Beasts of Beyond
TIGHTROPE | private, sienna - Printable Version

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TIGHTROPE | private, sienna - COSMIIX - 03-22-2018

Run. Run. Run.

He hated these stumpy legs of his since they weren't the best when it came to running or let alone stealing someone else's meal, he took a deep breath that was muffled by the fur of a rabbit. He was certain that he had lost the angry clanner until he felt someone ambush him did he hiss and spit trying to kick off his opponent "Get off ya, maggot!" He growled managing to bite down on the ear of the feline and tearing some flesh causing the slightly smaller creature to recoil in pain only to be clawed on the muzzle as a form of revenge. He kicked the other off powerfully as his mismatched gaze locked onto the feline watching them as they scrambled to their paws, the tiger's fur bristled clearly angry that the damned cat had decided to claw his face though it didn't bother him at all. No, back home, he fought with anyone whoever crossed his path and thought they actually could push him around yet here he was launching himself into the air sending swipes and swats in the direction of the cat who took steps back as a response. He was a fighter and well, even when he wasn't fighting the large tom always tried looking for it since it was the most excitement he'd get in a day. He swiped one last time at the cat watching as they ran off with the rabbit that he had tried stealing and he'd sit down wincing at his new wounds, faint clawmarks on his nose and very obvious scars near his shoulder blades. Where was he? He had no clue whatsoever but what he did know now was not to steal food from these losers "Yeah, run off, coward!" He let out an angry snort as he rose to his paws walking over to some of the plantation and deciding to take refuge within as he laid there drawing a soft breath. He sniffed a bit realizing that he was bleeding from his nose as well "Damn." He mumbled using a paw to wipe away the blood and an annoyed sigh escaped his jaws.

How irritable.


Re: TIGHTROPE | private, sienna - SIENNA S. - 03-23-2018

don’t blame yourself
Having not been alone for most of her life, meaning that she’d always been aside with her family members, life was harder than ever with trying to bear the solitude and major isolation. Still, she managed to keep going, finding ways to distract herself by learning new skills, and even utilizing the previous skills that he had learned prior to beign disowned by her family. One of them is the usage of herbs, as she collected a few marigolds and over to her makeshift basket made out of forest twigs. That was, when she encountered a smell.

She sniffed the air, and immediately, she could detect that this was no Clanmate here. It was a stranger, and the cream tabby could only approach cautiously... Until she sees that bleeding, and a few scars from what appeared to have been a scuffle. Being more brave, knowing she could handle a fight if a situation becomes more dire, she looked up to him, cleared her throat, spoke ”Hey. I can help you patch that up. I know how to treat simple wounds like that. That is, if you’re ok with it...” she said, her tail flickering over to her basket full of marigold flowers and what seemed to be other herbs alongside the marigolds. ”Though, if I may ask, how did you get injured like that?” she inquired, genuinely curious as who would do such harm to someone that seems to be about her age, being a larger feline. It wasn’t often she interacted with families that consisted of these species of feline, unlike herself, being considered a ‘domestic feline’, so it was a new experience to meet someone like him that is not apart of those large families that Sienna usually sees in numerous fights. With that, she waited for his response while chewing marigold so she may apply it over to him.

Re: TIGHTROPE | private, sienna - COSMIIX - 03-29-2018

At the sound of someone else's voice, the tiger would grow a bit tense flinching slightly at his wounds stinging a bit. He watched her with his mismatched gaze wondering why she was bothering to approach him or let alone help him after he tired stealing food from an NPC that was part of her own group. It confused him but, he supposed that she didn't see that bit of action and her questions made him let out a loud hurumph since he was so confident and cocky enough to believe that he didn't need her help. Well, she hadn't seen what had really happened. Had she?

He could boast to his hearts content. "Well, I had caught a rabbit all by m'self and then a rouge came af'ta me and took my catch. Eventually, I had him locked in combat and I give him the good ol' one two and showed him who was boss. But he ran off with m'catch so here I am covered in blood and scratched up." He said with a twitch of his whiskers only to ask with a tilt of his cranium "I am Vasilios by the way. Who are you?" He would slowly sit up as he stared at her a bit more, it was just some pretty girl that probably didn't like violence much and the thought made him want to inwardly gag. Those kind of people were boring and well, he'd want to overall avoid them.