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All the highs & none the lows - joining - Printable Version

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All the highs & none the lows - joining - Chromeo - 07-13-2018

I DON'T KNOW WHY I DID IT BUT I DID IT!・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Chromeo would kinda rather die than try to wheel around in the snow. Not like actually, but it's sure as hell how he feels when he stopped being able to feel his paws too many minutes ago to count and the wheels on his backside seem to catch in every hole or on every hidden obstacle. The only thing keeping him stumbling along is the sight of a village in the distance and the direwolf at his side. "Ghost, my man, this sucks ass," he complains, huffing, even though he knows the feral creature can't understand him. More quiet then before his eyes widen and he coughs a little. "Oh shit, I forgot... If there are humans in here, don't eat them, okay? No. Eat. Humans. Compendre?" Even with that underlying worry, he still keeps trucking forward. He half hopes it isn't people and half does, but really he's sure it's another one of these "clans." It's a new concept to him, something he never caught on tv before and so, like everything he's never seen on tv, he knows nothing about it. He watched a lot of movies waiting for his back legs to grow back like the neighbor's cat told him would happen only to realize she lied. Or maybe he just needed to water them more. Either way, he's stuck with these wheels now and they are bogging down. He's just feeling way too slack to do all this.

Lazily, he grabs a mouthful of some of Ghost's long hair and says all muffled, "Dragff me acruss dee dreshold." Really just hoping that he'll ignore him and keep going while Chromeo just hitches a ride.

/let Ghost post first please, ty!

Re: All the highs & none the lows - joining - rhosmari - 07-13-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]The massive canine didn’t know what sucked and what didn’t. He just learned to adapt to the terrain he was in when he traveled and truth be told this place reminded him of home during his pup years with the up walkers. Their lands had been not so desolate but then the cold season came and he had more courage than his siblings to wander off on his own to lay claim to his territory. He was the ruler of his pack, the alpha but now he didn’t know where his siblings were and even less so how they were surviving without the rest of the pack. He’d been searching for them, nose to the ground until he had gotten injured by a fox trap and though the damage was not severe it still hindered his movements. But he found a Wound Healer and that was the canine he was with right now. He didn’t see him as prey nor did he see him as a threat either but graced him with something of equal value to himself. The monstrous canine padded slowly beside the other with ears erect and tail low. For the most part the feral beast was relaxed and he allowed a yawn to pull back lips and reveal this and sharp teeth before he snapped his jaws closed again. Shaking his thickly fired body a soft whine left his throat, a sign of his slight frustration. Sometimes he wished Grey Wind or Summer were here to ease his worries but he merely stepped forward, snow pushing up against his pale colored legs.

Though when the other began to speak he tilted his head a bit, curious about what he was trying to say. A low growl moved from his throat a meaning pertaining to the word ‘eat’. He was not supposed to eat. If the other could understand what he was saying his soft snarls would roughly translate to ‘not eat’. He understood and he did not think he would eat any of the up walkers unless he was hungry or they posed a threat to him. He turned his head away from the other before he felt his fur being tugged, irritation causing ears to flatten against his skull before he turned his head and aimed to fix his teeth around the torso of the wheeled canine and lift him off of the ground like some kind of sickly puppy.

tags | vocalizations | body language:

Re: All the highs & none the lows - joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-14-2018

There was a massive influx of joiners lately, but Atbash definitely wasn’t going to complain. She liked seeing how Snowbound was starting to flourish now, and it was quite reassuring to see the massive amounts of people joining. So the she-cat had started visiting the border often just to check on newcomers, and came across Ghost and Chromeo. Unfortunately she hadn’t heard Chromeo’s command to Ghost and Atbash ran over in alarm as she noticed Ghost start to lift Chromeo, completely unaware of their relationship with one another. ”Hey!” Atbash called out once she neared the two, trying to puff out her fur to look threatening. ”Put them down.” She was mostly worried about Ghost harming Chromero by the way he was picked up.


Re: All the highs & none the lows - joining - Chromeo - 07-15-2018

I DON'T KNOW WHY I DID IT BUT I DID IT!・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Chromeo is pleased that Ghost seems to get him about the peoples but definitely not pleased when he suddenly picks him up. "Come on, you're not my mom! And your breath is killer, did you eat that mint I gave you?" Chromeo twists around to try to look at Ghost's face, pouting hardcore. "I mean this is a good start, thanks..." He boops Ghost's snout with his nose.  "but just let me on your back. It's a lot more comfortable for one and I would look loke a total badass riding a fuckin' direwolf into camp. You're my loyal steed!" A pause. "I mean, totally equal steed though, this is a partnership. It-" Before he can finish he hears someone running up.

Turning as best he can, wriggling around like a fish with hot wheels taped to it, Chromeo puts his paws up. Oh it's a girl! He hasn't seen a girl in so long. He needs to be smooth. "Whoa, wait lady! You don't wanna bust up on Ghost like that! Dude's a bonafide killer. I'm the only one with the power to hold him back. But don't worry, I'll protect you," he says with the utmost confidence, like he's not awkwardly hanging from the other canine's mouth like a snack. He winks with what he is sure is total charm before turning and grumbling to Ghost all hush hush, [size=8pt]"Okay, don't eat her either please. Pretend like they're two legs. And put me down!

Re: All the highs & none the lows - joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-16-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash couldn't help but be slightly amused that the fact that this guy could control a 'bonafide killer', as he so elegantly put it. "What's the difference between you and me?" She asked, her whiskers twitching. Although the fact that Ghost would potentially kill her was a bit unnerving, and the she-cat had taken a step back whenever Chromeo brought it up. "What're you two doing here?"
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: All the highs & none the lows - joining - Chromeo - 07-18-2018

I DON'T KNOW WHY I DID IT BUT I DID IT!・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
"Well, I saved his ass. Comes with privileges, you know?" He smiles brightly and puts a paw on Ghost's face, trying his best to make him let go but then just gives up because he doesn't want to look dumb. So instead he props his arm on the wolf's face with jest. "Oh, we're here to join if that's cool. We tried joining some other place but phew." He rolls his eyes- boooringgg- before moving his attention to Atbash again. "That's cool, right? Cool." Everything's cooler when Chromeo is around anyways. They should be happy he's here! That and he really just wants to find a warm place now instead of chatting in the cold. Not that he can't handle it or anything as dumb as that (haha), but he doesn't want to if you doesn't have to.

Re: All the highs & none the lows - joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-19-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash supposed that did come with some benefits. And though she wasn't a war bound or aggressive person, she also supposed that having a feral animal would come in handy if the need arose. The she-cat seemed entertained by the way Chromeo propped himself up on Ghost's face, though she was a bit worried the wolf would snap at him. "Yeah, it's definitely cool." Atbash confirmed with a dip of her head. Realizing she didn't introduce herself, she quickly added, "Oh! My name's Atbash Cipher. I'm the Hailcaller, or leader, here." She turned around, motioning with a flick of her small tail for Chromeo and his 'steed', as she mentally called Ghost, to follow. "Do or your buddy here want any hot chocolate?" Was that going to be harmful towards Ghost? Probably. Oh well, Chromeo would know what's best, right?
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi