anyone here would stop you from joining either so feel free to stroll over the border." When Killua spoke, he almost sounded bored. These groups all functioned the same way. They would accept everyone with open arms without even questioning them. "You do seem to be struggling a little with the snow there pal." Came another tone, he was messing with him, jabbing at him a little bit to see how the other would react. Instead of a neutral look spreading across his face, he had his signature smirk spread across his facial features.
clan -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/21/17:

Re: life needs a bit of madness || joining - Leigh - 03-25-2018

Honestly this was all William's fault anyway- considering the canine was his only impulse control. Leigh hadn't been too happy when Will had decided to stay behind to wait for a girl who was worth nothing more than the mud under his hooves. Hell- even the mud was worth much more. The unicorn was not easy to forgive people that hurt his friends or family. Needless to say he had been pissed beyond belief when Will came to him so long ago, crying and bruised from that woman's abuse. And yet that man still held hope for her. He was a fool. Leigh didn't have the heart to confront him back then- to call him out for being so stupid. Maybe one day he would. But he'd let that fleeting thought sink back. What mattered was that his best friend had actually come here. He'd know that jacket anywhere. The unicorn approached, looking to Killua with an amused grin before focusing on Will. "I like calling you a complete and utter jackass, but whatever suits the occasion works just as well. So welcome to our little hodge podge family, fuck bucket. Nice to see you didn't abandon me." He flashed a warm smile and strode forward to offer the canine an embrace. "It really is good to see you man." he added softly.


Re: life needs a bit of madness || joining - PIERCE - 03-28-2018

☀ ☀ ☀
Platonically or romantically, Pierce always loved passionately. He cared about his friends and family more than anything, and would do pretty much anything to protect them. Once, he'd even killed - or attempted to kill - a man for them. Unsurprisingly, he couldn't remember that. But he could understand the feelings that must be soaring through Leigh and William's chests, because he'd experienced them before when reuniting with his loved ones. It was a warm feeling, but one that, in his experience, usually came with tears. Maybe that was just because of how emotional he was, though. He always had been. That was probably why, actually. Anyway, he’d been out wandering the territory, when the three voices reached his ears. One of them was familiar, the other vaguely so, and the last one must have been a stranger or a newcomer, or something. Slipping over after Leigh, Pierce observed William, offering him a quick smile. He’d known someone named Willliam once, hadn’t he? William Joseph. It was a familiar name, but he couldn’t place a face to it. [color=#F5CA72]”Hi there, mister! I’m Pierce Parker. It’s nice to meet you!” he greeted, his tail giving its signature dog-like wag. Even if everything was messed up, he still knew how to hide his feelings and be a welcoming member of the community. "I love your eyes, by the way!" Pierce was still complementing strangers- at least things weren’t that different, right?

