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ANGEL DUST ┈ ☆ storage - Printable Version

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ANGEL DUST ┈ ☆ storage - SOCKING - 07-13-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ STOCKING ANARCHY ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 8/01

name. stocking anarchy
nicknames. stock / king
biological gender. female
birth date. july 14th
age. 1700 years old / physically 17 moons
clan. tanglewood

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. stocking anarchy
voiceclaim. voice
☆ based heavily off of stocking anarchy from panty and stocking with garterbelt

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
american shorthair cat 99% health
ref (by tricky)
a violet feline with a sable pelt, short and well-groomed. her irises are a light cyan, and her mane is styled into a hime-cut. her most noticeable accessories is an ebony spiked collar around her neck, and two dual, blue and black striped stockings on her front legs. her once stick-thin physique is now becoming somewhat plump within her time in tanglewood, displaying her well-fedness within the group. she sports two angelic, white wings from her back as well. recently grown and still small and remain unfunctional at the moment.
injures. n/a.

stocking is a levelheaded and intelligent girl, though she can be rude if provoked, with a fowl and vulgar tongue. stocking has the array of colorful language when enraged, and has little qualms about displaying extreme and deep displeasure with others verbally. she tends to display sociopathic behavior, harboring little regard for anyone else other than herself. she struggles to emotionally connect with others.
stocking greatly enjoys eating various desserts and sugary food, insisting that she does not care how others see her. however, she tends tendencies to act enraged and sensitive whenever anyone calls her fat.
stocking is often considered a personification of the deadly sin, gluttony, due to her obsession with sweets, which is one of the reasons why she was kicked out of heaven.
when it comes down to romance, stocking is a generous lover. putting her partner's feelings before her own, and often showering them with smothering affection. though she doesn't fall in love easily, she's fiercely loyal to those she fancies, and would go to the ends of the earth to ensure that they are safe and happy.

parents. npc x npc
siblings. panty anarchy
sexuality. bisexual biromantic
relationship status. dating malphas
friends. aya, arrow, malphas
enemies. n/a

physically && mentally. moderate physically && moderate mentally
weapon preference for dual swords
attacks in purple
powers. n/a

Re: ANGEL DUST ┈ ☆ storage - SOCKING - 07-13-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

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Re: ANGEL DUST ┈ ☆ storage - SOCKING - 07-14-2018

(by tricky)

Re: ANGEL DUST ┈ ☆ storage - SOCKING - 08-01-2018


stocking is a former angel of heaven, and though she is now fallen, she has recently regained her wings and the ability of potential flight.

within each of stocking's separate stockings are two dually concealed daggers carved from metal and clear opal gem. it is one of the things she retained from her fall from heaven. it lays sheathed in her stocking.

stocking is the owner of a mutated 4ft tall pitcher plant named plip