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turn my grief to grey | san cread[o] - Printable Version

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turn my grief to grey | san cread[o] - - 07-13-2018

[div style="height: 100%; width: 50%; font-family: times; color:black; text-align: justify;"][align=center][Image: sg_0IFRCddfqa.jpg]
angelo kristiansen
the sky had finally bled out the sun and the world was black once more. the moths were kissing the rusty streetlights, the leaves were whispering in the evening breeze. it was all just so still and quiet, just the way she liked it. this was like a night out of one of her dreams, one of those distant, nervous, indecisive ghosts that caved away just out of reach every time she extended an open hand to them... but it was better than a dream because it was real and because she was alone, which always felt better than being around others, as they just ticked her off in one way or another.

angelo breathed in the sweet night air and sighed deeply, exhaling curls of steam and letting her eyelids flutter shut for just a moment, savoring the quiet and the silent but almost poignant atmosphere just outside of her apartment window. the moon was out tonight too, and she blinked at it appreciatively, gazed at the faded craters on its surface as she pulled out a cigarette and lit it with the bic lighter she kept on her windowsill.

she wasn't much of a people person. she didn't like to interact with others if she didn't absolutely, direly have to. for that reason, the young adult preferred to mind her own business while the rest of the tiny town went on to party divinely on party nights as if the gods had showered them with eternal blessings.
maybe tonight would be different. maybe showing up to one gathering wouldn't kill her. the copper-haired human girl mused, a small shadow of a smirk beginning to show itself around the corners of her mouth. she was pretty lonely, and building a tiny network of people that she could tolerate to be around wasn't so bad an idea, especially in a town as spooky as this one, and especially considering that she was a rather new resident of the area, and a human one, at that. she'd need some form of backup... eventually.

not that she couldn't handle herself, though. the young, fiery woman had a handful of defense tactics tucked under her belt. taken up karate from the young age of seven and trained under her uncle for a long while.. until he died, to be more precise. then, she'd gone on and tried kickboxing for fun during her college years, paired with some other self-defense courses from various small training facilities in her hometown, though she had never taken any of them as seriously as the first two practices she'd picked up. nevertheless, angelo was more than capable of handling a couple of thugs on her own.. but really, she just wanted an excuse to get to know some people. company was long overdue for the loner.

with a sigh, the human san creado citizen headed towards the door, deciding that a light walk would be better than standing around inside. maybe, by some luck, someone or something exciting might show up and entertain her for tonight. she could use a refresher.

[haha so feel free to interact with her. i really have no idea what to write.]

Re: turn my grief to grey || san creado - CATHERYN - 07-13-2018

Catheryn thrives at night, definitely more so than during the day, considering the affliction upon her soul. Sunlight doesn't exactly kill her, she's too young a vampire for the archaic traditions to wreak havoc, but it's still irritating, and getting a skin rash isn't exactly at the top of her to-do list. Besides, Catheryn likes being underneath the moon, it's calming in a way she can't describe, a nice break from the rowdy antics of Rialto and Alex, and even Marko, who can't ever seem to decide whether or not to put his motorcycle helmet on.

She's out tonight for a walk, enjoying the silence save for a few crickets and the odd hooting owl, swooping past one building to land on another. There's some sort of argument going on at home, and she wants no part of it, so she'd climbed out her bedroom window, to avoid walking past the fight to use the front door, and here she is, strolling down the sidewalk, hands tucked securely into the pockets of her jeans.

The pattering footsteps of another causes her to pause, instinctively canting her head to the side in order to hear better. Catheryn doesn't make a habit out of hunting humans anymore, it's much too messy, and though companionship isn't something she actively desires, killing the human population of San Creado isn't what she wants, either. Nowadays, she gets most of her sustenance from blood sodas and infused juice boxes, easily obtainable from the local supermarket if she has enough cash on hand. Catheryn is toting a bottle of soda right now, swinging it lightly from her fingers, though she stops when the human girl she'd heard before slowly comes into view.

It's pretty late out, and from previous experience, most of the humans usually go back home once the sun sets, unless there's some sort of late night activity, or a party in the old pineapple, but as in every generalization, there are the outliers. "You're out quite late," she comments, making sure to stop underneath a street-light so that the stranger doesn't get too startled. However fun it is to scare people, sometimes it just gets old. "Being careful, I presume." The citizens of San Creado aren't prone to violence, but there are those who are a little more volatile than others. Angelo is just lucky Catheryn isn't one of those.

Re: turn my grief to grey || san creado - angelo - 07-13-2018

[img width=360][/img][div style="height: -30%; width: 53%; font-family: times; color:black; text-align: justify;"][align=center][color=black][font=times new roman][glow=#E5C3B2,2,300]angelo kristiansen[/glow]
smoking calmed her. it was a constant in her constantly changing life. angelo wasn't stupid, knew it was detrimental to her health and in the long run, would complicate things. but for now... for now, it was helpful to her, granted her brief respite in the toughness of the confusion and horror that had lately been her life. she hummed slightly as she withdrew the cancer stick from plush lips and felt the familiar curling of evaporated ash swirl around in her lungs. kept the hazy air in, closed her eyes as she felt the all too welcome warmth blossom through her insides, then exhaled slowly.

she had found a bench outside on the street a couple minutes from her place, illuminated by a flickering streetlamp. it looked sad and worn, but its black metal armrests still gleamed in the dark as if they had just been polished. funnily enough, the young woman had never once noticed its presence–odd, given the many long hours she had spent pacing this sector of the neighborhood once she had moved in and found herself almost bored out of her wits the first week. angelo had been about to sit down and finish the rest of her smoke before continuing on her walk when out of her peripheral vision, something moved. a sudden fluid and large movement, nothing like a piece of trash floating through the air. so the woman tensed slightly out of instinct, eyes flashing towards that figure before taking in more character of the other. the other girl didn't seem to pose any threat at first glance. she could be a bloodsucker. the thought flitted through her brain, fast as lightning. angelo's wits had always been fast, to say the least. and moving here... well, any lonely human being would be more than cautious if they knew what was good for them.

"you're out quite late. being careful, i presume." the dim, yet warm light of the streetlamp offered a halo over the stranger's hair, illuminating her silky soft looking locks and framed her face neatly, each contour and curve mapped out. she seemed young. maybe early college or late high school... but that doesn't mean anything here.

the redhead's eyes narrowed just a fraction of an inch as she quickly scanned the other over, not offering the faintest smile, her heart calm and collected and nonchalant. the cigarette was mostly ash by now, a thin layer of gray dust hugged the smoking end, and the pale woman flicked the cig quickly. "always." she answered in a light drawl, eyes never leaving the other's. this girl seemed sweet, to be honest, but angelo had never been someone to warm up to anyone quickly. she pulled another breath from the cigarette before letting the puff of smoke fly out smoothly between a crack in her lips as she slowly walked over to the other, closer, closer, until she settled at a stop just a couple feet away. her flecked hazel eyes scoured the other even more intensely, but now, hints of curiosity flared in her irises, and a twitch at her lips indicated interest. a vampire, then, huh? she mused as she noticed a a flash of some cylindrical object tucked snugly in the nameless woman's tote. she'd heard about canned blood before she moved here. humans weren't completely in the dark these days, thanks to the internet and to a more trusting bond between vampires and humans in the last few years. "and if i may ask, what are you up to? not looking for a live breakfast, i hope." she said wryly, left eyebrow raised as she nodded towards the vampire woman's beverage. alright, so that was a little insensitive and came out harsher than the human being had hoped for, but what was done was done. she tossed the remainder of her smoke onto the ground and snuffed it out with the toe of her ratty black converse. lean body still tensed slightly in case the other was, the copper-haired beauty made an effort to relax her shoulders and readjusted her heather-gray champion hoodie.

more often than not, and especially since ever since moving to san creado, angelo had wondered about vampires. well, of course, also thought a lot about the other supernatural beings, but especially the vampires. and mermaids. (she had a soft thing for mermaids, really.) what were they like? how did they act, what was the typical daily routine of a san creado bloodsucker? how did they coexist with the others, if they lusted for their blood? this blood-pumping human woman had moved into town more curious than skeptical and ready to find out for herself how vampires and other supernatural demons truly acted when at ease and away from suffocating humanity. she'd never been a lover of humanity herself, which was partly why she decided to switch up her surroundings. the other reason being that she certainly had a death wish.

Re: turn my grief to grey || san creado - Rialto - 07-14-2018

The Ferris wheel carriages lacked the length to enable any sensible, five foot nine vampire to stretch fully across one of the seats, given their primary purpose was for people to sit normally (re: vertically) and gaze out the window. Rialto - as he would - got as close to lying down as the seat allowed, back curved up against the side of the carriage and his legs bent like crooked branches, toes poking the metal of the other side; the rest of the space wholly occupied by a plethora of knickknacks flashing gold and blue in the moonlight, beads of red and silver interwoven with feathers and chains draped over the floor, around him, a long link of colour still in his hands as he braided a very necessary scarf for people’s phones.

He was an artiste. Soon he was going to hit big, then people would know.

The people he was going to boast extensively to, once some multibillionaire bigwig caught wind of Rialto’s genius and showered him lavishly in just a little bit of those billions so he could graduate from Etsy and make a huge brand of very utilisable phone accessories (shoes, he’d made; umbrellas, been there; battle armour… he’ll make a note of that one), included half the supernatural naysayers he dealt with daily. Did Picasso give up once he was shunned? Of course not. He just cut his ear off. Unless that was some other guy, and for some other reason.

Rialto didn’t differentiate very successful people.

Once he finished adding the last superfluous bell to the phone-scarf, shook it out a little bit to make sure it all held together, Rialto sat up, with both a bit of struggle and a satisfied huff. Time to sell.

Live breakfasts are important for liver function,” he piped up pleasantly not five minutes later, right over Catheryn’s shoulder. “Do you like to donate?” Because artists - sorry, artistes - liked popping up behind people, almost too quiet to hear considering Rialto’s everyday footwear consisted of sandals. And can’t forget to advertise. He held out his phone, basically the entire screen cracked with how nicely he treated it, wrapped up in a cute adorned scarf. “If I may interest you for your safety, look. If you hurl the phone at someone’s head, not only will they be out cold, your phone has a complex defence mechanism to prevent breakage.” The scarf, remember.

Why the phone scarf, some people might deadpan.

Because no one else wanted to give phones their scarfs, our local intellectual would explain.

Re: turn my grief to grey | san cread[o] - alexander - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:45%;font-family:verdana"]Alexander doesn't hang around the broken ferris wheel too much. They might have, if it was up and running, but with no ride to go on, they just didn't see the appeal. The other residents of San Creado seemed to find it entertaining, like Marko and even Rialto, when he found he could stash his esty projects there. Alexander preferred the beach, or the mall, but they ended up at the ferris wheel anyway.

Alex didn't find feeding from humans all that necessary anymore, especially now that they had Marko to go and fetch blood sodas for them. Mortals were starting to move into their little beach town, unaware or simply uncaring of the supernatural creatures that lived there with them. Humans would always be fun to mess with, and girls that came out all alone at nightfall were no different.

The vampire was following a path down the beach and then behind Angelo in seconds, nipping playfully at her shoulder. "Live breakfast, hmm? Are you offering?" They giggle as they move to Catheryn's side, flashing a sharp-toothed grin. They throw their ark around their friend's shoulder, bumping their hip against Cat's in greeting. Red eyes lift from the human to Rialto's face, huffing in annoyance. "No one wants your poorly made phone scarfs, Ri. You price them entirely too high, anyways." They tease, reaching across Catheryn's shoulders to flick Rialto's forehead. Returning their attention to the human girl, Alexander gives her a once over, an eyebrow rising. "You don't want a phone scarf, do you?" Wouldn't want to ruin Rialto's potential sale if she really did want one.

Re: turn my grief to grey | san cread[o] - CATHERYN - 07-14-2018

The human girl is not afraid, that in itself is interesting. Though Catheryn wouldn't say she enjoys being a terrifying creature of the night, she's more than used to people's responses to finding out her less-than-mortal species. Of course, most of her interactions with humans had occurred before San Creado, perhaps the residents here have just gotten used to seeing, and coexisting with, those who are decidedly not human. Catheryn wrinkles her nose at the smell of smoke, disliking the way it corrupts the lungs, even though her own are pretty much immune, it pains her to be reminded of how easily mortals crumble to the security of vices.

Her response is cut off by Rialto's voice, and when the boy appears, hooking his chin over her shoulder, Catheryn barely reacts, having long since gotten used to his unorthodox ways. Physically, they're almost identical, an irony if she'd ever heard one, for they could not be more different regarding everything else. She raises a single eyebrow at his phone, which is probably hanging on by a literal thread, then cracks a smirk at the fact that he's just tried to sell one of his many Etsy treats. It figures, what else had she expected.

"He jests," Catheryn assures Angelo, because in reality, neither of them have hunted humans for quite a long time, not when Marko constantly brings home six-packs of soda for free. It's just not worth the energy, to quietly stalk them until they pass a dark enough alley to swiftly and chastely pin them against a wall before having a drink. It does not do well to kill, leaving bodies means leaving a trail, and no vampires wants that, not when there are hunters around; no one wants trouble. "Unless you have a couple dollars to spare, we can take a trip to the supermarket." It's not open twenty-four hours, but Catheryn isn't opposed to breaking in and leaving the money in the cash register.

Alex's appearance causes her to sigh, especially at their antics; this is the reason why some of the humans here will never trust the vampire population, though why they still choose to live here, Catheryn will never know. She grins at Alex's comments, bracing herself for an argument to erupt between Rialto's never-ending loyalty to the trinkets he sells on Etsy and Alex's need to just butt into everyone's lives and say things that they know will upset them. Truly, she had left the house to avoid this, but maybe a brawl in the streets will be less noisy and more entertaining then a brawl at home in the living room.

She hip-checks Alex in response before turning back to Angelo and shaking her head once. "You don't want a phone scarf," Catheryn deadpans, more of a statement than a question, because cheating people out of their money online is practically a job, but getting Angelo to give Rialto cash for a piece of knitted yarn is probably a felony.

Re: turn my grief to grey | san cread[o] - Rialto - 07-19-2018

Rialto would have been unmoved from his place if it weren't for the minute shock of Cat being jostled, and then the slender fingers scuffing his forehead, which on the surface seemed harmless except for the solid thud they made, the blow dislodging the hair between Rialto's eyes.

Whether Rialto had the ability to resist grimacing at the physical pain, he didn't utilise it in the slightest - worsened by their words of devilry and sin, Rialto's mouth falling open at the harsh sting they wreaked. "You take that back," he said through gritted teeth, hand snapping up to grab Alex's wrist and a vein fit to burst on his forehead. "They're poorly made with a lot of thought." The biggest insult wasn't even the one about their price. Rialto didn't think twice about the price.

Poorly made, though. That one sizzled like holy water down the throat.

The vampire withdrew the phone and its apparent sheath to tuck into the inside of his creased vest, petulant but not surprised at the failure of yet another sales pitch. If it wasn't the lack of diversity that prevented anything from being bought, could it possibly be that he needed to change up his methods? ... Never mind. These two would certainly keep being here shooting down his potential clients, now and later. Ah, what were immortal companions for.

"The night is young," he said blithely, at that point making to push Alex away by the face with a palm. Back to the young individual they were addressing. The ash scattered from only moments ago still stained the crisp air, faint but thickly pervasive - it was really too sad that people these days forewent pipes in lieu of inelegant temporary sticks. They could at least afford to corrupt their own lungs in style. "Soda is enough for a day or two. Now, what's your story?"

Re: turn my grief to grey || san creado - - 07-31-2018

[img width=360][/img][div style="height: -30%; width: 53%; font-family: times; color:black; text-align: justify;"][align=center][color=black][font=times new roman][glow=#E5C3B2,2,300]angelo kristiansen[/glow]
"i'm not big on phone accessories, sorry," angelo replied apologetically, giving rialto's rather loosely-threaded phone scarf an almost doubtful look. her lips twitched, betraying a light smile, polite perhaps, but full of amusement as well—kind-hearted amusement, if that could be considered a thing. she didn't want to make an enemy of anyone but this vamp seemed pretty keen on selling his creations. she couldn't be sure if he would really take offense at her rejection. but seeing as the other two night-creatures had denied the little scarf and were relatively unharmed (that she could tell, anyway), angelo felt safe enough to join them.

thankfully, the lanky, artsy vampire didn't seem too angry at her denial, and had seemed to show some interest in her origin... though they all seemed to be pretty curious. suddenly aware of all the eyes on her, angelo flushed just slightly, thinking on her next words. what should she share about herself? they were strangers, after all. but then again,... they may become her friends if she was going to remain a resident of san creado. "my story is a short one." the human stated, eyes flicking to each face. "not incredibly interesting, and rather unfortunate. perhaps if someone buys me a drink, i'll loosen up and tell it to you." she offered, smiling slowly. better to head somewhere and sit down if they were to hear her tale. it was getting to be awfully awkward, just standing for an extended amount of time in the middle of the street.

Re: turn my grief to grey | san cread[o] - CATHERYN - 08-11-2018

"Let's go to the diner, then." Catheryn offers, "Rialto's treat." He's definitely rich enough to buy them all a meal, even though the diner is under her care and she could just waive payment, but where's the fun in that? Of course, Bloodfree is technically an establishment catering to vampires, but they do offer some human treats, that is to say, food without any blood in it. Catheryn thinks there's a bottle of whiskey in the very back of the industrial fridge that no one has ever opened because it's entirely ... blood-free. The name is a bit of an irony, don't ask questions.

She cants her head in the direction of the diner, starting to walk forward, knowing that Rialto and Alex will follow even if they don't particularly want to go there. They'll tag along just to annoy her about it, and maybe start a fight in the kitchen while they're at it. "I need a refill on my soda, anyway," she adds, which is not entirely untrue, but also, Catheryn had left a book in her office there, and she'd quite like to get it back.

Usually, she doesn't much care for learning about other people, but the night has just started, and this will be entertaining, if nothing else. Perhaps she'll be able to convince Alex to throw Rialto into the ocean later on, that will certainly be fun to watch.