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「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Printable Version

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「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 07-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt;color:#000"]Hello, welcome to my storage where I dump my random thoughts, my creations, and anything relating to my main personal project, Komorebi, with their characters. Most of these posts are transferred from the storage I have on a different site 'cause why not. Feel free to track and chat on here, and unless I have tracked your storage and/or have your Discord, please do not ask to take anything from here, please and thank you. Now, with that being said, may you enjoy my shenanigans. <3

Re: 「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 07-13-2018

[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt;color:#000"]Navigation to be added

Re: 「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 07-14-2018

[div style="width:380px;text-align:justify;font-familyConfusedans serif;font-size:9.5pt;color:#000"][align=right]❝ Are you jealous? ❞

 [sup]1[/sup]Silence fell between the Human and the Devil himself. The Lord's gift against the lion. [sup]2[/sup]Lucifer swallowed a sun, and his eyes glow anger as the pair of planets died behind them. [sup]3[/sup]Confusion burned wild within mortal veins, clouding over better judgement.
 [sup]4[/sup]"Jealous?" A flicker of mockery. [sup]5[/sup]"My, you really do know how to get me entertained that doesn't involve a little pop," said Lucifer, emphasizing at the end in an actual said sound, his words tinted with cherry stains.
 [sup]6[/sup]Lips curled up a dagger smile. Sharp teeth, amusement cutting deep into tongue; he bled annoyance. "I would've add that I like you for it, but your question is bloody ridiculous for me to remember you're just like everyone else in the end: a fool."
 [sup]7[/sup]Lucifer pulled a cigarette from his pocket, and despite himself, he glanced over to Stella who continued chatting away with Canaol. [sup]8[/sup]Usually, the moment he took the time to smoke, the kid would tell him to stop—even slapping the roll off of his hand, if she was in a passionate mood. [sup]9[/sup]Sometimes, he questioned himself if Stella was actually a Human, and not some sort of a being who had eyes in every location he goes to.
 [sup]10[/sup]Part of Lucifer expected the same in this scenario, because that's just how Stella was, but, alas, she didn't paid any mind to his intention when her attention was all on nothing and no one except for Canaol.
 [sup]11[/sup]Something heavy crawled through his flesh and settled in the center of his ribs. Shifted lungs and heart, he felt himself tearing apart. [sup]12[/sup]He always had this feeling whenever he watched Stella focusing on anything that didn't involve him—especially, on someone he's viewed them less than an acquaintance.
 [sup]13[/sup]He knew what jealousy was, but he could never sense what it meant to be so... Was this it?
 [sup]14[/sup]Lucifer didn't realized he had squeezed the existence out of the cigarette, as he watched Stella and Canaol carrying their conversation so free and willingly, until his hand were covered in tobacco. [sup]15[/sup]An image of the plant replaced with Canaol's ashes burnt his celestial brain.
 [sup]16[/sup]Nevertheless, it wasn't enough to outstand the thought he was being jealous right now. [sup]17[/sup]Throat coated in gasoline, he nearly choked on a growl towards Conrad—the hostility. [sup]18[/sup]Oh, the irony that the King of pride wore a muzzle.
 [sup]19[/sup]"I don't know where the stupid thought came from, nor do I remotely care," Lucifer continued, tone thickened, dripping no honey but toxicity from the corners of his yarrow lips, [sup]20[/sup]"but let me be clear with you that the Devil does not feel jealous."
 [sup]21[/sup]Denial and suicidal, with a title of Hell rising; it was all what he was best: a tragedy.

Re: 「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 07-14-2018

Quote:[align=center][div style="width:455px;text-align:justify;font-size:8pt;color:#000"]// TW: Brief descriptions of child neglect and child emotional abuse on paragraph seven and eight

I have a concept in mind that I would absolutely love to make cliffnotes on a special edition arc of Komorebi one day about Stella, an optimistic and dreamy girl, who was raised in a foster family since she was an infant.

As time goes by, at the age of eight, she eventually became the only child left to be adopted. Despite having to watch all of the other kids joining with their new families to their new home, the fact made her had a bit of hope she would be adopted in the end, with it being a high chance. A child who believed in fairytales, mythologies and more, Stella made a wish in her sleep that someone would adopt her soon.

A day later, during the early morning, she woke up hearing clicking noises. She tried to find the source and it led her to the wood behind the house’s backyard. Out of curiosity, she entered and a brief moment later, she was ambushed by a monster known to eat children during the mornings, as their screams and cries reminded it like birds and nature singing and it would drink them with satisfaction.

Though, it was stopped from eating her by the one and only being who was known to be King of Hell, Lucifer. No doubt, was Lucifer not impressed at the kid’s complete defenseless position. The expression didn't stop Stella from thanking him that he saved her, and Lucifer only said he helped her solely so he wouldn't hear any more of her annoying screams. Before Lucifer was about to leave, Stella asked for his name as she gave him hers. He simply replied Lucifer. He was then asked what his name meant, but he ignored her and left. Meanwhile, Stella told him hers meant star and she hoped to see him again.

Stella returned to her temporary house, and once her foster mother, Barbara, woke up, she told her everything about what happened to her earlier and Barbara, despite being uneasy at the fact Stella spoke to a man named “Lucifer”, she told her she had quite an adventure, eventually taking it as her wild imaginary and warned her not to go to the woods again. Stella, being the type of person who would want to do her own thing, didn't listen and stay just in front of the woods, usually with some sort of an item used as a weapon, but rather a pathetic kind, like her slingshot toy or bag of marbles. Barbara had no choice but to lock the back door, so Stella wouldn't go out by herself in a dangerous manner.

One night, she was visited by Lucifer in her dream. While Lucifer was still inconsiderate of Stella’s feelings, he would ask her personal questions about herself, being interested in who she was, as he said. Stella wasn't too bothered by his attitude and enthusiastically replied to all of the questions he had. At the end, she did have one question she wanted to ask Lucifer, which was the meaning of his name because she never had his respond, and thought it would be fair if he answered her single question at least when she did a lot from him. Lucifer surrendered, and when Stella heard one of the meanings that was the most prominent to her, she woke up, whispering to herself, morning star.

The visit from Lucifer in Stella’s dreams became frequent, and Stella grew attached to him, which she wouldn't stop talking to Barbara about Lucifer and how much she was looking forward to see him in her dreams. Barbara became so much afraid of Stella being possibly a Demon to the point she made a phone call with someone regarding having Stella be taken away from her for the sake of her safety and comfort. Barbara didn't know Stella would hear her upstairs when she thought she was taking a nap. Stella, on the other side, was petrified, and spoke to Lucifer about it. He just shrugged at Stella and replied not to worry about it, telling her life could be like that and sometimes, she had to endure it. Though, since the phone call, Barbara had been neglecting Stella: rarely giving her much attention, food, love, etc. Stella told all of this to Lucifer, and yet, he lacked the desire to help.

Few days after, Barbara finally snapped at Stella—emotionally abusing her and even told her no one wanted to adopt her because she was a freak of nature. Stella was hurt, and of course, kids who were so young and naive like her wouldn't understand how exactly powerful Barbara’s words carried to make the world tear bit by bit, therefore, she took them as if all of this was her fault. She simply headed to her room and stayed there for hours. Quivering. Silent. Thinking. Then, there was a doorbell, and Stella heard Lucifer’s voice. She went to the stairs to hear the conversation between him and Barbara. He said some things she didn't understand, and suddenly, she was called down. Because Lucifer was taking her home.

While Lucifer and Stella were in his car, Stella brought up what Barbara said to her earlier, particularly about her being called a freak of nature. Lucifer commented it's nothing as he had received comments like that all the time. Stella thought out loud on how much they were alike, even how similar the meanings of their names were, and Lucifer became irritated, retorting they were otherwise and he added just because he was adopting her didn't mean she should call him or even consider him as his dad. Stella was disappointed, but not wanting to make Lucifer upset, thinking about the incident between her and Barbara, she listened and allowed friend to continue driving but finally, in silence. Not exactly the one Stella expected, but considering she's finally out from being foster cared, she'll take it with gratitude, and she smiled believing her wish came true.

From there, I want to write a story of Lucifer teaching a naive, dreamy girl what it means to survive, and Stella teaching the Devil himself what it means to live, while they're in such a strange, strange world where anything can happen to them.

This is literally one of the best things I've ever thought of. Lucifer and Stella, the Morning Star to his Little Star, and the Little Star to her Morning Star. Plus, Stella got a Hellhound companion from Lucifer named Sirius! Boi, I am Living for this kind of stuff, y’all.

Some prominent events that happened in the story I thought of so far:

Re: 「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 07-14-2018

[div style="background:url( center; background-size: 110%; height: 55px; width: 55px; border: 1px solid #fff"]
I wrote it down in the winter of 1610 / Just a secret under lock and key until then / While collecting the stars, I connected the dots / I don’t know who I am, but now I know who I’m not / I’m just a curious speck that got caught up in orbit / Like a magnet it beckoned my metals toward it

— Tuxiaelo, prominently known by his human name, Ambrose Quinton, is a Human/Dragon hybrid. His father, Chuijo, came from a planet where celestial dragons, called Draestiolians, resided in. He visited Eanmerthas to fulfill his curiosity about the said world with how does the beings lived in there, after he heard there were few Draestiolians who lived there. One day, Chuijo stumbled across his parent, Stacy Quinton, who was the first and only person to help him adjust the environment and tell him all about what Eanmerthas has to offer, unlike anyone else who thought of him as a freak. They became a couple after several months since their encounter, and few years later, they brought Ambrose to life when they thought of having a child and be a happy family. While it it currently unknown what is the meaning of Tuxiaelo and why he was given this name, Ambrose is inspired by how Chuijo would give Stacy roses as he took the cheesy gestures to the bottom of his heart. Rose is what he was usually called by them, which he only allows his loved ones to call him so; it holds a highly personal meaning to him, hence he reserves it for those he sees comfort in calling him by his nickname.
( Tw: Illness, Euthanasia, death ) However, because Draestiolian's anatomy isn't made to produce offspring with a Human, when Ambrose became five years old, Stacy grew ill—from their symptoms going from having a fever to fatigue. There was no explanation to Stacy's illness, and nothing can be used to relieve it. It worsened a year later, and Stacy thought it would be best if Chuijo put them down, when they felt they couldn't endure any more pain from having to watch Ambrose be constantly lost and worried for their state instead of enjoying his life. Chuijo refused to kill them and stated he was still determined to do anything to save them, but Stacy insisted on him letting them go and give him the option to either take Ambrose back to his home or continue staying on Eanmerthas. A day after, Chuijo and Stacy had their final time together with Ambrose until midnight, Chuijo ended Stacy's life and burnt their body, bitterly watching his loved one's ashes joining with the stars above. In the next morning, when Ambrose asked Chuijo where did his parent go, Chuijo only responded to him that they was having an extremely long sleep. He knew the kid wouldn't understand the concept of death, and he didn't have the heart to tell him the truth. The illness Stacy had was an advantage for Ambrose to take in his lie without a doubt.
— Since then, Ambrose only had Chuijo to take care of him ( he never brings up the time when he constantly whined wanting Stacy to wake up, and Chuijo told him to stop—yelling at him for the first and only time, before he broke down. That was when he allowed his parent to sleep and doesn't say anything about them until they wake up themself ). His father decided to let him grow up in Eanmerthas because he knew Ambrose didn't like changes and he thought the kid should have a relatively normal life. He did thought of giving his home planet a visit soon and bring Ambrose with him. Though, Chuijo didn't let Ambrose go to school and had him homeschooled instead because of his fear something bad would've happened to him for being a child of a deceased parent and a dragon-like alien. Because Chuijo have bare knowledge of what Stacy had as a Human and only knew what he was told by them about social cues and anything else that wasn't related to the requirements Ambrose had to learn for his future, he only educated Ambrose mainly what he knew from Stacy and at his home, which had to do with learning how to fight and defend, the astronomy, and more that led to how Ambrose is today.
( Tw: Death ) At the age of eighteen, Chuijo finally took Ambrose to his home planet, so he could see what the world was like. He wasn't well liked by a lot of the adults due to him being a child of a Human, though, those who were younger than so found him intriguing and constantly questioned him his identity and home. Ambrose was a little overwhelmed, but he eventually took their questions in eagerness and answered them. Though, having to be carefully watched on by the adults at the meantime made him uneasy and thought about his parent. He asked Chuijo if they could go home because of his discomfort, and immediately, Chuijo allows it to happen. Before they were about to depart, however, they were stopped by a few Draestiolians who didn't take Ambrose's existence lightly and seeing Chuijo a traitor, they attacked him while Ambrose was being taken away to "examine" him. The frantic emotions and thoughts Ambrose had triggered his powers as a part Draestiolian and harmed his opponents back. The hostile Draestiolians escaped, but they left Ambrose having to watch his father slowly and painfully dying right before him. Chuijo gave him a tool that would give him the ability to travel through time and space as a gift, and told him to always have his head up and he loved him so much before he died.
— Ambrose, still believing that death meant one would go to sleep, tried to wake him up, and during the whole time, he didn't take his eyes off of him. He would stop himself at some point and just wait in silence, aching and shivering. He didn't remember how long he had waited for his father to wake up, but, someone named Vinikoe, who found him starving and ill before she managed to take him to her place with Chuijo's body through his anxiety and paranoia, told him he must've been in the state for about a week, given the time Chuijo's body was out. Vinikoe was planning to burn his body, but Ambrose didn't let her and asked to give him at least a week before she can burn his body. During that whole week of Ambrose staying in Vinikoe's place with his father's body, he received nothing from Chuijo in the end, and allowed Vinikoe to cremate Chuijo. At first, Ambrose wanted to leave before she did the ritual, but part of him decided to stay and watched Chuijo's ashes reaching to the sky, recalling what his father had told him to always keep his head up. At the memory, he immediately used the device his father gave him and left the planet to return home. Vinikoe followed after him several minutes later. She attempted to comfort him, and mentioned how she had lost her son from a sickness, so he wouldn't feel he was alone on this particular matter. Ambrose eventually calmed down and allowed her to visit his home if she so desired. Vinikoe offered her care to him, and Ambrose was hesitated, but after he was told she was a close friend to Chuijo, he eventually accepted it. It took a while for him to be fully comfortable with Vinikoe, but in the end, he viewed her as his mother figure. ( Ambrose did searched for Stacy's body around his home, but he never found it, and he wasn't so sure if he even wanted to know where it was now. )
— Eventually, when he felt it was time that he should take care of himself, he told Vinikoe she could return home and he'll occasionally visit her. Vinikoe understood and let Ambrose live alone. She did tell him if he needed anything, she'll always be at her place for him to visit. Since then, Ambrose has been living alone at his farm with his starry sheep-like and dragon/dog hybrid monsters, he named them Bean and Ace, and God knows how many more companions he have at the moment.

Re: 「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 07-14-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 455px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000"]— Have the ability to manipulate fire, energies, and lights. Will expand further on this note later.
— His Draestiolian form is a brown dragon with his scales covered in little shining specks, that can be seen as stars, and amber eyes; while his half form takes in his human form, but have his hands form into these huge scaled hands with sharp claws, and he have orange gems coming out of his back where the wings would be and his cheeks, while his eyes glows a pale shade of amber. Will also expand further on this note later.
— Ambrose's knowledge in general subjects is fairly average. He knows how to read, write, count up to ten, etc, but nothing more advanced than just basic information. Although, his parent owned a lot of books that have astronomy, mythology, science, supernatural, monsters, and few others, so he knows a lot about those subjects than anything else.
— Ambrose stayed home during most of his life due to Chuijo's fear of getting him hurt or even killed, and after his death, he just happened to be willing to go out only around his farm and no where else because his home was the only place he's most comfortable being in. Therefore, he didn't know a lot of what happened in the world around him and friendships wasn't a very familiar concept to him. He didn't mind though, as he found comfort in his loneliness and the presences of his father and Vinikoe. While Vinikoe allowed him to go as he pleased, she did encouraged him to explore at times, though, the biggest thing that grabbed him into wanting to go outside his home was the chance he could meet a lot of different creatures and the ones that would stop by his home. Any situations involving with anything behind the humanity will, in no doubt, get his attention, and he will do just about anything to get himself into them.
— Despite being mostly shielded away from the world and rarely had any interactions with anyone but his own family, hence having a bit of a poor communication skills and unable to grasp social cues well, he is outgoing to those he meets. It's a surprise he's not reserved nor asocial after what happened to his father, but, Ambrose isn't afraid at the thought of being hurt or used on by strangers, but that drastically changes if it applies with his loved ones—those who he have known for so long and they know all about him, like Vinikoe. Just because he's friendly doesn't mean he's easy to trust others to the point of telling them about his past, and anything else that makes him emotionally vulnerable and can be used for their advantages.
— Ambrose wouldn't admit out loud to anyone, but part of him thinks he's better at making friends with general creatures and not Humans and such. There are times he becomes frustrated when he doesn't get his own moment of saying what he have in mind and feels he's obligated to say something he doesn't want to in the first place. Any creatures he'd come across would let him have his words anytime, anywhere, and they'd be fine with him chatting away or be completely silent. Somehow most creatures finds ease in his presence and likes to be with him, which he doesn't mind at all. For that, some would say he's a Disney princess.
— He is undiagnosed with ADHD in combination type. Shown through traits of him always wanting to do and say something to eliminate his boredom, but there are times he gets himself easily overwhelmed, so he just stops everything, but his said desires latches on to him again as he gets bored right away, and it becomes a cycle of suffering for him; often distrait towards people in conversations he's not closely familiar with, otherwise he's incredibly talkative and always keens on getting positive reactions out of them; extremely impatient with everything and whines a lot if he doesn't get he wants—can be grumpy afterward; one will always see him fiddling with or biting something close to him, if he doesn't have his fidget toys; can't remain still for a half second as he wants to move and get his body and brain going all the time when he's not at risk of being overwhelmed; and tends to have messy thoughts and just spills whatever comes around in mind, even if it comes out incomprehensible, to get them off of him and relax.
— When his ADHD doesn't get in his way with it pressing on his patience, he absolutely loves to type out his work, take photos, and draw. He enjoys expressing his feelings and telling his experiences through his creativity. Ambrose is highly shy at this fact, but he loves to give his loved ones the work he makes for them and seeing them hung at the walls and whatnot makes him giddy. He also enjoys playing with Legos, as it keeps him in a content state and his hands busy; it's one of the things he does also for comfort.
— Because Ambrose believes dying is like "going to a deep sleep" from his father, he have a phobia of falling asleep, Somniphobia, which it is his biggest fear of them all. Vinikoe and many of his friends are attempting to help him overcome it, but he's not very confident of sleeping when he just can't help himself but to think anything can happen with him being dead as a result when he falls asleep, and he doesn't have his farewells to his loved ones. This thought is what influences him to be quite emotionally vulnerable to his loved ones at times, and he always greet them and bid them farewells with a big loving embrace and him saying that he loves them.
— Obsessed with listening to songs, which he doesn't mind listening to any specific genres, as long as the lyrics and music behind them are good for him. With him constantly having his headphones on and play music in them, it results him having a small hearing impaired, so he sometimes speaks at a loud tone without realizing for that particular reason, and not just because he often expresses his excitement and joy through raising his volume.
— When Ambrose likes to have everyone feel included and welcomed, he will definitely do what others may see is impossible with creatures who stays at his farm, which one of it, that is a part of his routine, is saying good mornings and nights to them. Even if he have hundreds of them, he'll still go to each one of them and say it. He doesn't care how ridiculous it is—just let him love his companions.
— Physical contact is something he always craves for. He loves all sorts of it that is given with love and tenderness; it makes him feel so soft and small. He loves to give everyone a hug, and those who are close to him and are comfortable with him in terms of physical contact usually gets a peck on their cheek, nose or forehead, despite him immediately being a blushing ball of shyness afterward, and him holding their hand. He's always open for one, especially cuddles, when he feels scared or sad.
— Extremely loyal to his loved ones. If he sees one worth for him to give them his full trust, he would be more than willing to do almost anything to make them happy and safe. He hates seeing them otherwise, and there are times he even gets sick at the slightest thought of them being remotely sad. If anything, Ambrose wants to be known as someone who's loving and and wouldn't mind giving his loved ones everything he have that was supposed to be for himself.
— Though, he is often seen gentle, he will not hesitate to hurt those who does or intend to harm his loved ones. In fact, he will kill them if he feels like they deserve it.
— A lot more to be added, but, wow, I love Ambrose so so much, such a darling

Re: 「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 07-15-2018

[div style="font-size:15px;font-family:vijaya;letter-spacing:-1px;text-shadow:0px 1px 1px #000;line-height:100%;color:#000"]–––———— SCIENCE LAY ITS HEAVY HEAD, ON THE COLD SHOULDER OF CONSEQUENCE
[div style="margin-top:-2px;font-size:11px;font-family:heiti sc;letter-spacing:1.5px;line-height:100%;color:#000"]. F A I L E D  T O  S E E  T H E  F L A W S  I N  T H E  D E T A I L S  I  A D O R E D .
— — — — . [b]A N D  P L A Y E D  G O D  [color=#000].  A N D  I  P L A Y E D  G O D . — — — —

Re: 「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 07-16-2018

" Who are you? Who am I to you? I am the antichrist to you, fallen from the sky with grace, into your arms race. Lucid lovers me and you, a deal of matchless value. I was always quick to admit defeat. Empty statements of bones and meat, and my heart it shook with fear. I'm a coward behind a shield and spear. Take this sword and throw it far, let it shine under the morning star. " ——————————————「 AKA CAELUM/JAMES/CJ . BOB'S STAR CHILD . [color=#fff]STORAGE

Re: 「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 07-17-2018

[glow=#000,2,300]WE CARE, THEY CARE. YOU CARE, & NO ONE CARES.[/glow]

Re: 「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 08-26-2018

HP: 100%
[div style="background-color: #34bf3f; border-radius: 2px 2px 2px 2px; height: 6px; width: 100px; margin-top: 1px"]
EXP: 98%
NAME: ... ¦ GENDER: ? ¦ LEVEL: 1 ¦ : 1
STR: 1 ¦ DEF: 1 ¦ CON: 1 ¦ DEX: 1 ¦ INT: 1
PER: 1 ¦ CHR: 1 ¦ AGL: 1 ¦ WIL: 1 ¦ LCK: 1
Darkness remains within visions second after second, as blink after blink, movement after movement; it stills regardless. Consciousness recently comes at the moment They finds nothing but black. Lacking memories, mind empty but a wonder of where They is now. Though, scary it is to think about it, and should They be wary of the Unknown, that is okay.

Darkness is silent as ever, indeed so, but it is here with Them since the Beginning. It's Their new friend. First friend. Good friend. Comfort it eventually brings to Them, despite it all, and They takes it with a purr. Chest full of warmth, gradually spreading across tiny system, Their heart beats gratitude—an art of acceptance.

( * Cherish it. Nothing lasts forever. )

Soon, Darkness sings to Them through the winds and waves. Sounds born from Beauty, They listens well and squeaks along with them. Puny paws reaches upward, and Their head raises. Something kind touches Them, yet, They only see Darkness. Curiosity rises, a drive to reach out, but so do the music around Them. The noises becomes louder and louder. All until Light materializes over Their sight, and, there, They fall forward from Darkness.

It is a world clashing against world. A moment that leads Them, a black kitten, rolling and rolling and rolling and rol—

Heat runs quick through Their paws, and even after they sprawls across the sands, it only leaves soreness behind. They try to get on Their paws, however, the tightness wrapping around Their muscles only drags Them closer to the surface. Effort lost, feeble brain coats in confusion, They cries.

PROTECT [20</100]
IGNORE [70>/100]

( * You chooses to ignore them )

Summary: They was in a basket that was originally placed on the Typhoon's border before the harsh wind blew it over and forcefully pulled Them out, resulting Them to cry while They have strained muscles in the limbs.