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HOLD ME CLOSE | joining - Printable Version

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HOLD ME CLOSE | joining - Nero - 07-13-2018

The guilt was endless, relentless. It tugged at his heart, the noise of his hypercritical thoughts making it hard to think sometimes. When he had first escaped his room, Nero thought the world was a beautiful and magical place. He still thought that, of course, but the magic was drained a little when he had made his first kill. The warm blood that coated his lips was delicious and sickening at the same time, and he remembered thinking that maybe his captors were justified in locking him away for months on end. He almost considered going back, but his desire to explore the newly revealed world outweighed his fear and his guilt. Every heartbeat he came across thundered in his ears, enticing him, but he managed to control himself after the second or third time. Nero could (probably) handle going hungry if it meant that he wouldn't have to kill anyone else. Boy, he sure felt weak though.

He had been walking for a while now, eyes wide with wonder as he took in every flower, insect and blade of grass. His paws hurt and his stomach growled at him with an unholy fury, but that was easier to ignore when there was something new at every turn. There was less now as he came upon a wide field, but still enough to keep him entertained. He could smell something strange though, more animals like him. He hadn't met anything other than rodents and birds yet, things he recognised from picture books, so he was curious to see where this new path would take him. The ghostly feline was currently sniffling at the ground, turning in circles as if trying to decide which direction to walk in. There was so much left to see and explore; it was a little overwhelming.

Re: HOLD ME CLOSE | joining - Margaery - 07-13-2018

She was among some of the first vampires to be introduced to the world, created when her grandmother exchanged she and her family's mortal souls for ones a bit more indestructible. She was familiar with the guilt, the self loathing... it had eaten at her day in and day out those first couple of years. Margaery had still been known as Maarit at that time, the delicate flower who her father and mother sought to protect at all costs. Her porcelain skin had yet to transform to steel- she was still vulnerable, and oh did the world try to hurt her. But she couldn't have exactly blamed it. She was a monster and when she fed, she killed.

Eventually that guilt just faded away. She did not take too much and the world, in result, stopped pushing against her. It was a strange balance, but it was still balance and the gods above knew she needed balance.

One thousand years later, killing came easy to Margaery. Sometimes, Genevieve made brief appearances and caused her to enjoy the act, but those instances were as rare as they were unwelcome. The lines between right and wrong had been blurred substantially but she did her best to kill only those who she deemed to be morally evil. Being here helped too- between her wife and her children, she was no longer a solitary vampire and on top of that, her clanmates seemed unbothered by the fact that she relied upon blood to survive.

The cosmic general had been wandering around when she stumbled across Nero, surprise touching her expression as she surveyed the young boy. Call it intuition, but she was almost positive that he was a vampire. The bite marks upon his neck did much to give it away and for a moment, she touched her own neck, silently thanking Selene for creating her, not turning her.

It was strange to see a vampire on land that she claimed for her family, but wrote the occurrence off as an accident. He seemed young and amazed by the world around him- he might not exactly be familiar with the typical practices of her kind. [b]"Hello, love," She greeted softly with that in mind, a smile that revealed her own fangs offered warmly in his direction, "My name is Margaery Mikaelson and this is the Ascendants... Are you lost?" She didn't ask about his affliction, not yet anyways. She, of all people, knew how uncomfortable it was to be put immediately on the spot for vampirism. She would not subject Nero to that same feeling.

Re: HOLD ME CLOSE | joining - Luciferr - 07-13-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

ah vampires, he'd seen many and known few considering their reclusive behaviour back home - and that they chose to follow his kinslaying nephew, creator of the strain that he was and thus more often Anzarel had been fighting the vampiric than chatting friendly with one.

But Anzarel did not paint one specie at fault for the actions of a group of them - and the few he'd befriended he fund he could trust and became his people in time, no matter the origin.

it was also why when confronted with vampire around him here, he had been unsurprised and simply accepting - it was no strange thing, but then not much was.

so catching sight of what might've been an albino feline were it not for the fangs and the slight blood, he barely batted an eye - though he did wonder the reaction to his blood considering

he'd never given blood to any of his prior vampiric acquaintances - hesitant the strange blood would do something to them, for ill or not, for all he knew it might be addictive or it might be poison or it might just be harmless if strange tasting to them.

still, he wasn't taking chances - only too glad his scar had long healed over and obscured by his gem embedded collar.

Anzarel tipped his head to the two vampires - staying silent as they awaited the answers to Margaery's question.


Re: HOLD ME CLOSE | joining - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-13-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Vampires. Washington heard about them. Did he believe that they existed? Of course not. Someone coming from a human life meant that he was a little stubborn to believe that all of the stuff that was being told to him. He wasn't going to allow himself to become gullible like he used to be before getting teleported to this place. He refused to be played like a joke again, and because he had been so gullible before it meant that he would probably end up having someone manipulate him to do whatever he wanted. Hence why he had the lack of trust when he was interacting with anyone that was indeed with the group. There were certain aspects of him being a human that he could figure would be hard for others to actually end up grasping. That wasn't his problem of course though, as if they didn't want to believe in aliens but wanted to believe in the likes of demons and vampires, then that was up to them. Washington refused to believe that they actually existed until he was given an example, and even then he would still probably refuse to believe that they existed.

There were of course animals that were capable of sucking blood from someone that they managed to catch, but he was pretty sure that cats weren't exactly vampires unless there had been something that happened with cats overall when it came to just cats in general. After all, this wasn't even the year that he should exist, in the year 2018. He was supposed to be in the year of the 2500's. Which was certainly several years away from where he was on now, but he was struggling with just figuring out if they could return to being human. If he just managed to find a couple gears from the ship that had blown up and teleported him here then maybe that they would have the chance. Washington had seen plenty of strange things since he had arrived in this outpost. Washington refusing to call the outpost a clan, because it just made more sense for him in military terms to call it an outpost or a base, as that was basically what it really was. There were animals that should be extinct that no longer were extinct from what he read in the textbooks that he had managed to commandeer. Ironically he was one of those species, being a smilodon that had gone extinct a long time ago. There were raptors that lived here that were more than willing to attack others that just looked at them wrong. It made no sense to Washington with everything else that was going on. They were all animals now and he was adjusting the life of said animal anyway.

Washington was used to seeing the likes of aliens that were taller than humans and had mandibles instead of actual jaws. They didn't speak English and they had been out to kill them basically since the beginning, or at least as long as he could remember when he was just a kid at the end of the day back on Earth where they lived. Now nothing really made sense, and he refused to accept it. As soon as he did, Washington knew that he would be forced to their level and that he was far from getting to that point. he wouldn't have it. He refused. Hence why he refused to take up everything that this outpost did with its members, only deciding to select what he was willing to participate in. The Freelancer had work to do after all when it came to finding more intel about the place and if there was a chance that someone they knew could be turned into an animal. During the hottest part of the day, Washington did his patrols to see if any other former humans were going to end up appearing. The Freelancer patrolled by himself, preferring to be alone rather than to walk around with someone else. He enjoyed being alone as it gave him some form of security after having been betrayed not even a month ago.

The armored smilodon was making his way around when he heard familiar voices in the distance. He was starting to get better at remembering names, which hadn't exactly been hard since remembering names in the military had basically been part of their training. Not using the right identification when addressing a commanding officer would result in punishment. The armored smilodon made his way over toward the group, not using scent to be able to find others. Instead, Washington had to rely on his hearing thanks to the helmet that he wore on his face that kept him from inhaling outside scents. His eyes landed on a white domestic cat. There seemed to be a large abundance of those. Not like Washington really cared considering that none of this really mattered as long as he got back to being human. The lion-sized animal stops a good distance away from the group, sitting off the side. He was at least five feet away from the group, as he knew that his form was fairly intimidating to those that looked at him first. Washington wasn't capable of telling which Vampires were which, and honestly, it just looked like a regular albino cat with red eyes from where he was sitting. The former human didn't say anything as he wanted to see if this was someone that he potentially knew somehow. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: HOLD ME CLOSE | joining - BASTILLEPAW - 07-13-2018

Bastille didn't really many much to say on the subject of vampires, other than the fact that they could be a remarkably diverse species. Margy, for instance, could only drink other feline's -- but he knew of plenty who were not quite as limited. Grimm hoarded their stories as something interesting to hold onto, but Bast was indifferent. Differences and diet, and all that; there wasn't much else to the whole ordeal, in his opinion.

As he came to a slow stop beside Margy, he considered this scrappy thing idly. The stranger did look pretty fucking dazed and confused, and Bast watched for a moment before he added, "Damn, boo. Anyone home in there?"

Re: HOLD ME CLOSE | joining - Nero - 07-13-2018

Speak of overwhelming. Nero had been confused before, but now that more and more creatures began to crowd around him, his mind was kicking into overdrive. He had seen glimpses of his parents before, but that was the extent of his interaction with intelligent lifeforms. Everything else was too far in his childhood for his mind to reach, although the glint of fangs as they reached towards his fragile neck was a memory that Nero found hard to forget. He stopped wandering in circles to stare at the others as they approached. They were all much bigger than the birds he had been feeding on earlier, and he licked his lips slowly over the low growl of his stomach. But then the guilt was back, called over by nothing more than a thought, and he tried fruitlessly to get the thirst for blood out of his head.

In an attempt to ground himself, Nero looked to Margaery first. She was the first one to appear, and seemed the kindest out of the lot. Nero had read about kindness in his books, so he instantly wanted to know more about the tall feline. She was speaking to him. That was odd, Nero wasn't used to hearing words instead of speaking them himself. He shook his head slightly in an attempt to get used to the sensation, tilting it side to side before looking her in the eye. "Lost..." he repeated, his tail swaying behind him. "Yes. What's the Ascendants?" He had never stumbled across that world before. He had come across ascend, though, and he was pretty darn sure that it meant to go up. "I was just looking for a place for home... I don't want to go up anywhere," Nero informed, tearing his gaze away from Margaery to examine the others that had approached. Two of them were rather frighting, but they hadn't spoken yet and didn't seem like they were about to attack him, so Nero allowed himself to relax for now. Instead he looked at Bastilleprisoner, glad for another whose form looked somewhat like his own. He wasn't sure how to respond to the other's inquiry, and merely tilted his head curiously at the bengal cat.

Re: HOLD ME CLOSE | joining - Margaery - 07-14-2018

Margaery maintained her gentle facade, that smile not once wavering as she regarded Nero. Lost... so her suspicions were more or less correct. He was too young and seemingly too innocent to purposefully stumble onto her hunting grounds with malicious intent. He had gotten here by pure coincidence, she decided pointedly, and that was okay. From where though, she could not say. He didn't smell like any of the groups that surrounded them, just like the wild. Interesting. But she refused to probe. The last thing the cosmic general wanted to do was make the juvenile vampire uncomfortable. She knew how volatile their tempers could be, and while that could easily not be the case for Nero, she'd still rather be safe than sorry.

[b]"The Ascendants is a group, love," She began lightly, her gray blue gaze sweeping over Anz, Wash, and Bast, "This can be your home. I can take care of you too, if you want." Everyone who knew Margaery knew how motherly she could be, especially towards her own kind. Mortal children were one thing but vampire children... they reminded her so dearly of herself and what she had once been. She wanted to offer them a better life than she had had, better times... better experiences. There weren't very many tiny vampires stomping about - really only Diya, Cece, Onision, Kara, and Gale - but what was one more to the mix? The world was a large and frightening place sometimes- she didn't want Nero to be alone.

"Oh, I'm also a vampire, dulcis," Margaery added quickly, quietly. She didn't outwardly accuse him of being one, instead opting to present the idea casually. No one here had any obvious qualms with her affliction and she wished to make that as obvious as possible. Comfort... comfort was everything. "Now, shall we get you settled in?"

Re: HOLD ME CLOSE | joining - Nero - 07-14-2018

Nero quickly decided that he liked this feline. Her smile was kind, as were her words. He listened patiently as she explained to him the meaning behind the Ascendants. The term 'group' was pretty vague, but he managed to piece together that it meant a bunch of animals all living together. That could work as a home, perhaps, but he wasn't too keen on being close to others. His control was still bad at best, terrible at worst, and he didn't want to hurt (or worse, kill) anyone. The offer of protection was definitely tempting, though. Nero had never had someone he could call a parent - his biological mother and father were too afraid to go near him after his turning. Nero found himself talking a step or two towards her, conflict clear behind his eyes.

That's when she revealed that she, too, was a vampire. Nero had done a bit of reading on his species, so he knew what the word meant. That explained the fangs that he had caught a glimpse of earlier as well. He was unsure before, mostly due to the fact that he didn't know much about the world yet. For all he knew, fangs like his could be an everyday occurrence around these parts. He felt safer now that he knew she shared his curse. His eyes widened further, lips parting in a quiet exclamation. "Ah!" He didn't quite admit to being one himself, but he did complete the journey towards Margaery to hover near her. He glanced around at the other Ascendants present before leaning close to Margaery and lowering his voice to a whisper. "I don't want to hurt anyone," he said, keeping his voice soft in an attempt to stop the others from hearing his secret. "If I stay, can you help me? I want to stay with you!"

Re: HOLD ME CLOSE | joining - Luciferr - 07-21-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

Anzarel watched the back and forth quietly - a vampire approaching another vampire and thus finding common ground was a better idea likely, considering the youth seemed concerned about hurting others and he felt a pang of sympathy, that was a hard life for sure.

Anzarel inclined his head to the two "I'm sure we'd all be glad to help where we can - our home is back that way if you'd like to join us?" motioning back the way they'd all come from, he had no doubt the little one would likely stick to Margery like glue considering but it didn't hurt to ask.